Please Attach a Picture of Applicant RYLA 2014 ROTARY YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARD CONFERENCE ROTARY INTERNATIONAL, DISTRICT 7720 NC 4-H Environmental Education Center, Columbia, NC April 4-6, 2014 Name_________________________________________ _________________________ Last First M.I. Name for Badge Mailing Address ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ City State Zip Home Telephone_____________________ Phone #2 or Cell #: ___________________ E-Mail: ___________________________________ Male _____ Female _____ Paren____________________________________________________________________________________ t or Guardian Name (Please Print): _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian contact phone #: 1)_______________________ 2)___________________ Full Name of High School ___________________________________________________ School Activities: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Organizations (not school related) in which you are active:_____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ RYLA APPLICANT: Complete and return this form to your Guidance counselor or sponsoring Rotary Club’s representative as soon as possible. If you are selected, a delegate package will be sent to you at the above address in mid-March. Please attach a small photo of applicant. Digital photos printed on regular paper are fine. __________________________________________________________________________________________ CLUB RYLA CHAIR – Once applicants are selected, please return original forms with photo, and fees ON OR BEFORE March 1, 2014 to: 2012 RYLA Conference, c/o Nancy Nixon, 5053 Netherwood Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27803 SPONSORING CLUB: ______________________________________________________________ CLUB’S RYLA Contact: ________________________________ Phone # ___________________ Email: ______________________________________________ ROTARY YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARD CONFERENCE ROTARY INTERNATIONAL, DISTRICT 7720 NC 4-H Environmental Education Center - Columbia, NC April 4-6, 2014 STANDARDS OF CONDUCT All delegates are expected to adhere to certain Standards of Conduct while attending the Conference. If a delegate is found to be in violation of the following standards, his/her parents will be notified and the delegate may expect to return home immediately at the parent’s expense. 1. Possession or use of illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages 2. Theft, misuse, or abuse of public or personal property, 3. Sexual misconduct, 4. Possession of weapons or firearms, 5. Unauthorized absence from the premises of the event, 6. Visitation in sleeping rooms occupied by delegates of the opposite sex. Realizing these guidelines are not “all inclusive”, the RYLA Committee reserves the right to make adjustments to these policies. Exercising good judgment will prevent occurrences which are not within the best interest of delegates to the Conference. Delegates must attend the full Conference. Missing Friday and coming on Saturday or leaving a day early is not permitted. Curfew violations, failure to participate in the activities of the weekend, unauthorized use of vehicles, inviting non-delegates to visit and disturbing the peace are examples of disruptive activities. PHOTOGRAPHY POSTING RELEASE Photographs taken during the conference may be posted on Rotary District 7720 website or websites of local Rotary clubs or in printed materials to illustrate the RYLA program and encourage future participants. Participation in the conference means that parents and delegates agree to photos being taken and posted as noted, or distributed to Rotary clubs individually or in a slideshow-type presentation. Slide show photos may also be distributed directly to all participating RYLA. RYLA conference sponsors, Rotary District 7720 and its Rotary Clubs are not responsible for photos taken and/or distributed by individual participants. MEDICAL RELEASE My son/daughter has my permission to participate in the Rotary Youth Leadership Award Conference to be held April 4-6, 2014. I authorize any one of the responsible adults to secure any necessary medical care for said person, including emergency surgery. I realize every effort will be made to contact parents should any medical treatment become necessary. I release and discharge the sponsoring groups and adults from all liability whatever respecting any injuries and/or damages sustained by my son/daughter during the Conference. Attach a copy of both sides of insurance card. Uninsured delegates, check here _______ Emergency Contact#1: _________________________________________________________________ Emergency Telephone: Day_____________________________ Evening/Cell ______________________ Emergency Contact #2: _________________________________________________________________ Emergency Telephone: Day_____________________________ Evening/Cell ______________________ As a condition of participation in the RYLA Conference, April 4-6, 2014, I agree to be bound by the terms of the Standards of Conduct, the Photography Posting release and the Medical Release. Delegate_____________________________________________ (Signature) Date_________________ Parent/Guardian_______________________________________ (Signature) Date_________________