
Document for completion by the Contracting Authority
Contract title: Contract on the reconstruction of part of the road Veli vrh – Riječki gat in Pula and
remediation of part of the shore in the port of "Valdibora" (Rovinj)
within the EA SEA-WAY project
Location: Republic of Croatia, Region of Istria
Publication reference
1°str./0011/0 – WOR
Local open tender procedure
Programme title
IPA Adriatic Cross – border Cooperation Programme 2007 - 2013
Financing agreement
Contracting Authority
Region of Istaria, Administrative Department for International Cooperation and European
Address: Flanatička 29, 52 100 Pula.
Description of the contract
The Contract foresees the execution of the works on the reconstruction of part of the road Veli
vrh – Riječki gat in Pula, phase A, chainage 0+076,32 to 0+097,32, cadastral plots 6018 and
6019, both within the cadastral district of Pula and remediation of part of the shore in the port of
"Valdibora" (Rovinj), section I and V, within the EA SEA-WAY project.
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The Project is co-funded by the European Union,
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)
Number and titles of lots
The titles of lots are the following:
Lot I.: The reconstruction of part of the road Veli vrh – Riječki gat in Pula within the EA SEAWAY project;
Lot II.: The remediation of part of the shore in the port of "Valdibora" (Rovinj) within the EA
SEA-WAY project.
Eligibility and rules of origin
Participation is open to all natural persons who are nationals of and legal persons participating
either individually or in a grouping (consortium) of tenderers which are effectively established in
a Member State of the European Union or in a eligible country or territory as defined under the
Regulation (EU) N°236/2014 establishing common rules and procedures for the implementation
of the Union's instruments for external action (CIR) for the applicable Instrument under which
the contract is financed (see also heading 22 below). Participation is also open to international
organisations. All supplies under this contract must originate in one or more of these countries.
However, they may originate from any country when the amount of the supplies to be purchased
is below100, 000 euros per purchased.
Grounds for exclusion
Tenderers must submit a signed declaration, included in the Tender Form for a Works Contract,
to the effect that they are not in any of the situations listed in point 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide.
10. Number of tenders
Tenderers may submit only one tender per lot. Tenders for parts of a lot will not be considered.
Any tenderer may state in its tender that it would offer a discount in the event that its tender is
accepted for more than one lot. Tenderers may not submit a tender for a variant solution in
addition to their tender for the works required in the tender dossier.
11. Tender guarantee
Tenderers must provide a tender guarantee of 16.900,00 HRK for the Lot I. and 8.950,00 HRK
for the Lot II., when submitting their tender. These guarantees will be released to unsuccessful
tenderers once the tender procedure has been completed and to the successful tenderer(s) upon
signature of the contract by all parties.
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The Project is co-funded by the European Union,
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)
12. Performance guarantee
The successful tenderer will be asked to provide a performance guarantee of 5% of the amount of
the contract at the signing of the contract. This guarantee must be provided together with the
return of the countersigned contract no later than 30 days after the tenderer receives the contract
signed by the Contracting Authority. If the selected tenderer fails to provide such a guarantee
within this period, the contract will be void and a new contract may be drawn up and sent to the
tenderer which has submitted the next cheapest compliant tender.
13. Information meeting and/or site visit
No information meeting is planned.
14. Tender validity
Tenders must remain valid for a period of 90 days after the deadline for submission of tenders.
15. Period of implementation of tasks
The period of implementation of tasks is 8 (eight) months from the contract signature for the
execution of the construction works within the Lot I. and 6 (six) months from the contract
signature for the execution of the construction works within the Lot II.
16. Selection criteria
The selection criteria are as follows:
Economic and financial capacity of candidate:
1. The average annual turnover of the tenderer in the last 3 years (2013, 2012 and 2011) must be
equal to or exceeding 500.000,00 HRK,
2. The tenderer is capable of assuring a credit line in the amount of 25% of the contract
3. The tenderers accounts have not been blocked for more than 20 days in the last six months or
5 days consecutively in the last six months.
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The Project is co-funded by the European Union,
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)
Technical and professional capacity of candidate:
The tenderer must be registered and legally capable of carrying out the specified works,
The tenderer must obtain the Consent to commence the construction activities, group G,
issued by the authorized Ministry in accordance with the Act on architectural and
engineering services and activities in physical planning and building (Official Gazette of
the Republic of Croatia, No. 152/08, 49/11, 25/13) and Ordinance on the consent to
commence construction activities (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia, No.
