Login Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 1. Select this link: www.discprovider.com 2. Select Corp. Clients or Associates Login button (3rd option) 3. Login with your Username _______) and Password (disc) Login Instructions: STEP 1: Create Group Prior to Ordering Assessments 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Under Management, select “Create/Edit Groups” 2. Select “Add Group” 3. Write group name 4. Select “Submit” 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. Select “Order Additional Assessments” under Administrative on left side 2. Select “ORDER ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENTS” link 3. Enter number of assessments & select “Calculate Price” 4. Enter CC information 5. Select “Submit Order” STEP 2: Order Assessments STEP 3 - Send Assessments Assessments will be sent from Assessment@discprovider.com with subject line “Here is a reminder to take your DISC Assessment” Enter Manually for small groups: 1. Select “View Distributed Assessments” link under Management 2. Enter first name, last name, email address 3. Select your group from drop down 4. Select “Distribute” Import from Excel for large groups: 1. Complete attached spreadsheet exactly as is (please check for typos & do not change any fields) 2. Save as a 2003 workbook (very important) (Excel 97-2003 Workbook) 3. Upload spreadsheet onto DISC site by selecting “Send Assessments” under Management 4. Select “Import from Excel Spreadsheet” button 5. When pop-up window appears, select the file name 6. Select the appropriate group dropdown 7. View Reports – select “Yes” 8. Select Import and select “ok” when asked to review entries carefully 9. Select “View Distributed Assessments” link under Management 10. Select your group from drop down 11. Under “Send Reminder”, select “Send” to any recipients who have not yet completed it. STEP 4: Ensure they’ve completed assessments 1. 2. 3. Select “View Distributed Assessments” link under Management Select your group from drop down Under “Send Reminder”, select “Send” to any recipients who have not yet completed it. www.DISCcert.com 858.459.6648 bonnie@disccert.com Special Thank You to Michelle Benvenisti, Director of Training- WebMD DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 1 DISC Email Invitation Mouse / Cursor Tip DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 2 Find page 3 & 4 in Tab 7 Addendum Folder “Comparing DISC Reports” DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 3 Find page 3 & 4 in Tab 7 Addendum Folder “Comparing DISC Reports” DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 4 DISC COMPARISONS SHEET FEATURES DISCself TTI INSCAPE (standard) Automated Reinforcement Report Includes Prework Table of Contents Graph Selection 52 Weekly Tips No No Yes Yes Graph I & II No No Graph I & II No No Emphasizes Graph III Graph Location Graph Gap Analysis Customizied Narrations Learning Activities Detailed "How to Adapt" Quick Reference Specific Tips Provided DISC Admin Account -User Friendliness - Easy Sorting Options Tech Support -Expert -Availability -Response Time Price Page 5 Page 22 page 3 (III only) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Okay Okay Okay No Authoring Programmer 24/7 Within 15 minutes $20 until 12/23 if after $25 Depends on Consultant Depends on Consultant Depends on Consultant Distributor Driven Depends on Consultant Depends on Consultant Depends on Consultant Typically $25 Comments Current Research does not recommend using graphIII,since it is an average of I & II and can be misleading Inscape has all graphs on pg 23 Inscape only offers 16 profile patterns DISC - MBTI - COMPARISON SHEET FEATURES Myers Briggs Orientation: Focus: Dimensions: Training Time: Key Applications: Jung Based Personality Sixteen 8 hours Self-Awareness Leadership Teams Coaching Pre-Work: Unknown Format: Reinforcements: Popularity: Report & Workbook Unknown One of the Industry Leaders 90% Validity: DISC Jung Based Observable Behaviors Four 4 hours Change, Coaching, Conflict Resolutions, Customer Service, Diversity, Hiring, Leadership Programs, Management Skills, Managing-Up, Mergers& Acquisitions, Mentoring, New Employee Orientation, Onboarding, Performance Development Plans, Retreats, Sales Training, Team Building, Productive Meetings, Career Support Yes. Sample is available. (Prework is DISC Report Page 12 completed prior to session.) Workbook & Learning Activities Online 52 weekly DISC Tips - list of topics available. Over 50 million world-wide, #1 in Popularity 90%. Because of DISC Report is easy to understand it's "Face Validity" is high as well. DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 5 Inscape - Team TTI - Team DISC Provider - Team DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 6 DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 7 DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 8 DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 9 DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 10 DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 11 DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 12 DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 13 DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 14 DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 15 DISC Report Comparison DISCself TTI DISCself TTI Pre-work Pre-work Prepares Participants None DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 16 DISCself TTI Table of Contents Table of Contents Provides Easy Reference None DISCself TTI Graphs Graphs Located on page 5 Logical Sequence Located on page 22 Awkward Sequence DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 17 DISCself TTI Graph Gap Analysis Graphs Job Analysis Standard graphs show gap Allows for quick gap analysis Sequence location awkward DISCself TTI Learning Activities Learning Activities Practical application increases retention None DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 18 DISCself TTI How to Adapt Pre-work Detailed behavior No detailed how to adapt DISCself TTI Characteristics Characteristics DISC Style quick reference for characteristics No overview of key characteristics DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 19 DISCself TTI Action Plans Action Plan Provide specific tips Well constructed questions DISCself TTI Reinforcement Reinforcement 52 Automated DISC Tips consistnet reinforcement increases results No programmed reinforcement DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 20 3 Case Studies DID Use Inscape ... Now ... Use DISCself Report ! Case #1 “ I found a number of benefits in moving.” Laura Brown, VP of HR with Viejas Enterprises a. The paper version was time-consuming and confusing for some of my attendees – scratching off the spots and then adding up all the numbers. b. The Inscape report was not customized to the participant. You had to do a number of calculations and then match up pattern to some generic text. c. The DISCself Report is much more robust and includes a ton of information – both boilerplate and specific to each participant. d. The DISCself admin. site is very easy to use and it allows me full access to all my employees’ graphs and reports. I can also email them out to managers, as appropriate. e. The admin. site also allows me to send out assessments to remote employees or to applicants. I didn’t have any trouble with the nomenclature. I explain that several different companies have DISC products so they may see different wording. I use the wording that I prefer. Ex: Direct, Influence, Stable (Team), Conscientious (Consumer Reports). The other materials continue to change and evolve anyway. My boss did have a little bit of a hard time giving up the “Inscape patterns” but we got him past that piece and now he doesn’t use them.” (Style – High D) lbrown@VIEJAS.com 619.659.1915 Case #2 “Switching to DISCself Report from Inscape.” Rebecca Flournoy, Sr HR & Training Manager with Binding Site INC Advantages: a. Extremely easy to use. Everything is laid out on the first screen. b. Generating custom reports like Team View are quicker and easier to produce than it was with Inscape. c. Local training and direct contact and continuing support from Bonnie versus generic Customer Support email (Inscape was downright rude the one time I did email them with a question/help). d. DISCself reports are more accurate because they are based on natural style and not the combined. Disadvantage to switching after using Inscape: The Inscape version has a different numbering system for their tally box scores so I couldn’t transfer our employees’ scores over. The employees had to re-do their assessment in the new system BUT the reports tended to be more accurate if there were any difference between the two.” (High S) rebecca.flournoy@thebindingsite.com (800) 633-4484 , ext 383 DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 21 Three Case Studies Cont. Case #3 – “ Difference between Inscape’s DISC & DISC Provider’s The DISCself Online Report” Angela Miller, Sr Training Specialist with Encore Capital Group “Inscape’s DiSC was a very good foundation for us. But it just focuses on an individual learning about one’s own tendencies. When I first started working at XXX and I completed the Inscape DiSC, I recalled thinking to myself… ‘I already know all this.’ The Inscape DiSC report just covers the basics, as far as I am concerned. The new DISCself, with its detailed 29 page report, makes facilitation so much easier. I like how it blends the intensity ratings for each style dimension for each person and generates a personalized narration. It provides depth and at the same time is quite easy for participants to follow, which is critical of course for encouraging the learning process. The fact that the majority of the DISCself Report emphasizes application with such precision is a significant advantage for an individual. They now know the exact behaviors they need to incorporate when communicating with someone’s style that is different than their style. This report dissects and presents clearly the behaviors needed for one to flex their behavior. The learning on how to adapt is now concisely articulated for the participant. This report, with its concrete explanations and well organized structure, makes my job as a facilitator so much easier. Our transition from Inscape to DISCProvider’s DISCself Report was actually quite seamless. We primarily use it for on-boarding. Our new employees had no prior knowledge of a different DISC. And, as we had expected, as the new employees integrated into our culture, their communications with employees with prior Inscape DiSC knowledge was right on track. There was no misalignment with terminology. Both parties just referred to it as ‘DISC.’ I will admit I was extremely reluctant to change at first. To be truthful, it was nice having a simple process… new employees would complete the Inscape DiSC during employee orientation. I would provide some additional interpretations so they had a more in-depth understanding of their own style(s.) And, then that was it. Based on the Inscape DiSC Report, we really had no expectation of the employee walking away with an action plan. Once I understood in more depth the significance of the DISCself Report’s content, I found myself becoming quite curious about how this report did position an employee to act upon their knowledge. I became increasingly more comfortable with the report because I saw my own knowledge of the DISC model increase. (e.g., I had never heard of the ‘Energy Line’ before.) And, I will tell you now, I am passionate about the DISCself and the value it is bringing to our employees.” (High C) Angela.Miller@mcmcg.com (800) 265-8825 ext. 42685 DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 22 Glossary of Assessment Terms ability test A test that measures the current performance or estimates future performance of a person in some defined area of cognitive, psychomotor, or physical functioning. achievement test A test that measures acquired knowledge or skills, usually as the result of previous instruction. adverse impact A situation in which members of a particular race, sex, or ethnic group have a substantially lower rate of selection in hiring, promotion, or other employment decisions. alternate forms Two or more forms of a test that are similar