2014-2015 ENES Parent Handbook ELK NECK ELEMENTARY MISSION STATEMENT At Elk Neck Elementary School, our mission is to prepare students in a caring and secure environment to be college and career ready. We are here to instill the love of learning, inspire students to achieve their best, reduce achievement gaps, and promote behaviors of responsible citizens. We recognize that in order to achieve our mission, we must provide our students with a rigorous academic program that develops creative and critical thinking skills and an environment in which we will: * Provide for physical and emotional safety of our students and staff * Immerse students in learning opportunities to build skills and confidence * Plan and implement differentiated instruction that meets individual needs and respects cultural diversity * Strengthen relationships with families and the community in order to educate the whole child ANIMALS: Live pets may only be brought into the school with permission from the school administration with consideration to the educational benefit of the pet’s presence. A conscientious review of students’ pet-related health needs will be taken into consideration prior to approval of any pet’s presence in the school building. ART/MUSIC: Students in grades K through 5 are scheduled for formal instruction in both art and music under the direction of a certified teacher at least once each week. When students reach fourth grade, they may enroll in special instrumental groups or choral groups according to their interests and ability, provided they are working satisfactorily at their instructional levels in all other classes. Band and chorus participants are expected to be present during programs presented to parents throughout the school year. ATTENDANCE & TARDINESS: The Attendance Policy for Cecil County Public Schools will be sent home at the beginning of the year. Please read it in its entirety; however, it can be summarized this way: A student may be absent for up to five (5) days per marking period using a parent note upon his/her return to school. Although it is preferable to have a doctor’s note, a parent note reporting an absence due to illness will serve to excuse student absence(s). Once the student is absent more than five (5) days (without a doctor’s note), he/she fails the marking period and receives failing grades in all subjects. Students leaving school early (one and one-half (1½) hours before dismissal) will be considered absent for one-half day. Likewise, students arriving at school after 10:30 AM will be counted as having been absent for one-half day. Additions for Elk Neck Elementary School: If your child is able to work on school assignments that he/she missed during his/her absence, please phone the school by 10:00 AM so that assignments can be gathered and sent home by 3:40 PM. Please review the formal policy as it will add information to this basic review. 1 BUS TRANSPORTATION: Providing safe and efficient school bus transportation for our students requires the cooperation of everyone- students, parents, bus drivers, and school staff. The Cecil County Public School Department of Transportation has published a pamphlet titled, “Parent Guide for Pupil Transportation.” It is recommended that you read this pamphlet and discuss its contents with your child/children. A copy is sent home with the students at the beginning of the school year. The school bus driver is expected to enforce the regulations of pupil behavior while pupils board, ride, and depart from the bus. The driver may revoke the pupil’s bus riding privileges for one school day for failure to obey the rules. Repeated failure to obey the bus rules may result in the loss of bus riding privileges for more than one day. When a school bus is stopped to load or unload students and the bus lights are flashing, it is illegal to pass the school bus. This law also applies when the bus is in the loading zone at school. The school bus driver is expected to load and unload students at the assigned bus stop. Students need to be at the assigned bus stop 10 minutes before the assigned time. If students miss the bus, please take them directly to school. Please be advised that students may not ride a different bus for visitation/playtime with another student after school. Requests for a change in bus assignments will be granted only for daycare or emergency needs. SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION ARRANGEMENTS: Notes to the teacher/ office are requested for the following instances: 1. When you or someone else will be picking up your child from school. 2. When your child is to stay after school. 3. When your child is to ride the bus to another established stop (emergency purposes only). 