HOST Lesson Plan Year 10 Healthy Relationships – Preparing for Parenthood Session 2 Focus: Preparing for Parenthood Session 2 – Dealing with an unplanned pregnancy Prior learning: Students may have considered the topic in PSHE, Citizenship or other areas of the curriculum, such as English or Drama Date: Know Learning objectives Timing 20 mins Can do Understand About different options open to people who find that they are expecting a child About different cultural/religious attitudes towards these decisions Key Words: Pregnancy Implication Abortion/termination Adoption Use discussion and group work skills Contraception Abstinence Debate possible strategies for dealing with difficult situations, whilst recognising and respecting different cultural and religious beliefs How to make the right personal decisions How to access help and support Learning Activities Resources Ground rules – recap and agree. Highlight the fact that this is a sensitive topic and remind the class that they are not expected to make personal disclosures during the lesson. Remind them of the places to seek help if it is required. Explain aims and learning outcomes for the session, emphasising the fact that modern families are diverse. Be sensitive to the possibility that some pupils may have been born to young parents. Introduction and Video Extract Remind students of the areas that were covered in the last session, when the group considered the implications of having children and the skills that might be needed to be a parent. In this session, students will look at a case study, the story of Ben and Nat and what happened to them. They will consider the advantages and disadvantages of the decisions that Ben and Nat made, before finishing the session by looking at other scenarios and considering their personal responses. Watch the first part of the film, to the end of scene Film ‘Ben, Nat and Baby Jack’ Differentiation All will be able to share their views about the options available to young people facing an unplanned pregnancy. Most will be able to explain their personal opinions about the case study of Ben and Nat. They should also be able to reflect on the importance of different cultural and religious beliefs when making appropriate decisions about unplanned HOST Lesson Plan Year 10 Healthy Relationships – Preparing for Parenthood Session 2 7, where after having their baby, Ben and Nat move into their own flat. 25 mins Activity 2 – Discussion Divide the class into six small groups. Encourage the students to go back in time and look again at the options open to Ben and Nat on finding out about their first pregnancy. The options of adoption, abortion/termination and keeping a baby need to be considered. Remind the class to consider the importance of any religious/cultural beliefs that need to be taken into account. Explain to the class that every year, hundreds of young people find out that they are pregnant and where the pregnancies are unplanned, there are three main choices available to the people involved. Ask the small groups to remember that Nat was fifteen years old at the time of her pregnancy and had not yet completed her GCSEs. Ben was at college and did not have a proper job. Ask each of the groups to sit around a table and give each group a large piece of sugar paper and a marker pen. Each piece of sugar paper should have a different heading on it: The advantages of having a child The disadvantages of having a child The advantages of termination/Abortion The disadvantages of termination/abortion The advantages of adoption The disadvantages of adoption Explain to the students that they will be considering each heading and writing responses to them. They will work on one sheet of sugar paper at a time, before moving on to the next one. Ask the groups to work through their first heading and to write down as many responses as that can think of, keeping in mind Ben and Nat’s situation. Explain that all the groups are going to write on the sheets, so students should try to leave room for others. After 4 minutes, ask each group to stop pregnancy. Most pupils should also be able to explain what the signs of pregnancy are and where a young person can access help if it is required. Some will be able to reflect maturely on the different points of view discussed and be able to empathise, even if they do not agree with the views of others. HOST Lesson Plan Year 10 Healthy Relationships – Preparing for Parenthood Session 2 writing and leave their paper on the table. Give the groups a further 4 minutes to put their suggestions under their new heading. Keep doing this until all six groups have written on all six pieces of paper. The last few rounds may take less time, as most of the suggestions will already be written down. Keep reminding the groups that they are thinking specifically about Ben and Nat’s situation. Ask the groups to sit at their original tables with their original sheets. Ask each group to look at the suggestions on the paper for a few minutes, especially the comments made by other groups. Ask for one person from each group to read out the title and the suggestions. Go round all the groups and ask the students if they feel that all the suggestions are relevant to Ben and Nat’s situation. Stick the pieces of paper up in the classroom and take a vote on what Ben and Nat should do. Ask the group if they feel that they would have had different views for Ben and Nat if this was their second pregnancy. Why? 15 mins Activity 3 ‘I think I might be pregnant’ Ask students to work in their small groups again and give them the following questions: What are the signs of pregnancy? When do they appear? Where can a girl/woman get a pregnancy test? Does she have to pay? Where can she go to for help and advice? What are the things that a girl/woman might need to consider in reaching a decision about her pregnancy? Who might she talk to? Would it be a good idea to seek independent advice? (They could use the FPA leaflet ‘Pregnancy’ to help them to find the answers if these are Questions – written onto the board or cards Teachers may want to provide resources to help pupils answer the questions, such as the FPA leaflet ‘Pregnancy’ HOST Lesson Plan Year 10 Healthy Relationships – Preparing for Parenthood Session 2 available) Go through answers and check understanding. Remind students that the best way to avoid unwanted pregnancy is appropriate use of contraception. The only method that is completely risk free is abstinence! Young people thinking about having sex may want to consider carefully the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy and factor this thinking into their decision making. Finish the session by reminding students about where they could go for help if they were to find themselves in a similar position to Nat and Ben, or if they have any further questions about how to avoid such situations. Assessment Monitoring and evaluation sheets (Discussion/ evaluation sheets etc) Additional Resources X Projector X TV/Video Risk Assessment Cross Curricular Links Numeracy/Literacy/ Specialist school Teacher’s Evaluation CD/Tape Other Ensure young people are aware of the importance of respecting different cultural/religious beliefs and that they know where they can go to if they need further advice/guidance. They should be reminded that they should only share what they are happy to share – links with Safeguarding/Child Protection and Confidentiality Policies English/Drama/RE/Citizenship Reading/writing – case study and questions ‘Ben, Nat and Baby Jack’ video produced by the Multimedia Education and Training Co Ltd, Combe Park, Bickington, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 6NZ Tel: 01626 821226 Email: info@multimediaeducationand FPA leaflet ‘Pregnancy’ (ISBN 1 899194 37 1) available from the FPA, 2-12 Pentonville Road, London, N1 9FP Tel: 0207 837 5432