ECF Online Guide for brokers

Electronic Claims File
On-line guidelines for Brokers
Version 1.7
Author: Xchanging Ins-sure Services
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1. System Navigation
CLASS @ Lloyd’s Login
Access to the Class System
Claim Data Entry
Entering Policy Details
Entering Details Relating to the Claim.
Completing Original Signing Numbers & Dates.
Estimates & Settlement Screen
Signing Details
Completing Additional Narrative (if required).
Release of Transaction Screen
Claim Selection
Claim Synopsis Screen
Transaction Summary Screen
2. Logging Directly Into The IMR
Login Screen
System Unavailable Screen
Security Warning Screen
Homepage Search
Search Results Returned
Claim Summary Screen
Transaction Summary
Add Documents Screen
3. Response Scenarios
Query from Lead or XCS
Transaction Summary Screen – Transaction Now ‘Queried’
Viewing and Adding Narrative
Transaction Status After Agreement
Response Summary Screen
Transaction Summary Screen – Status of Complete
Response Summary Screen – Status of Authorised
IMR Transaction Summary Screen – Status of ‘AUT’
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This guide has been prepared to assist Brokers in creating Advice & Settlement transactions
via CLASS @ Lloyd’s and adding documents to the IMR, during the testing process and
beyond. Guidance will be given on the general functionality of the IMR, and to interpret
carrier responses emanating from Electronic Claim File (ECF) via CLASS and the IMR. It
should be read in conjunction with the Systems Processes and Procedures document which
is available from the Market Reform web site:
This guide is aimed at Lloyd’s Brokers, for entry via CLASS @ Lloyd’s, and subsequent
loading of documents to the IMR. The guide is up-to-date on the date of issue, and may be
subject to further changes & re-issued.
The first part of the guide concentrates on the CLASS data entry screens, and navigating
around the relevant enquiry screens to establish the claim status, and where to look for
carrier responses and comments.
The second section covers how to load documents
correctly to the IMR. Section Three covers the different response scenarios, with guidance
on query resolution and tracking the claim transaction through to completion.
A more in depth Xchanging ECF guide can be downloaded from the Market Reform website
above. It is aimed primarily at Syndicates and Managing Agents, but there is a section on
general repository functionality that will assist with additional actions not covered in this
It is crucial that the CLASS @ Lloyd’s transaction is created first, otherwise you will not be
able to attach the claim documents to a transaction on the IMR. It is the creation of the
CLASS record that will generate the claim area on the IMR.
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CLASS @ Lloyd’s Login
Access to the CLASS system
1. Log directly into CLASS via the URL:
Select the Company Market System
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Select menu item:
1 - LPC Production System for the Live environment
3 - Pre Production Environment for Testing.
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Enter your Account Code, User ID and Password.
Your internal Security Administrator will supply your Account code & User ID. Your
password when logging on for the first time should be entered into the ‘New Password’
field. It should be at least 5 characters, and no more than 8.
Subsequent access will
validate the password against the User ID, and the user will be given 3 attempts before
revoking access if incorrectly entered on the 4th attempt.
Your security administrator should be contacted to re-set your password if you receive
the message ‘User Not permitted to sign-on’.
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Select ‘CLASS - Electronic Claims’ by typing the number (2) of the menu item in the
box the cursor defaults to, or ‘Tab’ alongside the menu item in the box provided, key in
‘S’ and press the Enter’ key.
All subsequent menus work in this way.
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Select item 1 - Claim Data Entry
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Claim Data Entry
1. Enter UCR (Unique Claim Reference) - The reference (usually the Broker claim
reference) that will identify the claim for all advice and claim movements thereafter.
Format = B (Originator) 4 character Broker code & 12 character reference
(alpha/numeric) The UCR must not be the same as the UMR, otherwise you will
receive an error message on the next screen. It will be too late, and you will
need to delete the transaction and start again.
2. Enter the TR (Transaction Reference) - This identifies the movement number for the
claim (UCR). Format = B (Originator) 4 character Broker code & 12 character
3. Enter the Bureau type – S = Lloyd’s
4. Enter ‘N’ in LMP IND (Always key ‘N’ regardless of bureau type being entered) Tip –
If ‘Y’ keyed in the error the message ‘A CMR record does not exist or this claim’ will
be displayed on the next screen on completion of the UMR & pressing ‘Enter’.