4. Notes are required from both sets of parents if a student is going to another child’s house after school, whether by car, bus, or walking. If a student is not riding a bus home, the person picking up the student must report to the school office to sign out the student. Anyone not known by the office staff will be required to show photo identification (driver’s license). A minor may not come into the building for the purpose of signing out a student for dismissal. CAFETERIA: The cafeteria operates within the guidelines of the FEDERAL SCHOOL BREAKFAST AND LUNCH PROGRAM. Breakfast and lunch are served daily at Elk Neck Elementary. Students may purchase breakfast from 8:50-9:00 AM each day, and all homeroom classes are assigned a fixed 30 minute lunch time in the cafeteria. Students have the option of bringing a lunch from home and supplementing it with milk or buying a well-balanced meal prepared at North East High School and transported to our school. A monthly menu is printed for distribution to the students. The cafeteria prices for students this year are: BREAKFAST: $1.15 MILK: $.50 LUNCH: $2.50 Our cafeteria uses a computerized debit system. Each child will be issued a debit account number that he/she can use daily to purchase breakfast/lunch/milk. Parents may pay into their child’s cafeteria account by sending cash or a check with a note that it is to be applied to the child’s lunch account. Parents may also add to their child’s account through the Food and Nutrition link via www.ccps.org. Students may also purchase breakfast/milk/lunch with cash; however, using the lunch account option reduces the chances of lost money. Money will not be loaned to students. Letters will be sent home for the children with insufficient lunch accounts on Mondays. 2 The free and reduced breakfast and lunch policy for school children is provided under the FEDERAL SCHOOL BREAKFAST AND LUNCH PROGRAM. Application forms detailing eligibility for these programs are available in the school office. The information provided on these applications will remain confidential and will be used only for the purpose of determining eligibility. Applications may be submitted at any time during the school year. Students who are eligible for free or reduced price meals will also be issued a debit account number. The number will be entered into the computer each time the student goes through the serving line. The reduced meal prices for students this year are: BREAKFAST: $.30 MILK: $.50 LUNCH: $.40 Snacks may also be purchased. The price for snacks varies depending on the type of snack purchased, and the snack prices are the same for all students. Parents have the right to restrict the child’s purchasing of snacks. Please inform the school of your wishes in writing. In order for everyone to have a safe, enjoyable lunch, students are expected to remain seated, talk quietly with friends at their tables, raise their hands when they have questions or need help, and keep their area clean. CAR LOOP Providing safe and efficient arrival and dismissal procedures for our students requires the cooperation of everyone-students, parents, and school staff. Elk Neck Elementary School will continue with the car rider procedures for arrival and dismissal that have been established. The car rider loop is available for students who will be picked up every day or the same day each week. You should have received information regarding the car rider loop. If your child (ren) will be participating in the car rider loop this year, please fill out the appropriate information as we will be beginning this procedure September 8th. If you pick up your child occasionally or have a need to pick your child up from school before 3:40 dismissal, please park in the parking lot and continue to use the sign-out sheet in the main office. Safety of our children is our number one responsibility. SCHOOL COUNSELOR: Our school counselor is available throughout the school year at Elk Neck. He teaches classroom lessons and is also available to meet with individuals or small groups to discuss problems/concerns. Referrals may be made to the School Counselor by the parent, the teacher, an administrator, or the student. Parents may reach the School Counselor by calling the school office at 410-996-5030. CLASSROOM PARTIES: Elk Neck Elementary School allows three classroom parties per year. They are the Fall Festivities in October, the Winter Holiday Party in December, and the Valentine Party in February. Parent volunteers help to coordinate these parties. You may be asked to contribute to your child’s classroom parties. In lieu of individual birthday parties, the P.T.A. provides a monthly celebration for all children with birthdays during that month. They provide a cookie, ice cream, and a small surprise for each child. Items for individual birthdays will not be permitted in school again this year. We are thankful that our P.T.A provides for all children each month. All items for parties are to be store bought and “nut” free with ingredients attached due to student food-related allergies. Our school nurse will check items to ensure student health safety. CONFERENCES: If, at any time during the school year, you would like to have a conference with your child’s teacher(s), please feel free to call the school and schedule one. It is only through home 3 and school communication that the collaborative relationship can be established to guarantee the best efforts are being made for your child. The school calendar allows for one full day of conferencing in November, at the end of the first marking period. Teachers may also make an appointment to meet with parents in the mornings between 8:15 AM and 8:45 AM, during their planning periods, or on Wednesday afternoons after 2:00 PM. CRISIS EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM: As part of our county wide safe schools