Laboratory Work -

Hopkinton High School
Advanced Placement Chemistry
Syllabus 2010-2011
Mr. Brand
College Credit
This course will prepare you to take the AP exam in May 2011. This will allow you to
earn up to 8 college credits. Alternatively, completion of this course allows you to
receive a college transcript from the Community College System of New Hampshire
for 8 college credits through their Running Start program.
Chemistry The Central Science, 11th edition, Brown, Lemay, Bursten and Murphy,
Course Description
Advanced Placement Chemistry provides a thorough overview of chemistry and
prepares you for the AP Chemistry examination. To achieve a solid understanding of
modern chemistry, this course will follow in the footsteps of the great chemists of the
past, from ancient alchemy to nuclear fission. The methods, experiments and data that
led to our current understanding of chemistry will play a central role in AP Chemistry.
At the AP level, you will learn to appreciate the close ties between chemistry, physics
and mathematics. The latter two will be used frequently to elucidate the phenomena of
chemistry. You will perform laboratory work for 90 minutes per week, throughout the
year to explore the chemistry encountered during class work.
Advice for learning and studying chemistry
Keep up with the work! The pace of this course is very fast. Most chapters build
on knowledge from previous chapters, so it is important that you do not fall
 Read the text book, before and after class. If you read the new material before
class you will get the most out off that class since you will be able to ask specific
questions. You should read the material again when you attempt the homework
 Work on the problems! I can not emphasize enough that paying attention in class
and reading the book is not enough. Mastery of the material comes with practice,
so practice, practice, practice.
 We will not go over all the homework problems in class. This is a college level
class and there simply is not enough time for it. When you have specific questions
about a problem you can always ask questions about it in class or come see me
after class.
 There are amazing tutorials available online for most AP chemistry subjects. Two
good places to start are:
Academic Dishonesty Policy
A student who commits an act of academic dishonesty (first offense) will have the
opportunity to complete a make up. The student will receive 50% of the earned grade
on the make up (ex. A student who takes a make up and receives an 80, will have a 40
entered in the register). A make up is only allowed on the first (school wide) violation
of the academic dishonesty policy.
Class Materials
Bring the following to class each day:
 Textbook
 Loose-leaf notebook
You will have labs every week. You will be required to write lab reports for all labs.
All labs will require pre-lab work. This will include answering pre-lab questions and
finding MSDS (safety) information. Lab reports will be graded and you must correct
any mistakes that were found. All lab reports must be collected in a portfolio, which
must be presented at the end of the course.
Laboratory Safety
For your and everybody else’s safety you must follow the safety rules. You are
responsible for knowing and conforming to the safety rules. Failure to do so will
result in exclusion from the lab work and you will receive no credit for the
assignment. If you miss instructions due to unexcused lateness or lack of attention you
will not be allowed to participate and you will receive no credit.
 Each quarter your grade will approximately be calculated as follows:
o Tests:
o Laboratory work:
o Homework/classwork:
 There will be a final exam (multiple laboratory assignments).
 Late work will have the equivalent of one letter grade subtracted for each day
Enduring Understanding
Chemistry is the science of molecules and the changes that these molecules undergo.
Homework is assigned most nights. Always check the board for homework
assignments and the due date.
Summary of Class Rules
 Be in your seat when the bell rings and work on the Opening Assignment
 Treat everyone respectfully
 Follow directions
 Raise your hand and wait to be called upon before talking
Laboratory Work
You will complete the following labs this year (not necessarily in this order). Some
labs will be spread over 2 weeks. Additional lab work may be added during the year.
Name of Experiment
Limiting Reagent Lab
Determination of the Empirical Formula of Silver Oxide
Gravimetric Analysis of a Metal Carbonate
Determination of an Activity Series
Reactions, Predictions and Net Ionic Equations
Determination of the Molar Mass of Gases and Volatile Liquids
Thermodynamics – Enthalpy of Reaction and Hess’s Law
Flame Tests and Atomic Spectra
Periodic Trends and the Properties of Elements
Liquid Chromatography
Quantitative Determination of Barium
Molar Mass by Freezing Point Depression
Kinetics of a Reaction
The Determination of Keq for FeSCN2+
Determination of Ka of Weak Acids
Qualitative Analysis of 11 Unknown Salts
Separation and Qualitative Determination of Cations and Anions
Acid-Base Titration
pH Properties of Buffer Solutions
Synthesis and Analysis of a Coordination Compound
Oxidation-Reduction Titration
Electrochemical Cells