I. Game Overview

Endless Worlds Game Document
By Trevor Melanson
Table of Contents
I. Game Overview
II. Story
III. Characters (Customizing, Leveling, and Classes)
IV. Battle System
V. The World
VI. Quests and Dungeons
VII. Items, Item Crafting, and Trading
IX. Death
X. Parties and Guilds
I. Game Overview
Endless Worlds is a game like no other. We have found original approaches to all
of the major aspects of an MMORPG: original gameplay, original graphics, and an
original story and world. We will, as well, constantly supply our community with new
content: events, stories, and of course, new worlds.
Endless Worlds will have unique and high quality 2D graphics. Gameplay, the
world and story, and other aspects of Endless Worlds will be explained and detailed in
this game document.
II. Story
Forget everything you think you know. Your world is a prison. As you grow
weak, so too will your bonds. Swallow hard, and let death liberate you. Sleep, and then
wake up. Wake up for the first in a very long time.
The light will sting your eyes at first. It is real light, not like the waning glow of
your yellow sun. Don’t worry; your eyes can handle it. Rest before you stand. Look
around you, and you will see and know the difference between real and unreal.
You will start to remember.
The Realm of Endless Worlds: this is where you stand. It is infinite in all manner
of speaking. But do not fear it; welcome it. You are free now. You are home. You are
awake. Be infused with this knowledge, for it is, as is all knowledge, power. The greatest
Death. Know that it does not exist. Death is an earthly lie. Time. Time is a lie too.
Even space is a rather superfluous notion. There is only one real dimension in The Realm
of Endless Worlds: power. Unbridled power. It is the means of transportation—the bridge
between one world and another.
You are still weak. You are still confused. But fear not, child. Answers will come.
Power will come too. This is only the beginning. Brace yourself.
III. Characters (Customizing, Leveling, and Classes)
There will be a few options for customization when you create your character. For
physical attributes, you will be able to choose your gender, and then your hair and face.
All Characters will start out with 100HP (Hit Points) and 100SP (Soul Power).
There are four stats: strength, dexterity, intelligence, and will power. At level 1, a
character will have 0 of each stat, but will start off with 5 stat points to distribute as the
player chooses. Every time a player levels their character, they are rewarded with 1 stat
point (and nothing more—no HP boost or anything). They can put this stat point in any
one of the four stats. Players gain experience from killing monsters (with a huge bonus
for bosses), and doing quests. Leveling will not be very fast. There will be no level cap,
nor will there be a stat cap. The stat points work as follows:
Melee Damage +1
HP + 10
Dodge + 1
Aim + 1 (for both physical and magical attacks)
Ranged Damage +1
Magic Power + 1
SP + 10
Will Power
HP Regain + 1
SP Regain + 1
All players will start out as the traveler class. At level 10, players will be able to
change their class if they choose to. The four new classes that will be made available at
level 10 are the following: the fighter, the tracker, the mage, and the cleric. The following
details each of the five classes (their skills, armor types, weapon types, and stat
preferences) and includes a general description.
Note: these descriptions only include the skills that a class starts with. Skills can be
acquired by other means such as quests.
The traveler is the class that all players start out as. They are a well-rounded jackof-all trades class. They can play the role of a tank, a healer, or a damager, however not
as well as the classes built for such a specific purpose (for example: a fighter can tank
better, a cleric can heal better, a mage or a tracker can damage more; however, the
traveler has the advantage of being able to do all of these things). At level 10, a player
can choose to change into another class, but it is optional. Traveler will remain a viable
class at all levels. They will be perhaps the most desirable choice for parties that don’t
need a specific role filled. Note: an upgraded traveler is renamed to wanderer (and the
outfit is changed a bit). A wanderer also gains the ability to dual wield daggers.
Armour Type: Light to start, and can be upgraded to medium with a quest at level 10
where the player becomes a wanderer.
Weapon Type: Daggers.
Stat Preferences: Being a jack-of-all-trades class, travelers benefit from all stats pretty
>Vicious Jab (10SP): A vicious jab that does 200% of your regular damage. This
is an instant attack, but has a 2 second cool down (the time the player must wait
for reuse).
>Heal (10SP): Heals the selected player for 20HP. +5HP is added to the healing
amount for every point of Magic Power the player has. Has a 2 second cast time.
>Resurrect (20SP): Brings the selected player back to life with 10% of their HP
and SP. Cannot be used on self. Has a 10 second cast time.
