Canada Small Business Financing Program (CSBF)

Key Government Contacts
Mr. Rick Mohorovich
Senior Business Consultant
Automotive and Advanced Manufacturing Investment Branch
Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
Trade and Investment Division
5th Floor, Hearst Block
900 Bay Street
Toronto ON M7A 2E1
Mr. Steve Haddon
Senior Business Advisor
Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
Ministry of Research and Innovation
180 Elgin Street, Suite 810
Ottawa ON K2P 2K3
613-242-3841 Toll Free
Ext. 233
Mr. Ken Hitchmough
Industrial Technology Advisor
Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) NRC – National Research Council
Ms. Ellen Yachin
Senior Advisor
Program Delivery Unit- Advanced Manufacturing Investment Strategy (AMIS)
Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
900 Bay Street
Toronto ON M7A 2E1
Mr. Leigh Davison
Sector Competitiveness Branch- Office of Aerospace
Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
7th Floor, Hearst Block
900 Bay Street
Toronto ON M7A 2E0
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Main Government Programs & Incentives
Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative (SADI)
Program Responsibility
Industry Canada, Government of Canada
Program Description
The Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative supports private sector industrial research and precompetitive development (R&D) in Canada's aerospace, defence, security and space (A&D) industries.
Industry characteristics for R&D in the A&D industries such as high development costs, long
development lead times and long payback periods, combined with the cyclical nature of the industry
and the fact that projects are high risk, make it difficult for the private sector to entirely fund an R&D
Through repayable project contributions, the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative will encourage
strategic research and development and leverage crucial private-sector R&D investment in the
aerospace, defence, security and space industries. SADI will foster collaboration between research
institutions, universities and colleges, non-profit organizations and the private sector. Supporting R&D
in the industry also enables Canada to attract global A&D firms and first class scientific and
engineering talent.
Eligibility Criteria
SADI is open to all Canadian companies in aerospace and defence (A&D) industries. The following
activities may qualify for SADI.
Industrial research: Planned research or critical investigation aimed at discovering new
knowledge, with the objective that such knowledge may be useful in developing new products,
processes or services, or in bringing about a significant improvement to existing products,
processes or services.
Pre-competitive development: The translation of industrial research findings into a plan,
blueprint or design for new, modified or improved products, processes or services, whether
intended for sale or use, including the creation of a first prototype that could not be used
commercially. Pre-competitive development may further include the conceptual formulation
and design of products, processes or services, as well as initial demonstration or pilot projects.
SADI is expected to invest nearly $900 million in five years, with funding to reach a maximum
of $225 million per year.
Contributions to SADI projects will equal approximately 30 percent of a project's total eligible
Repayment periods will average 15 years starting approximately one year after R&D has been
Program Type
Research and development, Financing
Contact Information
The Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative is administered through Industry Canada's Industrial
Technologies Office. Click here to download the Application Guide.
Derek Yue
Senior Investment Manager
Environment Technologies, Industry Canada
151 Yonge Street, 4th Floor
Toronto ON M5C 2W7
Tel: (416) 973-5159
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The Advanced Manufacturing Investment Strategy (AMIS) Program
Program Responsibility
Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
Program Description
The Advanced Manufacturing Investment Strategy (AMIS) program is a $500 million multi-year
repayable loan program intended to encourage eligible companies operating in Ontario to transform
processes and adopt leading edge technologies that will increase productivity and competitiveness.
This repayable loan program is interest free for up to the first five years and will provide loans for up
to 10 per cent of total project costs. No project will exceed $10 million in contributions from the
Eligibility Criteria
The Advanced Manufacturing Investment Strategy (AMIS) is open to all sectors. Projects must, over 5
years, create/retain 100 or more high value jobs or have a minimum total project investment of $25
million. Eligible projects must be situated at facilities within Ontario and undertaken by companies that
operate or will operate, by virtue of the project, in Ontario.
Note: The AMIS program does not provide loan funds to start-up companies, for business
restructuring, or regular capital reinvestment.
AMIS will fund the best investments in high quality projects that will yield the greatest results for
Ontario. If selected for funding, loan terms for the project would be negotiated on a case-by-case
basis subject to, among others, the following conditions:
Interest rates will be set at the Province's cost of borrowing for a comparable term plus 1%.
Loan amount will be up to 10% of total project costs, to a maximum of $10 million per
Interest on the loan may be forgiven for up to five years if a company achieves specified
Loans will only be made to financially established companies.
Please note AMIS is not an entitlement program, hence, companies that meet the criteria may not be
automatically eligible.
Miscellaneous/Other Information
Applications to the Advanced Manufacturing Investment Strategy (AMIS) program will be
sought through a competitive “Call for Proposals” process. Please check the Ministry’s website
for the latest round of closing dates. The program allows for up to three calls for proposals
annually over five years.
