TCP Analysis 1. Objective The objective of this practical is to

TCP Analysis
1. Objective
The objective of this practical is to understand the behaviour of a practical implementation of TCP,
compared to its theoretical one.
2. Terminology
Congestion window: Number of packets that can be outstanding at any time [1].
MSS (Maximum Segment Size): Largest amount of data, specified in bytes, that a computer or
communications device can handle in a single, unfragmented piece [2].
RTT (Round-trip delay Time): Time elapsed for a message to a remote place and back again [3].
TCP Window size: Amount of received data (in bytes) that can be buffered during a connection [4].
3. Background knowledge
The understanding of this practical requires previous knowledge about TCP [5]. You should understand
TCP Congestion Control mechanisms [6], in order to be able to expect what the results of the analysis
should be and its difference from the theoretical behaviour. For the set up of dedicated routers some
knowledge about Quagga [7] is recommended.
It also uses the protocol analyser software Wireshark [8], so it is recommended to get familiar with it
before starting with the practical.
In order to make easier the understanding of the practical, the user only needs to execute generic
commands. The exactly commands that are executed in the virtual machines can be seen in the xml
specification file. Therefore, if you would like to execute the practical more slowly, step by step, you
only need to follow the commands specified in the xml file corresponding for each generic command.
4. Scenario description
The scenario is illustrated in figure 1. It is made of:
pc1: A client that requests a file to a server.
r1 and r2: Two routers between pc1 and s1.
s1: A server that has the file that the client requests.
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Figure 1
The following entries have been added to the /etc/hosts file of each of the virtual machines of the
scenario. This allows the user typing symbolical names for the interfaces instead of having to write
their IP addresses. r11 pc1 r12 r22 r21 s1
5. Configuring the scenario
Build the virtual machines of the scenario by starting the tcp.xml file with the VNUML tool [9]:
cd /usr/share/vnuml/examples -t tcp.xml -v -u root
Note: Depending on your Linux distribution, the vnuml directory might be under /usr/share or
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This instruction will boot the virtual machines and a shell will be prompted for each of them. The
scenario is built as user root since root privileges are needed to do so. The user for the virtual machines
is root and the password is xxxx.
6. Quagga
A system with Quagga installed acts as a dedicated router. We want to launch OSPF between the two
routers of the scenario (r1 and r2), so they can exchange routing information. In order to do this, the
configuration files for the zebra daemon and ospfd daemon have been conveniently configured. The
daemons are launched with the following instruction in the host: -x start@vrrp.xml -v -u root
The above instruction makes the following:
Copies the zebra and opspfd configuration scripts to the routers (r1 and r2).
Copies a file named index.txt and index2.txt to the server (s1).
Modifies the /etc/hosts file of each virtual machine to include the entries described in section 4.
Launches first the zebra daemon and then the ospfd daemon, in the virtual machines that are
acting like routers (r1 and r2). Thus, these virtual machines start behaving like dedicated routers
that run OSPF.
Launches apache2 server in the server (s1).
Because ospfd needs to acquire interface information from zebra in order to function, zebra must be
running before invoking ospfd. Also, if zebra is restarted then ospfd must be too.
Wait about 40 seconds for OSPF to converge. Then check that r1 has learnt the route for the server's
Before OSPF converges:
r1:~# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway
Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * U 0 0
0 eth2
* U 0 0
0 eth0 * U 0 0
0 eth1
After OSPF converges:
r1:~# route
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Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway
Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
r22 UG 20 0
0 eth2 * U 0 0
0 eth2
* U 0 0
0 eth0 r22 UG 20 0
0 eth2 * U 0 0
0 eth1
Check also that there is connectivity between pc1 and s1:
ping s1
7. Capture the packets
Login into s1 and run tshark [10] to capture packets on interface eth1. Use the -w option to save the
trace into a file named trace_1.
tshark -i eth1 -w trace_1
Is it important the place (interface) within the way between pc1 and s1 where you capture
packets, or will the trace be the same if you capture in any interface that goes the connection
The packets that flow through networks between pc1 and s1 are the same in any network of the
way, but its order not. For example, if you capture packets in network r2s1, packets coming
from s1 will be captured first that packets leaving pc1 at the same time. Also you cannot be sure
if a packet reached s1 before it sent another one. For this reason, in order to correctly see the
behavior of the server when a segment is lost, the capture must be made on the interface of s1.
From the client (pc1) request a file to the server (s1):
wget s1/index.txt
Stop the capture in s1 by pressing Cntrl+c. Make sure that the capture was correctly done and no
packets were dropped.
Copy the capture from s1 to the host, so you can analyze the trace with Wireshark in a graphical
interface. To do this, use the scp command [11] in a shell of the host:
scp root@s1:/root/trace_1 /usr/share/vnuml/tcp/
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100% 162KB 162.0KB/s 00:00
8. Analyzing the capture
We are going to prepare the capture in order to better analyze the TCP connection [12]. Open the
captured trace with Wireshark. Then, filter the packets displayed in the Wireshark window by entering
“tcp” into the display filter specification window towards the top of the Wireshark window.
Now you can see several TCP and HTTP messages. Since we are interested in analyzing TCP behavior,
change Wireshark’s listing of captured packets window so that it shows information about the TCP
segments containing the HTTP messages, rather than about the HTTP messages. To have Wireshark do
this, select Analyze->Enabled Protocols. Then uncheck the HTTP box and select OK. You should
now see a Wireshark window that looks like:
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Figure 2
9. Establishing a connection
In the capture you can see the initial three-way handshake containing a SYN message.
