Week Two LP Read 180

Instructor: Jessie Harris Date: 08/27/12 Period: 1and 2
FLEX: Week 2, Day 6
• Synthesize the Week 1 introduction to READ 180.
• Develop ownership of the classroom community.
• Locate the three rotation areas in the classroom.
• Rotate from station to station when signaled.
• Learn about the Topic Software Writing Zone.
• Get familiar with eReads.
• Practice working in groups.
Day 6 Plan
Activity 1
"Doodle Dos" (10 minutes)
• Distribute unlined paper and colored pencils or markers.
• Guide students to create a READ 180 Next Generation logo that reflects what they have learned about
the program
so far.
Activity 2
Establishing Rotation Procedures (20–30 minutes)
• Use the Instructional Model Poster to remind students of the three rotations and point out the
corresponding rotation
areas in the classroom.
• Explain and practice rotation procedures (e.g., check the Rotation Chart, listen for the signal to rotate,
put away
Activity 3
Demonstrating the Software: Writing Zone (20–30 minutes)
• Review the five Topic Software Learning Zones.
• Use the READ 180 Demo CD to walk students through the activities in the Writing Zone.
• Add what students learned to the Day 1 KWL chart.
Activity 4
Text Search (20 minutes)
• Have students sit in their assigned groups.
• For each group, place a set of four printed eRead articles and four index cards with clues related to
each article.
• Model how to preview a non-fiction article (e.g., point out headings, subheadings, captions). Then have
work within their groups to preview the articles and match them to clues.
Instructor: Jessie Harris Date: 08/27/12
FLEX: Week 2, Day 7
• Practice Instructional Routines.
• Stay engaged during a Read Aloud.
• Learn one rotation in the Instructional Model.
• Efficiently gather materials and work independently.
• Determine READ 180 level.
• Establish a baseline Lexile to measure reading growth.
• Generate a personal reading list based on Lexile, grade, and interests.
Day 7 Plan
Remember to. . .
Review the Reading Log (10 minutes)
• Project the Reading Log (SAM Keyword: Reading Log) onto a screen or interactive whiteboard and
review how to
complete an entry.
• Remind students that they will be completing Reading Log entries independently later this week.
Activity 1
Using Oral Cloze With a Read Aloud (20 minutes)
• Distribute copies of the Read Aloud passage from the selected READ 180 Paperback.
• Explain the Oral Cloze Routine.
• Read aloud the passage as students follow along. Omit words as you read, pausing to allow students to
chorally with the omitted word.
• Consider revisiting the Reading Log to model how to complete an entry based on the Read Aloud
Distribute copies of the Reading Log and have students record the sample entry.
Activity 2
Modeled and Independent Reading Procedures (20–30 minutes)
• Use the Instructional Model Poster to remind students of the Modeled and Independent Reading
• Explain the procedures for this rotation (e.g., select a book, read quietly, complete a Reading Log entry,
• Divide students into their assigned groups. Have each group take turns practicing the procedures while
the rest of
the class observes.
• Ask students to share their observations.
Activity 3
Administering the Scholastic Reading Inventory (30 minutes)
• Introduce the Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI). Explain that it is a 20-minute computer-adaptive test
measures reading comprehension.
• Walk students through the SRI experience.
• Have students complete the test on individual computers. If there are not enough computers to test
simultaneously, prepare quiet activities for students to complete while awaiting their turn.
• Remind students to record their Lexile measures, as this will help them choose independent reading
Instructor: Jessie Harris Date: 08/27/12
FLEX: Week 2, Day 8
• Find common interests with classmates.
• Develop ownership of the classroom community.
• Practice Instructional Routines.
• Engage in academic discussion.
• Develop strategies for choosing independent reading.
• Learn Topic Software rotation procedures.
Day 8 Plan
Activity 1
Taking a Stand (10 minutes)
• Affix a long piece of tape to the floor to divide the room in two.
• Give students a set of choices, pointing to the side of the tape assigned for each choice (e.g., dogs or
cats, reading
or writing).
• Have students "take a stand" to indicate their preferences.
• Call on volunteers to explain their choices.
Activity 2
Using Think (Write)-Pair-Share With a Read Aloud (20–30 minutes)
• Explain the Think (Write)-Pair-Share Routine.
• Read aloud a passage from a READ 180 Paperback.
• Pose an open-ended question related to the passage. Provide time for students to write their responses
sharing with a partner.
Activity 3
Choosing Books (20–30 minutes)
• Point out the information students can find on the Paperbacks and Audiobooks Poster.
• Explain how Lexiles can help students select "just-right" books from the titles in the READ 180 Library.
• Introduce and model strategies for choosing books for Modeled and Independent Reading.
• Provide time for students to choose books based on Lexiles and reading interests. Remind students
they can refer to
the Reading Log they completed during the Day 4 Book Pass activity.
Activity 4
Instructional Software Procedures (20–30 minutes)
• Use the Instructional Model Poster to remind students of the Instructional Software rotation.
• Explain the procedures for this rotation (e.g., raising a hand for assistance).
• Call on individual students to model procedures while the rest of the class observes.
• Have students complete a QuickWrite to reflect on the importance of the procedures.
Instructor: Jessie Harris Date: 08/27/12
FLEX: Week 2, Day 9
• Practice Instructional Routines.
• Participate in a group discussion.
• Understand expectations for Small-Group Instruction.
• Practice rotation procedures.
Day 9 Plan
Activity 1
Using Numbered Heads With a Read Aloud (20 minutes)
• Explain the Numbered Heads Routine.
• Read aloud a passage from a READ 180 Paperback.
• Pose an open-ended question related to the passage.
• Have student groups number off 1–4. Then discuss their response using the sentence frames provided.
• Call on a number and have students share their group's responses with the class. (e.g., Number 3's
raise your
hands to share.)
Activity 2
Introducing Small-Group Instruction With the rBook (70 minutes)
• Use the Instructional Model Poster to remind students of the three rotations.
• Explain the expectations and procedures for Small-Group Instruction (e.g., gathering materials, listening
• Have the class divide into two groups. Group 1 will read their independent reading book and complete a
Reading Log
entry. Group 2 will meet for Small-Group Instruction, preview the rBook, and complete the rBook quiz on
pages 6–7.
• After 20–30 minutes, have groups rotate.
• Reflect on the small-group experience.