Psy101, National Cheng Kung University 1 課程大綱及進度表 開課系所 心理系 開課學年 99 學年 開課學期 第一學期 課程名稱(中文) 心理學概論(一) 課程名稱(英文) Syllabus for Introduction of Psychology (I) 課程屬性碼 課程碼 D810910 分班碼 課程對應系(所、開課單位) 教育目標(全名) 課程對應系(所、開課單位) 基本素養(全名) 課程對應系(所、開課單位) 核心能力(全名) 先修科目或先備能力 學分數 3 開課教師 Chun-Chia Kung, Ph.D. (龔俊嘉) e-mail 電話 (06) 2757575 #56508 Office Hours Tue/Thu 2-3pm, and by appointment 課程概述(中文、英文) Psychological Science gives students an enticing overview of contemporary psychological research. It develops psychological literacy by presenting the material in a way that is directly related to their lives. It shows students how culture and gender can affect the way they view the world. And it asks them to consider the difficult new ethical dilemmas stemming from advances in psychological research. Throughout the text, real world psychology icons point out Psy101, National Cheng Kung University 2 especially relevant examples, case studies important areas of applied research, and even potential career fields. Examples include how to deal with pain, whether childhood memories can be trusted, how to get better sleep, and how to maintain a long-term committed relationship. 教學目標 授課課程大綱明細 Academic integrity is one of the fundamental principles of a university community. Our university expects the highest standards of academic honesty from all students. Violations of academic integrity include the following: (1) peeking other’s answer during the exam, (2) unauthorized assistance on others’ exam, (3) plagiarism, and (4) any other serious violation of academic integrity as established by the instructor. If your academic integrity is not maintained on a test or the final report, you will automatically receive a grade of zero for that test or report, and you will be reported to your departmental office in accordance with NCKU academic integrity policy. Penalties can be severe. So please respect the dictum: “Honesty is the best policy”. Dates Readings Topic Notes 9/15 None How to get the textbook, course website (moodle), how to use the IRS, etc Remember your number for IRS and for the exams 9/17, 9/24, 9/29, Chapter Introduction 1 10/1, 10/6, 10/8 Chapter Research 2 Methodology 10/13, 10/15, 10/20, Chapter Biological 3 Foundations 9/22 midautumn festival Psy101, National Cheng Kung University 3 10/22, 10/27 First exam 10/29, 11/3, 11/5, 11/10, 11/12 Chapter The Mind and 10/29 first 4 Consciousness exam review 11/17, 11/19, 11/24, 11/26 Chapter Sensation and 5 Perception 12/1 Second exam 12/3, 12/8, 12/10, 12/15, 12/17 Chapter Learning 6 12/22, 12/24, 12/29 12/31 Chapter Attention and 7 Memory 1/5/2011, Chapter Thinking and 1/7 8 (first Intelligence half) 1/12 參考書目 Final exam Happy Semester’s end! Textbook:Psychological Science: Mind, Brain, and Behavior (3rd edition, 2009) by Gazzaniga, Halpern, and Heatherton Text Description: During the past decade, unprecedented advances in neuroscience have revolutionized the field of psychology, posing exciting new questions and reinvigorating classic lines of inquiry. In Psychological Science: Mind, Brain, and Behavior, brain scientist Michael Gazzaniga, former president of the APA Diane F. Halpern, and social and personality psychologist Psy101, National Cheng Kung University 4 Todd Heatherton integrate the latest findings in cognitive, social, developmental, personality, and clinical psychology in a text perfectly pitched to the undergraduate student. With coverage of cutting-edge research, an exciting interdisciplinary approach, and a talented author team, Psychological Science: Mind, Brain, and Behavior captures the dynamism and energy of contemporary psychology. 課程要求 If you have a pager or a cell phone, make sure that it is set to vibrate prior to entering the classroom…if it rings during class, I will get to answer it! And if you plan to leave early, please sit at the back to minimize affecting others. And please add Yun-Yun’s warning: bring those bottles/juices/food bags with you when you leave the room (instead of leaving it under your seat). Scores: (a) Tests There will be 3 exams during the fall semester. The dates of these tests are noted in the Course Schedule included below. Each test will be worth 100 points, and comprise 20% of your final grade. Each test will consist of 50 multiple-choice questions (2 points each). The tests will cover each section of the course independently, except the last exam, which will be cumulative. All test questions will come from lectures and readings in the textbook. Therefore, you MUST read the textbook in order to do the test well. 評量方式 (b) Quizzes Depending on the speed and the progress of content, we will have random quizzes during each course (and sometimes even at the beginning of each class). Therefore, you will need to attend the course, get your IRS (infrared response system) before the class starts, and use this IRS (按 按按)for response, in order to get your responses recorded and collected. Your test results will comprise 40% of your final grade, so do show up in each lecture to get this important 40%. Extra warning: if you get caught pressing the IRS for others, both of your scores for the whole semester will be zero-ed(被發現幫別人按鍵作答 者,兩者學期分數皆以零分計算). And if you Psy101, National Cheng Kung University 5 forget to turn in the IRS after exiting the course, we will also call your cell (so you have to fill out the cell phone number and email address, in case we need to reach you). If you make the IRS kit damaged or lost, you have to pay $2000 NTD for re-purchasing the item. So please beware of the consequence. (c) Research participation Every student enrolled in Psychology 101 is required to take part in psychological research currently conducted in the Institute of Cognitive Sciences. Through the doodle online booking system (you have to create a free user account at, participants will receive one extra point (to a maximum of 5 points) of the final grade for each experimental session. (d) Research summary Extra credit can be earned by writing a 5~10-page abstract of (at least) two articles from current (published in 2009 or 2010) APA journals, chiefly from Trends In Cognitive Sciences (TICS) and Psychological Sciences. Students who do well on this will be given some extra final grade. If, near the end of the semester, you find your scores are in the danger zone (50-59), please seriously consider writing one or two papers. Examples of past example of full (5) points is given in the moodle forum. You might notice that our total grades, when adding up, will exceed 100 points. This is primarily because in the past, there were students who desperately needed those extra points to be over 60 (or sometimes not even enough), while some others exceeded 100 (if adding everything). 課程網址 助教資訊 備註