WEDA Fall Meeting - Oregon State University Extension Service

Western Extension Directors Association (WEDA)
Fall Meeting, October 23-24, 2006
University of Nevada, Lifelong Learning Center, Clark County, Las Vegas
Primary Meeting Objectives:
1. To finalize and adopt the WEDA Strategic Plan and the Implementation Plan
2. To gain hands-on experience in using eXtension technology tools
3. To develop a plan for follow up with Western Governors, WIR-NACo, and plan to
engage with the Council of State Governments-West
Monday, October 23
Present: Barcinas, Jeff (Guam); Cabrera, Lorraine (Acting Dean, Northern Marianas College);
Chacon, Gerald (NM); Christenson, Jim (AZ); Eberlein, Charlotte (ID); Fox, Linda (WA),
WEDA Secretary; Gay, Chuck (UT); Gutierrez, Paul (NM); Hinton, Karen (NV); Houglum,
Lyla, WEDA Executive Director, (OR); Johnson, Marc (CO); Manglona, Ross (Director,
Northern Marianas College); Reed, Scott (OR); Standiford, Richard (CA); Steele, Douglas (MT),
WEDA Chair.
Guests: Wade, James (NASULGC); Crosby, Greg Cooperative States Research, Education and
Extension Service (CSREES); Howell, Mike University of Nevada Reno, Southern Area
Welcome and Review of Agenda – Doug Steele
 Birthday celebration was held for Lyla Houglum.
 Approved May and July 2006 meeting minutes as distributed.
 Appoint Resolutions Committee: Jim and Jeff.
 Updated mailing list was circulated for corrections.
 WEDA Committee Appointment to ECOP Leadership Advisory Council was announced
based on nominations: Milan Shipka, 1 year term.
Tour of Clark County Extension Lifelong Learning Center.
This new facility is owned by University of Nevada Reno. Tour conducted by Karen Hinton,
Dean and Director, University of Nevada-Reno and Mike Howell, Area Director. Dedication of
the building occurred recently. Clark County is 70% of the state’s population, 1.8 million people,
8,000 new arrival residents each month, 16 new schools a year, 20-25% Hispanic population.
The new building is 43,000 sq. feet, saves monthly $60,000 rent. This new facility paid for by
bonds. Cost of the facility approx. $10M. The majority of the faculty in this facility are Area
faculty with expectations to serve three county area. Goals are to build the urban agenda, address
diversity, build partnerships and collaborations, and sustainability and capacity building to allow
programs to continue to thrive and allow faculty to move to other program areas. Recruitment for
the university also occurs in this building, as well as statewide human resource services, center
for health ethics. Solar panels and weather station installed on the facilities as well. Smart
classrooms self-contained for presentations, videoconferencing, potential TV broadcasting.
Development Director for UN Cooperative Extension is working on naming opportunities.
WEDA Strategic Plan .
Lyla’s been in her role as Executive Director for one year. We reviewed the documents:
 WEDA Draft Strategic Plan
 WEDA Strategic Plan Implementation Strategies
Discussed integrating diversity throughout. Goal 3 has potential be the diversity goal.
Recommended that Goal 3 be re-stated to begin with “Assure that parity is reached…” Also talk
with WRPLC about forming a Western Diversity Committee. Add item f under Goal 3 to Goal
1. Strategic Plan may not be the best name, perhaps this is an operating principles document.
Under Goal 1 of the implementation strategies, the 5th box, change WELD to W-Mid Mgrs.
Edits were provided to Lyla. Lyla and the executive committee will incorporate suggestions,
approve, and monitor progress. Specify the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
(HACU) and our specific diversity strategies.
Doug stated Montana State University has recently sent out the assessment for the new year.
Several indicated they haven’t yet received the assessment so Doug will check on this.
CSREES Issues and Discussion – Greg Crosby reporting for George Cooper.
1. No federal budget at this time, all of USDA is on continuing resolution until Nov. 17.
Congress is in recess.
2. New Directors’ workshop in Washington DC, December 12-14.
3. CSREES implemented new NPL liaisons program. Concerns expressed were that liaisons
didn’t understand the variety of structures in the states, for example, Extension doesn’t
necessarily report to or under a dean of agriculture. States where the liaisons have made a
visit to include Oregon, Colorado, Montana. It was more successful when NPLs
participated in a conference call(s) with the Western Executive Directors (Mike
Harrington and Lyla Houglum) prior to visit to the state. Including a visit to Tribal
College in state.
