Volume 2 No. 5 - Renton Technical College

Renton Technical College
Office of Instructional Improvement
December 2003
Volume 2 No. 5
Here’s What Worked for Me…
Please send us tips for this new section—what’s working for you—inspired by a faculty member’s
suggestion that if we pooled our strengths and creativity, it could only benefit our students.
Beth Arman, and the Cosmetology Program have a great kit for prospective
students. It includes information about the four related programs: Cosmetology,
Barber, Esthetician and Manicurist. In addition to the application process and
requirements, there are questions to ask the instructors to guide the students in
making the right choice for their careers. Because the program is off-campus it includes a map,
(which we are not linking). Please click to see the prospective student outline.
Kathleen Giuntoli gets kudos from a peer observer for her use of videos. According to our source,
Kathleen does a great job of setting up the video and pausing for learning activities to relate the
video to the lesson. Way to go Kathleen. Congratulate her about her methods for using videos:
Ready To Publish?
Is it time to toot your horn? T.H.E. Journal welcomes submissions of articles from educators
involved in integrating technology into their curricula. Articles from 2,000-4,000 words may describe
effective administrative or instructional projects with a local, regional, statewide, national or
international scope. Features should address the issue's cover theme and follow Editorial Guidelines.
An upcoming theme is “Using Technology to Deliver Content.” For more information on
submitting a feature, visit http://www.thejournal.com/magazine/cp/default.cfm.
Math tutorials
Analyzemath is a site which includes java applets that help you explore math
concepts. There are interactive tutorials and online tests. You don’t need to
download any software. Topics include: linear equations, polynominals, systems
of linear equations, and rational functions. Bob Billings tells us that Internet
Explorer is Java enables on the campus, so that Java script of applets can run just
fine and our antivirus devise will protect us. http://www.analyzemath.com/
Independent Study
Sometimes there is now a workshop or course available in the area where you need professional
development. This article lays out a plan to help you gather resources and teach yourself.
Website Design or Interactive CD-Rom presentations
RTC has new software! The Mediator Pro and ScreenCorder programs are available for instructor
computers. Mediator is an icon-based authoring tool that lets you drag-&-drop your way to Flash/
HTML websites, or interactive CD-ROM presentations - no programming or experience is necessary.
ScreenCorder allows you to capture all of your on-screen actions with audio for use in instructional
presentations or websites. Submit a work order with IS for installation. And watch for related
training workshops from Instructional Improvement in Winter Quarter!
Cookbook for a Presentation Feast
Presenter’s University asks the question: “Are you a presentation master chef or a
short order cook?” PowerPoint presentation can be a feast or famine. Using the
cookery metaphor, this article has tips on how to make your next PowerPoint more than just a
lecture with slides. Visit this tutorial at http://www.presentersuniversity.com/courses_Cook.php
Do you have too much to do or frequently put off to tomorrow what should have been done
yesterday? Here are some tips on controlling procrastination for you or to pass on to your students.
Teaching and Working with Multiple Generations
Our programs and staff include some Millennials (born 1977-1998); Generation Xers (born 19651976);Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964) and even a few of the Silent Generation (born 1933-1945).
In the classroom or the work environment we need to find ways to engage the members of each
generation—who might have different motivators and contributions. This article from Link&Learn
contains a three step process for engagement:
Graphic Organizers
Sometimes that picture is worth more than a thousand words, especially for visual
learners. Graphic Organizers help students to construct meaning and serve as a
useful anchor for a short lecture. You can find some on this Scholastic Magazine
site: http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonplans/graphicorg/index.htm
Teaching students to think
This exercise adds another dimension—a metacognative one--to classroom discussion by helping
students identify the roles their comments play in content-based discussions. Is their contribution a
new idea? A clarification of terms? A challenge? A transition? Read about the “Conversacolor”
learning activity in the National Teaching and Learning Forum.
The AskEric site which many of us have used to get educational resources as well as the subject
specific clearninghouses will be replaced by a new single web presence and database. There will be
an Educator’s Reference desk at http://www.eduref.org with 2000 lesson plans, over 3000 pointers
to education information and the 200 question archives form the last 10 years of AskEric. Beginning
December 19, you will also be able to use http://www.eric.ed.gov to search the ERIC database,
calendar of conferences, links to purchase ERIC documents and products.
Of course we all have our limits, but how can you possibly find your boundaries unless you explore
as far and as wide as you possibly can? I would rather fail in an attempt at something new and
uncharted than safely succeed in a repeat of something I have done. ~ A. E. Hotchner
For more information regarding the articles in the Faculty Focus or to give input or suggestions of things
you would like to see incorporated into this newsletter please contact the Office of Instructional
The mission of the Office of Instructional Improvement is to advance educational strategies, seek to
improve the quality of learning environments, and support RTC staff as they prepare a diverse student
population for work.