5. Enter ‘Y’ in First Advice if this is the first transaction created for the UCR.
6. Enter ‘Y’ in Advice to Include Settlement if the transaction is to include a payment.
7. Only change the defaulted ‘N’ to ‘Y’ of Copy facility required if the UCR has already
been established for one of the other bureau types, and you wish to copy the high
level detail over.
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1. Enter UMR (Unique Market reference) – Ensure it is the correct reference relating to
the original Slip & OSND (Original Signing Number & Date)
2. Enter the Lead Syndicate’s numerical code in the Bureau Lead field.
3. Enter the code of Slip Leader. This should be entered as a 5 alpha-numeric field for
LIRMA companies (eg X9999), a 6 digit numeric code for ILU companies (eg 9999
99) and a 4 digit numeric code for Lloyd’s syndicates (eg 0009 or 9999 – leading
zeros must be entered). Please Note: This will ensure the correct slip lead is
established in ECF, allowing the Company or Lloyd’s Syndicate to have update
access rights to documents loaded by the Broker. If this field is not
completed, or the Company or Syndicate name is entered, then no Lead will be
given update access to claim related documents.
4. All remaining fields on screen that have ‘N’ in the default must not be changed.
Although CLASS @ Lloyd’s will support the functionality, ECF will not, as this
processing is currently out of scope.
TIP – Pressing ‘Enter’ on a blank screen will highlight in Yellow fields that are
mandatory in CLASS, but it is best to complete as much detail as you can to
ensure underwriters have the detail displayed in ECF.
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Enter as much policy detail as you can, making sure Broker policy reference/s completed are
Entering Policy Details
Enter as much policy information as you can, making sure that your broker references match
those held on your broker system, as it is easier to match these in your accounts department
when the Broker Signing Message (BSM) is received after signing and settlement takes
Tip: Pressing Enter on a blank screen will highlight in Yellow fields that are
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Entering Details Relating to the Claim.
The ‘Loss Date’, Loss date qualifier or Loss date narrative are mandatory. The default Loss
date qualifier is ‘L’ ‘Actual Loss Date’. More valid qualifiers can be obtained by selecting the
PF 1 function key (Help) shown at the foot of the screen. This will display a message inviting
you to press enter for field help. You will be given the option to select PF2 for ‘Field Help
selection list’ where you can select by keying an ‘S’ alongside the field named ‘date of loss
qual’ to obtain the list of valid qualifiers. Once you have selected the one you need, pressing
the PF3 function key will return you to the entry screen.
Tip – Pressing ‘Enter’ on a blank screen will highlight mandatory fields in Yellow.
Please Note: The loss date entered must be within the policy period, particularly
where there has been a mid term market change. If keyed incorrectly the error
message ‘There are no active companies on this signing’ will be displayed on the
signing details screen when the OSND (Original signing number & date) is entered.
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Enter the Original currency and the Outstanding (Reserve) amounts in up to three
When the transaction type you have requested is an ‘Advice’ you will be required to enter
only the Outstanding amounts (expressed as 100%) in up to three original currencies. If the
transaction is an advice the screen shown on page 20 will be bypassed.
Tip – The Outstanding qualifiers (shown as O/S Qual) can be obtained from the PF1
Help function as outlined on the Loss Details screen. It is only mandatory to have a
qualifier if no amount is entered, although there are qualifiers that can apply with an
The single character fields shown at the end of the amount fields are for showing a negative
or refund. This will be entered as ‘R’.
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Completing Original Signing Numbers & Dates.
If only one currency was established on the previous (Estimates) screen, only one OSND
(Original Signing Number & Date) is required for completion.
Please Note: The format of the Original Signing needs to be completed on screen
differently to what is displayed on the slip or the IMR (Insurers Market Repository).
The format of the Lloyd’s Original signing is for example 12345* 30 06 07. To enter
correctly above you will need to reverse the format completely i.e. 2007063012345.
Tip - If you do complete in the incorrect format you will receive the error message ‘There Are
No Active Companies On This Signing’
If there has been a mid term market change the correct Loss Date will need to be completed
on the loss details screen, otherwise, once the Original reference is completed and ‘Enter’ is
pressed the same error message as detailed above will be displayed.
Please Note: It is important that the correct OSND & Loss Date combination is used to
ensure the correct market is identified. If not XCS will reject it, as unable to process.