in nature and intended to be used for the same purpose. assessment Any test or procedure used to measure an individual’s employment or career-related qualifications or characteristics. basic skills test Assessments of competence in reading, mathematics, and other skills that are widely required in training and employment settings. coaching Instructional activities designed to improve the test performance of prospective test takers. compensatory approach See counterbalanced approach. concurrent validity See criterion-related validity. construct A theoretical characteristic or concept (e.g., numerical ability, conscientiousness) that has been constructed to explain observable patterns of behavior. construct-related validity The extent to which a test measures a specific theoretical construct, characteristic, or trait. In employment testing, this characteristic should be important for job success. Examples of constructs are mechanical ability and physical endurance. content-related validity The extent to which the content of a test samples or represents the subject area or behavior it is intended to measure. DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 23 converted score A raw score that has been converted by numerical transformation (for example, to percentile ranks or standard scores) to facilitate comparison of individual scores with group norms. correlation A statistic that indicates the degree to which two variables relate to each other, such as a test score and job performance, or one test with another test. counterbalanced approach An approach to personnel assessment that allows high scores in one or more areas to be counterbalanced with low scores in another area. criterion A measure of performance, such as productivity rate, accident rate, or supervisory ratings. Test scores are used to predict criteria. criterion-related validity The degree to which scores on an assessment instrument correlate with some external criterion, such as job performance. When the assessment instrument and the criterion are measured at about the same time, it is called concurrent validity; when the criterion is measured at some future time, it is called predictive validity. derived score See converted score. equivalent forms See alternate forms. expectancy table A table that shows the probability of different criterion outcomes for each test score. hurdles approach See multiple hurdles approach. inventory A questionnaire or checklist that elicits information about an individual in such areas as work values, interests, attitudes, and motivation. job analysis A systematic process used to identify the tasks, duties, responsibilities and working conditions associated with a job and the knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics required to perform that job. mean The average score in a group of scores, computed by adding all the scores and dividing the sum by the number of cases. DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 24 median The middle score in a group of ranked scores. It is the point or score that divides the group into two equal parts. The median is also known as the 50th percentile. multiple hurdles approach An approach to personnel assessment that requires a candidate to pass all tests in sequence in order to qualify. normal curve A mathematical curve that is the basis of many statistical analyses. The curve is bilaterally symmetrical, with a single bell-shaped peak in the center. Most distributions of human traits, such as height, mathematical ability, and manual dexterity, approximate the normal curve. norms Descriptive statistics that are used to summarize the test performance of a specified group, such as a sample of workers in a specific occupation. Norms are often assumed to represent a larger population, such as all workers in an occupation. parallel forms See alternate forms. percentile score The score on a test below which a given percentage of scores fall. For example, a score at the 65th percentile is equal to or higher than the scores obtained by 65% of the people who took the test. predictive validity See criterion-related validity rank ordering The process of ranking individuals based on their relative test scores, from the highest to the lowest score. raw score The obtained score on a test, usually determined by counting the number of correct answers. reference group The group of individuals used to develop a test. reliability The degree to which test scores are consistent, dependable, or repeatable. reliability coefficient A coefficient of correlation that indicates the degree to which test scores are dependable, or repeatable. DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 25 standard deviation A statistic used to describe the variability within a set of scores. It indicates the extent to which scores vary around the mean or average score. standard error of measurement (SEM) A statistic that gives an indication of the amount of error in a measurement system. It indicates a range within which a test taker’s “true” score is likely to fall. standard score A score that describes the location of a person’s score within a set of scores in terms of its distance from the mean in standard deviation units. standardized test A test developed using professionally prescribed methods that provides specific administration requirements, instructions for scoring and instructions for interpreting scores. target group The population or group of individuals whom the employer wishes to assess. test Any instrument or procedure that samples behavior or performance. A personnel or employment test is the general term for any assessment tool used to measure an individual’s employment qualifications, capabilities, or characteristics. validity The degree to which actions or inferences based on test results are meaningful or supported by theory and empirical evidence. validity coefficient A numerical index that shows the strength of the relationship between a test score and a criterion, such as job performance. Adapted from Testing and Assessment: An Employer's Guide to Good Practices O*Net DISCcert • 858.459.6648 • www.DISCcert.com • bonnie@DISCcert.com Page 26