>Taunt (10SP): Forces the selected enemy to attack you. Cannot be used on
The fighter is the tanking class. A traveler can become a fighter at level 10 by
completing a quest. The fighter has the most HP, and can wear the heaviest armour of any
class. They can take a lot of damage. In turn, they deal out a mediocre amount: less than a
tracker or a mage, but a bit more than a cleric or traveler.
Armour Type: Heavy.
Weapon Type: Swords.
Stat Preferences: Strength is priority. It increases HP and physical damage. Dexterity is
second priority, mostly for aim. With no dexterity, the warrior will miss excessively at
higher levels. Will power is not a bad investment for faster HP and SP regain. A bit of
intelligence is the most optional, but a couple points in the stat wouldn’t necessarily be
>Taunt (10SP): Forces the selected enemy to attack you. Cannot be used on
>Brutal Strike (15SP): A brutal strike that does 300% of your regular damage.
This is an instant attack, but has a 2 second cool down.
>Block (5SP): Block the next attack, taking no damage from it. Only works on
melee attacks. Requires a shield to be equipped. Has a 5 second cool down.
>Charge (20SP): Increase movement speed to 200% for 10 seconds. Has a 30
second cool down.
The cleric is the healing class. They are, however, not incapable in other areas of
combat. Clerics are able to deal out a notable amount of damage (although less than any
other class in the game), and as a unique twist, use the second strongest armour type.
Armour Type: Medium.
Weapon Type: Maces.
Stat Preferences: Will power is the primary stat of a Cleric. Clerics do not blow their SP
as fast as a mage would, but they need to keep a constant supply of it. Thus, in the long
run, the SP regain of will power is more advantageous than intelligence, although
intelligence comes as a close second for priority (as it also helps increase healing power).
Some strength should be considered for HP increase, and dexterity is optional: aim is
really only necessary for damage, so it depends whether or not the player cares about
being anything other than a healer.
>Heal (10SP): Heals the selected player for 20HP. +5HP is added to the healing
amount for every point of Magic Power the player has. Has a 2 second cast time.
>Resurrect (20SP): Brings the selected player back to life with 10% of their HP
and SP. Cannot be used on self. Has a 10 second cast time.
>Righteous Bludgeon (5SP): A bludgeon that does 150% of your regular
damage. This is an instant attack, but has a 2 second cool down.
>Reverent Focus (30SP): Buffs the caster for 30 minutes. The buff adds 20% to
the strength of all healing spells the player casts. Cannot be cast on other players.
The mage is one of the two damage-focused classes. While mages can take out a
target fast, they can also be taken down fast. A mage must play carefully, and do his or
her best to take as little damage as possible. The mage has skills that allow for this.
Armour Type: Cloth.
Weapon Type: Staves.
Stat Preferences: Intelligence is the primary stats of the mage class. A mage can blow
obscene amounts of SP at a rapid pace. And of course, intelligence adds to magic
power—the damage the player will deal. Will power is a definite second for obvious
regain purposes, and then dexterity for aim’s sake. Spells have a much higher hit rate
than physical attacks and require less dexterity, but some at higher levels is still vital. A
bit of strength is necessary for more HP.
>Magma Blast (20SP): Blasts the target for 20 damage. Adds 5 damage for every
point of magic power the player has. Has a 3 second cast time.
>Resurrect (20SP): Brings the selected player back to life with 10% of their HP
and SP. Cannot be used on self. Has a 10 second cast time.
>Dark Storm (40SP): Player selects a location on the screen, and then does Area
of Effect damage over 9 tiles. Zaps all enemies on the selected 9 tiles for 10
damage. Adds 3 damage for every point of magic power the player has. Has a 5
second cast time.
>Ice Bolt (30SP): Hits the selected target for 5 damage. Adds 2 damage for every
point of magic power the player has. Slows the target’s movement speed and
attack speed down by 50% for 5 seconds. Has a 3 second cast time.
The tracker is a ranger class, proficient in bows. The tracker does not have the
Area of Effect abilities of a mage, but can damage a single target just as well, and can
also handle a few more hits.
Armour Type: Light.
Weapon Type: Bows.
Stat Preferences: Dexterity is first priority. It benefits their damage, aim, and dodge.
Strength is a somewhat distant second, increasing their HP. A bit of will power and
intelligence is a good idea too, especially since the tracker can blow his or her SP as fast
as a caster.
>Power Shot (15SP): A powerful shot that does 400% of your regular damage.