To download a copy of the Proposal and Business Plan Application Package click here.
Ministry of Economic Development and Trade staff is available for a no-obligation PreAssessment meeting prior to the submission of your application to provide feedback on your
proposal concept.
Program Type
Financing, business development
Contact Information
Advanced Manufacturing Investment Strategy (AMIS) program
Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
Sector Competitiveness Branch
6th Floor, Room 611A, Hearst Block
900 Bay Street
Toronto ON M7A 2E1
Tel: (416) 325-6867
Fax: (416) 314-7014
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Canada Small Business Financing Program (CSBF)
Program Responsibility
Industry Canada
Program Description
The Canada Small Business Financing (CSBF) Program, under the Canada Small Business Financing
Act, can assist small businesses in obtaining term of up to $250,000 to help finance fixed assets
needs. Qualified lenders make the loans (chartered banks, caisses populaires, most credit unions,
many trust, loan and insurance companies) and the leases are issued by participating lessors. CSBF
loans are not available for the purpose of financing inventory, working capital or existing debt.
Eligibility Criteria
Most small businesses starting up or operating in Canada – excluding farming, charitable and religious
enterprises – are eligible as long as their estimated annual gross revenues do not exceed $5 million
during the fiscal year in which they apply for a loan or a lease. Businesses may be operated as sole
proprietorships, partnerships or incorporated companies.
Under the CSBFA and the Small Business Loans Act (SBLA), a borrower’s maximum outstanding loan
may not exceed $250,000. Loan proceeds may be used to finance up to 90% of the cost of the asset,
including non-refundable taxes and duties. Lenders are obligated to take security in the assets
Under the CSBFA, borrowers may choose between:
Floating rate loans, where the interest rate fluctuates with changes in the lender's prime
lending rate over the term of the loan, but cannot be more than 3% over the lender's prime
lending rate; and
Fixed rate loans, where the interest rate is fixed for the term of the loan, but cannot be more
than 3% over the lender's residential mortgage rate for the applicable term
This 3 % includes an annual administration fee of 1.25% payable by the lender to the government. A
loan can be prepaid and/or the interest rate can be converted to a fixed or floating rate. The lender
may charge a penalty for the prepayment or conversion of the loan.
Miscellaneous/Other Information
The period during which a loan must be repaid will generally coincide with the expected economic life
of the asset being financed, up to a maximum of 10 years. Installment payments on the loan principal
must be scheduled at least annually, but monthly payments are usually called for depending upon
arrangements between the borrower and the lender.
Program Type
Financing, business development, Financing - capital assets
Contact Information
Contact the lender of your choice to find out more about the CSBFA.
For further details about the CSBF Act, the program parameters or the list of lenders, visit the
Industry Canada website: (Information aussi disponible en français)
Canada Small Business Financing Program Info line: (613) 954-5540 or 1-866-959-1699.
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Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC)
Program Responsibility
Canadian Commercial Corporation is a Crown corporation reporting to Parliament.
Program Description
As Canada’s international contracting agency, Canadian Commercial Corporation helps Canadian
exporters secure market access primarily in complex government-to-government markets. CCC builds
confidence in Canadian exports by giving the exporters the credibility of a Government guarantee of
contract performance that opens doors and leads to contracts with improved terms. The US
Department of Defense business represents two-thirds of CCC's contract billings. CCC also provides
export-related assistance and advice to small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
The following are some of the principal products/services CCC offers:
Business Leads helps Canadian exporters to identify and pursue qualified leads and to support their
international sales efforts.
SourceCAN opportunity matching
Market Access breaks down the barriers by giving foreign buyers and Canadian exporters access to
government-to-government vehicle that simplifies and streamlines the procurement process.
International prime contractor solution
U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) schedules submission service
U.S. Department of Defense prime contractor solution
NASA prime contractor solution
Export Contracting help exporters to close sales by securing the best possible terms and conditions.
Program Type
Export business development
Contact Information
Canadian Commercial Corporation
50 O'Connor Street, 11th floor
Ottawa ON K1A 0S6
Tel: (613) 996-0034
Toll-free in Canada : 1-800-748-8191
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Export Development Canada
Program Responsibility
Export Development Canada is a Crown Corporation that is financially self-sufficient and operates on
commercial principles.
Program Description
Export Development Canada (EDC) provides innovative financing, insurance and bonding solutions to
Canadian companies that export goods and services, or invest in other countries. In 2005 EDC‘s
services and deal structuring capabilities helped to facilitate $57.5 billion in transactions for nearly
7,000 Canadian companies. Approximately 90 per cent of EDC’s customers are small and mediumsized businesses.
The following are some of the EDC financing and risk management programs for Canadian companies
and their international customers.
