INSIGHT MEDIA New Programs DVD & PowerPoint PSYCHOLOGY THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PREJUDICE This program explores the psychological processes behind prejudice. It features Betsy Sparrow of Columbia University, who discusses such seminal research as Kenneth and Mamie Clark’s 1947 experiment with children and dolls and the works of such figures as Bertrand and Mullainathan, Steel and Aronson, Shih, Eberhardt, Quattrone and Jones, Tajfel, Devine, McCrae, Correll, Siggal and Jones, and Rogers and Prentice-Dunn. The DVD introduces the Implicit Association Test (IAT) and discusses stereotypes, prejudice in employment and hiring, the stereotype threat, self-esteem and racial identity, racial identity and intellectual performance, ingroup preference, and racial profiling. DVD 21 minutes / 2008 / #6436 - $279.95 COGNITIVE DISSONANCE This program with Betsy Sparrow of Columbia University examines cognitive dissonance. It discusses Leon Festinger’s 1956 book When Prophecy Fails, examines research into cognitive dissonance by such figures as Festinger and Carlsmith, Aronson and Mills, Brehm, Comer and Laird, Cooper, Lieberman, and Santos; and outlines the essential components of cognitive dissonance as defined by Joel Cooper and Russel Fazio. The program considers how cognitive dissonance motivates human behavior and shows how it applies to research in such areas as effort justification, threat and punishment, and decision making. It also introduces Daryl Bern’s Social Perception theory as an alternative explanation to cognitive dissonance. DVD / 16 minutes / 2008 / #6215 - $279.95 CONFORMITY Offering such examples of conformity as teenage fashion choices and the groupthink leading to the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, this program with Betsy Sparrow of Columbia University examines the psychological concept of conformity. It explores such classic experiments as Sherif’s 1935 study, Asch’s 1951 study, Crutchfield’s 1995 study, and Bond and Smith’s 1996 study; discusses Hodges’s and Geyer’s 2006 re-examination of Asch’s findings; and examines Stanley Milgram’s study of obedience. Outlines factors influencing obedience and conformity and shows how age, self-esteem, and culture influence compliance. It also discusses the cognitive process of groupthink; outlines its symptoms; and introduces key strategies for overcoming it. DVD / 19 minutes / 2008 / #4885 - $279.95 LEARNED HELPLESSNESS This program examines the psychological concept of learned helplessness. It examines classical psychological experiments by Martin Seligman and Steven Maier, Craig Ramey, and Neal Finkelstein and looks at how stable versus unstable attribution, internal versus external attribution, and specific versus unspecific attribution affect the interpretation of negative life events. DVD / 16 minutes / 2008 / #6213 - $279.95 PSYCHOLOGY OF POWER Featuring Betsy Sparrow of Columbia University, this program outlines the five sources of power as identified by French and Raven and discusses normative and informational influences on power. Also shows how the maintenance of power status quo leads to victim degradation and highlights the connection between narcissism and power. It looks at research studies by Dovidio; Borgh; Thibaut and Kelley; and Hill and Youssef and discusses the connections between Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment and the crimes committed at the Abu Ghraib prison. DVD / 23 minutes / 2008 / #4888 - $279.95 CONTINUED… DSM-IV: PERSONALITY DISORDERS Illustrating the primary traits and clinical characteristics of each of the 14 DSM-III-R and DSM-IV personality disorders, this program with Theodore Millon presents short vignettes that clarify the natures of the disorders. DVD / 78 minutes / 1999 / #3921 - $289.95 BYSTANDER INTERVENTION / DIFFUSION OF RESPONSIBILITY This program explores the psychological phenomena of bystander intervention and the diffusion of responsibility. It examines the case of Kitty Genovese, who was brutally attacked and murdered in her Queens neighborhood while up to 38 witnesses failed to intervene. It reviews three key experiments performed by Latané and Darley: the Epileptic Seizure Study, the Smokey Room Study, and the Lady in Distress study. Betsy Sparrow of Columbia University outlines Latané and Daley’s five-step process in the decision to help, Darley and Batson’s Good Samaritan study, James Wilson’s 1976 study, and Schwartz and Gottlieb’s 1980 study. DVD / 15 minutes / 2008 / #4679 - $279.95 SOCIOLOGY SOCIAL CLASS This program defines social class and considers its significance. It introduces basic concepts of social class, explains sociological perspectives, and examines such foundational