ASIA – Country: _______________________ WebQuest WebQuest Rubric Name_________________________ Section___________ Directions: Create an exciting, enlightening, and educational webquest for your Asian country! 1. Start by thoroughly researching the history, government, geography, society/culture, and economy of your country. Explore your textbook (readings, maps, charts) and numerous online resources (bookmark specific links that are helpful). Here are some examples/places to begin your research: U.S. State Department: BBC Country Profiles: World Data Analyst: CIA World Fact Book: Britannica: Culture Grams: 2. As you investigate your Asian country, set up a graphic organizer with notes and ideas about interesting cultural facts, key dates/events, geographical features, trade, industry, and other important details. Use a structured design or method that works best for you (creativity encouraged). 3. Analyze your observations – step back and think – what are your impressions? What about your country is truly fascinating and engaging? What characteristics and concepts would be beneficial and necessary for your classmates to remember and understand? How might you build a webquest and ask questions that encourage your classmates to discover, learn, and appreciate what your country is all about? Find a theme or issue to serve as the focus of your webquest. 4. In Word, begin creating your country webquest according the “Building Blocks” website: ( Introduction – present your country, the activity/lesson, set the stage, communicate your purpose Task – present your series of inquiries (25 questions/tasks) according to Bloom’s Taxonomy ( 10 Knowledge Inquiries 5 Comprehension Inquiries/Assignments 5 Application Inquiries/Assignments 3 Analysis Inquiries/Assignments 1 Synthesis Inquiry/Assignment 1 Evaluation Inquiry/Assignment **Help writing/creating questions:,, or the chart available in my classroom Process – List of resources to research and answer the task questions Evaluation – Compose a list of answers to your questions/tasks (will not go online) Conclusion – Summarize the learner’s achievements, encourage thinking beyond the lesson *SUBMIT to Mr. Reynolds for major grade* 5. Put your country webquest online (Ms. Miller). 6. Think of three countries in Asia you would like to learn more about. Complete those webquests and submit your answers to Mr. Reynolds (major grade). *This assignment will be completed in class the weeks of April 20-24 and April 27-30. You are not expected to research and work on this project outside the classroom during CTP testing (April 20-24). When CTP testing is complete, specific homework requirements related to this assignment will be presented in class/posted on Blackboard. Criterion Research → Graphic Organizer/Notes WebQuest adheres to “Building Blocks” example (follows directions) Introduction: clear understanding of purpose, activity/lesson, country intro Task: inquiries/questions and levels match directions above (see #4:Task) Minimum one inquiry/task involves listening to an audio file (linked) Minimum one inquiry/task involves watching an film/video (linked file) Minimum one inquiry/task involves using a photo/image with Photo Story or Voice Thread Process: sufficient, appropriate list of resources, guidance to accomplish tasks Evaluation: answers to task portion of webquest submitted on time Conclusion: summarizes the goals of the webquest, promotes higher level thinking On Task → readily involved and observable effort, progress, production Creativity (well-developed, adds originality to content, easy to follow) TOTAL (Out of 100 points): Poor 1 1 Fair 2 3 2 3 Good 4 4 Excellent 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 0123456 7 8 9 10 0123456 7 8 9 10 0123456 7 8 9 10 0123456 7 8 9 10 0123456 7 8 9 10 0123456 7 8 9 10 0123456 7 8 9 10 0123456 7 8 9 10 Deadlines: Research: Graphic Organizer/Notes → Due April 27 Country WebQuest (Word document) → Due April 30 Complete 3 Asian Country WebQuests (submit answers to Mr. Reynolds) → Due _________ Sites for audio and video files: National Public Radio: Frontline World: BBC Video & Audio: Fox News – Asia Section: CNN – Asia: Radio Free Asia (multimedia page): Aljazeera (YouTube video search): United Nations Radio: Public Radio International: