Mahoney Magic October 8th – October 12th Ask Me About? A quote

Mahoney Magic
October 8th – October 12th
Ask Me About?
. Word Study
. Fire Assembly
. Name one feature nonfiction (NF) books have?
. What is a noun?
A quote from …
Kelsey Green
“My teacher is funny. She loves monsters.
I love my teacher. My favorite thing about
school is being in the class with all of my
Word Study – Below are a few ways to make word study at home fun. Students are encouraged to cut
out their word study cards (attached to spelling contract) and keep inside a Ziploc bag at home until a
new spelling contract goes home. Your child has a set of the same cards that they keep in their word
study pouches at school.
1. Speed Sort – How fast can your child perform their sort? See if they can beat their time!
2. Writing Sort – Give your child the feature headings and have your child write the word under the
correct heading. This will be especially helpful before the assessment.
3. Blind Sort – Do not let your child see the word card, then call the word out and ask them to point
to the correct heading. If they are correct allow them to place the word under the appropriate
Math Facts – Students are continuing to practice their math facts during Fast Math. If you
are interested I’d be happy to send home customized worksheets that will help your child
master their focus facts that they are working on at school. Please fill out the attached slip.
Halloween Party – Please read the attached note regarding our upcoming Halloween party.
Short Story –The next short story is Jane’s Mistake. Students will have until Friday, October
19th to take the AR test and complete the assigned sheet of questions. Please fill out an AR slip
at home and attach it to their paper clip inside your child’s take-home folder when they are
ready to take the AR test. Questions will be collected on Friday. – Be sure to check out our class website (click on faculty and my name)! In
addition to printing out a reading record form, you can read the weekly newsletter, view recent
class pictures, click on fun websites, and see who the MonST RS of the week are!
How can I find out if a book has an AR test for it and what its level is? Bookmark or Either website
will allow you to type in the title of the book or the author’s name to see if there is an AR test
available and what level it is. Please keep in mind that the book title must be typed correctly.
Feel free to do this when you are at the Zion library or ordering books from Scholastic.
AR Test Slips – AR tests may only be taken at school. However, your child can take an AR test
on the books they’ve read at home. Attached are the AR test slips your child is already familiar
with. In order for them to take the AR test on a book they have read at home or at school they
need to fill out one of these forms. Simply go to the above website and look up the quiz number
and have your child return the slip. Having the quiz number will allow them to find the test
much faster on the computer. HELPFUL TIP: clip AR test slips to a paper clip on the inside
pocket of their take-home folder.
Mark Your Calendar
Short Story ?s
Reading Record
Short Story ?s
------------------------------------------------Student’s Name: ______________________________
Yes, I am interested in helping my child with their math facts.
Please send home extra math fact worksheets so my child can
practice their math facts at home.
**These math sheets will be customized for your child and the facts
they need to practice to move to the next level in Fast Math**