This is an instant attack, but has a 3 second cool down.
>Venom Arrow (20SP): An instant attack that shoots the enemy with a poisoned
arrow, damaging them for 5 damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds (does
damage 5 times). Adds 1 damage per tick for every level the player has beyond
level 1. For example, at level 5, the move would do 9 damage per tick, for a total
of 54 damage over 10 seconds. Has a 5 second cool down. Does not stack.
>Nature’s Bond (50SP): Buffs everyone in the tracker’s party, giving them all
+10% of their total strength, dexterity, intelligence, and will power for 30
>Hide (30SP): The tracker goes invisible for 5 seconds. Invisibility breaks if the
tracker takes damage or uses a skill. Instant cast. Has a 30 second cool down.
IV. Battle System
This section deals with how damage and resistance to damage is handled. It
covers melee damage, ranged damage, magical damage, and then defense, dodge, and
aim. But first, it will address the two most basic elements of combat: HP and SP.
HP: HP stands for Health Points. It is the amount of damage you can receive before
dying. HP increases with strength, and HP regain increases with will power. With 0 will
power, a player regains 5HP per second. Each point put into will power adds 1HP per
second. So if a player has 2 will power, they regain 7HP per second.
SP: SP stands for Soul Power. Whenever a player uses a skill, that skill drains a set
amount of SP. A player cannot use a skill if their SP is less than the cost of the skill. SP
increases with intelligence, and SP regain increases with will power. With 0 will power, a
player regains 5SP per second. Each point put into will power adds 1SP per second. So if
a player has 2 will power, they regain 7SP per second.
Melee Damage: Fighters, clerics, and travelers do melee damage. Strength gives +1
melee damage, and in addition, the weapon a player wields will have a base damage. If a
player has a sword with 20 melee damage, and has 10 strength, they have a total damage
of 30. Each attack, however, varies a bit in effect—there is a +/- 10% factor. Thus, that
player will hit for 27-33 damage, not counting the enemy’s defense, which, of course,
will have a negative effect.
Ranged Damage: Trackers do ranged damage. Dexterity gives +1 ranged damage, and in
addition, the bow a player wields will have a base ranged damage. If a player has a bow
with 20 ranged damage, and has 10 dexterity, they have a total damage of 30. Each
attack, however, varies a bit in effect—there is a +/- 10% factor. Thus, that player will hit
for 27-33 damage, not counting the enemy’s defense, which, of course, will have a
negative effect.
Magical Damage: Magical Damage applies to mages. It does not apply to their skills
(each skill has its own way of factoring in magic power), but rather to their regular attack.
Mages attack with weaker magic bolts when not using skills. The damage of these bolts is
factored much like melee and ranged damage. Intelligence gives +1 magic power, and in
addition, the staff a player wields will have a base magical power. If a player has a staff
with 20 magical power, and has 10 intelligence, they have a total damage of 30. Each
attack, however, varies a bit in effect—there is a +/- 10% factor. Thus, that player will hit
for 27-33 damage, not counting the enemy’s defense, which, of course, will have a
negative effect.
Defense: Defense is determined by equipment. Armour and headgear both have defense
values. The combined total equals the player’s defense. Defense works simply: every
point of defense is equal to one point of damage the player will resist. Example: the
player has equipment that results in a total of 7 defense. An attack that does a raw amount
of 28 damage will do 21 to them.
Dodge: Everyone has a base dodge of 5. Dexterity adds 1 dodge. The effectiveness of
dodge is relative to aim. The percentage difference between the attacker’s aim and the
defender’s dodge equals the chance to dodge. If the defender has 12 dodge (7 dexterity),
and the attacker has 5 aim (0 dexterity), the chance of dodge is 58%. Basically, the
attacker can be expected to hit the defender 5 out of every 12 attempts.
Aim: Everyone has a base aim of 5. See dodge to understand how aim vs. dodge works.
Aim and dodge apply to melee, ranged, and magical attacks, as well as to all offensive
skills. Non-offensive skills such as heal are unaffected by these stats, and will always
V. The World
The Endless Worlds world is one of constant expansion (from a development
point of view). The world is really a universe and it is endless, and appropriately titled,
The Realm of Endless Worlds. Updates, or “Chapters”, will be released as new worlds.
