LOGIC REVIEW FOR FINAL #3 1. For Aristotle, the (contrary of the * ) (A * E) proposition implies the (I * 0) proposition. 2. A standard categorical syllogism contains exactly (1* 2* 3) different terms, each of which occurs exactly (once * twice * thrice). 3. The fallacy of (amphiboly * equivocation) occurs when the arguer uses a (grammar structure that creates ambiguity * word that has two or more normal meanings). 4. This fallacy is sometimes called the fallacy of reverse accident: (hasty generalization * fallacy of small sample * gamblers’ fallacy). 5. “Every giraffe with the head of an elephant has stripes” is a (true * false) proposition. 6. Two propositions that are each (tautologous * self-contradictory) are necessarily (consistent * logically equivalent * inconsistent * contradictory). 7. To say that a proposition is (contradictory * tautologous * consistent) is to commit a category mistake. 8. To say that the shelf is (tall * tired * full of books * angry) is to commit a category mistake. 9. (Every * Some * No) categorical proposition is logically equivalent to the negation of its contradictory opposite. 10. “No bird is a mammal” (implies * does not imply) “No mammal is a bird”. 11. “Some bird is not a mammal” (implies * does not imply) “Some mammal is not a bird”. LOGIC REVIEW FOR FINAL #3