For Canadian companies that export and for foreign customers:
Pre-shipment Financing
Foreign Exchange Facility Guarantee (FXG)
Security Compliance Loan
Foreign Buyer Financing
Equity Investments
Lines of Credit
Corporate Loan Syndication
Project Finance
Credit insurance for export transactions and Contract insurance for capital goods, service contracts
and projects:
Accounts Receivable Insurance (ARI)
EXPORT Protect
Performance Security Insurance (PSI)
Contract Frustration Insurance (CFI)
Political Risk Insurance (PRI)
Contract Bonding Services
Performance Security Guarantee (PSG)
Surety Bond (re) Insurance (SBI)
Program Type
Business development, export, financing, Financing - Exports, Advice and Consultation
Contact Information
Export Development Canada
151 O'Connor
Ottawa ON K1A 1K3
Tel: (613) 598-2500, 1-866-283-2957
Fax: (613) 237-2690
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Capital Leasing Pilot Project
Program Responsibility
Industry Canada
Program Description
The Capital Leasing Pilot Project, under the Canada Small Business Financing Act (CSBFA), assists
small businesses in obtaining capital leasing up to $250,000 for new and used equipment. Capital
leases are made directly by participating leasing companies (lessors). The Capital Leasing Pilot Project
was created to help small businesses access additional financing through capital leases, to finance new
or used equipment for the expansion or creation of their business.
Eligibility Criteria
Most small businesses starting up or operating in Canada – excluding farming, charitable and religious
enterprises – are eligible as long as their estimated annual gross revenues do not exceed $5 million
during the fiscal year in which they apply for a capital lease. Businesses may be operated as sole
proprietorships, partnerships or incorporated companies.
Capital leases may be used to finance:
new or used equipment necessary for the operation of a business
registration fee equal to 2% of the financed cost of the equipment, provided that the total
amount of the capital lease does not exceed $250,000.
the total outstanding balance of all capital leases made under the Pilot Project and of all loans
made under the CSBFA and the Small Business Loans Act (SBLA) cannot exceed $250,000.
Capital leases under the pilot project are not eligible:
if the cost of the equipment exceeds $250,000
if equipment for which the financed cost is greater than 100% of the cost of the equipment
if the financing is used for: real property or immovables; equipment that is the subject of a
conditional sale or a sale-lease back; and software related to the operation of the small
The imputed rate of interest (which is used to calculate the scheduled payments) cannot exceed
13.25% plus the Government of Canada bond rate for the term of the lease. This interest rate includes
an administration fee of 1.25%.
Miscellaneous/Other Information
Contact participating lessors to find out more about this pilot project. The list of the participating
leasing companies in the Capital Leasing Pilot Project is regularly updated on the Web site:
Program Type
Business Development, financing, Financing - capital assets
Contact Information
For further details about the CSBF Act, the program parameters or the list of lessors, visit the Industry
Canada website:
Canada Small Business Financing Program Info line: (613) 954-5540 or 1-866-959-1699.
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Ontario Commercialization Investment Funds Program (OCIF)
Program Responsibility
Ministry of Research and Innovation
Program Description
The Ontario Commercialization Investment Funds program intends to facilitate the commercialization
of technology derived from research and development performed in Ontario. The program provides a
grant to leverage seed capital for spin-off technology companies created by faculty, staff or students
of research institutes.
How the program works
A research institute or a group of research institutes, as sponsor(s), applies to the Ministry of
Research and Innovation for registration of a corporation or partnership as an Ontario
Commercialization Investment Fund corporation or partnership (OCIF).
The ministry reviews the application and related documentation. If approval is granted, a
registration number is assigned and a certificate of registration is issued.
The OCIF raises capital from eligible investors.
When an OCIF corporation/partnership plans to invest or has invested in an eligible business,
it will apply to the Ministry of Research and Innovation (MRI) for a certificate indicating that
the investment is an eligible investment and the amount of the grant available in respect of
the investment.
If approval is granted, MRI will issue a certificate stating that the investments or proposed
investments are eligible, and specifying the amount of grant available.
Eligibility Criteria
Please refer to the publication “A Guide to the Ontario Commercialization Investment Funds
Program” for a description of the following program elements. Click here to download the
Registration of an OCIF
Eligible investors
Eligible investment
Eligible business
Investment Certification
The Ontario Commercialization Investment Funds Program provides research institutions in Ontario
with an alternative source of the investment capital necessary to promote growth and create jobs.
Once a year, the OCIF applies to the Ministry of Research and Innovation for a grant, which is
calculated as 30 per cent of the amount of eligible investments. The maximum amount of grant
available to one or more OCIFs in respect of a particular eligible business and all businesses related to
the eligible business is $225,000 (maximum investment of $750,000).