perspectives on social class as functionalism and the ideas of Marx and Weber. Also explores the effects of social class in the U.S. DVD / 36 minutes / 2009 / #4929 - $279.95 SOCIAL STRATIFICATION This program introduces social stratification and examines its definition and study. It covers such topics as models of stratification, stratification theory, ascriptive stratification, and global stratification. DVD / 36 minutes / 2009 / #4930 - $279.95 PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION This program reviews major theories of progressive education. It discusses the contributions of such figures as Parker, Hall, Neill, Dewey, Clapp, Washington, DuBois, and Meier. DVD / 19 minutes / 2008 / #5521 - $27995 18th-AND 19th-CENTURY EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHERS This program examines 18th-and 19th-century educational philosophies and profiles the key figures that influenced educational thinking during this era. It defines the philosophy of education; details influences on 18thand 19th-century education; and describes the philosophies of such thinkers as Locke, Rousseau, Wollstonecraft, Pestalozzi, Spencer, Bronson, Alcott, Froebel, and Harris. Addressing the late 19th-and early 20th-century, the DVD also discusses pragmaticism and John Dewey. DVD / 17 minutes / 2008 / #5522 - $279.95 RESEARCH THE RESEARCH PROCESS: Research Design (PowerPoint) Outlining the entire research process, this presentation examines research design. It discusses the questions a researcher must ask to determine the form of research to undertake; describes the components of a research design, including comparison, manipulation, control, and generalizability; and introduces such research design types as experimental research design, quasi-experimental research design, cross-sectional research design, preexperimental design, and combined design. The presentation covers such topics as control, causality, and sampling. PowerPoint Mac|Win / 2009 / #5909 - $259.95 CONTINUED… RESEARCH DESIGN: The Experiment This program defines experiments, explains how they are used, and outlines the steps of designing an experiment. Also addresses ethics and the use of quasi-experiments, features commentary by Health and Public Policy Professor Beth C. Weitzman of NYU Wagner Graduate School, and includes a case example of an experiment. DVD / 27 minutes / 2008 / #6251 - $279.95 RESEARCH DESIGN: The Survey Featuring William McAlister, this program teaches how to design surveys for research, defines surveys and offers step-by-step explanations of the survey process, including designing a survey, creating the questionnaire, conducting a survey, and assessing the results. Gives a case example. DVD / 25 minutes / 2008 / #5539 - $279.95 RESEARCH ETHICS This program examines ethical issues in social, natural sciences, and health research. It covers such topics as plagiarism, crediting of sources, falsification of data, the use of human and animal subjects, informed consent, privacy, and conflicts of interest. DVD / 21 minutes / 2008 / #5745 - $279.95 QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH: Methods in the Social Sciences Introduces quantitative research and shows the types of questions covered by quantitative research methods. It examines such measurement issues as validity, sampling, and distribution; discusses the protocols of experimental design and statistical analysis; and covers survey design, scales of measure, sampling procedures, and data analysis. DVD / 20 minutes / 2006 / #4258 - $219 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: Methods in the Social Sciences This program discusses the types of questions addressed through qualitative research and considers problems of validity in the process, protocols, and analysis of qualitative research. It examines such forms of qualitative textual analysis as rhetorical criticism, conversation analysis, and content analysis and looks at the primary methods of qualitative research used throughout the social sciences. DVD / 20 minutes / 2006 / #4259 - $279.95 CRITICAL THINKING AND MORALITY MORALITY: A Historical Perspective Questioning morality, immorality, and the exclusivity of moral dilemmas to the human race, this program weighs goodness against the balance of human nature. DVD / 127 minutes / 2006 / #4909 - $269.95 CRITICAL THINKING: Analyzing Problems and Decisions This program uses illustrative vignettes and group discussions to explore the problem-solving process. It introduces a problem-solving methodology of accepting the problem, defining the problem, considering alternatives, exploring alternatives, devising solutions and plans of action, and evaluating the efficacy of solutions. Features