The Magic Sentence Analysing film/poetry/play The magic sentence shows that you understand the link between the techniques and the director’s ideas. You will need to show that you understand the role of the director. You will also need to develop ideas and include specific examples. Magic sentences make a great start or final sentence to a TEEAR paragraph. Authors/directors DELIBERATELY choose techniques because they are the most effective way of teaching us about life/messages that go beyond the text. Director The director uses Technique a Pauline’s voiceover in the closing sequence music The filmmaker chooses Peter Jackson selects Jackson In the ‘third world’ scene, Jackson uses manipulates uses an extreme close- to emphasise up shot dialogue to illustrate sound to explore employs utilises changes the develops the extends the sound effects tracking zoom pan extreme close-up blends close up hand-held cameras Purpose to explore Theme the incredible inner strength to reinforce a change in the mood of the scene and create a sense of foreboding how difficult it was for Joe to make this decision to represent to symbolise to develop to explore to make us aware of to deepen our understanding of to teach us about to contrast to make us realise to make us question to challenge to highlight Now. do the same for short stories and novel