Program Type
Research and development, financing, tax incentive
Contact Information
For information regarding eligible investments, eligible businesses or for an application for an OCIF
investment certificate, please contact:
John Marshall, Director
Economic Development and Innovation Directorate
Ministry of Research and Innovation
56 Wellesley Street, 11th Floor
Toronto ON M7A 2E7
(416) 325-6644
(416) 326-9654 (Fax)
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ecoEnergy for Renewable Heat
Program Responsibility
Natural Resources Canada
Program Description
The ecoENERGY for Renewable Heat program will invest $36 million over four years to: increase the
use of renewable thermal energy; help develop renewable thermal energy industry capacity; and
contribute to cleaner air by displacing fossil fuel-based energy use for space heating and cooling, and
water heating in Canadian buildings.
Incentives will be offered to the industrial/commercial/institutional entities to support the installation
of solar space and water heating. Natural Resources Canada estimates suggest the program will
support installations in about 700 buildings by 2011.
ecoENERGY for Renewable Heat will also help establish solar and geothermal (ground-source heat
pump) technologies in the marketplace by supporting the development of industry standards and
certification processes, promoting the adoption of these technologies by building codes and provincial
and municipal regulations, and training system designers, technicians and installers.
Eligibility Criteria
Active solar water and air heating systems that are installed in Canada qualify for the
Eligible buildings used in part for residential occupancy, the building must have a common
entrance and must either exceed 600 m2 in building area or have at least four (above ground)
storeys of building height.
Eligible systems must use only collectors accepted by the program.
Proposed systems that exceed a specified cost per square metre will undergo a technical
review before a Contribution Agreement is entered into and may or may not be eligible.
25% of the purchase, installation and certain other costs of a qualifying system (40 percent in
remote communities).
The maximum incentive is $80,000 per installation.
The corporate maximum incentive for multiple installations is $2 million.
In the case of for-profit applicants, the total project funding from all levels of government is
limited to 50 percent of eligible project costs.
Program Type
Contact Information
ecoENERGY for Renewable Heat
Renewable and Electrical Energy Division
Natural Resources Canada
615 Booth Street, Room 150
Ottawa ON K1A 0E9
Tel.: 1-877-722-6600 (toll-free)
Fax: 613-943-6517
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Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)
Program Responsibility
National Research Council Canada
Program Description
The Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) helps Canadian small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) meet technological challenges and build innovation capacity. The IRAP portfolio of
services has four main components:
Technology Expertise and Advisory Services
NRC-IRAP Industrial Technology Advisors (ITAs) provide customized technical and
business oriented solutions to SMEs clients at each stage of the R&D development process and
the innovation cycle.
Financial Assistance for R&D activities
Through its Research and Technology Development Activities program, NRC-IRAP
provides non-repayable funding contributions to Canadian SMEs interested in growing by using
technology to commercialize services, products and processes in Canadian and international
markets. NRC-IRAP also invests on a cost-shared basis for research and pre-competitive
development technical projects.
On behalf of the Government of Canada's Youth Employment Strategy Programs NRCIRAP delivers two initiatives that enable SMEs to hire recent post-secondary graduates with
specific skills and expertise to advance innovative programs:
- Internship Program with Innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
- Collaborative Research Internships Program
Extensive network to link entrepreneurs, R&D institutions, technology brokers and technology
transfer centres to those with knowledge and information about local sources of financing.
Link with more than 100 partner organizations in Canada's innovation system.
Eligibility Criteria
Canadian small or medium-sized incorporated business (500 employees or less) are eligible for
NRC-IRAP funds portions of project costs and reimburses salaries and labour fees through its Youth
Employment Strategy program and a Research and Development Activity program. Contributions are
targeted towards clients who can present a strong business case for a technology, demonstrate the
technical, financial and managerial capacity to take an idea from concept to commercialization; and
demonstrate a clear need for financial support.
Program Type
Research and development, financing, human resources and training, advice and consultation
Contact Information
Dr. Sam Stevens
Executive Director for Ontario
National Research Council Canada
Tel: 1-877-994-4727
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Ontario Innovation Demonstration Fund
Program Responsibility
Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation
Program Description
The Ontario Innovation Demonstration Fund (IDF) is a discretionary, non-entitlement funding program
to help companies in their efforts to commercialize innovative technologies in Ontario.
The Innovation Demonstration Fund (IDF) focuses on the commercialization and initial
demonstration of innovative technologies, processes and/or products.
Funding will be available for new and emerging technologies, with a focus on bio-based,
environmental and alternative energy technologies.
The funding is to be used for technology demonstration activities and pilot scale
Who May Apply
Companies with Eligible Projects that will be undertaken in Ontario, and where the project will result in
full-scale commercialization in Ontario may apply. Applicants must demonstrate how:
The proposed technology demonstration at the pilot stage will provide a competitive
advantage for Ontario or other significant benefits.