program, each elementary school is required to have a functioning crisis emergency response team. Elk Neck’s CERT team is comprised of a variety of adults in the building trained to perform the roles necessary in handling a school based crisis. Our CERT team works with the school system and other county emergency response agencies to provide for the safety and well being of our students in the event that these agencies would be necessary. As part of our preparedness program, Elk Neck conducts a variety of safe schools drills throughout the school year. DETENTION: Should it be necessary to ask your child to stay after school for the benefit of completing work or discussing a behavioral issue that occurred, Elk Neck will notify you and obtain your permission to do this so that you are aware that your child will not be returning home at the regular time and also allow you access to the school for the benefit of a parent conference. DRESS CODE: Student dress should be appropriate for the weather and the activity (i.e. sneakers for P.E., I.A. and directed play, jacket for cool weather, etc.). Student dress should not pose a health or safety hazard (i.e. flip flops), cause a classroom disruption, nor promote a prohibited item (alcohol, etc.). Please refer to the CCPS Dress Code printed in the CCPS calendar for additional clarification. DROPPING OFF & PICKING UP OF STUDENTS: When dropping off or picking up students, please park your vehicle in the front lot and walk your student into the building. An adult must sign-in tardy student(s) on the appropriate student log. For security reasons, all students and visitors must enter the building through the main entrance. On the occasion that someone else will be picking up your child from school, it is important that the person’s name be on the office information card as being allowed to fulfill that purpose. It is also important that you notify the office in writing as to who will be picking up your child and at what time you anticipate this to occur. We ask this because it is important that we know you are aware to whom we are releasing your child. In an effort to minimize classroom interruptions, parents that come to pick up their child will be asked to wait in the lobby. Your child will be called from the classroom to the office. EMERGENCY INFORMATION: In case of school closings or late openings due to inclement weather or other emergencies, the automated telephone system will contact your home. Local radio and TV stations may also provide this information. FIELDTRIPS: We recognize that there are many valuable learning experiences beyond our school walls. Our teachers regularly plan field trips that are integrated with their classroom lessons. A parent’s written permission is required for a child to participate. If a parent does not give consent, arrangements will be made for the child to stay in school with another class for the day. If a parent does not give consent for the trip and keeps the child home from school, it will be 4 considered an unexcused absence. Often students are charged a fee to help cover the cost of the transportation or admission. No child will be left behind for want of the trip cost. GUIDELINES FOR MAKE UP WORK, LATE WORK, AND RETAKES Cecil County Public Schools Board of Education recently revised regulations guiding steps for make-up work, late work, and the retaking of summative assignments for elementary grading and reporting purposes. This document will outline those changes for your student(s). Throughout the school year, circumstances will arise in which students need the opportunity to complete missing work or retake certain assignments. Make-Up Work Regardless of reason for absence, a minimum of two class days to complete make-up work will be allowed for each day of absence. Graded assignments will receive full credit if turned in within the allotted time. If assignments are turned in after the allotted time, 5% of the earned percentage score for each day beyond will be deducted. A grade of 50% is the floor. If the absence(s) occur at the end of the marking period, an incomplete may be issued. Late Work Regardless of reason, late assignments will be graded. Late assignments will receive a 5% deduction for each day after the due date. Late assignments will continue to receive a 5% deduction for each day not submitted until they reach the 50% floor. Work due the day of an absence is due on the day the student returns. Extra credit work to supplement a student’s grade will not be assigned or accepted. Retakes Students will have the opportunity to retake any summative assignment, regardless of the score on the first taking and/or of the reason. Summative assignment retakes will occur in accordance with the following criteria… o Students will take the same or comparable assignment. o Students can retake summative assignments once. o Students will receive the higher grade of the two assignments, not an average or combination of the two grades. o Students will retake the assignment within two weeks (10 school days) after the initial assignment has been graded and returned. Teachers will offer a time and location for retakes to occur. Teachers are not required to provide additional instruction between the initial completion of the assignment and the ensuing retake. Students should be encouraged to take full advantage of opportunities to demonstrate their mastery of content by preparing for and completing all assignments when initially given. 