2009-2010 Summary of Accomplishments WEDA Executive Director

2009-2010 Summary of Accomplishments
WEDA Executive Director
March 31, 2010
Below are the WEDA Executive Director’s objectives, strategies, and accomplishments for the
2009-2010 year.
Objective 1: Identify and provide initial leadership for major opportunities, potential
partnerships, and potential resources to support current Extension programs and/or
expand Extension programs in the West.
 Work with WRPLC to advance priority issues which may include urban Extension,
energy, climate, and water, diversity, and managing in tough times. Work with
WAAESD and WRDC to form and advance the Collaboration for Renewable Energy in
the West (CREW).
 Work with WEDA liaisons to identify and capitalize on opportunities for collaborations
with the Western Governor’s Association (WGA), the Western Interstate Region of
NACo (WIR/NACo), and the Council of State Governments-West (CSG-W) in support
of high priority issues identified by WEDA, in particular, energy, climate, and water
issues. Attend at least one of these organization’s annual meetings per year.
 Pass on to the WEDA potential funding opportunities for high priority issues.
 Continue work with the ECOP Priorities Task Force to update system wide priorities for
federal budget initiatives, AFRI funding, and eXtension communities of practice.
 Work with WEDA and ECOP to develop new national staffing model, including .25FTE
WEDA ED commitment for national work.
 With the WEDA Chair and Executive Committee, monitor progress on implementation of
the WEDA Strategic Directions.
 Met regularly with the Urban Extension Committee to address the charge given by
WEDA. Drafted several of the report appendices and edited the report that will be
presented to the Directors at their April 2010 meeting.
Worked with Mike Harrington and Don Albrecht and hosted the first CREW meeting in
Portland, OR last Fall. Edited a grant proposal to the Farm Foundation that provided
funding for a CREW conference in consort with the WGA Conference this summer. Met
with Don and the CREW Chair to develop plans for the CREW conference. Primary goal
of the conference is to connect LG Universities with the WGA on renewable energy
issues. We’ve used the WRPLC energy inventory conducted last year to identify potential
conference speakers.
Provided leadership for a conference call between CREW leadership and the leadership
of the High Plains CRD and Energy workgroup. Have attempted to develop additional
Western connections with the High Plains group. I participate in monthly High Plains
group and sub-group conference calls to identify potential connections to the West.
Arranged for Sara Mazze to participate in the WEDA meeting last Spring to introduce the
Climate Master Program. Helped Sara connect with Extension Directors when a state
expressed interest in offering the CM program. Successful in making connections to
arrange for a national webinar to introduce the Climate Master suite of programs to
Extension professionals. The webinar was so successful that a second one was scheduled.
Completed two regional energy surveys: one to identify questions coming to Extension
offices and how they were being handled; the second is the Inventory of Extension Energy
programs in the West. Both of these reports have been published on the WEDA website.
This completed the PNW DOE funded project. I continue to get requests and make
connections to the 3 projects that were funded through this grant: cold weather housing
(AK); ag bio-fuels (WA, ID); and energy conservation in various ag production systems
Met with two NIFA NPLs to lobby to include energy conservation and climate literacy
education in the AFRI project priorities.
I’ve met periodically with the Extension Diversity Catalyst team to provide advice.
Provided co-leadership with Jane Schuchardt for the National Managing in Tough Times
Initiative which produced MiTTNet, a database directory of Extension educational
materials from across the nation. MiTTNet has had over 32,000 hits since it was
introduced at the end of July 2009. From the West, CA and OR have been in the top 10
states to access MiTTNet. Co-planned and presented two national webinars to introduce
MiTTNet to Extension professionals, and co-presented the outcomes at the NEDA and
ECOP meetings in Florida. Am now working with the core planning team on
transitioning MiTTNet to other eXtension CoPs.
Meet periodically with WRPLC to provide guidance and advice. Worked with WRPLC
Chair to coordinate WEDA and WRPLC meeting agendas. Post WRPLC material on the
WEDA website.