Thinking Critically author John Chaffee. DVD / 29 minutes / 2008 / #6540 - $279.95 GEOGRAPHY THE WORLD IN A BOX: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) This documentary considers the ways in which geographic information systems (GIS) affect people’s perceptions of the world. It shows how GIS are used to study famine, crime, environmental conflicts, global warming, disease spread, speed of rescue in times of disaster, and endangered species. Opticus Films. DVD / 60 minutes / 2001 / #429 - $269.95 GEOGRAPHIC METHODS AND TECHNIQUES This presentation examines the techniques and methods used by geographers to gather and analyze data. It covers such topics as the scientific method, quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, field techniques, cartography, remote sensing, and geographic information systems. PowerPoint Mac|Win / 2008 / #1241 - $239.95 STUDY SKILLS STUDY SKILLS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS This entertaining presentation teaches study skills for college students. It covers such topics as assembling materials and the study environment; teaches how to create a study schedule; offers tips for improving studying and reading skills; introduces the SQ3R reading method; explores a variety of note-taking issues; and teaches how to employ such note-taking techniques as the Cornell Method, the sentence method, the outlining method, and the mapping method. PowerPoint Mac|Win / 2009 / #4734 - $219.95 HEALTHCARE HISTORY OF NURSING: The Early Years Examines the provision of healthcare and development of nursing across cultures from ancient times to the 19th century, looking at such helping roles as wet nurse and dry nurse. Discusses the nursing care provided by nuns and the military and considers the establishment of hospitals dedicated to the care of the sick. DVD / 35 minutes / 2008 / #11019 - $279.95 HISTORY OF NURSING: The Development of a Profession Beginning with the contributions of Florence Nightingale, this program examines the evolution of nursing care into a profession. Covers the roles of nursing innovators and educators, the establishment of nursing schools and degrees, and the development of regulation and licensure and considers modern issues in nursing. DVD / 36 minutes / 2008 / #11020 - $279.95 PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR IN HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONS: Effective Communication with Patients This program shows how to establish therapeutic relationships and how to interview and assess patients. Also examines communication issues associated with specific patient groups, discusses Erikson’s Stages of Life theory, considers communication with patients in pain or at the end of life, covers cultural and religious issues that affect communication, and introduces the phases of the nurse-patient relationship. DVD / 24 minutes / 2007 / #9307 - $279.95 COMMUNICATION LISTENING Differentiating between listening and hearing, this program examines different types of listening, including discriminative, comprehensive, critical-evaluative, therapeutic, and appreciative forms, and looks at the elements of the listening process. The program also considers barriers to effective listening. DVD / 26 minutes / 2008 / #5763 - $279.95 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION AND CONFLICT In this program, Thomas E. Harkins of New York University examines conflict, outlines its potential benefits, negates common misconceptions surrounding conflict, and discusses sources and patterns of conflict. He looks at pragmatic and social constructionist views of communication and conflict; emphasizes the role of context; and explains how differences in core beliefs, values, attitudes, habits, and goals can cause conflicts, even when these differences occur on a subconscious level. Using entertaining vignettes, the program contrasts constructive and destructive patterns of conflict and presents constructive methods of conflict management. It also covers styles and tactics of conflict resolution and the role of egocentrism in conflict. DVD / 21 minutes / 2008 / #5762 - $279.95 CONTINUED… PRINCIPLES OF INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION In this program, Karina Alexanyan of Columbia University uses vignettes of effective and ineffective interactions to introduce the theory behind interpersonal communication and teach how to increase the effectiveness of interactions. She considers the influences of group affiliation and diversity on interpersonal interactions; discusses nonverbal communication and listening; and looks at conflict management, selfdisclosure, and feedback. DVD / 25 minutes / 2008 / #5434 - $279.95 