5 Cheating and/or plagiarism violate a basic understanding between student and teacher that work submitted is his/her own. If a student commits an act of academic dishonesty, she/he will receive disciplinary action but will be allowed to complete a retake of a comparable assignment for full credit. HEALTH PROGRAM: A registered nurse serves on a full-time basis as a resource for teachers, parents, and students. In the event that a student is too ill to remain in the classroom, he/she will be sent to the health room. The nurse or one of the secretaries will talk to the child, and if needed, take the child’s temperature. In the event of a serious injury, a persistent illness, or an elevated temperature, the nurse or secretary will contact the parent by phone. A child who has had a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or an asthma attack in the past 12 hours is best cared for at home. Periodically, the nurse checks the physical well-being of students, recording the condition of his/her eyes, vision, hearing, scalp, skin, and teeth. Concerns found during these screenings are reported to the parents. If you are financially unable to provide adequate medical treatment, call the nurse or the school office and you will be referred to the proper clinic or agency. MEDICATIONS: The Cecil County Board of Education’s medicine policy states that the school must have a form completed by the doctor for any medication to be dispensed at school; this includes both prescription and non-prescription medication. All medication must be stored in the school office or health room and be taken in the presence of school officials. Copies of this policy will be sent home with students during the first week of school. Medication forms are available in the school office. The entire Medication Regulation is available upon request or on our website at www.ccps.org . INFECTIOUS DISEASES: If certain infectious diseases are discovered, a student may be sent home so that proper medical treatment can be obtained as soon as possible and for the protection of other students and staff. IMPETIGO: If the area is properly treated and covered, the student may remain in the building provided a note from the doctor is brought to school. CONJUNCTIVITIS (PINK EYE): Students are excluded from school until eyes are clear or a note is brought in from the doctor stating that the condition is no longer infectious. RINGWORM OF SCALP: If the area is properly treated, the student may remain in school with a note from the doctor saying that the condition is no longer infectious. HEAD LICE: The student’s head must be thoroughly cleansed with a special shampoo designed to kill the lice. All other family members should be examined and treated if necessary. Clothing, towels, and bed linens used by the infected person must be washed in HOT water. The child must be free of both lice and nits before returning to school. The infected student must be treated a second time, 7-10 days after the first treatment. HOMEWORK: Homework should be reinforcement of schoolwork from that day or the previous days. It should never be used to introduce new material. Homework should last approximately an hour by fifth grade, beginning with several minutes in the first grade and increasing as the student gets older. Homework may be given each evening during the week, and may be assigned over weekends and holidays. Parents should endeavor to provide a quiet place for study and should see that the necessary materials are available at home. We suggest the students be free from interruptions and conflicting demands during the time required to complete homework assignments. Children 6 should be encouraged to stick to the homework task and receive help only when necessary. Parents should never do their child’s homework. It is the student’s responsibility to see that all necessary materials are taken home each day so that he/she may be able to complete the assigned work. The school building is locked at 4:30 PM each day, and the custodians may not be able to stop their work to let students back in the building. MEDIA CENTER: Our school has a full time media specialist. Students attend regularly scheduled media classes on a weekly basis. Selected books and materials may be borrowed from the media center. It is the responsibility of the students to care for the books and materials while they are signed out, and to return them when they are due. Please help your child (ren) with this responsibility. MENTOR PROGRAM: Elk Neck Elementary School has successfully completed five years of our mentoring program! We invite and encourage you to participate. Mentors volunteer an hour of their time on the same day each week to work one-on-one with and support students academically, socially, and emotionally. Information regarding our mentor program will be sent home at the beginning of the school year. This program is coordinated by our School Counselor and Assistant Principal. Any questions regarding this program, please contact the School Counselor or Assistant Principal at 410-996-5030. PARENT PARTICIPATION: We encourage all