“Through the Eyes of the Learner” Regional School District #10 Curriculum Pacing Map Grade Level or Course: Spanish FLES Grade 4 Teachers: Alicia Budney and Carmen Santiago Timeframe September-October-November Unit 0: 3rd Grade review Unit 1: Central America and Mexico Unit(s) Resources: flashcards, games, realia, teacher generated materials, Smartboard, web-sites, student created notebook, CD/DVD, maps Content: Students will learn basic knowledge from Mexico and Central America like flags, capitals, currency, some celebrations and public places. Skills: Students will identify/describe countries, capitals, flags, currency, and compare/contrast places in the community in Central America/Mexico with Harwinton/Burlington. December-January Resources: flashcards, games, realia, teacher generated materials, Smartboard, web-sites, student created notebook, CD/DVD Unit 2: Sports Content: Students will learn the sports practiced in Spanishspeaking countries and the U.S., the equipment needed to practice the sports and the student’s preference to practice. Skills: Students will be able to identify, compare and contrast sport practiced in Spanish-speaking countries with the U.S. Express preference about weather/season to practice a sport and the equipment needed. Interview to professional players. Burlington/Harwinton, Connecticut 1 A Shift from Teaching to Learning “Through the Eyes of the Learner” Regional School District #10 Curriculum Pacing Map February-March Resources: flashcards, games, realia, teacher generated materials, Smartboard, web-sites, student created notebook, CD/DVD Unit 3: Healthy Eating & Spanish Food Content: Students will learn basic food and typical Spanish food, how to create a restaurant menu, and how to order in a restaurant. They will also learn the 5 categories of food to balance a healthy diet and invite the community to participate in the school’s food drive. Skills: Students will be able to identify, compare and contrast Spanish food with North American food. They will be able to create a food menu and order/take note in a Spanish-Speaking restaurant. Students will be able to identify healthy food and classify it in the 5 food categories. Students will be able to develop a food bank drive. April – June Resources: flashcards, games, realia, teacher generated materials, Smartboard, web-sites, student created notebook, CD/DVD, maps Unit: Discovering Spain Content: Students will learn the geographic elements of Spain, learn basic skills to travel like the transportation, the time, and what to bring in the luggage depending on the season/weather of the place you are visiting. They will learn about Spain and the European continent, the cities of Madrid, Valencia, Granada and Santiago de Compostela with the major celebrations/festivals in the regions. The Spanish flag and currency. Skills: Students will be able to identify, compare and contrast the geographical elements in Spain with North America. Locate the Spanish cities in the map. Describe geographical elements on a Burlington/Harwinton, Connecticut 2 A Shift from Teaching to Learning “Through the Eyes of the Learner” Regional School District #10 Curriculum Pacing Map map using the cardinal points. Choose a vehicle and tell the time. The students will recognize what to bring in a suitcase depending the weather/season, festivals and city they are going to visit in Spain from the 4 cities presented. Burlington/Harwinton, Connecticut 3 A Shift from Teaching to Learning