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE This program examines cultural issues in nonverbal communication. Differentiates between conscious and unconscious gestures; considers facial expressions; discusses cultural differences in voice, para-language, and the use of silence; and explores space and body distance. Features expert commentary, student discussions, and illustrative vignettes. DVD / 20 minutes / 2005 / #4141 - $279.95 GENDER AND COMMUNICATION: How Men and Women Communicate Differently Discussing communication differences between males and females, this program examines the ways in which male-male communication interactions, male-female interactions, and female-female interactions differ. DVD / 20 minutes / 2007 / #5433 - $279.95 CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION: How Culture Affects Communication Featuring New York University professors Charlton McIlwain, Cynthia Mitler, and Sue Collins, this program examines issues in cross-cultural communication. It discusses public behavior and taboos, power, stereotyping and prejudice, miscommunication, time conceptualization, socialization, direct and indirect communication, and high context versus low context cultures. The program features illustrative vignettes and offers practical applications for cross-cultural communication skills. DVD / 20 minutes / 2005 / #3690 - $279.95 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION WITH PEOPLE OF DIFFERENT AGES Examining communication with individuals of different ages, this program outlines the developmental psychology and life-space perspectives of human development. It explores the role of positive and negative stereotypes in age-related communication, and shows how stereotypes provide categories that can offer cues for appropriate behavior. The program also offers techniques for modifying communication to enhance interpersonal interactions with infants, toddlers, adolescents, and older adults. DVD / 22 minutes / 2008 / #4681 - $279.95 THEATER ARTS ADLER VS STRASBERG: The Great Controversy in American Acting This program explores the contributions of and distinctions between Stella Adler and Lee Strasberg through interviews and workshops with professionals who worked directly with them. Lorrie Hull and Bill Smithers discuss and demonstrate Strasberg’s method and Ron Burrus shows Adler’s techniques. The program also highlights the differences between Adler’s and Strasberg’s acting methods. DVD / 31 minutes / 2007 / #4570 - $279.95 BODY LANGUAGE FOR ACTORS: Portraying Different Cultures In this program, a diversity specialist teaches actors how to portray characters from different cultures, outlines behavioral differences, and introduces multicultural manners. The program covers such topics as greetings, shaking hands, physical contact between the sexes, eye contact, smiling, embracing, and kissing; emphasizes that acceptable norms vary among cultures; and examines cultural variations in eating customs. DVD / 31 minutes / 2007 / #4571 - $279.95 CONTINUED… PERIOD MOVEMENT: Early and Late Renaissance In this program, Judith Chaffee conducts a workshop with students on movement for period plays. Working with scenes from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and dances from the early and late Renaissance, she demonstrates movement styles for performing in Renaissance plays. DVD / 35 minutes / 2005 / #3921 - $259.95 PERIOD MOVEMENT: Restoration In this program, Judith Chaffee presents a workshop on acting in period plays from the Restoration and Victorian eras. She teaches how to execute dances of the period; use such props as hats, canes, and daggers; and perform such movements as walking and sitting. DVD / 35 minutes / 2005 / #3922 - $259.95 EVERYMAN Produced in conjunction with medieval literature scholar Howard Schless of Columbia University, this production of Everyman is staged in period costume and follows the original text. Portraying Goods, Fellowship, Beauty, Strength, Good Deeds, Knowledge, God, and Death, it highlights the aspects of the medieval drama that appealed to audiences of the late 15th and early 16th centuries. DVD / 53 minutes / 1991 / #3684 - $259.95 THE COUNTRY WIFE This production features key excerpts of William Wycherley’s comedy of manners The Country Wife. It focuses on Mr. Horner’s comic pursuit of Mrs. Pinchwife under the vigilant gaze of her husband. The production’s authentic costumes and period music convey the play’s outward frivolity and underlying cynicism. DVD / 60 minutes / 1992 / #3682 - $259.95 AESTHETICS TRUTH AND BEAUTY Considering aesthetic experience as an alternative path to knowledge, this program examines the roles of artists in Africa, Asia, and Europe. It explores the relationship