parents to take an active part in your child’s education. Your child’s education is enhanced by parental participation. Talk with your child each day about what is happening in his/her classes. Look over and help with homework assignments, but please, let your child do them. Read with your child every day. Read our school newsletter (available from the Elk Neck Elementary website) and respond to questionnaires and surveys. Become a member of Elk Neck’s P.T.A. Attend conferences and meetings. Chaperone class trips and attend school performances. Join our volunteer/mentor program. These are just a few ways that Elk Neck welcomes parent participation. If you are interested in other ways to become involved, please contact the school office or your child’s teacher. PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION: Our school has an active Parent Teacher Association. The minimal membership fees, along with the various activities and fundraisers it sponsors during the year, enable the P.T.A. to supplement funds for our school, amplifying our efforts to improve instruction and advance the welfare of our children. Our P.T.A. has traditionally sponsored numerous events throughout the school year. The P.T.A. meets monthly. Everyone is invited to attend these meetings and take an active role. Please read the school newsletter each marking period to find out the date, time, and location of each P.T.A. meeting. The PTA will also be asking parents to provide their email address which will be used only to communicate information about events and opportunities to get involved. 7 PHYSICAL EDUCATION/ INTEGRATED ARTS: Students in grades K through 5 are scheduled for at least one period of physical education and one period of integrated arts each week. In addition, each child will have directed play time with his/her classroom teacher each day (except Wednesday and the day he/she has a class with the P.E. or the I.A. teacher). Parent cooperation is requested concerning the student’s dress for P.E. / I.A. class. It is the student’s responsibility to wear sneakers and appropriate clothing on the day(s) he/she has P.E. / I.A. class. PRE-KINDERGARTEN: Elk Neck will provides pre-kindergarten for students who will be 4 years old on or before September 1st. Details for eligibility can be found on the Cecil County Public Schools website (www.ccps.org), or in the office at Elk Neck. Assignment to the A.M. or P.M. session is determined by the CCPS Transportation Department. The daily schedule for the pre-k program is as follows: A.M. Session: 9:00-11:50 (M, T, Th, F) 9:00-11:00 (W) P.M. Session: 12:50-3:40 (M, T, Th, F) 12:00-2:00 (W) PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES: School Psychologists serve the needs of the Cecil County Public Schools and our students. When requested by the principal, and with parent permission, they will administer individual tests to children, make recommendations to teachers and parents on their findings, and consult and meet with parents and teachers as the need indicates. This process generally occurs through the Special Education IEP screening process. REASONABLE SEARCH and SEIZURE: As allowed by Maryland State Law, the principal or the principal’s designee may search a student’s clothing, backpack, locker, or desk if there is reason to suspect that a student has items that may be illegal, prohibited, or stolen. RESTRICTED DISMISSAL/ CUSTODY: If there are special considerations regarding your child, please provide copies of court documents to our office. If and when there are changes to court documents, please provide an updated copy of the order as soon as possible since we are required to follow the orders as stated in the latest copy we have in our possession. Students with restricted custody arrangements will not be released to anyone other than the authorized person(s) named in the office records. For your child’s safety, all children must be signed out in the office by an adult if they leave school before the end of the regular school day, or if they are not riding the school bus. Please be aware that the school cannot legally restrict a non-custodial parent from picking up his/her child unless custody papers are on file in the school office. Also, for the protection of you and your child, the office staff may request identification before releasing any child from school. SPEECH/LANGUAGE SERVICES: A speech pathologist serves the children in our school. He/she is available to work with students weekly and to test students who have been referred through the special education process. Children who have been referred for speech services will not be tested or admitted to the program without parent permission. STUDENT BEHAVIOR: ENES realizes that part of our role as an elementary school is to help teach children to make good choices. Elk Neck employs a strong character education program that continually supports the many character traits that lead to good citizenship and productive lives. When a student experiences difficulty in making appropriate choices, this may result in a teacher/ student 8 conference, a loss of privileges, a note or phone call to the parent, a parent/ teacher conference, a referral to the office, a detention, or an out-of-school suspension. For more severe offenses, refer