VENDOR REGISTRATION FORM FLOW CHART Page 2 of 10 VENDOR REGISTRATION FORM (Questionnaire) 1. COMPANY DETAILS Company Name (PT/CV/Firma/Koperasi): Status (Pusat/Cabang): Street Address No. tel fax email City State / Province Country Federal Tax I.D Number Title No. Tel No. HP email Business Classification-1 Business Classification-2 Business Classification-3 Business Classification-4 Instansi Penerbit Tanggal Terbit Masa Berlaku Contact Person : Akta Pendirian No Akta NPWP dan PKP No NPWP No PKP Bukti Pelunasan Pajak tahun terakhir nomor / tanggl Laporan Bulanan PPH/PPN tiga bulan terakhir nomor/tanggal Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) No SIUP Instansi Penerbit Tanggal Terbit Masa Berlaku Tanggal Terbit Masa Berlaku Kualifikasi Perusahaan sesuai SIUP Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP) No TDP Instansi Penerbit Neraca Perusahaan dan Laporan laba/Rugi .... tahun terakhir yang telah di audit akuntan publik Tahun Laporan Nama Akuntan Publik Sertifikat Keanggotaan KADIN No. Anggota Page 3 of 10 Surat Keterangan Terdaftar BPMIGAS (SKT Migas) No SKT Migas Tanggal Terbit Masa Berlaku Sertifikat ISO 9000/ISO 18000 No Instansi Penerbit Tanggal Terbit Masa Berlaku Bagi agen, melampirkan copy surat keterangan keagenan yang masih berlaku yang dikeluarkan oleh Departemen Perdagangan Tanggal Terbit Surat Izin Jasa Konstruksi (SIUJK) No Instansi Penerbit Tanggal Terbit Masa Berlaku Daftar susunan Kepemilikan saham (dibuat di atas kop surat perusahaan) Nama Pemegang Saham Terbesar Tempat/Tanggal Lahir Domisili Pemegang Saham Jumlah Saham (%, Nominal) Pengalaman dan Daftar Pelanggan Pelanggan-1/lamanya Pelanggan-2/lamanya Pelanggan-3/lamanya Pelanggan-4/lamanya 2. DETAILS OF OFFICES OR AGENTS ASIA Name of Office or Agent Tel Fax Email EUROPE Name of Office or Agent Tel Fax Email MIDDLE EAST Name of Office or Agent Tel Fax Email Page 4 of 10 USA Name of Office or Agent Tel Fax Email 3. DATA PENGALAMAN PERUSAHAAN (nilai 3 paket tertinggi pengalaman di bidang/ subbidang yang sesuai) NO Pemberi Tugas/ Pengguna Jasa Nama Paket Pekerjaan Bidang / Sub Bidang Pekerjaan Lokasi 2 3 4 1 Tanggal Selesai Menurut Kontrak Nama Alamat/ Telp Nomor/Tanggal Nilai Kontrak Berita Acara Serah Terima 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. Data Peralatan/Perlengkapan (hanya untuk jasa pemborongan) No Nama Kapasitas (output) saat ini Jumlah Merk dan tipe Tahun pembuatan Kondisi baik/rusak Lokasi sekarang Bukti Kepemilikan 5. Data Pekerjaan Yang Sedang Dilaksanakan (hanya untuk jasa pemborongan) NO Nama Paket Pekerjaan Bidang/ Sub Bidang Pekerjaan 2 3 1 Pemberi Tugas/ Pengguna Jasa Lokasi Alamat/ Telp Nama 4 Kontrak 5 6 No/Tanggal 7 Progres Terakhir Nilai Prestasi Kerja(%) Tanggal 8 9 6. FINANCIAL 5.1 Turnover for each of the last two years 5.2 Current Asset Value 5.3 Current Liabilities 5.4 Anticipated turnover this fiscal year Page 5 of 10 10 5.5 Banking reference 7. PERSONNEL ( no.KTP / contact no./ HP /Email ) 5.1 CEO 5.2 CFO 5.3 Sales Manager 8. FACILITIES 7.1 Number of employees 7.2 Average yearly production 7.3 List the work normally subcontracted 7.4 Systems and procedures used to monitor work and suppliers 9. PLANNING 7.1 What planning software do you use ? 7.2 Do you have a Planning manager as a separate function (YES/NO) 10. HSE POLICY & PROCEDURES 8.1 Provide tthe following statistics for the past three (3) years: Lost Time Incidence Rate (Incidentsx200,000/manhours) (Total Recordable Incidents = Medical Treatment Cases + Restricted Work Incidents + Lost Time Incidents) 8.2 Have you had any regulatory violations or prosecutions within the last 3 years ? 8.3 11. Have you any HSE certification or accreditation ? GENERAL 9.1 Have you supplied similar services/equipment corresponding to the above description ? before 9.2 Provide details of your work experience with JOB PERTAMINA – TALISMAN JAMBI MERANG, and other major contractors 9.3 In-house design capacity and manpower 10.1 Do you have a Quality Assurance Manual ? Page 6 of 10 10.2 Is your Quality System documented with written procedures ? 