The first world will be Everfall—“Endless Worlds: Chapter I: Everfall”. It will have a
town, a dungeon, and a few other maps as well. Obviously each world will not be as big
as your typical MMO world, but it really does not have to be, since that’s not really even
the way our worlds work. A world is more like a very large zone, and has a specific
theme. Worlds really are endless, and thus there is no limit to the amount of chapters that
we can add.
Note: The size of each map (which will be separated with load times) will be determined
after testing.
VI. Quests and Dungeons
Generally speaking, each world will have one main dungeon (or perhaps a few
smaller, generally linked, ones). Each world will have a main quest that generally ties in
with the dungeon. The quest will more often than not have multiple steps. There will be a
few other smaller quests as well (although in no massive abundance such as in WoW).
Main quests will give a lot of experience, generally lead to a boss which will take
many players to down, and will have a worthy reward or choice of rewards. Rewards will
vary from items (of all sorts) to skills. There will be short quests that may only take 20
minutes, and there will be epic quests that span across multiple worlds (generally ones
tied in with item creation).
VII. Items, Item Crafting, and Trading
Items are dropped from monsters, bought from NPCs (Non-Playable Characters),
or bought from other players via an auction house.
Items in Endless Worlds can be separated into three categories.
>Consumables – Items that have an effect, but are consumed upon use. Example:
a potion or a torch.
>Materials – Materials are the ingredients used to craft items.
>Equipment – equipment is gear that is worn by a player, giving them increased
defense or damage and extra stats and/or other effects. All equipment has a level
Head—Chest—Hands—Leggings—Feet—Accessory (x2)—Main Hand—Off-hand
All weapon types are assigned a one-handed or two-handed value. Refer to the
number in the brackets.
Weapon types: Daggers(1), Swords(1, 2), Bows(2), Staves(2), and Maces(1, 2)
Armour types: Cloth, Light, Medium, and Heavy
Refer to II. Characters > Classes for information on which classes can use which
weapon and armour types.
Main hand: The main hand is for weapons. A weapon must be equipped in order
to attack a target. Weapons have a damage amount that stacks on top of a player’s
base damage. Some weapons may also have stat bonuses. One-handed weapons
have one jewel slot; two-handed weapons have two jewel slots. Has a quality
ranking to determine its upgrade cost.
Offhand: Offhand items may be used in conjunction with one-handed weapons.
Offhand items are generally shields. Shields give a massive defense boost and
possibly additional stats. There may be a few other offhand items (such as tomes
for clerics, etc). Offhand items have one jewel slot.
Head, Chest, Hands, Leggings, Feet: These items all have a defense boost. Most
of them will also give some additional stats (or possibly, but rarely, some other
effect). All these pieces have a jewel slot. Has a quality ranking to determine its
upgrade cost.
Accessory: Accessories are often like consumables that are used, but not
consumed. For example, one accessory may work as a torch; another may have
the ability to heal the player every 5 minutes. In some sense, they are like a skill
that has to be equipped. An accessory generally does not have a jewel slot, but
there are exceptions (such as an accessory that does nothing, but has a slot).
Item Crafting
Most equipment is crafted, as well as some consumables. After a piece of
equipment is crafted, it can be upgraded, and also enchanted with a jewel. Certain NPCs
will be able to craft certain items, and they will tell you what they require to do so.
1. Crafting a piece of equipment: This requires many materials that can be found
throughout the world(s). Some items may be available for purchase from NPCs or
other players via the market trader. Others, such a boss drops, may not be
tradable, and must be hunted for instead. A—generally large—fee is required to
craft the item once all of the materials are gathered.
2. Upgrading a piece of equipment: Upgrading a piece of equipment requires a
material or materials (although not many, and most are available from NPCs or
the auction house) and a fee (materials and cost vary depending on the item’s
quality ranking). Only weapons and armour can be upgraded, and up to a
maximum of 10 times. Every time equipment is upgraded, the price doubles for
the next level. Upgrading armour gives a 10% bonus to its defense; upgrading a
weapon gives a 10% bonus to its damage. Thus, getting an item all the way up to
level 10 would make it nearly twice as powerful (200% effectiveness)! Of course,
even getting a couple levels on a piece of equipment is very pricey.
3. Enchanting a piece of equipment: Enchanting requires a jewel and a piece of
equipment with a jewel slot. For a hefty fee (which is determined by the value of
the jewel), a jewel crafting NPC can embed your jewel, thus enchanting your
item. Jewels are much more varied in their effects than upgrades. As well, the
same jewel embedded in a headgear would do something different embedded in a
weapon, and so on. Jewels may give bonus stats, or they may do something more
obscure such as reduce the SP cost of a skill. Jewels can be removed from an
item, but are destroyed in the process. Also, jewels cannot be traded with other
players. They must be hunted for.
