Explain the basic structure of DNA and the

*Explain the basic structure of DNA and the difference between DNA and RNA.
Discussion includes the nucleotide structure of DNA (nitrogen bases, sugar, and
phosphate). Discussion includes types of bonds found in the structure as well as the
relative strength of the bonds. Discussion includes the description of a double helix.
Differences include single-stranded versus double-stranded, different bases found in
each, function of both, and the differences in the sugars. Description written in the
student’s own words and contains no grammatical errors.
11 points
All the qualities of an 11 except there are grammatical errors.
10 points
All the qualities of an 11 except there are grammatical errors. Types of bonds OR relative
strength of bonds is not included.
9 points
All the qualities of an 11 except there are grammatical errors. Types of bonds AND
relative strength of bonds are not included OR the description does not include
discussion of what a double helix is.
8 points
All the qualities of an 11 except there are grammatical errors. Types of bonds AND
relative strength of bonds are not included AND the description does not include
discussion of what a double helix is. Alternative: ONE of the differences between RNA
and DNA is not included/not accurate.
7 points
All the qualities of an 11 except there are grammatical errors. Types of bonds AND
relative strength of bonds are not included AND the description does not include
discussion of what a double helix is. Alternative: TWO of the differences between
RNA and DNA are not included/not accurate
6 points
All the qualities of an 11 except there are grammatical errors. Types of bonds AND
relative strength of bonds are not included AND the description does not include
discussion of what a double helix is. Alternative: THREE of the differences between
RNA and DNA are not included/not accurate OR description of DNA does not include
ONE of the mentioned elements.
5 points
All the qualities of an 11 except there are grammatical errors. Types of bonds AND
relative strength of bonds are not included AND the description does not include
discussion of what a double helix is. Alternative: THREE of the differences between
RNA and DNA are not included/not accurate OR description of DNA does not include
TWO of the mentioned elements.
4 points
All the qualities of an 11 except there are grammatical errors. Types of bonds AND
relative strength of bonds are not included AND the description does not include
discussion of what a double helix is. Alternative: THREE of the differences between
RNA and DNA are not included/not accurate OR description of DNA does not include
THREE of the mentioned elements.
3 points
All the qualities of an 11 except there are grammatical errors. Types of bonds AND
relative strength of bonds are not included AND the description does not include
discussion of what a double helix is. Alternative: THREE of the differences between
RNA and DNA are not included/not accurate AND description of DNA does not include
ANY of the mentioned elements.
2 points
All the qualities of an 11 except the description not written in the student’s own words.
1 point
Section missing
0 points
*Explain the process of DNA replication, transcription, and translation.
Description includes complete discussion of DNA replication including ALL enzymes
needed to continue with process. Process detailed enough that the reader needs no
prior knowledge to understand the entirety. A diagram MAY be included to aid in the
understanding of the process. Transcription includes pertinent enzymes that are
involved in the process. Process detailed enough that the reader needs no prior
knowledge to understand the entirety. Translation includes all terms pertinent to
process including but not limited to peptide bonds, anticodons, tRNA, A,P,and E sites,
etc. All three processes written in the student’s own words and contain no grammatical
11 points
All the qualities of 11 except there are grammatical errors.
10 points
All the qualities of 11 except there are grammatical errors. One of the processes is
missing one sufficient detail to make it detailed enough.
9 points
All the qualities of 11 except there are grammatical errors. Two of the processes are
missing one sufficient detail to make it detailed enough OR one process is missing two
8 points
All the qualities of 11 except there are grammatical errors. Three of the processes are
missing one sufficient detail to make it detailed enough (OR one process is missing
three details OR two processes are missing two details).
7 points
All the qualities of 11 except there are grammatical errors. Three of the processes are
missing two sufficient details to make it detailed enough (OR one process is missing
four details OR two processes are missing three details).
6 points
All the qualities of 11 except there are grammatical errors. Three of the processes are
missing three sufficient details to make it detailed enough (OR one process is missing
five details OR two processes are missing four details).
5 points
All the qualities of 11 except there are grammatical errors. One of the processes is not
included OR cannot be understood given the summary provided by the student.
4 points
All the qualities of 11 except there are grammatical errors. Two of the processes are not
included OR cannot be understood given the summary provided by the student.
3 points
All the qualities of 11 except there are grammatical errors. All three of the processes
cannot be understood given the summary provided by the student.
2 points
All the qualities of 11 except the description not written in the student’s own words.
1 point
Section missing
0 points
*Discuss the different types of mutations and what occurs during them.