to the “Students Rights and Responsibilities” portion of the Cecil County Public Schools website. This information will soon be posted on the website and will take the place of the printed calendars that have been distributed in the past. Elk Neck will be going into our second official year of Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports program (PBIS) focusing on three behavior expectations--The 3 R’s: Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn. Teachers will be modeling the behaviors in the different settings in the school and working with students to know, understand, and show the behaviors at all times. All faculty members look for students displaying these behaviors at all times during the school day and giving students stamps in their Passports. Students’ names are entered in a drawing pulled as students reach 25, 50, 75, 0r 100 stamp milestones, and are allowed to choose from a menu of items as a positive reward for displaying respectful, responsible, and ready to learn behaviors. Elk Neck utilizes classroom behavior forms and office disciplinary forms that reflect PBIS and the language of our Character Education program. If one of these forms comes home with your child, please take the time to talk with your child about their behavior. Finally, please sign and return the form with your child the next school day. If you continue to have questions regarding an incident, do not hesitate to call the school to speak directly with the teacher or administrator named on the form. STUDENT DAY: Students may enter the building at 8:40 AM and wait in the cafeteria. We are unable to provide daycare service for students who wish to arrive before that time. They will then report to their classrooms at 8:50 AM. The instructional day ends at 3:35 PM. STUDENT INSURANCE: Applications for student insurance will be sent home during the first week of school. If you wish to purchase this insurance, please follow the directions on the packet, enclose your check, and mail it directly to the insurance carrier. STUDENT RECORDS: It is important that the school maintain accurate and current records on students. Please notify the school immediately if there is a change of address, telephone number, daycare provider, person to be notified in case of emergency, etc. When the student receives an immunization, it is a good idea to obtain a physician’s statement and send it to the school nurse so that his/ her health records may also be kept current. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY: One important educational goal is the development of individual student responsibility. In order to help students develop this quality and in order to preserve classroom time for the teaching/learning process, students should come to school each day prepared to learn. This means that they should have everything they need for the day: homework, projects, sneakers for P.E., musical instruments, money or lunch, proper school supplies, etc. Students should also be responsible for taking care of these items. ALL ARTICLES OF CLOTHING, SCHOOL BAGS, LUNCHES, AND SUPPLIES SHOULD BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME. A lost and found box is maintained at the school. Parents and students should frequently check this container for missing articles. In all cases, children are responsible for the safekeeping of their own personal possessions. It is not possible for a classroom teacher to keep a strict accounting of each child’s belongings within their classroom. Items not claimed at the end of the year are given to charity. 9 Students should not bring toys, games, or electronic devices to school. These items can be very tempting to other students, and they are much too expensive to lose. There is no time during the school day for students to use these items. Any such items brought to school will be held by the teacher or in the office until the parent can take them home. Use of a portable electronic communication device such as a cell phone on school property is subject to the following conditions: · Devices must not be displayed and must be powered off at all times during the school day or while aboard a school bus or other school-sponsored vehicle. Note: A communication device in the “vibrate” mode is not considered “off.” · A student may use a cell phone or other electronic communication device during or after a school-sponsored activity provided the administrator/supervising teacher/coach/bus driver grants permission. · The possession or use of cell phones or other portable electronic communication devices may not cause any disruption to the school setting. · At no time during the school day will permission be granted to use a cell phone or electronic communication device for socializing or other non-essential activity. · Cell phones with camera functions must not be used to take or transmit any image at any time, even if the use of the cell phone is otherwise permitted. Please refer to the CCPS Regulation (JFCM-RA): Use of Portable Electronic Devices by Students for further information or clarification. STUDENT SERVICES TEAM: As referenced in our mission statement, Elk Neck Elementary is dedicated to meeting the academic, personal, emotional, and social needs of students. Any student not meeting with success in any