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Estimates & Settlement Screen
This screen will be displayed if the transaction type selected is a settlement. Completion of
the 100% settlement information is required in up to three currencies, plus the settlement
currency is required. You will not be given the screen shown on page 16 if you have asked
for the transaction to include settlement.
Please Note: The Loc Ref field should not be used, as this is currently out of scope of
ECF, although CLASS @ Lloyd’s will support it.
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Signing Details.
This screen will be displayed when the transaction created is a settlement, and CLASS will
automatically calculate the bureau cash (Lloyd’s total line) as this is held on the CLASS @
Lloyd’s database.
Please Note: It is important that you enter the correct OSND (Original Signing Number
& Date) otherwise XCS will reject it and be unable to process through XCS CLASS.
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Completing Additional Narrative (if required).
Tip - Narrative completed here will be displayed in ECF for the Lead Adjuster and XCS
prominently, and can assist in highlighting anything of importance or a particular document
that you wish to draw attention to.
The maximum number of screens allowed is 4, therefore, if another screen is required, entry
of a character on the bottom line will generate the next screen.
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Release of Transaction Screen.
If error messages were displayed in Red on any of the entry screens preceeding this, they
can be bypassed by pressing enter, but will not allow the REL (release) option shown above.
The screens containing the error/s will be listed and highlighted, and only allow you to return
to the first entry screen by selecting the PF7 key, or to SAV (save) the entry in error to revisit at a later stage and correct. Entries saved in error cannot be accessed by anyone other
than the Broker, and will not be released to the IMR.
Selecting REL will release the transaction ready for adding documents to the IMR.
Please Note: The CLASS transaction is key to creating the claim information folder,
allowing the related documents to be attached in the IMR.
Without creating the
CLASS transaction no claim folder will exist to attach claim documents to.
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Once you have created and released your CLASS transaction, you will need to monitor it’s
progress through ECF and know where to look to obtain the Lead Syndicate & XCS
agreements as they are made.
Select ‘Claim Enquiry’
Please Note: Once your CLASS transaction is released and ‘Awaiting’ it may take
several minutes for the claim area to be created in the IMR. The ‘Data-Pump’ operates
to retrieve the CLASS UCR/TR and pull it across to the IMR.
Syndicates and XCS receive a daily notification e-mail from Xchanging of all new
claim transactions created by brokers the previous day, and use this to trigger their
internal workflow systems. This gives the broker time to ensure all documents
relating to the claim and policy are loaded in time. The claim can however be viewed
via ECF by all syndicates concurrently as soon as you have released the transaction.
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Claim Selection
Key in the UCR and press ‘Enter’, but please note a partial reference search is not
Tip – You do not need to complete the Transaction reference. You will only be required to
enter the bureau type if the UCR you have entered exists in more than one bureau.
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Claims Synopsis Screen
If only one transaction exists for the UCR you will be taken to the ‘Claims Synopsis’ screen.
If more than one transaction exists for the UCR you will be navigated to the ‘Transaction
summary’ screen shown on the next page.
The message line (generated by CLASS) above the PF keys states the transaction is a ‘First
advice’, has ‘Narrative’ and is ‘Awaiting’.
Awaiting means the transaction requires a
Tip – An awaiting status means that you are still able to re-visit Data Entry to make any
alterations if needed to the transaction.
You can navigate to the Transaction Summary screen by selecting the PF13 = SUMM Key.
This will show the status of the transaction ‘at-a-glance’, as shown on the next page.
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Transaction summary Screen
Note: This screen will be displayed automatically if more than one transaction exists
when the UCR is entered on the Claim Selection screen.
This screen displays each transaction created for the UCR, with a snapshot of the Paid and
Outstanding figures. The Action status will show the progress of the transaction once
responses are made by the Lead & XCS via ECF.
The Awaiting’ status shown above means it is with the Lead for action.
Tip – If more than one currency exists for each transaction this display will only show the first
currency entered. If you wish to obtain further currency details in the same screen view
select the PF11=RIGHT key. The Currency field in the centre of the screen above ‘Payment
Amount’ will display GBP ( 1 0f 2) for example.
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You are now ready to load your documents to the IMR for the Claim transaction
released through CLASS @ Lloyd’s.
2. Logging Directly Into The IMR
Login Screen
The Pre-Production Repository when testing is
The Production Repository is
The Account Code & User Id will be the same for when logging on to CLASS @ Lloyd’s,
however, the password and account is not controlled by your CLASS administrator and is
activated by the Xchanging Service Desk. If you have not logged onto the IMR before the
Service Desk will set your password to ‘Password’.