Tenderer must carry out at least 70% of the contract works by his own resources
(equipment, materials, human and financial resources),
Lead member of joint venture/consortium has ability to carry out at least 50% of the
contract works by his own means. Other members of joint venture/consortium must have
ability to carry out at least 10% of the contract works by his own means,
The tenderer and each member of its consortium should not be convicted of a
professional criminal offense or any other offense in accordance with the statement from
the point 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide,
Tenderer must have completed 3 (three) projects of the same nature and complexity
comparable to the works concerned by the tender over the last 5 (five) years,
The key personnel engaged on this project must have appropriate and proven
qualifications relevant to works of a similar nature to this project should be
minimally composed of:
- Construction site manager with 5 (five) years of work experience on the same
or similar works, according to the article 48 of the Law on Architectural and
Engineering Works and Activities in Spatial Planning and Construction ("Official
Gazette of the Republic of Croatia", no. 152/08, 49/11, 25/13),
8 The tenderer must have access to at least the following equipment and devices:
Lot I.
Digging machines and underwater excavation machines (demudding),
Suction dredger or long-reach excavator or other equally effective
Equipment for the “contactor” concreting system,
Lifting equipment, crane vessel,
Equipment for underwater works.
Vehicles of adequate capacity for the execution of the works.
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The Project is co-funded by the European Union,
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)
Lot II.
Machines for underwater excavation of trench,
High-pressure underwater pump,
Hammer drill,
Pneumatic gun,
Tremie pipe,
Lifting equipment,
Equipment for underwater works.
Vehicles of adequate capacity for the execution of the works.
The tenderer must deliver the following evidence in order to prove the above-mentioned:
1. BON 1 not older than 6 months from the date of tender submission and the
balance sheet for the last three years, profit and loss statement or other
similar document,
2. BON 2 or SOL 2 not older than 6 months from the date of tender submission,
3. The Certificate of the Tax Administration on the registration of the tenderer
in the Register of Taxpayer, not older than 30 days from the date of tender
4. The Certificate of the Tax Administration on debt condition, not older than
30 days from the date of tender submission,
5. Statement from the bank confirming the tenderer is capable of obtaining a
credit loan in the above stated percentage,
6. The extract from the Commercial Court Register or Crafts Register, not older
than 30 days from the date of tender submission,
7. Consent to commence the construction activities issued by the authorised
Ministry, for the group G.
8. The Certificate of no criminal record, not older than 30 days from the day of
submission of this tender,
9. Proof documents about the projects carried out by the tenderer, during the
last 5 years (certificates, references, copies of the contracts issued by the
Contracting Authorities of these contracts),
10. Certificate of the work experience of the construction site manager
(certificate of the Croatian Pension Fund, copie of the Work contract or other
similar proofs),
11. Evidence of the disposal of the necessary technical equipment and devices.
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The Project is co-funded by the European Union,
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)
17. Award criteria
18. How to obtain the tender dossier
The tender dossier is available from the following web site: http://www.istraistria.hr/index.php?id=4113. It is also available for inspection at the premises of the Contracting
Authority, address as in point 5 above. Tenders must be submitted using the standard tender form
included in the tender dossier, whose format and instructions must be strictly observed.
Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to e-mail:
sanja.labinjan@istra-istria.hr and postal address: Region of Istria, Administrative Department for
Internationl Cooperation and European Affairs, Flanatička 29, 52 100 Pula, at least 21 days
before the deadline for submission of tenders given in item 19. The Contracting Authority must
reply to all tenderers' questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders.
Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11
https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome and on the
Region of Istria website: http://www.istra-istria.hr/index.php?id=4113 .
19. Deadline for submission of tenders
The deadline for submission of tenders is on 24th February 2015, at 4,00 p.m. local time.
Any tender received by the Contracting Authority after this deadline will not be considered.
20. Tender opening session
Tender opening session will be held on 27th February 2015 at 10,00 a.m. local time at the
premises of the Region of Istria, Administrative Department for International Cooperation and
European Affairs, Flanatička 29, 52 100 Pula.
