FALL 2008, ASTU (30101) AIR FORCE LEADERSHIP STUDIES I AFROTC DETACHMENT 630 PHONE: 330-672-2182 FAX: 330-672-2189 SECTION A – DETACHMENT STAFF Commander Lt Col Lowell E. Bailey Jr. lbailey9@kent.edu Commandant of Cadets Maj James E. Ripple jripple1@kent.edu Education Officer Capt Michael W. Frymier mfrymie1@kent.edu Unit Admissions Officer Capt Robert McGowan rmcgowan@kent.edu Information Management SSgt Cheryl A. Williams cwilliams_gst@kent.edu Personnel Actions TSgt Richard Campbell rcampbe4@kent.edu Info. Management Officer Capt Thomas R. Fiordelisi tfiordel@kent.edu (Deployed Jan 08-Jan 09) Secretary Mrs. Mary Fox mfox@kent.edu Executive Officer Maj Paul G. McCroskey II pmccros1@kent.edu (Deployed Oct 08-Apr 09) AS 300 INSTRUCTOR: Capt Michael W. Frymier Email: mfrymie1@kent.edu Phone: (330) 672-8213 TEXTS: OFFICE HOURS: Walk- in or by appointment Principles of Leadership and Management (T-307) (see note below) Air Force Leadership Studies (T-309) Concepts of Air Force Leadership (T-304) Tongue & Quill (AFH 33-337 dated 1 Aug 04) Air Force Grammar CD (CD-600) CLASS TIMES: Tues 1230-1530 hrs Fri 0800-1100 hrs NOTES: Tongue & Quill (AFH 33-337) is also available on Det 630 Website or on-line at http://www.e-publishing.af.mil/shared/media/epubs/afh33-337.pdf A new student text entitled, Principles of Leadership and Management, will be utilized in conjunction with the T-309, Leadership Studies. This text is still in printing, and will be provided upon completion. You will be provided with handouts covering the first lesson from the new text on the first day of class, and you will be provided subsequent handouts as necessary until the books arrive. You may also access the handouts yourself at the following web address: http://www.yourwritingguru.com/ Click on the “AFROTC Cadets” tab on the left side of the page and select “Leadership.” Enter the following username <cadet> and password <arnold>. LEADERSHIP LABORATORY (LLAB): LLAB is held on Tues from 1625-1800. Check the Operations Order on the Cadet Wing Bulletin Board for specific lab information. You must attend at least 80% of leadership labs. Make-up labs are scheduled periodically for those cadets with a valid excuse. SECTION B – COURSE GOALS As we proceed through the semester, monitor your understanding of the following course goals. Your success or failure in this course is directly related to your ability to meet each goal. ACADEMIC COURSE OBJECTIVES – Each student should: 1. Comprehend selected individual leadership skills and personal strengths and weaknesses as applied in an Air Force environment. 2. Comprehend the responsibility and authority of an Air Force Officer. 3. Comprehend the Air Force officer’s responsibilities in the counseling and feedback process. 4. Comprehend the Air Force officer’s selected duties and responsibilities as a subordinate leader. 5. Comprehend and apply concepts of ethical behavior. 6. Apply listening, speaking, and writing skills in Air Force formats and situations with accuracy, clarity, and appropriate style. SECTION C – COURSE POLICY AND PROCEDURES PROFESSIONAL OFFICER COURSE STANDARDS To remain a member in good standing of the AFROTC Professional Officer Course (POC), each cadet must: (Not applicable to Special Students only enrolled in the lecture class.) 1. Remain physically qualified for commission and the ROTC category for which you committed yourself upon initial enrollment. Any change in your physical status should be immediately reported to the COC and the NCOIC of Detachment Personnel Actions. 2. Complete degree requirements during the month and year that you contractually established with the Air Force when you enrolled as an AS 300 or received an AFROTC college scholarship. Failure to meet established dates of graduation and/or commissioning could result in disenrollment from AFROTC. 3. Maintain full-time student status in the university. You must successfully complete 12 credit hours per semester to be considered a full-time student. If you plan to attempt less than 12 credit hours, or if you fall below 12 credit hours by virtue of dropping classes, you must inform the PAS or your instructor prior to dropping courses. 4. Maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00, the appropriate CSP GPA, or the university-required GPA within your major field; which ever is the highest. 5. Earn a term GPA of at least 2.00. 6. Avoid placement on academic or social probation. 7. Maintain academic plan (AFROTC Form 48) that you filed. Keep this plan up-to-date each academic term. Report any deviations and correct the plan each term. 8. Report all involvements with civil authorities within 72 hours of the incident or within 72 hours from the first day of classes following a holiday/break. 9. Attend at least 80% of all scheduled classes and corps training sessions. 10. Wear your uniform to AS class on your AS class day and all day on your assigned Leadership Laboratory day unless excused by the COC. 11. Maintain required grooming standards at all times. 12. Keep your instructor and NCOIC of Detachment Personnel Actions informed of your current address—both at home and campus. 13. Keep the NCOIC of Detachment Personnel Actions informed of your marital status. 