Attended and presented a workshop on Extension’s response to Managing in Tough
Times at the WIR-NACo meeting. Worked with Jeanne Markell, Extension Fellow with
NACo, to get two additional Extension taught workshops on their agenda, and Scott Reed
on their Ag and NR Committee meeting agenda. Also attended the WGA annual meeting.
Continue to encourage WEDA liaisons and other Extension Directors to participate in
these meetings (also CSG-West) when they are held in the Director’s home state.
Review news release feeds and funding opportunities from USDA, NIFA, DOE, and other
agencies and forward those of interest to Directors in the West.
Collected and summarized input from the West for the Extension Priorities/Opportunities
publication. We hope to use this to influence future AFRI priorities.
Served with Glen Whipple on the National Staffing task force, assist in writing drafts of
the documents from that group. Continue to serve on the search committee for the new
National ED position. Provided information as needed to WEDA on the impact of the
new staffing structure and staffing requirements of WEDA.
Met with the NE Extension Directors and consulted multiple times with the Chair on
creating a NE Executive Director position. Shared documents from WEDA.
Collected and wrote information about WEDA’s priorities for eXtension CoPs:
Sustainable Living, Invasive Species. Worked with Craig Wood and Karen Hinton to
identify leadership for the Sustainable Living CoP which the West was asked to lead.
Objective 2: Provide a regional and national voice for the WEDA and provide support for
the WEDA organization.
 Maintain working partnerships with CSREES (NIFA), NASULGC (APLU), and
Extension and Experiment Station EDs by participating in meetings and conference calls
to represent and advance WEDA’s goals, priorities, and views.
 Participate in Executive Committee and WEDA meetings and conference calls assisting
the Chair as requested.
 Maintain an electronic repository for the products of WEDA by editing, updating, and
posting information and materials to the WEDA web site including meeting agendas,
minutes, and other meeting materials, directory, list serves, committee assignments,
strategic directions and implementation strategies, links to other related regional and
national groups, etc.
 Support WEDA members and represent the WEDA at special events and activities in the
West as needed and when external funding is available to do so.
 Participate in bi-weekly ED conference calls to represent the West. Also participate in
two face-to-face meetings with all APLU EDs annually.
 Meet with new NIFA staff to help them understand Extension’s mission and how we
operate within the context of the Land Grant university system.
 Periodically participate in ECOP and Budget and Leg conference calls as I’m available.
Participate in ECOP meetings only when they are attached to another meeting that I am
attending such as the NEDA conference. Prepare WEDA summary for ECOP meeting.
Meet with the WEDA Executive Committee and Chair to help plan meeting and
conference call agendas. Orient, cooperate, and work with WEDA Chair’s Executive
Assistant to help manage WEDA business. Seek and distribute meeting materials as
requested and edit meeting minutes. Participate in all WEDA meetings and work with the
Chair to provide requested follow up.
Monitor and update information and links on the WEDA website. Post meeting agendas,
minutes, meeting materials, and all reports. Update and post committee assignments and
mailing lists. Edit and post materials for WRPLC and other regional committees.
Welcome and mentor new Directors as needed. Consult with and respond to questions.
Work with Harriet Sykes in Mike Harrington’s office to monitor and update WEDA
electronic list serves and follow up on rejected mail. Also work with WSU to monitor and
update the WEDA CEO’s list serve.
Monitor and manage WEDA budget. Work with WSU staff to prepare and provide
regular budget reports to WEDA. Work with OSU on contract renewal and annual
contract extensions. Assist in following up on unpaid national and regional assessments.
Provide reports of accomplishment for WEDA at least annually and other performance
information for the WEDA Chair and the Executive Committee as requested.
Note: Overall time spent on WEDA work during the 2010 FY was 30%. Time spent on
renewable energy, managing in tough times, and urban Extension is in addition to this.
What are the priorities for WEDA ED for 2010-2011 fiscal year at 10% time (23 days)?