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Clarification of the General Education Requirement in Mathematics/Reasoning
Any student can pass the Math requirement if he or she passes calculus or obtains a score of 3 or
better for AP Calculus, AP Statistics, or AP Computer Science.
For students not passing the requirement in this fashion, one needs to know whether the student is
deficient in math when entering Binghamton. A student is deficient if she or he does not have an
85 on the Math Regents exam (or its equivalent).
If the student is not deficient, she or he need only pass one M course.
If the student is deficient, he or she must pass either Math 107 or Math 108, followed by an M
course, all taken for a letter grade.
M courses include any course in the Mathematics Department numbered 130 or above, any of
several designated statistics courses (ANTH 200, BIOL 458, CQS 112, ECON 366, PSYC 243, as
well as MATH 147), any course in the Computer Science Department numbered 120 or above
(except for CS 205), and PHIL 121, 122, and 200.
In addition to the formal written policy, specified above, the UUCC has had an informal policy of
allowing students to pass the math requirement with a B or better in statistics, even if they were
deficient in math at entrance and did not pass either Math 107 or 108.
Effective Spring 2003, this informal policy is discontinued by decision of the UUCC (10/22/02).
Deficient students who completed Statistics with a B or better at Binghamton University in or
prior to Fall 2002 will be “grandfathered” under the old informal policy, but all other deficient
students will need to pass either calculus or two courses -- Math 107 or 108 plus a designated M
Policy decision by the UUCC