The technology, product or process is best in class and will lead to a globally competitive
business and market opportunity.
Following a successful pilot, the technology product or process will be moved into the global
50 percent of eligible costs from a minimum of $100,000 to a maximum of $4,000,000 per
project total.
Ministry funding limit is $2,000,000 per year, per project.
Financial Assistance from $100,000 up to $300,000 will take the form of a secured noninterest bearing forgivable loan. The loan may be forgiven at the end of a term depending on
performance targets achieved.
Financial Assistance between $300,000 and $4,000,000 may take the form of one of the
following funding vehicles: Non-interest Bearing Secured Forgivable Loan; Secured Repayable
Loans; Secured Incentive Term; Royalty Agreements; and Equity participation.
Miscellaneous/Other Information
Proposals can be submitted on an ongoing basis.
Applicants must submit a completed application form and business plan.
Rigorous due diligence will be undertaken to assess the applicant’s business case as well as
the applicant’s technological, managerial and financial ability to achieve the stated objectives
of the program and the project.
The Ministry shall determine the funding mechanism and the precise terms relating thereto
including the degree of forgiveness in any loan structure and taking into account various
factors which include but are not limited to: The extent to which the Ontario contribution
maximizes the likelihood of success for the project; Stage of the company (i.e. start-up, small
or medium sized enterprise, large company); The extent to which the Project meets the goals
of the IDF; Ministry investment required to complete the project; and Likelihood of project and
business success.
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To download the Ontario Innovation Demonstration Fund Program Guidelines, Application Form and
Business Plan Guide click here.
Program Type
Commercialization, research and development, financing
Contact Information
Innovation Demonstration Fund
Ministry of Research and Innovation
Commercialization Branch
11th Floor, 56 Wellesley Street West
Toronto ON M7A 2E7
Tel: (416) 326-9658
Fax: (416) 314-0680
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Ontario Innovation Tax Credit (OITC)
Program Responsibility
Ontario Ministry of Revenue
Program Description
The OITC is a 10% refundable tax credit for corporations that make expenditures on scientific research
& experimental development (SR&ED) carried on in Ontario.
Eligibility Criteria
The credit is available to all public and private corporations with permanent establishments in Ontario.
Only expenditures for scientific research & experimental development carried on in Ontario, for which
the taxpayer is eligible for federal (SR & ED) investment tax credit, qualify for the OITC.
The OITC is calculated at 10% of qualifying expenditures
Maximum claim is $200,000 per taxation year
Qualifying expenditures are 100% of current expenses such as salaries and wages, and 40%
of capital expenditures; OITC is available on qualifying SR&ED expenditures to a maximum of
$2 million annually
Miscellaneous/Other Information
To claim the OITC, corporations must complete the OITC claim form, file the Ontario corporate tax
return (CT23 or CT8) and enter the amount on line 191. To ensure quick identification of the claim,
provide a copy of the related federal schedules (T2 SCH 31 and T661).
Program Type
Research and development, Tax Credits
Contact Information
Ministry of Revenue
Tax Compliance and Regional Operations Branch
Specialty Assessments Unit
33 King Street West
Oshawa ON L1H 8X4
Tel: (905) 837-3814
Toll Free: 1 866 805 7702 ext. 3814
Fax: (905) 837-3824
Ontario Innovation Tax Credit (OITC) Claim Form/Guide
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Ontario New Technology Tax Incentive (ONTTI)
Program Responsibility
Ontario Ministry of Revenue
Program Description
Introduced in the 1997 Ontario Budget, the ONTTI encourages the development and transfer of new
technology. The ONTTI allows taxpayers a 100% immediate write-off of the eligible cost of qualifying
intellectual properties acquired in the course of an intellectual property transfer.
Eligibility Criteria
The ONTTI applies to contracts entered into after May 6, 1997 in respect of eligible costs
incurred after August 31, 1997. The property must be first used by the taxpayer within a
reasonable time following its acquisition and continues to be used during the entire period in
which the innovation or invention is being implemented
The property must be acquired in an "intellectual property transfer." Eligible costs are included
federally in Class 14, Class 44 or the ECE pool of the taxpayer
An intellectual property transfer is an acquisition of qualifying intellectual property by a
corporation from an unrelated person for the purpose of implementing an innovation or an
invention in the corporation's business that is carried on in Ontario
Miscellaneous/Other Information
Neither the "half-year" rule nor the "available for use" rule applies for ONTTI purposes.
