roups name :

St Mary Church – Ottawa
Preparation date
Lesson’s title
General purpose
Specific purpose
Verses of the lesson
SS Group’s name : St. Rebecca –
Grade : 4 & 5 girls
July 3rd, 2012
Service date
July 8th, 2012
How Can I Change Others? – Pope Kyrollos V (p.40-44)
(*) Love
(*) Faith
(*) Hope
To learn that we have all been granted gifts and we must use them faithfully to bring glory to God & bring
others to God.
1 Peter 4:10 – “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the
manifold grace of God.”
 Mahragan 2012 curriculum (Grade 5-6, p. 40-44):
 Synexarium:
illustration tool
Psalm of the week
Personal meditation
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God, Amen.
The words from this website were the source of my meditation for this lesson:
“Our God is just and He gave each of us a talent and a merit for which He will judge us. We all have to make use of the talent
granted by God and the merit given by him. We have to fully serve according to this talent saying to God, "Lord, I'm not the
worker or servant; it's your spirit in me that is working. Please help to complete the job you assigned to me and also help my
brethren so that work glorifies your Holy name."”  from
Can you name the first Pope in our church history?  Hint: Okay, who wrote one of the 4 Gospels & brought
Christianity to Egypt? Yes, St. Mark. Now, can you name some of the popes in our church starting from the
most recent one? Yes, Pope Shenouda… And which # pope is he (what number after St. Mark)? The 117 th,
that’s right!!! …And before him? Pope Kyrollos the 6th(116th pope). And before him? (…etc. until Pope
Kyrollos the 5th, the 112th pope):
Kyrollos V (1874–1927)
Yoannis XIX (1928–1942)
vacant (1942–1944)
Macarios III (1944–1945)
vacant (1945–1946)
Yousab II (1946–1956) (deposed)
vacant (1956–1959)
Kyrollos VI (1959–1971)
Shenouda III (1971–2012)
1) Pope Kyrollos the 5th:
 Birth-name: JOHN
 Born in ASIOUT, Egypt
 His mother died when he was very young, so his older brother raised him.
 Liked: READING & WRITING from a young age
2) @ 20 years old, he wanted to go to the monastery…. He became a monk in El-Baramous monastery
where he used his TALENTS and transcribed many church books. He sold the books to different
churches & he used the money to help the monastery and the poor. The monks named him “John the
3) Because he loved the church and his country so much, he was elected to be the 112th Pope, after St.
4) As pope, he accomplished many things:
 Started a Theological School (where people study & learn about God)
 Hired the 2 of the best teachers
 Release of Coptic dictionary
He encouraged all Copts to PARTICIPATE in politics and helping the country be successful.
 He helped Egypt stay independent from the British
 He rejected the British request to combine the Church of England (which has some different
beliefs from us) with our church
5) When he departed, his picture was on the cover of a famous magazine and it said “The Departure of a
Great Leader” because he played a big role in Egypt’s history.
So why are we learning about Pope Kyrollos V today? …How does he answer our question about “HOW CAN
Lesson application
I CHANGE OTHERS?”... (Let the children answer/discuss)…
He used the TALENTS God gave him to:
1) TEACH people about God (E.g. By transcribing books, through sermons, and by starting a Theological
2) To CARE for others (e.g. Using money to help the monastery & the poor)
3) To HELP his country (Encouraging active participation of the people)!
Do you know that you are special, that God chose you & made you in a special way?… He gave you special
gifts, talents and characteristics, and those gifts He put in you so that you can CHANGE not only yourself, but
also the environment that surrounds you and OTHERS around you! All this so that you can shine His love to
others and bring GLORY to His name! What does that mean?... It means that when we use these
gifts/talents, when others look at us, they will see the beauty and love of Jesus. When we use these gifts,
others will also want to be children of God and more and more people will love Jesus. Our job is to do our
very best to serve God with the talents and gifts He’s given because we love Him and He loves us so much!
What can I (we) do to change others?
….open discussion
 set plan for each child to choose & use a talent this week to serve God.
Weekly report
Personal notes
# of kids :
Confes. Date :
Bible ( )
Notes of servant’s
Atten. :
Commun. ( )
Spiritual book :
# of visited kids :