10.3 Do you have a list of approved sub-vendors ? 12. ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE 11.1 Does your company have a Code of Business Conduct and do they communicate the elements of the code to their employees ? 11.2 Does your company conduct periodic business ethics or other similar audits to assess conformance to the Company Code of Business Conduct, laws, regulatory requirements, company policies, and other customer contractual requirements ? 11.3 Does your company have a program and/or procedure for employees to report their concerns or any instances of ethical misconduct, while ensuring their confidentiality and protectin them from any kind of retaliation, if any, as a result of fulfilling their reporting obligations ? 13. REFERENCES 12.1 Provide details of a Client/Project reference 12.2 Client 12.3 Phone/Fax No. 12.4 Contact person 12.5 Title of Contact person ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED FROM SUBCONTRACTORS AND SERVICES PROVIDERS 14. INSURANCES 13.1 Provide details and values of your current insurance for 13.2 Employers Liability and Workmen’s Compensation (LIMIT $) 13.3 Motor Vehicle Third Party and Passenger Liability Insurance (LIMIT $) 13.4 General Third Party Liability (LIMIT $) 13.5 Equipment Insurance on all equipment owned or leased (LIMIT $) Page 7 of 10 13.6 Confirm that your Insurers will waive all rights of subrogation against PTJM and will name PTJM and their clients as additional insured (YES/NO) 15. DISPUTES/CLAIMS PENDING 14.1 Give details of any unresolved claims/disputes against clients 14.2 Give details of any claims or litigation pending against your company Neraca Perusahaan Terakhir per Tanggal …….. Bulan ……. Tahun …… (dalam ribuan rupah/satuan US$) Aktiva I Pasiva Aktiva Lancar IV Utang jangka pendek - Kas Rp. - Utang dagang - Bank Rp. - Utang pajak Rp. - Piutang *) Rp. - Utang lainnya Rp. - Persediaan Barang Rp. Jumlah (d) - Pekerjaan dalam Rp. Rp. Proses Jumlah (a) Rp. Utang jangka panjang (e) Rp. V Rp. Kekayaan bersih (a+b+c)- II Aktiva Tetap - Peralatan dan Mesin - Inventaris - Gedung-gedung (d+e) Rp. VI Rp. Rp. Jumlah (a) Rp. Aktiva Lain (c) Rp. Jumlah Rp. III Jumlah Rp. *) Piutang jangka pendek (sampai dengan enam bulan) : Rp. ……………… Piutang jangka panjang (lebih dari enam bulan) : Rp. ……………… _______________ Jumlah : Rp. ……………… Page 8 of 10 16. VENDOR’S BANK INFORMATION FOR WIRE TRANSFERS BENEFICIARY INFORMATION Vendor Name Vendor Number Address (Street/City/State/Zip/Country) Phone Number Tax Identification Number BENEFICIARY BANK INFORMATION Beneficiary Bank Name Address (Street/City/State/Zip/Country) Beneficiary Routing Information (SWIFT, Sort code, BSB, etc) Beneficiary Account Number Name of Bank Account Currency Special Insttructions INTERMEDIARY BANK INFORMATION Intermediary Bank Name Intermediary Routing Information (SWIFT, Sort code, BSB, etc) Intermediary Bank Address (Street/City/State/Zip/Country) Page 9 of 10 The undersigned verifies the accuracy of the information submitted and authorizes PTJM to obtain information from Supplier’s references, including financial and banking. The undersigned also understands that this is simply part of a registration prodess with PTJM and does not imply any intent on the part of PTJM. Company: ______________________________________________________ Materai Rp6000; Tanggal dan Cap Perusahaan Authorized Signature By: Name: ______________________________________________________ Title: ______________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________________ For PTJM Internal Use Only: Approved Not Approved Approved by Date Comments: Page 10 of 10