Density Study Guide

Density Study Guide
1. List the instruments used to measure mass and volume.
2. How do you find volume of a regular solid, and irregular solid (process and steps), and
a liquid?
3. What are the units for volume of a solid, liquid, and gas?
4. Scientific notation:
0.07882 =
3.443 x 10-7 =
74171.7 =
1.525 x 106 =
5. What are the ranges of density for a solid, liquid, and gas?
6. Given the density below, would the substance be a solid, liquid, or gas?
a. 2.68 g/cm3
b. 3.2 x 10-3 g/cm3
c. 1.00 g/mL
d. 1.7 x 10-4 g/cm3
e. 11.3 g/cm3
7. Draw the density triangle and explain how to find the formulas for mass, volume, and
density using the triangle.
8. A sheet of metal is 2 mm wide, 10 cm tall, and 15 cm long. It was 4 grams. What is
the density?
9. A pencil has a density of .875 g/ml. It has a mass of 3.5 grams. What is the volume?
10. Find the mass of a 50.0 ml quantity of water if the density of water is 1.00 g/ml.
11. Water is placed into a graduated cylinder and the total mass was determined to be
58.34 g. The level of the water was at the 48.8 mL mark. An unknown metal slug was
then immersed into the graduated cylinder of water and the level rose to the 84.0 mL
mark. The mass of the graduated cylinder, water and metal slug was determined to be
373.46 g. What is the density of the metal slug in g/cm3?
12. Using the graph, identify the type of item being recycled.
A recycling center has a 12.5cm3 box
Plastic soda bottles
filled. When empty, the box’s mass is
Milk cartons
0.95 – 0.97 g/cm
755g. When filled its mass is
Plumbing pipe
1.15 – 1.35 g/cm3
772.25g. What is the density
and identify the item being recycled.