21. Language of the procedure
All written communications for this tender procedure and contract must be in English and
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The Project is co-funded by the European Union,
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)
22. Legal basis1
The Regulation (EU) N°236/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March
2014 laying down common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union's
instruments for financing external action and EC Council Regulation No 1085/2006 of 17 July
2006 establishing an Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA).
Please state any specificity that might have an impact on rules on participation (such as geographic or thematic or
long/short term)
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The Project is co-funded by the European Union,
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)
Dokument popunjava Ugovaratelj
Naziv ugovora: Ugovor o rekonstrukciji dijela prometnice
Veli vrh – Riječki gat u Puli i sanaciji dijela obale u luci "Valdibora"
(Rovinj) u okviru projekta EA SEA-WAY
Lokacija: Republika Hrvatska, Istarska županija
Broj objave
1°str./0011/0 – WOR
Lokalni otvoreni natječajni postupak
Naziv programa
Program IPA Jadranska prekogranična suradnja 2007. – 2013.
Sporazum o financiranju
Istarska županija, Upravni odjel za međunarodnu suradnju i europske poslove
Adresa: Flanatička 29, 52 100 Pula.
Opis ugovora
Ugovor predviđa izvođenje radova na rekonstrukciji dijela prometnice Veli vrh – Riječki gat u
Puli, faza A, stacionaže od 0 + 076,32 do 0 + 097,32, k.č.6018 i k.č.6019. obje k.o. Pula, te
sanaciju dijela obale u luci "Valdibora" (Rovinj), dionice I i V, u okviru projekta EA SEA-WAY.
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The Project is co-funded by the European Union,
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)
Broj i naziv lotova
Nazivi lotova su sljedeći:
Lot I.: Rekonstrukcija dijela prometnice Veli vrh – Riječki gat u Puli u okviru projekta EA SEAWAY;
Lot II.: Sanacija dijela obale u luci "Valdibora" (Rovinj) u okviru projekta EA SEA-WAY
Prihvatljivost i pravila o porijeklu
Sudjelovanje je otvoreno za sve fizičke osobe državljane i pravne osobe koje sudjeluju
pojedinačno ili u grupacijama (konzorcij) ponuditelja koje su osnovane u državi članici Europske
unije ili prihvatljivoj državi ili području definiranom Uredbom (EU) BR. 236/2014 o uspostavi
zajedničkih pravila i postupaka za provedbu instrumenata za vanjske aktivnosti Unije (CIR) za
primjenjivi instrument kojim je ugovor dfinanciran (vidi točku 22. u nastavku). Sudjelovanje je
također otvoreno za međunarodne organizacije. Sve robe u ovom ugovoru moraju potjecati iz
jedne ili više navedenih država. Međutim, one mogu potjecati iz bilo koje države kada je
vrijednost roba koje moraju biti kupljene manja od 100.000,00 eura po nabavi.
Temelji za isključenje
Ponuditelji moraju podnijeti potpisanu izjavu, uključenu u Obrazac ponude za ugovore o
radovima, da nisu u niti jednoj od situacija navedenih u točki 2.3.3. Praktičnog vodiča.
10. Broj ponuda
Ponuditelji mogu podnijeti samo jednu ponudu po lotu. Ponude za dijelove lota neće se
razmatrati. Svaki ponuditelj može navesti u svojoj ponudi da nudi popust u slučaju da njegova
ponuda bude prihvaćena za više od jednog lota. Ponudotelji ne mogu podnijeti ponudu za
varijantna rješenja kao dodatak svoje ponude za radove zahtjevane u natječajnoj dokumentaciji.
11. Jamstvo za ozbiljnost ponude
Ponuditelji moraju ponuditi jamstvo za ozbiljnost ponude od 16.900,00 kn za Lot I., te 8.950,00
kn za Lot II. pri podnošenju ponude. Ta jamstva biti će vraćena neuspješnim ponuditeljima nakon
završetka natječajnog postupka te uspješnom ponuditelju (ponuditeljima) nakon što sve strane
potpišu ugovor.
12. Jamstvo za dobru izvedbu
Od uspješnog ponuditelja biti će zatražena garancija za dobru izvedbu od 5% vrijednosti ugovora
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Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)
prilikom potpisa ugovora. Ova garancija mora biti dostavljena zajedno s potpisanim ugovorom
najkasnije 30 dana od dana primitka ugovora potpisanog od strane Ugovaratelja. Ukoliko
odabrani ponuditelj ne pribavi garanciju u navedenom roku, ugovor će biti ništav te se može
sastaviti novi ugovor i poslati ponuditelju koji je dostavio sljedeću najjeftiniju sukladnu ponudu.