Each of these three processes adds to the title of the item. Let us say that we have
created a dagger called Jagged Cutter. Let us also say that we have upgraded it three
times. Lastly, let us say that we have embedded a Sapphire Jewel (which adds the effect
“Burning Rage”). The full title of the weapon would now be “Level 3 Jagged Cutter of
Burning Rage.”
Salvaging: Salvaging is a process which by a piece of equipment is broken down to its
original materials. All materials used in creating the item will be given back, as well as
the materials used in upgrading and any jewels. No money will be refunded. This process
can be quite expensive. There will be a salvager NPC in major cities.
Consumables: Consumables, such as potions, are also often crafted. Some consumables
are available for purchase, but others, especially uncommon ones, are often crafted. There
will be a material and gold cost—generally a modest one, but it really depends on the
quality of the consumable. It’s always good to craft consumables, even if you don’t need
them for yourself, as you can likely profit from them using the market trader.
Trading in Endless Worlds can only be done via the market trader. Removing
private trading removes opportunity for players to get unfair advantages: large
unwarranted money rewards.
Also, trading in Endless Worlds is very restrictive. Pretty much all valuables
cannot be traded; all equipment, jewels, and uncommon materials cannot be traded. Thus,
the market trader sells just common materials and consumables.
The Market Trader
As just mentioned, the market trader will have just common materials and
consumables. Here is how it works:
You will be prompted with an option to either buy items or sell them.
Buying Items: Items will be listed in alphabetical order (so that you can compare prices
on the same items). Their price in gold will be clearly displayed. If you buy an item, you
will pay the cost, and the item will be immediately dropped into your inventory.
Selling Items: To sell an item, just select an item (that does not say “Cannot Be Traded”)
and set a price for it. The item will stay up until it sells, or you take it down. If the item
sells, the market trader takes a 10% cut, and the remaining 90% is sent to the banker. The
banker will ask if you want to collect your money (if you have money waiting for you),
and you can select to do so. Note: the banker is only for collecting money made from the
market; it does not work like the bank in WoW, since there is no limit to a player’s
inventory space.
PvP in Endless Worlds is pretty open. PvP is blocked in towns, dungeons, and
other areas that we deem necessary. Most maps are, however, PvP enabled. There are no
rewards for senseless slaughter, nor is there a punishment for dying (if killed by another
player). Eventually, though, we will organize PvP tournaments, and these will have
As far as PvP balance goes, great effort will be put in to assure it. We want all
classes to have a fair chance against all other classes.
IX. Death
Death in Endless Worlds will not be overly harsh. Endless Worlds will be full of
overwhelming challenges, and death will be an expected part of the experience. Of
course, we don’t want players dying for the fun of it, so adequate consequences will be
When a player dies, they automatically lose 2% of their current level’s exp. They
will also be prompted with a message: “Your soul has been weakened, and you are losing
your grip on this world,” and the option to “Let go.” If you select “Let go,” you will be
transported to the Binding Stone of the current world that you are in with 10% of your
HP and SP. Otherwise, if someone is around to resurrect you, you can continue on
fighting (although you still take the 2% exp hit).
X. Parties and Guilds
Parties in Endless Worlds are limited to five people. You will be able to see the
HP and SP of everyone in your party. All exp earned is split evenly between everyone in
the party that is on the same map. That being said, players more than five levels apart
cannot party with one another (a level 4 could not be in the same party as a level 10).
This is to prevent abuse.
All members in the party will be able to loot items dropped from party kills. It is
up to the players to make loot distribution fair. There will be a party chat option.
Fellowships are a sort of pre-guild. They can be formed in the City of Adessa.
Fellowships can have a maximum of 10 members. The fellowship’s founder will be its
leader. Creating fellowships will have a modest monetary fee. Fellowships must be
named. The end of the name will be “Fellowship”. For example: Eternal Fellowship.
Guilds will become available in the second world. Guilds can have a maximum
of 20 members. Guilds must be upgraded from a fellowship, and accordingly, the leader
remains the same person. The fellowship must exist for a month before it can be
upgraded. There will be a monetary fee for the upgrade as well. The name will carry
over, only now the end of the name will be “Guild”. For example: Eternal Guild.