of these areas may be referred to the Student Services Team. This team is made up of teachers, administrators, the school nurse, the special education building coordinator, the school counselor, the school psychologist, and the pupil personnel worker. The team members suggest strategies to help the student to be more successful. If it is determined necessary by the team, a student may be referred for special education services or a behavioral or academic intervention plan may be developed. If a child has a diagnosed disability and does not qualify for special education services, a 504 eligibility meeting may be held. TEXTBOOKS: The school furnishes all textbooks. Students are responsible for the care and condition of all textbooks assigned to them during the school year. All assigned hard cover books must be protected with a book cover. If textbooks are lost or damaged while assigned to a student, that student is responsible for the replacement cost of the book. TRANSFERS: If you find it necessary to withdraw/transfer your child during the school year, please notify the office as soon as possible. This will give the teachers time to complete a transfer card for each child leaving. These transfer cards may be taken to the next school. Records must be mailed by us to the receiving school. We cannot release records to parents/guardians. VISITORS: When visiting ENES, it is necessary that you use the main entrance of the school. It is important that you report to the office, sign in on the visitor log, and if visiting a classroom, allow the office to notify the classroom of your expected arrival. Please make sure to display your visitor’s badge prominently and return the badge when you log out on the visitor’s sheet. 10 Prior to student arrival, teachers and staff plan and prepare for daily instruction from 8:20 until 8:50. If you would like to meet with your child’s teacher, please call in advance to make an appointment. If you stop in without an appointment, requests for time to speak with teachers may not be granted. Once students arrive and are sent to their classrooms and teachers at 8:50, we will not accommodate requests to speak to or meet with teachers. The CCPS expectation is that once students report to their classrooms, teachers should be focused on them, with instruction to begin promptly at 9:00. In case of an emergency, please speak to our office staff and they will assist you. VOLUNTEER PROGRAM: Elk Neck Elementary School has a very active volunteer program. We invite and encourage you to participate. Volunteers are always needed to work with students, assist teachers with clerical work, or work at home on classroom projects (bulletin board materials, flash cards, educational games, etc.) Information regarding our volunteer program will be sent home at the beginning of the school year. This program is coordinated by our Assistant Principal. If at any time you have questions regarding our volunteer program, please contact our Assistant Principal at 410-996-5030. WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE: Each Wednesday, all elementary students are dismissed at 2:00 PM. You will need to make arrangements to receive your child/ children at the earlier time each Wednesday. The earlier dismissal allows the staff time for numerous types of professional training activities such as collaborative planning, staff development, conferences, and School Improvement Team meetings. WHO TO CALL: Because of the complexity of our school programs, no one person knows all of the answers to all questions that may arise. To help you get the correct answer to your questions, you should call: Your child’s teacher or send a note to get answers to questions about the classroom, schoolwork, assignments, and/or classroom behavior. If prearranged with the teacher, e-mailing may be a convenient form of communication. The Principal or Assistant Principal when referred by the teacher, for a problem not solved by the teacher, for special assistance with your child’s learning or behavior concerns, with questions on general school policies and/or activities, and concerns regarding curriculum. The school secretary to report your child’s illness if he/she has a contagious disease, to request assignments for your child to do at home, or to get general information about upcoming events. The school nurse to ask questions about medications or other health concerns. The Central Office (410-996-5400) for answers to questions of a district-wide nature and for general information about our school system. The transportation department (410-996-5416) to discuss bus routes, bus stops, or other transportation concerns. This handbook highlights some important information for parents. Cecil County Public Schools produces a calendar each year that is sent home with students at the beginning of the year. It contains a wealth of information on various topics including some topics not addressed here. It is very important to read that document carefully. Copies of specific policies are also sent home with students at the beginning of each school year and throughout the school year as changes are made. If you are interested in reading other CCPS policies, please refer to ccps.org Board Docs. Please read these carefully and save them for future referenc 11 12