13. Informativni sastanak i/ ili posjeta gradilištu
Informativni sastanak nije planiran.
14. Valjanost ponuda
Ponude moraju ostati valjane u periodu od 90 dana od isteka roka za dostavu ponuda.
15. Razdoblje provedbe zadataka
Period provedbe zadataka je 8 (osam) mjeseci od dana potpisa ugovora za izvođenje građevinskih
radova u okviru Lota I., te 6 (šest) mjeseci od dana potpisa ugovora za izvođenje građevinskih
radova u okviru Lota II.
16. Kriteriji odabira
Kriteriji odabira su:
Ekonomski i financijski kapacitet ponuditelja:
1. Prosječni godišnji promet ponuditelja u posljednje 3 godine (201.3, 2012. i 2011.) mora biti
jednak ili prelaziti 500.000,00 kn,
2. Ponuditelj je sposoban osigurati kredit u iznosu od 25% vrijednosti ugovora,
3. Ponuditeljevi računi nisu bili blokirani više od 20 dana u posljednjih šest mjeseci ili 5 dana
uzastopno u posljednjih šest mjeseci.
Tehnički i profesionalni kapacitet ponuditelja:
1. Ponuditelj mora biti registriran i pravno sposoban za izvođenje navedenih radova,
2. Ponuditelj mora pribaviti Suglasnost za započinjanje obavljanja djelatnosti građenja, grupa G,
izdanu od nadležnog Ministarstva, sukladno Zakonu o arhitektonskim i inženjerskim
poslovima i djelatnostima u prostornom uređenju gradnji (“Narodne novine”, br. 152/08,
49/11, 25/13), te Pravilniku o Suglasnosti za započinjanje obavljanja djelatnosti građenja
(“Narodne novine”, br. 43/09),
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Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)
Ponuditelj mora izvesti najmanje 70% ugovornih radova svojim sredstvima
(oprema, materijali, ljudski i financijski resursi),
Vodeći član joint venture/ konzorcija ima sposobnost izvesti najmanje 50%
ugovornih radova vlastitim sredstvima. Drugi članovi joint venture/ konzorcija
moraju imati sposobnost izvesti najmanje 10% ugovornih radova vlastitim
Ponuditelj i svaki član njegovog konzorcija ne smiju biti osuđeni za profesionalni
prekršaj ili drugi prekršaj sukladno izjavi iz točke 2.3.3. Praktičnog vodiča,
Ponuditelj je morao dovršiti 3 (tri) projekta iste prirode i složenosti usporedive s
radovima na koje se odnosi natječaj, u posljednjih 5 (pet) godina,
Ključno osoblje, angažirano na ovom projektu mora imati odgovarajuće i
dokazane kvalifikacije relevantne za radove slične prirode ovom projektu, mora
minimalno biti sastavljeno od:
- Voditelj gradilišta s najmanje 5 (pet) godina radnog iskustva za istim ili sličnim
radovima, sukladno članku 48. Zakona o arhitektonskim i inženjerskim
poslovima i djelatnostima u prostornom uređenju i gradnji (“Narodne novine”,
br. 152/08, 49/11, 25/13),
Ponuditelj mora minimalno imati pristup sljedećoj opremi i strojevima:
Lot I.
 Strojevi za iskop i podmorski iskop (odmuljavanje),
 Plovini refuler ili bager “pecač” ili druga jednako učinkovita
 Oprema za “kontaktor” sistem betoniranja,
 Oprema za podizanje, plovna dizalica,
 Oprema za podvodne radove,
 Vozila adekvatne nosivosti za izvođenje predmetnih radova.
Lot II.
 Strojevi za podmorski iskop rova,
 Podvodna visokotlačna pumpa,
 Pikamer,
 Pneumatski pištolj,
 “Kontraktorska” cijev,
 Oprema za podizanje,
 Oprema za podvodne radove,
 Vozila adekvatne nosivosti za izvođenje predmetnih radova.