14. Maintain satisfactory duty performance within the cadet corps. CLASSROOM CONDUCT/PARTICIPATION Beverages are allowed in class, but food, smoking, or chewing tobacco is not permitted. It will be students’ responsibility to return the classroom to its original condition before leaving for the day. Students are expected to preface remarks to the instructor with “Sir/Ma’am” or military grade, e.g. “Captain,” or “Colonel.” Cadets will call the class to attention when the instructor or senior officer enters or departs the classroom. Unless instructed otherwise, students need not stand in class when engaged in class discussion. Participation in the class, as well as cadet corps/leadership lab, is an important part of the POC. Nonparticipation/attendance in class by a contract cadet will be considered as “Indifference to training” and treated accordingly. Non-attendance and tardiness will reflect in your class participation grade. Each unexcused absence reduces your attendance grade by 10%. You must attend at least 80% of all classes to receive a passing grade. (12 of 14 classes). For each time you are late for class or cadre appointment, fail to show for class or appointment, or a missed suspense, you will write an official memo explaining why and turn it in to the instructor No Later Than the first class period attended following the incident. In addition, a Form 16 counseling record may be filed in your cadet record. Valid absences include participation in university or detachment sponsored activities or circumstances beyond your control. Final determination of whether or not an absence is excused rests with the instructor. Turn off all cell phones and pagers prior to the start of class. If you have a bona fide reason to have either on during class, coordinate with the instructor prior to the start of class. Email is the primary means of communication used within the AFROTC. You are required to check your email on a regular basis. Your email addresses, signature blocks and email content must not contain offensive language or any unprofessional reference, either direct or implied. UNIVERSITY AND AFROTC PLAGIARISM POLICY Fabricating is faking quotations, faking “facts,” reporting events that did not happen, etc. It is not only reprehensible it could be actionable in court. Plagiarizing, as defined by Webster, is “to steal and pass off as one’s own the idea or words of another.” It is unethical and, in cases involving creative work, usually illegal. Do not plagiarize the work of another. You need to place any information you use verbatim in quotes. Ensure you properly cite your sources when presenting information in briefings and papers. Committing of any of these offenses while in school is grounds for disciplinary action. If the complaint is upheld, a variety of punishments may be imposed: a reprimand, a lowered or failing grade in the course, or dismissal from the University and/or AFROTC program. SECTION D – GRADING STANDARDS The grading of this course is based upon the degree to which you achieve the course objectives. There is no policy within this unit that establishes a minimum or maximum number or percentage of letter grades given for a certain course. It is the policy of this department to maintain a reasonable relationship to the level of grades awarded in other departments. In short, do not expect to automatically receive a high grade. You must EARN it! The following will determine your final grade: Numerical Grade 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 0-59% Points (180-200 pts) (160-179 pts) (140-159 pts) (120-139 pts) (0-119 pts) Letter Grade A B C D F Your final course grade will consist of the following (all assignments must be completed in order to receive a grade): Class Attendance/Participation Impromptu Briefing Official Memorandum Talking Paper Informative Briefing Leadership Quiz Group Project Policy Letter Midterm Exam Final Exam Total 20 pts 10 pts 20 pts 20 pts 30 pts 10 pts 10 pts 10 pts 30 pts 40 pts -------200 pts 10% 5% 10% 10% 15% 5% 5% 5% 15% 20% Timely and accurate submission of reports and completion of assignments is imperative. Any person who plans to become a successful officer must complete tasks on or before the suspense date. In keeping with this philosophy, I will deduct credit from your grade when assignments are submitted after the beginning of class on the assigned due date. All written assignments, except the Leadership Journal, must be typed and conform to Tongue and Quill guidelines. Academic grades of below C in AFROTC classes do not meet academic retention standards and are grounds for dismissal or disenrollment from AFROTC. Projects: Impromptu briefing: You are tasked to present a 2-3 minute impromptu briefing on a subject given to you by the instructor on the briefing date. Official Memorandum – You are tasked to write a properly formatted, one-page memorandum on Lessons Learned from Field Training. Your memorandum will be addressed to the class instructor. The format of the report will be IAW the Tongue & Quill. Talking Paper – You must complete a talking paper on a selected AFSC. The talking paper will be two (2) pages in length and be the basis for your Informative briefing. Students must turn in a filled-out AFOATS IMT 9 with the talking paper. The talking paper will count for 10 points. (see T&Q pg 209, 210 and instructor handout) Informative Briefing – You must satisfactorily present a 5 to 9 minute informative briefing on a selected AFSC. Students must turn in a filled-out AFOATS IMT 6 at the beginning of the scheduled class period. The briefing will count for 20 points. Group