Discussion includes the various types of DNA mutations and their potential affect on
the individual (i.e. nonsense, missense, silent). Discussion includes how these mutations
occur and uses terms that explain in detail how they happen. Examples may be used to
aid in the discussion; submission written in a way that the reader needs no prior
knowledge to understand it. Discussion is free from grammatical errors and is written
in the student’s own words.
7 points
All the qualities of a 7 except there are grammatical errors.
6 points
All the qualities of a 7 except there are grammatical errors. One of the mutations or
their effects is missing sufficient detail to make it understandable to the reader.
5 points
All the qualities of a 7 except there are grammatical errors. Two of the mutations or
their effects are missing sufficient detail to make it understandable to the reader.
4 points
All the qualities of a 7 except there are grammatical errors. Three of the mutations or
their effects missing sufficient detail to make it understandable to the reader.
3 points
All the qualities of a 7 except there are grammatical errors. One or more of the
mutations AND their effects are missing sufficient detail to make it understandable to
the reader.
2 points
All the qualities of a 7 except the submission not written in the student’s own words.
1 point
Section missing
0 points
*Explain the idea of a retrovirus and how the process differs from a regular virus.
Process of making a retrovirus explained in enough detail for the reader to understand
it without prior knowledge. Appropriate detail provided on a regular virus and the
process of transcription so the comparison can be made to a retrovirus. The
submission is free from grammatical errors and written in the student’s own words.
5 points
All the qualities of a 5 except there are grammatical errors.
4 points
All the qualities of a 5 except there are grammatical errors. Description is lacking
sufficient detail for the reader to understand it OR the retrovirus not compared to a
regular virus (no mention of regular process).
3 points
All the qualities of a 5 except there are grammatical errors. Description is lacking
sufficient detail for the reader to understand it AND the retrovirus not compared to a
regular virus (no mention of regular process).
2 points
All the qualities of a 5 except the description is not written in the student’s own words.
1 point
Section missing
0 points
*Briefly discuss some of the ideas and techniques around genetic engineering and why it is
so controversial.
Description includes at LEAST 3 different ideas surrounding genetic engineering (i.e.
genetically modified foods, cloning, stem cells) and what they entail. The descriptions
of the techniques include sufficient detail for the reader to understand them without
any prior knowledge. The controversy is included with each technique and involved
presenting both sides of the controversy. The student’s opinion may or may not be
included in the submission. The description is free from grammatical errors and
written in the student’s own words.
6 points
All the qualities of a 6 except there are grammatical errors.
5 points
All the qualities of a 6 except there are grammatical errors. Two of the techniques and
their controversies described in sufficient detail; one of the techniques is lacking
sufficient detail.
4 points
All the qualities of a 6 except there are grammatical errors. One of the techniques and
its controversies described in sufficient detail; two of the techniques are lacking
sufficient detail.
3 points
All the qualities of a 6 except there are grammatical errors.
in the submission.
Only two techniques included
2 points
All the qualities of a 6 except there are grammatical errors. Only one technique included
in the submission. Alternative: submission not written in the student’s own words.
1 point
Section missing
0 points
*Explain Mendel’s laws concerning how traits are passed.
All 3 of the laws are described in sufficient detail so that the reader can understand
all three without any prior knowledge. Background knowledge includes the experiments
that led Mendel to develop his ideas. Hypotheses are also included as support for his
developing laws. The description includes no grammatical errors and is written in the
student’s own words.
6 points
All the qualities of a 6 except there are grammatical errors.
5 points
All the qualities of a 6 except there are grammatical errors. One of the laws is missing
sufficient detail to make it understandable.
4 points
All the qualities of a 6 except there are grammatical errors. Two of the laws are missing
sufficient detail to make it understandable.
3 points
All the qualities of a 6 except there are grammatical errors. All three of the laws are
missing sufficient detail to make it understandable.
2 points
All the qualities of a 6 except there are grammatical errors. Section is not written in
student’s own words.
1 point
Section missing
0 points
*Explain some of the special ways traits are passed (i.e. multiple alleles, pleiotropy, sexlinkage, and polygenic traits).
All four special ways in which traits pass are mentioned and described in sufficient
detail. Examples of each provide a description to aide the reader in understanding the
inheritances patterns. The submission contains no grammatical errors and written in
the student’s own words.
8 points
All the qualities of an 8 except there are grammatical errors.
7 points
All the qualities of an 8 except there are grammatical errors. One of the descriptions is
missing an example OR sufficient detail to understand the way it works.
6 points
All the qualities of an 8 except there are grammatical errors. One of the descriptions is
missing an example AND sufficient detail to understand the way it works OR two of
the descriptions are missing examples OR sufficient detail.