4. NRI has released 2007 RFA for 17 integrated programs in that release. Extension should
promote and consider being a lead PI for these integrated programs. A number of
regional trainings being held. eXtension is an integrated investment that can be made
through those NRI funds. Jim noted the lack of children and families program funding in
the NRI, with the exception of nutrition and obesity $9.5M. Please communicate these
concerns to Anna Panazomo and Mark Poth, competitive programs. All future proposals
will be submitted electronically and all institutions must be registered on, so
plan accordingly.
5. One Solution. To standardize reporting to CSREES
The project plan is finished and implementation phases are posted on the web site.
Workshops held for NPLs and conference calls held with administrators. A process is
being developed to analyze the 2005 and 2006 POW annual reports for outcomes and
impacts. The goal is to incorporate into the OMB impacts report from CSREES. The
CRIS forms are being modified to include guidance for Extension and Education
reporting. A number of Federal Register announcements will be forthcoming and we
need to comment on those, especially as to the increased burden that may be a result of
the processes of One Solution and other government reporting requirements. A Partners
Advisory Group is being put together. Western Directors should consider who to put on
this group. Greg will send out a request for this person. Working on policy for esignatures.
6. Discussed the national CSREES Administrative Officerrs Conference in Seattle, April
22-26, 2007. There will be 1 ½ days devoted to program planning and evaluation.
Suggested those discussions with extension administrators be integrated with the
CSREES conference schedule rather than a “separation.” Linda Fox issued the invitation
on behalf of Washington State University, the hosting institution to attend both the
CSREES Administrative Officers Conference and the National Diversity Conference
April 25-27, 2007 at the same hotel location in Seattle. The overlap of the two
conferences is planned to benefit all. The web site for the CSREES Administrative
Officers Conference is not ready, however, the National Diversity Conference is both
calling for proposals and has the web site ready for viewing
[Sidebar discussion of flow (flood) of email. Lots of duplicate emails. The fact that we pay an
assessment to several components of our organizations, e.g. experiment station, extension
directors, NASULGC, etc. Lyla tries to avoid duplication by not sending to w-cesdir listserve if
it was already sent to that listserve. No clear recommendations.]
Jeff asked if we were aware the western administrative officers have been approached about
Guam hosting their regional meeting in 2007. Not clear who would approve this. An email
circulated about this proposed location. We suggest an assessment be made of the Dean and
Directors’ by the steering committee to determine their support to attend. Linda will try to find
out who the steering committee is and contact them. Rick will check if Donna Jones, budget
officer for California is on the steering committee and who the members are. Meeting is
proposed for the last part of August, backup is University of Idaho in October.
Regional Programming Issues.
Paul announced that Gerald Chacon is now the Associate Vice-Provost for Extension and
Outreach at New Mexico State University and Roberta Rios will be the new WRPLC rep from
New Mexico.
1. WRPLC Energy Committee Update – Chuck Gay\Report 2WEDA10.06minutes.pdf
Handout provided. Chuck provided the summary report from the ECOP this past week.
Gerald had been working with Clint Taylor in Sen. Domenici’s office. The energy bill is on
hold until after the elections. The Extension energy education bill is also on hold. After the
election we may have to start over.
2. Regional DOE Project Update – Lyla Houglum
Four of the five Dept. of Energy (DOE) demonstration projects will continue through this
new federal fiscal year. The research university partnership with the regional labs will not
continue. The PNW regional project involving OR, AK, ID and WA will continue but will
add individual businesses and producers to the target audience. The new proposal requested
additional money with $25,000 going to each state to support staff in the individual four
states to continue to build energy outreach and education in the respective states. The WSU
Extension Energy Program is still a resource for states to utilize.
