Chapter 2

______________________’s notes
Chapter 2:The Chemistry of Life
Section 2-1: Basic Chemistry
What is the basic unit of matter?
What are the three subatomic particles?
1. _____________________ (p+) – (_____) charge; weighs 1 amu
2. _____________________ (n0) – __________ charge (0); 1 amu
3. _____________________ (e-) – (_____) charge; 1/1840 amu
Section 2-1: Basic Chemistry
What subatomic particles are in the nucleus?
A. __________ & _________
B. Overall charge of the nucleus is ________________ (+)
What subatomic particles are outside of the nucleus?
A. _______________________
B. Electrons are constantly moving within orbits known as _________________.
What is the charge of an atom?
______________ because the number of protons equals the number of electrons.
Section 2-1: Basic Chemistry
What is an element?
Pure substance that is made of only _______ kind of atom.
Periodic Table Basics:
1. _______________________________________ = # of p+; number of e2. _______________________________________ = number of p+ & n0
Section 2-1: Basic Chemistry
What is an isotope?
A. An atom of an element with an ___________________________________________.
1. Isotopes are identified by their _______________________
2. Isotopes have the same chemical properties because they have the normal number of e-
These isotopes of carbon are named or identified by their different MASS numbers. All isotopes
of carbon have the same atomic number.
Section 2-1: Basic Chemistry
What are radioactive isotopes?
Isotopes that have a _________________________________________________.
What are radioactive isotopes used for?
1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. Used as a label or “______________________” to follow molecules as they move
through a cell.
Section 2-1: Basic Chemistry
What is a compound?
1. Substance formed by the chemical combination of ____________________________
2. The physical & chemical properties of a compound are different than the elements that
it is made from.
Section 2-1: Basic Chemistry
What are valence electrons?
1. e- found in the ______________________________________ of an atom
2. They are used to __________________________________________________.
Section 2-1: Basic Chemistry
What is an ionic bond?
1. Chemical bonds in which ___________________________________ from one atom
to another.
2. This makes one atom (________) and the other atom (________).
3. These charged atoms are called ______________, and they are attracted to each other.
4. Ionic compounds _________________________ in water.
Section 2-1: Basic Chemistry
What is a covalent bond?
1. Chemical bond in which ____________________________________ between atoms.
2. e- are shared in ____________.
1 pair = ________________________;
2 pair = ________________________;
3 pair = ________________________
3. Compounds that have covalent bonds are called __________________________.
4. _________________________________.
Section 2-1: Basic Chemistry
What are van der Waals forces?
1. The __________________________ between molecules when they are close together.
2. The feet of ______________________ use these forces to hang on to smooth surfaces.
Section 2-2: Chemistry of Water
What is cool about H2O?
1. It is the _________________________________________________ in living things.
2. Most chemical reactions occur in a ________________________________________.
3. It __________________________________ when it freezes.
Section 2-2: Chemistry of Water
What is polarity?
1. The _____________________________________________________ in a molecule.
2. The _____________________ atom of H2O is an ________________________.
3. The _____________________ of the molecule has a partial (_____________) charge
& the _____________________ has a partial (__________) charge.
4. All of the special properties of H2O are related to its _______________________.
Section 2-2: Chemistry of Water
What is a hydrogen bond?
1. It is the attraction between the partial (+) of one water molecule to the partial (-) of
2. H2O can form ___________________________ of these at once.
3. _______________________________ represent a H+ bond.
Section 2-2: Chemistry of Water
What is cohesion?
1. The attraction of H2O molecules to ________________________________________.
2. ____________________________ form between the molecules.
3. ____________________________ is caused by this.
Section 2-2: Chemistry of Water
What is adhesion?
1. The attraction of H2O molecules __________________________________________.
2. _______________________________ are formed between the H2O and the substance.
3. _______________________________________ is caused by this.
Section 2-2: Chemistry of Water
What is a mixture?
Two or more substances mixed together ________________________________.
What is a solution?
1. A mixture in which something is dissolved in H2O.
___________________________ = does the dissolving
___________________________ = gets dissolved
H2O can dissolve both ________________ and ___________ compounds.
Section 2-2: Chemistry of Water
What is a suspension?
1. A mixture in H2O in which the substances ___________________________.
2. Anything that says “_______________________.”
3. _________________________ is a suspension.