Program Type
Research and development, Tax Credits
Contact Information
Ministry of Revenue
Client Accounts and Services Branch
33 King Street West
Oshawa ON L1H 8X4
Tel: (905) 837-3814
Fax: (905) 837-3824
For further details, see Tax Legislation Bulletin October 1998 #98-12: Website:
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Ontario Centres of Excellence Commercialization Program
Program Responsibility
Ontario Centres of Excellence
Program Description
The OCE Commercialization Program addresses the "innovation gap" between valuable research
results and the new, marketable products and services that drive economic growth. It consists of three
Market Readiness: Prepares entrepreneurs and their technologies for the market by investing
in a range of activities, including market analysis, technology validation and business plan
Accelerator Investment: Pre-seed investment of up to $250,000 into a new company
commercializing academic research.
Martin Walmsley Fellowship for Technological Entrepreneurship: Supports a researcher
creating a new technology-based startup company.
Eligibility Criteria
Researchers at Ontario colleges, universities and research hospitals and previously OCE-funded
$25,000 - $250,000 depending on the program
Miscellaneous/Other Information
Details on Research programs are available online at
Program Type
Research and Development, Financing, Entrepreneurship, Financing - innovation
Contact Information
Main Office: 156 Front Street West, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2L6
General Phone: 416.861.1092
Toll Free: 866.759.6014
Fax: 416.971.7164
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Ontario Centres of Excellence Research Program
Program Responsibility
Ontario Centres of Excellence
Program Description
The OCE Research Program is focused on meeting the competitive needs of Ontario industry by
tapping into the remarkable potential for Ontario colleges, universities and research hospitals to act as
generators of innovation. It consists of four targeted initiatives:
Interact: Research collaborations that create new industry-academic relationships.
Proof of Concept: Feasibility studies that test an idea to mitigate the risk of further research
Champions of Innovation: Research projects that develop disruptive technologies with the
potential to create new markets and form the basis for new start-up companies.
Collaborative Research: Research collaborations between industry and academia that move
technologies from the lab to the marketplace.
Eligibility Criteria
Researchers at Ontario colleges, universities and research hospitals
$13,500 - $50,000 depending on the program
Miscellaneous/Other Information
Details on Research programs are available online at
Program Type
Research and Development, Financing, Financing - innovation
Contact Information
Main Office: 156 Front Street West, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2L6
General Phone: 416.861.1092
Toll Free: 866.759.6014
Fax: 416.971.7164
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Ontario Centres of Excellence Talent Program
Program Responsibility
Ontario Centres of Excellence
Program Description
The OCE Talent Program generates the next-generation innovators and entrepreneurs. It consists of
five initiatives that support innovators at various stages of their development:
Connections: Supports research collaboration between final-year undergraduate students
and companies - creating an early opportunity to conduct industry-relevant research.
International Scholarships: Gives student researchers opportunities to work with
international leaders in their field.
Professional Outreach Awards: Supports opportunities available to students who want to
be further involved in the conference they are attending through such activities as chairing a
session or volunteering to be a member of an organizing body for a conference and
Value Added Personnel (VAP): Helps student researchers develop essential skills to
complement their technical expertise.
First Job: Makes it possible for companies to hire young researchers with significant academic
experience and potential.
Eligibility Criteria
Students at Ontario universities and colleges and companies and organizations that can benefit from
young innovators and entrepreneurs
$3,500 - $50,000 depending on the program, training is available in several programs
Miscellaneous/Other Information
Details on Research programs are available online at
Program Type
Research and Development, Human Resources and Training, Education and Training, Financing innovation
Contact Information
Main Office: 156 Front Street West, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2L6
General Phone: 416.861.1092
Toll Free: 866.759.6014
Fax: 416.971.7164
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Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Incentive Program
Program Responsibility
Canada Revenue Agency
Program Description
The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program is a federal tax incentive
program to encourage Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to conduct research and
development (R&D) in Canada that will lead to new, improved, or technologically advanced products
or processes. The SR&ED program is the largest single source of federal government support for
industrial research and development.
Eligibility Criteria
Claimants can apply for SR&ED investment tax credits for expenditures such as wages, materials,
machinery, equipment, some overhead, and SR&ED contracts.
Generally, Canadian-controlled private corporations with less than $300,000 in taxable income
can receive a refundable investment tax credit (ITC) of 35% of qualifying SR&ED
expenditures, to a maximum of $2 million of expenditures.
Most other Canadian corporations, proprietorships, partnerships, and trusts can receive an
investment tax credit of 20% of qualifying SR&ED expenditures.
Miscellaneous/Other Information
Free public information seminars provide a general overview of the program, explaining the program's
eligibility criteria, what expenditures are eligible, and how to file a SR&ED claim. Please visit the CRA
website ( for venue and time for
public information seminars.
Program Type
Research and development, Tax Credits
Contact Information
Toronto Centre Tax Services Office for SR&ED enquiries
1 Front Street West, Suite 100
Toronto ON M5J 2X6
Tel: (416) 973-1717
Fax: (416) 952-8334
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Productivity Plus Loan (BDC)
Program Responsibility
Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) a financial institution wholly owned by the Government
of Canada.