3. WRPLC Urban Extension Committee – Karen Hinton
Rob McDaniel’s memo was sent to recruit attendees for the Think Tank meeting in January
regarding Extension urban agenda. Clarification to Rob’s email, attendees should be one
Extension person and one external person per institution/state. The dates are January 17-19,
2007 in Las Vegas. Gerald suggested we think very broadly, as opposed to Extension
programs. Bill Gray, extension specialist at Washington State University is serving as a staff
resource to the committee and can be contacted at,
4. National Urban Serving Universities Conference – Lyla Houglum
Lyla reported on the Urban Serving Universities (“USU”) conference in Washington DC
earlier this year. Other western universities participating in that conference, were: WSU,
USU, OSU, ASU, CSU Fullerton, PSU, UCLA, and UC Denver. The Urban Serving
Universities are working on a federal legislative agenda to build a land-grant model
(including funding for experiment station and extension service). There are 15 universities
who have taxed themselves to fund a contract with Van Scoyc Associates advocacy firm. The
President of NASULGC, Peter McPherson in his opening address referred to us as ‘ag
extension’ and that the “USU” will serve the urban communities while extension has not.
James Wade and Linda Kay Benning are having conversations with Peter on this. Refer also
to the email memo from Ian Maw. To work with Nancy Zimpfer, incoming board chair for
NASULGC. USU is a 501(c)3 organization. Some of the land grant universities and
Extension have sent letters in to Peter McPherson. USU issues identified: health, K-12,
community vitality.
James Wade announced that ECOP is forming two new urban related committees. He needs
nominations for the two ECOP committees. Ad Hoc Urban Policy committee task force will
be named to 1) drive an agenda and 2) promote partnerships. Ad Hoc Urban Program
Development committee will be named to identify successful programs. Urban Policy
committee nominees: Linda Fox, WA and Rick Standiford, CA.
Urban Program committee nominees: Dallas Holmes, UT; Barbara Martin-Worley, Denver
County Director, CO; Mike Howell, Southern Area Director, NV.
Jeff moved, Scott second. The western region executive committee will send a letter to Peter
McPherson regarding the urban serving initiative. It would helpful to have example from
each of the states in the west the outstanding urban serving programs and/or models of
cooperation. Send to Lyla following her instructions to be emailed to all of us. Motion
5. Pesticide Education (PSEP)
Doug reported on the Region 8 EPA meeting that he was invited to attend regarding funding
issue. While most of the western region states are in Region 10, Doug was included in the
invitation. EPA meeting with the congressional staff. We have leveraged the EPA $12 for
every $1 received. CSREES is accommodating some of the EPA issues that have been raised.
While at the national level it seems a small amount, in our states it is huge!
6. WELD – Paul Gutierrez
Paul and Jim encourages each state to submit applications for the next class, due Nov. 2 to
the state directors’ office, due Nov. 17 to WELD.
5:00 pm
Adjourn, Day 1 of 2
WEDA Fall Meeting
Tuesday, October 24
Present: Barcinas, Jeff (Guam); Cabrera, Lorraine (Acting Dean, Northern Marianas College);
Chacon, Gerald (NM); Christenson, Jim (AZ); Eberlein, Charlotte (ID); Fox, Linda (WA),
WEDA Secretary; Gay, Chuck (UT); Gutierrez, Paul (NM); Hinton, Karen (NV); Houglum,
Lyla, WEDA Executive Director, (OR); Johnson, Marc (CO); Manglona, Ross (Director,
Northern Marianas College); Reed, Scott (OR); Standiford, Richard (CA); Steele, Douglas (MT),
WEDA Chair; Whipple, Glen (WY).
Guests: Wade, James (NASULGC); Greg Crosby, Cooperative States Research, Education and
Extension Service (CSREES)
Continued other national and regional committee issues and discussion.
a. Mid-Managers – Jim Christenson
Jim Christensen reported that the planning committee is led by Jim Kropf, Washington State
University, NW WA District Director. Jim stressed to them to consider management issues to
differentiate from WELD leadership agenda. At the next WEDA meeting, February, expect
an outline of agenda for July meeting in Jackson, WY.
b. Western Rural Development Center (WRDC)
Jim reported that John Allen, WRDC Director, will step down in August 2007. John plans to
remain at Utah State University. Noelle Cockett will be sending out an email to describe the
transition and process of finding a new director. A sub-set of the Board will serve as search
and screening committee. Jim handed out a one-pager Plan of Work for the WRDC. There
are several projects, many excellent projects on enterprise development.