between truth and beauty and compares Plato’s and Aristotle’s views on the value and purpose of art. DVD / 30 minutes / 1997 / #4220 - $259.95 DANCE DOWNTOWN DANCE: New York Volume 1 Featuring veteran dance critic and author Elizabeth Zimmer, this program explores the creative processes, nfluences, and experimental instincts of a variety of New York choreographers. The program features interviews with Ivy Baldwin, Trajal Harrell, and Keely Garfield and includes performance footage of their works, offering insights into the current dance scene in New York City. DVD / 32 minutes / 2007 / #4866 - $259.95 DOWNTOWN DANCE: New York Volume 2 In this program, contemporary New York choreographers Larry Keigwin, RoseAnne Spradlin, and David Parker discuss their works, the creative process, and their experimental instincts. It presents performance footage of recent productions of their works. Also features dance critic and writer Elizabeth Zimmer, who provides commentary on the current New York dance scene. DVD / 31 minutes / 2007 / #4867 - $259.95 AN EVENING WITH KATHERINE DUNHAM This DVD features an interview with Katherine Dunham at age 97. Paying tribute to Dunham’s career, the program contains rare footage of the dancer drumming with percussionists and includes a discussion in which she shares her views on rhythmic motion, Haitian dance, and love. It also offers a performance by the Louines Louinis Afro-Haitian Dance Theater. DVD / 63 minutes / 2007 / #5757 - $269.95 DESIGN DESIGN: Understanding the Elements Featuring a professor from Parsons School of Design and offering design examples, this program examines the elements of design. It discusses line; shape; texture; size; and such color terms as value, hue, complementary, analogous, triadic, additive, subtractive, and primary. DVD / 20 min / 2007 / #5502 - $279.95 DESIGN: Understanding the Principles Outlining the elements of design, this program teaches how to combine them in accordance with the design principles of unity, dominance, contrast, and rhythm. Features a professor from Parsons School of Design and offers design examples. DVD / 20 min / 2007 / #5503 - $279.95 ELEMENTS OF INTERIOR DESIGN Featuring Pratt Institute professor Jon Otis, this program shows how the element of space adds a new level to visual design theory and considers the ways in which this affects the process of designing for interiors. It emphasizes that designs should reflect the needs of the client and discusses functionality, circulation, planning, and materiality. DVD / 20 minutes / 2007 / #5669 - $279.95 INTERIOR DESIGN: An Introduction This presentation explores interior design as a professional discipline and as a set of principles and techniques. It illustrates the processes by which designers plan and oversee the construction of interior spaces, examines the practical issues that constrain design projects, and introduces the aesthetic principles relevant to interior design. PowerPoint Windows / 2007 / #4970 - $229.95 COMMERCIAL INTERIOR DESIGN Hosted by Pratt Institute professor Jon Otis and featuring interviews with designers from top-rated New York design firms, this program teaches how to apply the elements of interior design to commercial settings. Looking at office, healthcare, and hospitality environments, it shows how the needs of clients determine the design and looks at the various components of designing for commercial spaces. DVD / 20 minutes / 2007 / #5639 - $279.95 RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR DESIGN This program teaches how to apply the elements of interior design to residential interiors. Features Jon Otis of the Pratt Institute, who explains how to develop an approach that meets a client’s needs. Also considers interior zoning and space planning; discusses building components, furnishings, and the experiential components of a design; and presents examples from two designs in progress. DVD / 20 minutes / 2007 / #5638 - $279.95 TEXTILES NATURAL FIBERS TO FABRICS AND BEYOND This program introduces such natural fibers as cotton, wool, silk, and bast fibers. It discusses their origins, examines their properties and uses, and explains how they are formed into fabrics. DVD / 20 minutes / 2008 / #5042 - $279.95 MANUFACTURED FIBERS: Fabrics and Beyond This program introduces a variety of manufactured fibers, looks at their physical and chemical structures, examines their properties, and discusses their uses. The program covers such fibers as rayon, lyocell, acetate, nylon, polyester, and acrylic. DVD / 21 minutes / 2008 / #5041 - $279.95 Visit our Website!!! E-mail 511 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1Y4 Phone (416) 538-6613 Toll-Free (800) 263-6910 Fax (416) 538-9984