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This year the organization of the RYLA was entrusted to District 2170. When I got this
assignment, I believed, after mature consideration and referring to the past RYLA
organizations, that it was a pity to entrust the organization of this wonderful program only
to one district.
Therefore, I contacted the governors of districts 1620 and 1630 and proposed them to enlarge
the RYLA and to appoint someone responsible for their district !
They agreed and an INTER-DISTRICT project was born. I did not stop being on the right
road. I suggested therefore to the governors and the nominated governors that the RYLA
should become in the future an INTER-DISTRICT project.
With these opportunities on hand, you must find THE TOPIC interesting for the nowadays
young people. Being less involved in the framework of the Rotary humanitarian missions and
having Rotarian friends better acquainted with these matters, you should not come to think too
much of it and following theme was choosen :
Via – via, we came out with the Belgian B-FAST organization, it was love at first sight and the starting
shot was given for a lasting and beautiful collaboration.
B-FAST: Field of action and intervention criteria
The action of B -FAST consits in the provision of Belgian capacity at the request of States confronted
with a sudden emergency situation that exceeds their own abilities. Flexibility, interdisciplinary and
rapid response capability are the main features of the B-FAST .
Sir Geert Gijs, national leader of B -Fast but also responsible for the disaster program of the Belgian
government, saw the opportunity of the youth program and said directly YES .
The pawns of the three districts in place AT WORK .
Organization , selection , practice and the supreme moment .
Concerning the organization we could make use of the infrastructure of the Police School , the Firebrigade and the Civil Defence called VESTA , where B-Fast also gives its exercices .
Who will be selected ? After meetings with B -Fast it was decided to select young people of 20 to 30
years old with as profile (preferably ) medical, first aid , nurse , fireman, logistics but also all who want
to be involved in humanitarian assistance.
Due to the complexity of the training, the formation and the days available (long weekend) , space for
30 participantsto the program was foreseen.
The appeal was launched in all the clubs of the 3 districts. The friends of our team also visited the clubs
of their assigned area . I held more than 15 lectures in clubs and assemblies of the three districts.
RYLA was open to children of Rotarians , Rotaractors and all young people wishing to participate
Results ? We recievend more than 60 applicants for 30 places.
From the beginning it was mentioned to the clubs that the selection of the candidates would be made by
the B -Fast experienced field professionals and not by the members of the RYLA committee, who would
appear as observers. For, are we as Rotarians able to make humanitarian selections ? Leave that to
professionals, but also to avoid comments from clubs in case their candidates would not have been
Reading the registration forms and CV + motivation letters, B -Fast decided, given the quality and
experience of the candidates to increase the number of participants up to 40. Origin of the participants:
20 % children of Rotarians, 15% Rotaractors and the remaining part came from outside the Rotarian
Now on the 6th of April we were ready to go through 4 days of immense tenacity. The start was planned
at the railway station of Berchem, being the point for registration and delivery of the documents
necessary for the mission ( plane tickets, vaccination papers, site plan of the disaster area ) .
View of the first contacts.
First stage : screening at the airport of hand-bags and travel documents (passports and identity
Arrival at the airport. All operations are executed without problems and departure for VESTLANTIA
Arrival at the border of Vestlandia after 1 hour flight!(motorbus). Documentary teasings,
search, emphatic check up because we are foreigners (be aware that it not because we help that
we therefore are always welcome}
First evenning. After the first emotions the first meal on the scene of action. Camp construction
and first impressions!
During the days theoretical and practical programs succeeded each other.
Except the main theme being the LEADERSHIP, the topics were choosen according to the
necessities in reality at the disaster area.
Knowledge of the intervention rules on the ground in foreign country
Cultural knowledge of the country
Orientation with and without GPS
Safety & Security
Treatment of fire
 UN system of humanitarian prnciples.
First aid and reanimation
Relief actions at night
EU emergency response center
Stress management
Call-up for relief actions
All these topics have been explained in theory and put into the practice.
The program passed off smoothly. The results ?
At the start the younsters did not know each other. The intensity of the program, the exercises and the
work in groups on the scene of action tighten the connections and after this weekend real ties of
friendship were forged.
At the BBQ, organized Sunday evening, more than 60 Rotarians were present. The BBQ formed part
of the preparation and could be considered as a reception before starting a mission abroad to thank the
local authorities.
In conclusion:
A big thank you to Rotary for giving us such beautiful programs. RYLA was a great success!
Thanks to the B-Fast, Geert, VESTA, Matijs and my RYLA team for the wonderful job.
I would like especially to thank:
My Governor Philippe (2170) as well as Werner (1620) and Norbert (1630)
for their support.
View of all participants, organizers and B-Fast & Vesta
The 4 teams
View of the academic session
Past RI Treasurer & Past –Director RI Bernard Rosen
DG 2170 Philippe Slap – DGE Ludo Van Helleputte
DGE 1620 Michel Espeel
Direct Representative of the 1630 Governor Jos Raes
Past Governor Georges Richard
Several Club Presidents
And all the friends of the 3 districts who were supporting the RYLA
Delivery of the certificates
The organizing Team
DG Philippe Slap
Coordinator-general Marcel Zuckerman
Sir Geert Gijs B-Fast
Aaron Blomme D 1620
Lerzan Senturk D 1630
Jacques de Meyer Deputy Coordinator and Secretary **
Michel Collen Secretary
Zahava Zuckerman Zone Antwerpen + press
PDG Johan Dexters Finance
Lucas Smits van Waesberghe
Zone Waasland
Pierre Dermine zone Namur Dinant & Photos
Gerard Youbi Film
** Our friend Jacques had to leave us due to reasons of health (transplantation of kidneys) in
the middle of the preparation and was at that time rehabilitating.