Jim reported working on an advisory committee with NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric
Administration) . Jim would like a short email ASAP from all of the
western directors on how we are working with NOAA in our respective states and the variety
of projects (e.g. Sea Grant, weather and climate, fisheries). Jim is interested in how to
influence at the policy level of these agencies. A priority of the Western Governor’s and a
project being led by North Dakota is the national integrated drought information center.
d. ECOP Update – Glen Whipple
ECOP Budget & Leg Priorities and Issues Chuck Gay
Handout from the recent ECOP meeting in West Virginia. The election in November will
make a difference in leadership. Speculate the Senate will remain Republican, the House
could switch to Democratic leadership. Sen Bennett, UT, has indicated he will not chair ag
appropriations. Any bill to move off the continuing resolution would be welcomed. Chuck
reviewed Task Force successes, note the leadership from the western region:
 4-H Task Force co-chair is Karen Hinton, NV
 Forestry Task Force co-chair is Scott Reed, OR
 EFNEP Task Force co-chair is Linda Fox, WA
 ECOP Marketing and Communication task force co-chair is Doug Steele, MT
 eXtension Finance Task Force co-chair Keith Smith, Ohio State
 Benchmarking Task Force co-chair Niki Conlin, OH, and Paul Warner, KY, will
finish by February 2007 meeting of NEDA
Request for funding from task force groups have been submitted to Budget and Legislative
committee. ECOP approved to forward to the national directors for the NASULGC meeting
in November. A new group formed from the Program subcommittee of ECOP has identified
two urban study committees. Reduction in the advocacy assessment was not approved by
ECOP B&L 4-H Task Force – Karen Hinton
a. The 4-H Task Force is working on identifying funding sources outside of ag
appropriations to support 4-H. Encourage Directors to increase fund to 4-H when Smith
Lever funds increase. Karen shared the value of using the Tufts University study results
that will be released soon. The Tufts’ study will be shared during the NAE4-HA meeting
and with directors at the NASULGC meeting. Through the Task Force, 4-H is preparing
the materials and the advocacy efforts.
EFNEP Task Force – Linda Fox. The EFNEP task force will continue through June 2007
with a goal to build partnerships across organizations and institutionalize the notion that
EFNEP state coordinators inform influencers, members of Congress, etc of the impacts of
the program. Linda shared the areas of concern identified for the next Farm Bill,
including eligibility for the District of Columbia, eligibility for the 1994s, and the
minimum of $100,000 per institution.
Forestry Task Force – Scott Reed. Nat Fraiser is now co-chair so the intern 10-20% time
will be open. Refer to the written report.
WEDA Issues for ECOP – Glen Whipple
Glen is working on ECOP goals. This year the primary goal was marketing and
communication. Last year it was benchmarking and that task force will finish by
February 2007. Next year’s primary goal will be strategic directions for cooperative
extension system. Glen noted the CARET reps are more informed of the research side of
the agenda. For example, RCIC committee in March and in July, the CARET reps on
RCIC also attend the experiment station directors’ meeting. Therefore, they are more
informed of the research agenda than necessarily the extension portfolio. He
recommended that we not give up on having a CARET rep for WEDA even though
ECOP did not approve funding for this.
ECOP considered decreasing the assessments the states pay for Budget and Legislative
activities, but the reduction was not approved.
The request from WEDA for funding for a western CARET position was not approved by
ECOP. The notion of reducing the assessment so we could then fund our own CARET
liaison was proposed. However, it did not pass, the assessments will not be reduced for
the next year. The CARET liaison concept has general support by ECOP, however
precedent setting was of concern. According to their minutes the western AHS
(Administrative Heads Section) are not supportive although they have not responded to
Doug’s letter.
Jeff is incoming chair of ECOP Program sub-committee. Karen noted Jeff will be a
member of the eXtension Governing Committee.
Assessments for eXtension were discussed. In review of ECOP minutes, it appeared
eXtension was a three year plan, so we need to have a vote for continuing eXtension at the
current level. This is perceived as an important reaffirmation vote to send a signal as a
CE System to funders/Congress. Discussed issue of timing of billing to the territories is
sometimes problematic.
eXtension Technology Tools Training – Dan Cotton (NE), Kevin Gamble (NCSU), Carla
Craycraft (KY), Craig Wood (KY)
Dan Cotton led the PowerPoint presentation and workshop in which we discussed eXtension
milestones to date, how to help get people more involved, a look at launch of Community of
Practice web sties, and tools and services of eXtension. Currently 21 COPs. eXtension
Foundation 501(c)3 formed for intellectual property mechanisms and for fundraising, among
other needs. Contracted with Iowa State University for web conferencing center and Breeze
technology and will establish a virtual newsroom to aggregate land grant university news stories.