Section 2-2: Chemistry of Water
Dissociation of H2O:
H2O can break down to form __________________.
What is an acid?
1. Any substance that forms _______________________ in solution
2. _____________________ on the pH scale
3. Strong acids have a pH of ___________________.
Section 2-2: Chemistry of Water
What is a base?
1. Any substance that forms _____________________ in solution.
2. _________________ on the pH scale
3. Also called ______________________________.
4. Strong bases have a pH of _________________________.
What is a buffer?
1. Substances that _______________________________________________________.
2. Many are ____________________________________________________________.
3. Many _______________________________ act as buffers.
Section 2-2: Chemistry of Water
What is the pH scale?
A measurement of the ______________________________________________
in a solution. It is based on powers of 10.
Base: _____________ Neutral = ____________ Acid: ______________
Section 2-2: Chemistry of Water
What is a Buffer?
The pH of the fluids within most cells in the human body must generally be kept between
______________ in order to maintain _________. If the pH is lower or higher, it will
affect the chemical reactions that take place within the cells.
One of the ways that organisms control pH is through dissolved compounds called
_____________, which are weak acids or bases that can react with strong acids or bases
to _____________sharp, sudden changes in pH.
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What is organic chemistry?
The study of ______________________________.
What are carbon’s most important traits?
1. ___________________________________________.
This allows carbon to make ____________________________________ at once.
2. _____________________________________________________________________.
This allows it to form chains, rings, chains of rings, or a combination of all.
Section 2-3
What are the major elements of life?
____________________, ______________________, ___________________,
____________________, _______________________, ___________________
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What is a hydrocarbon?
The basic carbon compound. It is made of only ______________ and ______________.
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What are functional groups?
Compounds attached to carbon chains to give them special properties.
Hydroxyl (-OH)
Amino (-NH2 or
Carboxyl (-COOH or
Amino Acids
Amino Acids & Fatty Acids
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What is a macromolecule?
1. “Big” molecule;
2. _____________________________________________
are macromolecules
3. Made of individual subunits
What is the subunit of a macromolecule?
1. ____________________________. ______________ = one; ________ = part
2. ____________________ = two parts; 2 monomers joined together
3. ______________________ = 3 or more parts; 3 or more monomers joined
together; macromolecules are polymers
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What is polymerization?
1. Chemical process in which ___________________________________ to form dimers
& polymers.
2. A.K.A. _____________________________________ because ________ is produced.
Dehydration = ____________________________; synthesis = __________________.
Take away H2O to make something. Sometimes called ________________________.
3. It is an ____________________________ process because it takes energy & builds
new molecules.
4. ___________________________________ groups are used for this process.
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What is hydrolysis?
1. Chemical process in which the ____________________ between the monomers in a
polymer are ____________________.
2. A _____________________ molecule is used.
3. Hydro = _____________; lysis = __________; using water to break something.
4. It is a _____________________ reaction because energy is released and molecules are
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Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What are the four biomolecules?
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What is a carbohydrate?
1. Molecules that contain C, H, and O in a ____________ ratio (glucose = C6H12O6)
2. Carbo = __________________; hydrate = ______________
What is the monomer of a carbohydrate?
1. ____________________________
2. Mono = _____________________; saccharide = _____________________________
3. All sugars end with ____________________ (glucose, fructose, lactose, sucrose, etc.).
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What are disaccharides?
1. __________________________________________ joined together.
2. This is done by ____________________________.
3. ________________________ (table sugar) is an example.
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What is a polysaccharide?
1. _____________________ monosaccharides joined together through polymerization.
2. _____________________ & ____________________ are examples.
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What are the functions of carbohydrates?
1. ______________________________________ for cells, especially ______________.
2. ___________________________. Plants use __________; animals use ___________.
3. ___________________________. Plant cell walls are made of _________________,
the exoskeletons of insects & crabs are made of ___________________.
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What are lipids?
1. Compounds that contain C, H, and O, but _______________________________ ratio.
2. They are ___________, ___________, ___________, & ___________.
3. None are soluble in H2O.
4. They have no real monomer.
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5. A ______________________________________ is the form of a typical fat or oil.
Tri refers to 3 fatty acids; glyceride refers to glycerol.
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What is a saturated fatty acid?
1. The hydrocarbon chain only has ____________________ between the carbons (C-C).
2. It has the maximum amount of ____________________________ (saturated w/H).
3. Tend to be _____________________at room temperature (fats).
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What is an unsaturated fatty acid?