Enter in the Account Code & User Id, in the section labelled H in the screen above, with
‘Password’ entered into the Password field. You must ‘click’ on the Login button.
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You will be navigated to a screen asking you to key in a new password twice and ‘save’,
where you will then be routed back to this screen to enter in your new password.
Insurers’ Market Repository
The IMR is currently unavailable.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
If you are accessing the IMR during the Supported Operational hours, Monday – Friday 07:00 – 19:00, the
Xchanging service desk will be aware of this problem and will be working to restore access to the IMR.
During Non-supported operational hours, the IMR will remain unavailable until the next Supported
operational time period.
For a progress update, please call the service desk on +44 (0) 870 380 0830
You can refresh your browser by clicking the Refresh button below.
If the problem persists, please contact the service desk on
System Unavailable Screen
If the system is unavailable, the screen above will be shown.
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Security Warning Screen.
After completion of your log in details this screen will be displayed. Always click ‘Yes’ or
‘Always’, as selecting ‘No’ will mean the application will not work correctly.
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Homepage Search
Key in the UCR using the full format, e.g. B0001BKREF (upper or lower case is permitted).
A partial reference can be entered allowing the search results to find similar UCR’s starting
with the same reference.
Click on the ‘search’ button.
Tip – The screen is split into three separate search area’,s and are independent of each
other. They cannot be used in conjunction with each other, e.g. UCR and Reinsured is not
The ‘wildcard’ search key for narrative searches is the % sign.
Carrier Code & Carrier Reference denote the Syndicate or Company market stamp number
and underwriting reference.
Following the search, the user will be presented with records to which they have security
access to. Access to others will not be available or visible to the user.
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Search Results Returned
Select the UCR by clicking on the link, and you will be taken to the Claim Summary Screen
shown on the next page.
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Claim Summary Screen
The Summary Tab is highlighted in white to show the screen currently being displayed.
Please Note: The claim information displayed in the IMR for the Broker will only
contain the high level detail of the claim, as the main CLASS information is stored
within CLASS @ Lloyd’s.
To obtain the claim folder where claim related documents are to be attached to the
Transaction created via CLASS, you need to select the ‘Transactions Tab’ to the far
right of the ‘Summary Tab’.
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Transaction Summary
To add a document into the Claim Related documents folder, click on the ‘Add’ option in the
blue title bar, and the ‘Add Documents’ screen will be displayed as shown on the next page.
Tip – The view of the UCR within the IMR is the ‘market’ view, therefore, will reflect the claim
as a whole. If the UCR has been created for the company market (ILU &/or LIRMA) in
addition to the Lloyd’s entr,y the screen above will encompass all bureau CLASS entries.
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Add Documents Screen
Click on the + button to the right of the File box. This will activate the desktop search, where
you can navigate to where your documents are saved. Double Click on the document you
wish to import, and it will show in the File box as per the next page.
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With the file name and path now showing in the File Box, you need to ensure that the
document is named correctly as per the SP&P (Systems Processes & Procedures Guide).
In the ‘Name’ field you can change the name, and will be how it appears in the claim folder
ensuring you use the correct format. e.g. 20071221 Fred Smith Letter.
Ensure the original document date is included, otherwise this will default to the system
generated date the document was loaded.
Click the blue ‘Create’ tab at the top right of the screen and the file will be imported into the
Claim Related Documents folder for the claim transaction, as shown on the next page.
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The Claim Related Documents folder is showing the newly imported file.
Tip - The green flag to the far right of the document denotes that it has been added in the
last 24 hours. A Red flag denotes the document has been modified in the last 24 hours.
Documents loaded can be allocated ‘classifications’ by the Slip Leader. These are the
document tabs shown after the ‘summary’ tab, starting Adjuster, Broker etc. This will allow
documents to be filed into the appropriate section if the Slip lead wishes to do this. The
Documents loaded by the broker and ‘filed’ in this way will always be visible in the Claim
Related documents folder.
The ‘All’ tab will show claim related documents relating to the whole claim, and keep in one
place all documents loaded to individual claim transactions. Please Note: It is not
recommended that documents are loaded in the ‘All’ tab that need to relate to a
particular transaction, as it will not be allocated to the transaction unless you
specifically select the transaction within the add documents function. This can be
easily overlooked.