5 points
All the qualities of an 8 except there are grammatical errors. Two of the descriptions are
missing examples AND sufficient detail OR three of the descriptions are missing
examples OR sufficient detail.
4 points
All the qualities of an 8 except there are grammatical errors. Three of the descriptions
are missing examples AND sufficient detail OR four of the descriptions are missing
examples OR sufficient detail.
3 points
All the qualities of an 8 except there are grammatical errors. Four of the descriptions are
missing examples AND sufficient detail.
2 points
All the qualities of an 8 except there are grammatical errors. Description is not written in
the student’s own words.
1 point
Section missing
0 points
*Explain the role that chemicals play concerning genetic disorders.
Discussion includes the connection between alterations of DNA and genetic disorders.
Discussion includes different types of chemicals/radiation that can affect the DNA.
Discussion is written in the student’s own words and contains no grammatical errors.
5 points
All the qualities of 5 except there are grammatical errors.
4 points
All the qualities of 5 except there are grammatical errors. Either the connection between
DNA abnormalities and genetic disorders OR the different types of chemicals is
written in such a way that the reader needs additional information to understand the
3 points
All the qualities of 5 except there are grammatical errors. Either the connection between
DNA abnormalities and genetic disorders AND the different types of chemicals is
written in such a way that the reader needs additional information to understand the
2 points
All the qualities of 5 except the submission is not written in the student’s own words.
1 point
Section missing
0 points
*Discuss any 2 of the genetic diseases discussed in class and explain what type of genetic
disease they are.
Both genetic diseases are discussed in significant detail so that the reader can
understand them without any prior knowledge. Effort used to go outside of the notes
provided in class to enhance the disease description. Both include the type of genetic
disease they are with pertinent information regarding chromosomal versus DNA
mutations (if applicable). Discussion is written in the student’s own words and contains
no grammatical errors.
8 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors.
7 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. One of the diseases discussed
needs additional information for the reader to understand the disease in its entirety.
6 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. Both of the diseases discussed
needs additional information for the reader to understand the disease in its entirety
OR one of the diseases is missing the type of genetic disease it is.
5 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. Both of the diseases discussed
needs additional information for the reader to understand the disease in its entirety
OR BOTH of the diseases are missing the type of genetic disease they are.
4 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. Both of the diseases discussed
needs additional information for the reader to understand the disease in its entirety
AND one of the diseases is missing the type of genetic disease it is.
3 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. Both of the diseases discussed
needs additional information for the reader to understand the disease in its entirety
AND BOTH of the diseases are missing the type of genetic disease they are.
2 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. Submission is not written in the
student’s own words.
1 point
Section missing
0 points
*Explain disorders of the chromosomes (i.e. nondisjunction, translocation, and duplication).
All four of the chromosomal disorders are included (nondisjunction, translocation,
duplication, and deletion). The disorders are explained in sufficient enough detail that
the reader needs no prior knowledge to understand them. The descriptions are written
in the student’s own words and contain no grammatical errors.
8 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors.
7 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. One of the disorders is missing
sufficient detail to allow reader to understand it without prior knowledge.
6 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. Two of the disorders are
missing sufficient detail to allow reader to understand them without prior knowledge.
5 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. Three of the disorders are
missing sufficient detail to allow reader to understand them without prior knowledge
OR one disorder is missing completely.
4 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. All four of the disorders are
missing sufficient detail to allow reader to understand them without prior knowledge
OR two disorders are missing completely.
3 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. Three disorders are missing
2 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. The submission is not written in
the student’s own words.
1 point
Section missing
0 points
*Explain some of the technology used to detect a genetic disease during pregnancy.
At least 2 techniques are explained in significant detail (amniocentesis, chorionic vilis
sampling, ultrasound) so that the reader can understand the process without prior
knowledge. Details include steps of the process, types of diseases that are tested
with the test, invasiveness of the test, and time during pregnancy when the test is
performed. Discussion is written in the student’s own words and contains no
grammatical errors.
8 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors.
7 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. One of the techniques is missing
one of the details necessary.
6 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. Two of the techniques are
missing one of the details necessary OR one of the techniques is missing two of the
details necessary.
5 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. Two of the techniques are
missing two of the details necessary OR one of the techniques is missing three of the
details necessary.
4 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. Two of the techniques are
missing three of the details necessary OR one of the techniques is missing four of the
details necessary.
3 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. Two of the techniques are
missing four of the details necessary.
2 points
All the qualities of 8 except contains grammatical errors. The submission is not written in
the student’s own words.
1 point
Section missing
0 points