What is the sequence number of the TCP SYN segment that is used to initiate the TCP
connection between pc1 and s1?
The relative sequence number of the segment is 0, since it is where the connection begins. The
absolute sequence number can be seen in the sequence number field in the data of the segment.
It has a different value in each connection. In the example trace, the absolute sequence number
in hexadecimal is 31 1A 73 8C.
Identify where that segment is marked like a SYN segment.
The segment is marked like a SYN segment in the flags field of the segment (it has the SYN bit
If the initial SYN segment that pc1 sends does not include data, why does the server reply with
a SYN+ACK segment with a relative ACK=1?
Even if the initial SYN segment does not include data it consumes 1 byte.
10. General view of the trace
Identify in which segment the client requests a file to the server.
It is in the first segment after the initial three-way handshake. You can see in the data of the
segment the GET method of the HTTP protocol.
How much data does the receiver typically acknowledge in an ACK?
Initially the receiver sends an ACK for every segment that receives. Then, it starts sending
ACKs for groups of 10, 11 and 12 segments. This is done to increase the congestion window
size of the sender faster, since it depends on the incoming acknowledgements. This is called
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quick acknowledgements [13].
Does any time a segment get lost during the connection? Why?
Yes. The server begins sending data according to TCP slow start phase. Then, it enters in a
congestion avoidance phase, incrementing the congestion window by one every RTT until loss.
Therefore, it tries to send each time data faster, so at the end a lost should come if the file is big
In the case that looses are produced, how many TCP duplicated ACK segments does the client
send to indicate that a segment has been lost?
In the example trace the fast recovery mechanism [14] is shown. The sender detects the loss of a
segment by three duplicated ACKs. When the third duplicated ACK arrives, the sender
retransmits just the lost segment (fast retransmission). Nevertheless, in the trace several
duplicated ACKs can be seen. This is because the client sends them before the retransmission
reached it.
Is any time a segment received out of order during the connection? Why could this happen?
Sometimes a segment is received out of order. This is because at some point in the way to the
client, the segment gets a delay bigger than the next segment, and so they arrive out of order.
Is the receiver window ever too small that prevents the sender sending a packet? Why could this
Sometimes the receiver cannot retrieve data from the TCP buffer as fast as the sender is
introducing data in it. This can be caused because of a resource problem on the receiver, since
the application is not retrieving data from the TCP buffer in a timely manner. Therefore the
receiver window might get so small that the sender has to wait. When the receiver consumes
some data from its reception buffer, thereby freeing up space, it should notify the sender by
sending a TCP WindowUpdate [15] that advertises the current window size.
11. TCP congestion control in action
Select a segment that comes from the server. Then select the menu Statistics->TCP Stream Graph->
Time-Sequence-Graph(Stevens). You should see a plot that looks similar to the following plot, created
from the captured packets in the trace included with this practical:
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Figure 3
Each dot represents a TCP segment sent by the server, plotting the segment’s sequence number versus
the time at which it was sent.
Looking at this plot, can you identify where TCP’s slow start phase begins and ends, and where
congestion avoidance takes over?
The slow start phase begins after the connection is established, at segment 7 of the example
trace. It ends at segment 42. This is the time when the sender stops ACKing every segment, and
starts doing it by groups, usually of 11 segments. This change can be seen clearly in the graph.
After the loss of a packet, the slow start phase begins again.
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How does the measured data differ from the theoretical TCP behavior?
Identify on the plot where the loss of a segment has been produced and what point corresponds
to the retransmission segment. If you click on that point the corresponding segment in the trace
gets selected.
In the example trace it can be clearly seen the retransmission segment. Clicking on this segment
you can see that it is segment number 127.
In the capture made in section 7, the sender finishes sending the file after a few segments after the loss
is produced. To better analyze the behavior of TCP after the loss is produced, we are going to request a
longer file. Repeat the steps described in section 7, this time requesting file index2.txt instead of
index.txt. Name the trace trace_2.
Analyze the behavior of TCP after the loss of a segment is produced.
The sender entries again in the slow start phase. In this case, the receiver sends ACK's
alternatively sometimes for each segment and other times for a small group of them. After some
time, the sender enters in the congestion avoidance phase, and the receiver now sends ACK's
for groups, usually of 8 segments. In the example trace the congestion avoidance phase starts at
segment 189.
12. Closing a connection
Observe how the release of the connection is made. As you can see, in this case it is pc1 the one that
starts the end of the connection.
How does pc1 know that the server has finished sending all the packets of the file?
The client knows that the server has sent all the data because the length of the last packet that it
received from the server was not the MSS of the connection.
13. References
[1] Congestion window.
[2] MSS.
[3] TCP Window size.
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[4] RTT.
[5] TCP RFC.
[6] TCP Congestion Control RFC.
[8] Wireshark home page.
[9] VNUML home page.
[10] tshark man page.
[11] scp man page.
[12] Kurose ethereal lab: TCP.
[13] Quick acknowledgements. Pasi Sarolahti, Congestion Control in Linux TCP, page 9.
[14] Fast recovery. J. F. Kurose, K. W. Ross, Computer networking, 3rd edition, 2005. Page 269.
[15] Wireshark TCP type messages.
1. Reno vs BIC. ¿Cambiarlo en el fs update? No parece haber diferencia.
2. Meter reordering
3. Meter duplication
Revisar respuesta out of order.
Respuesta diferencias con teoría.
throughput per unit time?
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