To access the UMR Folder select the link next to the search button in the top line
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The UMR folder contains;
Slip Documents
Policy Documents
Misc/Historical Documents.
CMR – This folder is not used as the LMP protocols were never invoked.
Claims – a list of claims against the policy are shown within the Claims folder. If there
are more than 10 claims, press the ‘More’ tab to view list of claims. Alternatively,
select the claims title bar to display the list of claims.
An extract of the Original Signing Information is shown at the bottom of the page,
only if the premium was created using A&S.
Add documents into the slip and policy document folders in the same way that you
added the claim documents into the claim folder, unless your Broker is processing
premiums etc using A&S these folders will already be populated, and no further
action needs to be taken.
To get back to your Claim, select the UCR link in the claim folder.
Once you have added all relevant documentation relating to the Claim & Policy, it is
ready for agreement by the Lead Syndicate & XCS.
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3. Response Scenarios
Query from Lead or XCS
What do you do in the event of a query from the Lead or XCS ?
Go back into CLASS @ Lloyd’s via Claim Enquiry as before.
The Claim synopsis screen will show the status as queried. The Transaction Summary
screen (obtained by selecting PF13) will show the transaction status as Queried also, shown
on the next page.
To view the comments made relating to the query, select the PF18 = NARR.
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Transaction Summary Screen – Transaction Now ‘Queried’
To view the comments made relating to the query, select the transaction by typing an ‘S’ in
the select field next to the transaction. You will be taken to the ‘Claim synopsis screen’
where selection of PF18 = NARR will display the detailed request as shown on the next
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Viewing and Adding Narrative
The Lead comments will be shown as above, with any previously added broker narrative
reverting to Page 2.
In the instances where the Lead or XCS is asking for additional documentation to be added
to the IMR, you can do this, providing nobody else (co-lead or XCS) have responded. Only in
these instances can you request the Lead to remove the ‘query’ and action the transaction.
Tip – If you would like the transaction to be ‘refreshed’ so that it is re-generated onto the
daily e-mail file to Syndicates etc, and remove the transaction status of queried, you can go
back into ‘Data entry’ and key in the UCR, press ‘enter’ through all the screens without
making any changes and re-release. This will still keep the original queried comments the
Lead or XCS has made, but will ‘remind’ them in a more obvious way that the claim is
presented again for agreement. You can also provide information relating to the query onto
the additional narrative screen.
The Lead syndicate will be able to action the transaction as you have answered the query.
The status of the transaction will become ‘Part authorised’ as shown on the next Page
looking at the ‘Transaction Summary’ view.
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Transaction Status After Agreement
The status of the claim transaction after it has been agreed by the Lead syndicate.
Another way of viewing responses is to look at the PF24=RESP screen as this will show the
Lloyd’s market and the responses as they are made, and can be seen on the next page.
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Response Summary Screen
The ‘AUT’ is the agreement from the Lead Syndicate with The ‘NAK’ (No Acknowledgement)
from XCS, meaning they need to respond.
Now XCS will need to action the transaction. (although they can view the claim through ECF,
they are unable to agree it until the Lead Syndicate has done so).
Once XCS have agreed the claim transaction the status will be ‘Complete’ or ‘AUT’
(Authorised) as shown on the next pages.
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Transaction Summary Screen – Status of Complete
Both the Lead Syndicate and XCS have agreed, therefore, the transaction status is
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Response Summary Screen – Status of Authorised
Both the Lead Syndicate and XCS have agreed, therefore, the Response summary for the
market has ‘AUT’ by both, translating to ‘Complete’.
Please Note: XCS will now generate an XCS CLASS entry based upon the broker
detail, adding in the additional regulatory reporting required by syndicates, which is
subsequently sent to them the following day via the SCM (Syndicate Claims Message)
For settlement transactions XCS will generate the XCS CLASS entry where the TDN
(Take Down Number) will be allocated on the same day, culminating in the BSM
(Broker signing message) being sent the following day.
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IMR Transaction Summary Screen – Status of ‘AUT’
Looking at the IMR view, the Transaction status is ‘AUT’
Both the CLASS @ Lloyd’s status of ‘Complete’ and the IMR status of ‘AUT’ mean the same.
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For assistance with regard to the ECF on-line system, please contact:
The Xchanging Service Desk
Telephone: 0870 380 0830
Available: Monday to Friday 7am to 7pm
For guidance and further information about ECF please refer to the Systems Processes and
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