Hired an Evaluation and Research Leader, Michael Lambur, VA Cooperative Extension.
Engagement through monthly newsletters and four videoconferences each year. What we can do
to help: encourage participation in CoP. In November there will be another Call for Engagement.
We could create space for the Western Extension directors to have a collaborative work space.
There are now close to 25,000 FAQs in the system with over 1,400 registered users in the FAQ.
Weekly professional development opportunities, 30 minute sessions held at 4 pm eastern time,
and recorded for review at any time. 2007 will be a year of progress review, Scott Reed will
represent our region on the progress review panel.
Community of Practice, provided a demonstration on collaboration with
wikis using Mediawiki software. is the site for using a wiki for our collaboration work. We could
use this space for creating meeting agendas, for example.
Watch the recordings of professional development
For announcements in the Blog go to
Developing Content with eXtension Tools can be found at _the_eXtension_Wiki
NASULGC Issues and Discussion – James Wade
1. Update CES Administrative Models Draft
James provided a handout of the titles of the CE administrators by region, noting which
directors of extension are also carry the title Dean and report to the Provost or another
administrator other than a Dean of agriculture. This will be finalized after any corrections
and distributed at NASUGLC. It was suggested this also be shared with the new
administrators training December 12-14, 2006 in Washington DC. The National Program
Leaders at CSREES should also receive this information.
2. Dates for CES Master Calendar.
James provided a handout of a draft 2007-2008 list of regional and national meetings. Scott
suggested adding the (NACDP) National Association of Community Development
Professionals. In the fall of 2008 Galaxy at Indianapolis will have many associations
coordinating meetings at the same week, including ECOP.
3. National Extension Directors and Administrators Meeting
James provided a handout with the draft NEDA meeting February 6-8, 2007 hosted by
University of Maryland, UMUC Inn and Conference Center, Adelphi/College Park, MD.
Highlights of the agenda include creating public value with Extension, speaker is Dr. Laura
Kalambokidis, University of Minnesota. eXtension session and marketing and
communications in Cooperative Extension. Colien Heferan will present the President’s
budget (which is released on February 5th). We will use Breeze technology to broadcast to
potentially 250 off-site locations. “Rising above the gathering storm” presentation by Dr. C.
Daniel Mote, President, University of Maryland. Invited to speak is Dr. Gale Buchanan,
Under Secretary, USDA. Should we have a regional breakfast together on the second day?
New WEDA Website Demonstration – Lyla Houglum is the new web site for WEDA.
Washington State University staff helped design the site. Lyla and her staff at Oregon State
University will post to the new web site the appropriate documents for WEDA. Please review
your state specific information and/or report any corrections to Lyla. Linda Fox moved,
second by Karen, to request that Mike Harrington change the Western Ag Experiment Station
Directors web site to remove the page with outdated information under the heading “General Information” for Extension <> and replace it with
the URL to our new web site. Motion carried. Lyla will contact Mike as to the action which
we passed unanimously. Discussion about cell phone numbers on the web site. Request that
since some of the cell phone numbers are personal phones that those numbers be removed
from the public parts of the web site.
WEDA Dates for 2007:
 NASULGC 6:30-9:00 pm Monday, Nov. 13.
 Conf. Call in January 2007, tba, 3:00 pm start time.
 NEDA February 6-8, 2007, College Park, MD breakfast on second day
 Jointly w/ WRPLC in early March, it was suggested the week of March 12. Paul
McCawley, ID, is WRPLC chair. Doug will contact Paul about polling the attendees
for the dates in March and ideas for location.
 Conf. Call in May, tba
 Joint summer meeting July 16-18, 2007, Jackson Hole, WY. Unity of the summer
meeting is an issue. Significant restructuring of the meeting needs to occur. At this
point the agenda for summer 2007 is unclear in how to avoid schedule conflicts and
achieve unity. WEDA members who are also AHS members are unable to attend the
AHS meeting because of a direct schedule conflict. Frank Galey, WY is the program
chair of the local planning committee for July 2007 joint meeting.
 WEDA Fall meeting Tues., Oct. 23 – Wed. 24, Portland, OR (ECOP meets the week
of Oct 15) for the territories, we could use technology perhaps at the close of the
meeting, 3:00-5:00 pm. Can we use Breeze?