Project – You will have one group project to complete during the course of the semester. Details will be provided to you by your instructor. Policy Letter – You are tasked to write a commander’s policy letter on either sexual harassment or professional/unprofessional relationships. The format of the report will be IAW the Tongue & Quill, Official Memorandum. Leadership Quiz – There will be one quiz covering selected leadership lessons and their respective samples of behavior. The quiz will consist of essay questions. Midterm Exam – The midterm exam will test student’s knowledge and comprehension of SOB’s covered in the first lesson (Introduction to Leadership Theory) through those covered in the lesson on Motivation (lesson 16). Exception: Lessons 9 – 11 and lesson 20 will not be covered on the exam. The exam may consist of a combination of multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, or essay questions. Final Exam – The final exam will test student’s knowledge and comprehension of SOB’s covered in the lesson on Situational leadership (Lesson 17) through those covered in the lesson on Professional/Unprofessional relationships (lesson 23). The final exam may consist of a combination of multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, or essay questions. SECTION E - COURSE SCHEDULE AS 30101 – FALL 2008 (SR = Leadership Studies Student Reader; TX = Principles of Leadership & Management; T&Q = Tongue & Quill (1 Aug 04) CLASS DATE LESSON OBJECTIVE ASSIGNMENT 1 Admin/Introduction Review Syllabus (AT1) Tues 26 Aug Introduction to Leadership Comprehend the importance of leadership TX: pg 1-14 Theory in the operation and success of any Friday 29 Aug (1) organization Air Force Leadership (2 part 1) Comprehend the principles of AF Leadership SR: pg 3-13 Comprehend the professional attributes and qualities of the AF Officer SR: pg 15-34 2 Tues 2 Sep Air Force Leadership (2 part 1) Friday 5 Sep Profession of Arms (3) Read Air Force Smart Ops: SR: pg 35-42 Official Memorandum Due 3 Tues Comprehend how understanding one’s personality can increase leadership effectiveness SR: pg 43-44 Note: do not take self-test prior to class Managing Stress (6) Comprehend the importance of improving the management of stress TX: pg 15-31 Assessing Leaders (5) 9 Sep Leadership Quiz (AT1) Friday 12 Sep 4 16 Sep Sexual Assault Prevention & Response I (7 Part 1-2) Comprehend how to prevent and respond to sexual assault SR: pg 47-62 Tues Friday 19 Sep Intro to Critical Thinking (8) Comprehend how to think critically and its importance for Air Force Leaders TX: pg 33-46 Tues 23 Sep AF Effective Writing (9) Comprehend effective writing in the AF using The Tongue and Quill (T&Q) SR: pg 65-75 T&Q Friday 26 Sep Writing Strategies & Editing (10 & 20) Apply the T&Q guidelines for effective communication in the AF; Apply the editing guidelines in ch 8 of the T&Q SR: pg 77-90; 123-127 T&Q ch 8 Basics of Briefing (11) Apply T&Q guidance to develop and deliver a professional military briefing SR: pg 91-94 T&Q Ch 2, 10 5 CLASS 6 DATE Tues 30 Sep LESSON OBJECTIVE ASSIGNMENT Talking Paper Due 2 - 3 Minute Impromptu Briefings Friday 3 Oct Team Building (12 part 1-2) Comprehend the concept of effective team building TX: pg 57-85 Comprehend the six-step problem-solving process SR: pg 99-122 7 Tues 7 Oct Problem Solving (13) Friday 10 Oct Problem-Solving Exercise (14) 8 Tues 14 Oct 5-9 Minute AFSC Briefings Friday 17 Oct 9 21 Oct Followership (15) Comprehend the traits and characteristics of the effective follower TX: pg 87-96 Tues 24 Oct Motivation (16 Part 1-2) Comprehend the concepts of the major motivation theories TX: pg 97-113 Friday Tues 28 Oct Midterm Test Friday 31 Oct Situational Leadership (17 Part 1-2) Comprehend the concept of situational leadership TX: pg 115-132 10 Refer to explanation of midterm for material covered on exam 11 4 Nov Change Management (18 Part 1-2) Comprehend the principles and concepts of change management TX: pg 133-145 Tues 7 Nov Conflict Management (21 Part 1-2) Comprehend the principles and concepts of conflict management TX: pg 161-176 Friday CLASS 12 DATE LESSON Tues 11 Nov (no class) Professional/Unprofessional Relationships (23 Part 1-2) Friday 14 Nov Professional/Unprofessional Relationships Case Studies (24 Part 1-2) 13 Tues 18 Nov Friday 21 Nov 14 Tues Friday 25 Nov 28 Nov (no class) OBJECTIVE Comprehend that the negative impacts of unprofessional relationships require officers to inherently accept the ultimate responsibility for promoting and maintaining professional relationships SR: pg 141-160 Management Functions and Principles (19 Part 1 -2) Comprehend who managers are and what they do TX: pg 147-159 Sexual Assault Prevention & Response II (22 Part 1-2) Comprehend the problem of sexual assault and the impact it can have on the individual, the unit, and the AF SR: pg 131-140 Professional/Unprofessional Relationships (23 Part 1-2) Comprehend that the negative impacts of unprofessional relationships require officers to inherently accept the ultimate responsibility for promoting and maintaining professional relationships SR: pg 141-160 Professional/Unprofessional Relationships Case Studies (24 Part 1-2) 15 Policy Letter Due Tues 2 Dec Friday 5 Dec Final Exam Review/Survey (AT 1) Final Exam (AT 1) 16 Tues 9 Dec Friday 12 Dec ASSIGNMENT No Class--University Finals Refer to the final exam explanation for material covered on the exam