1. The hydrocarbon chain has _______________________ between two carbons (C=C).
2. It has __________________________ the maximum hydrogens.
What is a polyunsaturated fat?
1. The hydrocarbon chain has _________________________.
2. They tend to be ________________________ at room temperature (oils).
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Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What are the functions of lipids?
1. _________________________________ – fats in animals
2_________________________________________________________ (phospholipids)
3. __________________________________ (hormones). Many steroids are hormones.
4. ____________________________________________________ (waxes).
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What are proteins?
1. Arguably the most important biomolecule.
2. Proteins usually end with ___________ (insulin, hemoglobin, adrenalin, etc.)
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What is the monomer of a protein?
What are the parts of an amino acid?
1. __________________________________________ (center carbon atom)
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2. __________________________________________ (acid group)(-COOH)
3. __________________________________________ (-NH2)
4. __________________________________________ (H)
5. __________________________________________; this is a variable; there are 20
different R groups; 20 different amino acids
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
How are amino acids joined together?
1. By a ___________________________________ formed through polymerization.
2. The amino group of one amino acid is connected to the carboxyl group of another.
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What is a dipeptide?
____________________________ joined together.
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What is a polypeptide?
_____________________________________ joined together. Most proteins are
polypeptides made of at least 300 amino acids.
What determines a protein’s function?
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What are the levels of protein structure?
1. ____________________ (1o) – amino acid sequence; this determines the next 3 levels
2. ____________________ (2o) – the amino acid chains coils and folds
3. ____________________ (3o) – the 2o structure folds on itself
4. ____________________ (4o) – one or more polypeptide chains are added; a.k.a.
globular protein; hemoglobin is an example.
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What are the functions of proteins?
1. ______________________________________ – after carbs & lipids have been used.
2. __________________________ – microtubules & microfilaments give shape to cells.
3. _____________________________ – actin & myosin are used in muscle contraction.
4. ______________________________________________ – hemoglobin transports O2
5. ____________________________________ – many hormones are proteins (insulin)
6. ____________________________________ – antibodies are proteins
7. _________________________________ – these proteins regulate chemical reactions;
this is the most important function of proteins.
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
What are nucleic acids?
1. Compounds that contains C, H, O, N, & P.
2. _______________________________________________________________ (DNA)
3. ________________________________________________________ (DNA & RNA)
4. _______________________________________________________________ (ATP)
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
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What is the monomer of a nucleic acid?
What are the parts of a nucleotide?
1. _______________________________________ (either ribose or deoxyribose)
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________ (5 different kinds of these)
Section 2-3: Biomolecules
Basic Nucleotide Structure:
Basic ATP structure:
Section 2-4: Chemical Reactions & Enzymes
What is a chemical reaction?
1. Process that changes one set of chemicals into another set of chemicals.
2. Always involves _____________________________________________________ &
___________________ (left of the arrow)
________________ (right of the arrow)
The arrow means “_____________.”
Section 2-4: Chemical Reactions & Enzymes
What is activation energy (EA)?
Energy required to start a chemical reaction.
What is an anabolic reaction?
1. Absorbs ____________________; endergonic.
2. The energy is used to make _________________________.
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3. _______________________________________ is an anabolic reaction.
4. New molecules are built.
Section 2-4: Chemical Reactions & Enzymes
What is a catabolic reaction?
1. Releases ______________; exergonic
2. Energy is released because ______________________________________ are broken.
3. ____________________________ is a catabolic reaction.
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Section 2-4: Chemical Reactions & Enzymes
What is an enzyme?
1. Proteins that _____________________________________ by __________________.
2. Enzymes are _________________________; they are not used up during the reaction.
3. They are ______________________________; one enzyme per reaction.
4. Enzymes end with __________________.
Section 2-4: Chemical Reactions & Enzymes
Lock & Key Model of Enzyme Function:
1. Substrate = ________________
2. _________________________ =
place on the enzyme where the
work occurs. It is substrate
3. Enzyme-Substrate complex last
for a very short time.
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Section 2-4: Chemical Reactions & Enzymes
How do you control enzymes?
1. ___________________________________
2. _______________________________________; especially higher temperature
3. __________________________________________ – these block the active sites.
Changes in __________________ & _____________________ changes the shape of
the enzyme (__________________).
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