 NASULGC November 11- 13, 2007, New York, NY
Partnerships and Program Planning.
1. NRI Proposal Reviewers and Priorities for ’08 – Lyla Houglum
Extension reviewers were distributed recently via e-mail, please double check for
accuracy. Lyla will be seeking input on re-writing priorities for ‘08.
2. Plan of Work (POW)/Report of Accomplishments (ROA) Meeting with Admin Officers
discussed already, no new business.
3. CREATE 21 – Chuck Gay
The Farm Bill group and CREATE-21 groups are merged, working on FB language.
They will soon begin taking the concepts and start putting into draft FB language. A lot
of ground work through meetings in Wash DC with Bruce Knight, chief of NRCS. Refer
to Sept 15 email from Kirklyn Kerr, BAA. It is all conjecture regarding the 2007
accomplishment of the FB or if it will be pushed back to 2008. The chief economists at
the national level identify there will not be enough funds to move the FB agenda forward.
4. WEDA Liaison to FALCON – Lyla Houglum to FALCON.txt
Virgil Dupuis, Extension Director, Salish Kootenai College, MT, invited Lyla to Dec 3-5
FALCON meeting in Las Vegas. We should appoint a liaison to this group. Linda made a
motion that Doug Steele serve a three-year term, Glen seconded. FALCON is the
association for the 1994 extension First Americans Land Grant Collaboration and
Organization Network (FALCON). This meeting is coordinated with the agriculture
meeting, and the EIRP (now called Federally Recognized American Indian Tribes) which
also meets in Las Vegas on Dec. 2. Motion carried. By the way, there are 336 federally
recognized American Indian tribes Doug will
contact Virgil.
5. CARET Liaison to WEDA – Chuck Gay
Marsha Hollingsworth, MT, is who we nominated and western CARET and that was
approved by W-CARET. Doug is willing to fund her travel to March meeting of WEDA
with WRPLC. We could add her as a guest to our regional meeting and build our meeting
budget to include her registration costs. What to do about AHS resistance? It is
surprising we haven’t heard officially from AHS. Let’s wait. Ask CARET if they still
support Marsha as their liaison to WEDA? Each Director should talk with their AHS
member to seek their concurrence on a CARET liaison to WEDA.
6. WR Program Leaders Committee – Gerald Chacon
Three initiatives: partnerships & collaborations; urban; and energy. Gerald and Chuck
worked on building relationships in the House for the Energy bill. Consider forming a
Task Force and a focused agenda. We are going to have to continue to show relevancy to
the association of counties and to the Western Governor’s Association. Paul McCawley is
new chair, Roberta Rios will replace Gerald on WRPLC for NMSU.
7. Follow Up to Western Governor’s and WIR-NACo – Lyla Houglum
Handout of the WGA, their winter meeting is Dec 7 and 8 in
Henderson, NV. If you go to their web site you’ll see the agenda, priorities on workforce
and groundwater protection issues, among others. Friday is conversation with the Sec. of
Interior Kempthorne and Sec. of Ag Johanns. Excellent venue because it is very open and
informal for conversation with the Governors. Recommend that the Director from the
host state attend if possible as well as other Directors.
8. Engaging Council of State Governments – West
We should consider a longer conversation on how they can help us with an agenda. Refer
to our web site  for the links to the CSG and the calendar of meetings.
9. Lyla distributed the Western Extension Directors’ Assessments for FY07.
Since invoices have not yet been received, interest was expressed in having them identify
one total amount rather than dividing out the underfunding from last year. Doug will
work with the MT staff on this.
Agenda items to carry forward to NASULGC:
 Engaging Council of State Governments and NACo
 Awards of excellence.
Conclude Unfinished Business:
Two resolutions were presented, one to thank Karen Hinton and Mike Howell for hosting us at
University of Nevada Clark County office, the second resolution to wish Glen Whipple the best
in his role as ECOP Chair which begins following the NASULGC annual meeting in November.
Linda shared with the group the new WSU Master Gardener magazine and advertisement rate
sheet. You can subscribe on line at:
3:00 pm Adjourn
Minutes respectfully submitted by Linda Kirk Fox, Secretary, WEDA
November 2, 2006
Revised and approved November 13, 2006
C:\Documents and Settings\lkfox\My Documents\Western Region Directors\2006 Oct 23-24 Minutes Final (2).doc