Program Description
Productivity Plus Financing is designed for small manufacturing and processing companies to increase
productivity by acquiring equipment.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible companies are small businesses in the manufacturing sector with an experienced
management team, excellent growth prospects and profit potential, a solid financial
foundation, and who make productivity improvement a priority
Eligible use of funds is to purchase modern equipment that will increase productivity
Financing up to $5,000,000
BDC can offer up to 100% of the cost of new and used equipment
An additional 25% can cover incidental costs such as installation, training and working capital
Miscellaneous/Other Information
BDC consultants are available to help assess, develop and implement a productivity improvement
Program Type
Financing, human resources and training, Financing - Capital Assets
Contact Information
To contact your local branch of Business Development Bank of Canada please click here
Tel: 1-877-232-2269
BDC Venture Loans®
Venture Loans® provide quasi-equity financing between $100,000 and $1,000,000 to existing
businesses with a high-quality management team, a clear market niche, and a good potential for
growth. They are higher-risk financing designed for businesses that do not have assets to back a
conventional term loan. Venture Loans© offer flexible repayment terms and a pricing structure that
combines interest payments and royalties on sales.
BDC Venture Capital
BDC considers capital investments at any stage of a company's life cycle, from seed to growth, from
acquisition or expansion to turnaround. Small businesses in leading-edge industries with a strategic
market position and a dynamic management team committed to sustained growth are eligible for
initial investments ranging from $500,000 to $5,000,000 with the average transaction between
$1,500,000 and $2,000,000.
BDC Working Capital for Exporters
This loan is designed for established businesses that wish to enhance their export initiatives. Working
Capital for Exporters loans of up to $250,000 are available for financing increased exports, and include
flexible repayment terms to ensure the long-term viability of a business. Working Capital for Exporters
also offers customized consulting services to help small businesses manage their export development.
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Co-Vision (BDC)
Program Responsibility
Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) a financial institution wholly owned by the Government
of Canada.
Program Description
Customized term financing for new businesses demonstrating long-term viability. The program was
created to meet the following needs of start-up businesses: purchase fixed assets, start-up expenses,
working capital, marketing expenses and purchase of a franchise.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible, a company must be in the start-up or early growth phase (first 12 months of sales),
have invested reasonable financial resources in the business, can provide personal and credit
reference, must demonstrate realistic market and sales potential, must possess experience or
expertise in their chosen field.
Up to $150,000
Miscellaneous/Other Information
Flexible terms of repayment. If requested, personalized management support can be provided.
Program Type
Financing, Financing - Start-ups
Contact Information
To contact your local branch of Business Development Bank of Canada please click here
Tel: 1-877-232-2269
BDC Connex®
BDC has leaped into the electronic commerce age by developing BDC Connex©, its virtual branch that
offers a complete line of financial products, including the Global Line of Credit ®.
BDC Loan
To help small businesses take up the challenge of electronic commerce and establish a lead position
for themselves, BDC created the loan. Existing small businesses can apply for financing
from $25 000 to $50 000 to meet the various costs related to the implementation of a Web solution.
This new loan product complements BDC's other Web-related solution for small business owners, BDC
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Innovation Financing (BDC)
Program Responsibility
Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) a financial institution wholly owned by the Government
of Canada.
Program Description
Innovation Financing is designed to help innovative businesses position themselves to take advantage
of new markets and new technologies. Funds can be used to implement or develop an innovation
strategy, develop new products or services, purchase technologies for product and process
improvement, introduce quality management standards (such as ISO or HACCP), plan and implement
marketing or growth strategies, develop and train staff or develop foreign markets.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible companies must have growth potential, a solid business plan, a viable strategy and be
established with a strong management team and a competitive advantage
Financing ranges up to $250,000, and terms are up to 8 years
Flexible repayment plans may be available
Miscellaneous/Other Information
Companies may be able to combine Innovation Financing with other BDC loans when projects are
Program Type
Financing, Financing - Start-ups
Contact Information
To contact your local branch of Business Development Bank of Canada please click here
Tel: 1-877-232-2269
Community Futures Development Corporations
Counselling and advisory services often go hand-in-hand with financing to make a business successful.
Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) (referred to as Community Business
Development Corporations [CBDCs] provide "one-stop shopping" in selected non-metropolitan areas,
for individual businesses or community-based economic development initiatives. CFDCs/CBDCs offer:
business counselling and advisory services to help with the establishment, expansion,
competitiveness or stabilization of your business; and
financing in the form of loans, loan guarantees or equity investments of up to $125 000 to
help you in the creation or maintenance of long-term employment in your community.