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The Project is co-funded by the European Union,
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)
Ponuditelj mora dostaviti sljedeće dokaze kako bi dokazao gore navedeno:
1. BON 1 ne stariji od 6 mjeseci od dana podnošenja ponude i bilancu za
posljednje tri godine, račun dobiti i gubitka ili drugi sličan dokument,
2. BON 2 ili SOL 2 ne stariji od 6 mjeseci od dana podnošenja ponude,
3. Potvrdu Porezne uprave o upisu ponuditelja u Registar poreznih
obveznika, ne stariju od 30 dana od dana podnošenja ponude,
4. Potvrdu Porezne uprave o stanju duga, ne stariju od 30 dana od dana
podnošenja ponude,
5. Izjavu banke kojom se potvrđuje sposobnost ponuditelja za dobivanje
kredita u gore navedenom postotku,
6. Izvod iz registra Trgovačkog suda ili registra obrtnika, ne stariji od od 30
dana od dana podnošenja ponude,
7. Suglasnost za započinjanje obavljanja djelatnosti građenja izdanu od
nadležnog Ministarstva, za grupu G,
8. Potvrdu o nekažnjavanju, ne stariju od 30 dana od dana podnošenja
9. Dokaze o projektima izvršenim od strane ponuditelja u posljednjih 5
godina (potvrde, reference, kopije ugovora izdanih od Ugovaratelja tih
10. Potvrde o radnom iskustvu voditelja gradilišta (potvrda Hrvatskog
zavoda za mirovinsko osiguranje, kopija Ugovora o radu ili drugih
sličnih dokaza),
11. Dokaz o raspoloživosti potrebne tehničke opreme i strojeva.
17. Kriteriji dodjele
18. Kako dobiti natječajnu dokumentaciju
Natječajna dokumentacija dostupna je na sljedećoj web stranici: http://www.istraistria.hr/index.php?id=4113 .Ona je također dostupna za pregled u poslovnim prostorima
Ugovaratelja, na adresi navedenoj u točki 5. Ponude moraju biti podnesene korištenjem
standardnog obrasca ponude sadržanog u natječajnoj dokumentaciji, čija se forma i upute moraju
struktno poštivati.
Ponuditelji mogu pitanja koja se odnose na ovu natječajnu dokumentaciju poslati u pisanom
obliku na e-mail: sanja.labinjan@istra-istria.he i poštansku adresu: Istarska županija, Upravni
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Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)
odjel za međunarodnu suradnju i europske poslove, Flanatička 29, 52 100 Pula, najkasnije 21 dan
prije isteka roka za dostavu ponuda navedenog u točki 19. ugovaratelj mora odgovoriti na sva
pitanja ponuditelja najkasnije 11 dana prije isteka roka za dostavu ponuda. Eventualna
pojašnjenja manjih izmjena u natječajnoj dokumentaciji biti će objavljena 11 dana prije isteka
https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome i na web
stranicama Istarske županije http://www.istra-istria.hr/index.php?id=4113 .
19. Rok za dostavu ponuda
Rok za dostavu ponuda je 24. veljače 2015. godine, u 16,00 sati po lokalnom vremenu.
Sve ponude promljene nakon isteka ovog roka od strane Ugovaratelja neće se razmatrati.
20. Sastanak za otvaranje ponuda
Sastanak za otvaranje ponuda biti će održan dana 27. veljače 2015. godine u 10,00 sati po
lokalnom vremenu u prostorima Istarske županije, Upravni odjel za međunarodnu suradnju i
europske poslove, Flanatička 29, 52 100 Pula.
21. Jezik postupka
Sva pisana komunikacija ovog natječajnog postupka u ugovora mora biti na engleskom i
hrvatskom jeziku.
22. Pravni temelj2
Uredba (EU) br. 236/2014 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 11. ožujka 2014. godine o uspostavi
zajedničkih pravila i postupaka za provedbu instrumenata za financiranje vanjskih aktivnosti
Unije i Uredba (EC) Vijeća br. 1085/2006 od 17. srpnja 2006. godine o osnivanju Instrumenta
pretpristupne pomoći (IPA).
Molimo navedite sve specifičnosti koje mogu imati učinak na pravla sudjelovanja (kao što su zemljopisni ili
tematski ili dugi/ kratki uvjeti)
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The Project is co-funded by the European Union,
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)