CFDCs/CBDCs are community organizations outside metropolitan areas that receive federal support to
develop and implement long-term community plans for the development of their local economies.
Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation
Tel: 613.735.3951
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Ontario Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit (OATTC)
Program Responsibility
Ontario Ministry of Revenue / Employment Ontario
Program Description
The Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit encourages employers to hire and train apprentices in certain
skilled trades. Corporations and unincorporated businesses are eligible for a refundable tax credit on
wages and salaries paid or payable for services performed after May 18, 2004, by an eligible
apprentice during the first 36 months of an apprenticeship.
Eligibility Criteria
The credit is available to businesses, which have permanent establishments in Ontario, are subject to
Ontario Income Tax and incur eligible expenditures in respect of an eligible apprentice. Eligible
apprentices are in a qualifying skilled trade and must be hired before January 1, 2012. Qualifying
skilled trades include designated industrial, construction and motive power trades, and some
information technology and service trades.
Corporations are eligible for a 25 per cent refundable tax credit on eligible expenditures incurred with
respect to eligible apprentices. For businesses with total payroll costs not exceeding $400,000, the tax
credit rate is increased to 30 per cent. An employer is eligible for a tax credit of up to $5,000 per year
per eligible apprentice to a maximum of $15,000 over the first 36 months of the apprenticeship. The
maximum annual tax credit of $5,000 is pro-rated for the number of days the apprentice is employed
with that employer during the year.
Miscellaneous/Other Information
Eligible corporations must complete CT23 Schedule 114 and claim the tax credit on their CT23, CT23
Short or CT8 tax return. Eligible employers operating unincorporated businesses claim the tax credit
on the Ontario Credits form ON479 included in their personal income tax return. Members of a
partnership claim their share of the ATTC on their own corporate or personal tax returns.
Program Type
Human resources and training, Tax Credits
Contact Information
Call the toll-free Employment Ontario Hotline at 1-800-387-5656 for the phone number and location of
the apprenticeship office in your area.
For further details on the Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit, see Corporations Tax Interpretation
Bulletin Number 3020R dated May 2007 or contact:
Ministry of Revenue
Client Accounts and Services Branch
33 King Street West
Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8X4
Tel: (905) 837-3814
Fax: (905) 837-3824
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Ontario Job Connect
Program Responsibility
Employment Ontario
Program Description
Job Connect offers a range of services to respond to the employment needs of individuals and the
skilled labour needs of employers.
Job Connect is delivered by community-based colleges and non-profit agencies, such as youth
employment centres and Adult Help Centres. The program connects people with apprenticeship
opportunities and provides services to help newcomers and internationally trained professionals
integrate more rapidly into Ontario's economy. The program also helps employers connect with people
looking for work or on-the-job training opportunities. Each year, Job Connect helps more than 125,000
people through about 130 sites in 80 communities across Ontario.
Job Connect helps employers by providing:
Opportunities to advertise job openings through walk-in self-directed information and
employment resource services open to the public
Screening and recruiting services to meet their business needs
Assistance to the employer in developing a training plan and training placement support
Employers may be eligible for training incentives.
Eligibility Criteria
Employers who operate a business in Ontario, who are looking to hire staff, are ready to provide onthe-job training and/or who are seeking people who want to work, may benefit from Job Connect.
Program Type
Human resources and training
Contact Information
Visit the Employment Ontario website or call the toll-free Employment Ontario Hotline at 1-800387-5656 for the name of the organization delivering Job Connect in your area.
Job Connect Offices in Renfrew County
Employer Signing Bonus
$2,000 Employer Signing Bonus initiative to encourage employers in the trades to register new
apprentices in sectors where there is a high demand for skilled workers. This initiative will assist
employers to hire and register youth under 25 years of age who have left school and require upgrading
to meet the registration standards for apprenticeship training.
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Targeted Wage Subsidies Program
Program Responsibility
Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Program Description
The Ontario Targeted Wage Subsidy Program is designed to:
provide on-the-job work experience to unemployed people who are, or have recently been
eligible to receive Employment Insurance and are experiencing difficulty in finding work;
encourage employers to hire people who face barriers to employment (people they might not
otherwise hire) by offering a temporary wage subsidy.
The duration of the subsidy is determined on a case-by-case basis, up to a maximum of 78 weeks.
Eligibility Criteria
Businesses, organizations, individuals, public health and educational institutions, municipal
governments, and band/tribal councils are eligible to apply.
Generally the wage subsidy should not exceed 60% of the total wages paid to the individual for the
period of the agreement.
Program Type
Human resources and training, Financing - Hiring
Contact Information
Call the toll-free Employment Ontario Hotline at 1-800-387-5656, or (416) 326-5656 in Toronto, for
the phone number and location of the employment and training services in your area; or visit the
following Employment Ontario website .
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