The Odyssey_reading questions

Freshman Language Arts
Coach Marenda
The Odyssey, by Homer
Reading Questions
Complete the questions as you read/listen to the story. You will receive extra credit on the
unit test for completing the entire packet – no questions may be skipped.
Part I – The Adventures of Odysseus
1. In which war did Odysseus fight?
2. How long was he at war? After the war was over, how long did it take Odysseus to
get home?
3. Who offers Odysseus a ship to get home in if Odysseus will tell the story of his
Fighting on the Coast of Cicones
4. What happens when Odysseus’ men first arrive on the coast of Cicones?
5. Odysseus wanted his men to leave quickly – what did they do instead?
6. Because the men made this choice, what happened when they faced the main force of
the Cicones?
The Lotus-Eaters
7. What happens when Odysseus’ men eat the Lotus Plant – what effect does it have on
8. How does Odysseus get the three men who ate the lotus back on the ship to go home?
The Cyclops
9. Why did Odysseus want to visit the Cyclops?
10. What did Odysseus take with him as gifts to the Cyclops?
11. How did the Cyclops say he felt about the gods?
12. What name did Odysseus go by when he spoke with the Cyclops?
13. How did Odysseus injure the Cyclops?
14. How many men did the Cyclops eat?
15. How did Odysseus escape from the Cyclops?
16. The Cyclops called upon a god and asked for a curse to be put on Odysseus. On
whom did the Cyclops call? Why did the Cyclops call on this god?
Winds, Cannibals & Circe
17. What gift does King Aeolus give Odysseus?
18. What do Odysseus’ men do with this gift?
19. Why does King Aeolus cast out Odysseus and his men when they return?
20. Who are the Laestrygonians, and what do they do to Odysseus’ ships?
21. What does Circe do to Odysseus’ men?
22. Why did Circe’s spell not work on Odysseus?
23. Where did Circe tell Odysseus he must go before he can safely return home?
Land of the Dead
24. How does Odysseus prepare to conjure up the spirit of Tiresias?
25. How did Elpenor die, and what does he want Odysseus to do before sailing home?
26. Why, besides the obvious, was it shocking and painful for Odysseus to see the spirit of
his mother, Anticlea?
27. According to Tiresias, what will happen to Odysseus and his men if they avoid the
cattle of Helios?
28. According to Tiresias, what will happen to Odysseus and hi men if they harm the
cattle of Helios? (List all parts of the prophecy)
29. Where does Odysseus go when he leaves the Land of the Dead? What help is
provided there?
The Sirens
30. What is the danger of the Sirens?
31. How does Odysseus get everyone safely past the Sirens? Who helps Odysseus
achieve this feat?
Scylla & Charybdis
32. How does Odysseus describe Charybdis (pg 1009)?
33. What happens with Scylla? How many men does she take from Odysseus’ crew?
34. What is Homeric Simile? Give an example used in “Scylla and Charybdis.”
The Cattle of the Sun God
35. Why do the men run out of food when they are on Helios’ island?
36. Why does Odysseus leave his men?
37. Whom does Odysseus blame for causing him to fall asleep and for causing his men to
raid the cattle?
38. What threat does Helios give Zeus?
39. How does Odysseus lose his ship and crew?
40. How does Odysseus survive Charybdis when he encounters the creature for the second
41. Where does Odysseus arrive after drifting on the sea for nine days?
Final Connections for Part I
1. Where does Odysseus go after this stop? (Hint: look back to the start of the story!)
2. What is an epithet? Give four examples of epithets used in Part I.
Part II – The Return of Odysseus
“Twenty years gone, and I am back again…”
3. Athena disguises Odysseus as a _______________________ .
4. Odysseus is disguised so that _____________________ will not recognize him.
5. The first person to whom Odysseus reveals himself is ______________________.
6. Odysseus gives the person identified in the previous question a plan. List the steps of
this plan.
7. Outside his palace, Odysseus sees his _____________________ lying on a pile of
8. What does this event symbolize?
The Suitors
9. Antinous treats the beggar with great disrespect by throwing a __________________
at him.
10. What information does Odysseus learn about his wife’s activities that convinces him
that she has remained faithful after all this time?
The Challenge
11. Describe the challenge given to the suitors by Penelope.
Odysseus’ Revenge
12. Who is the first suitor to get the revenge of Odysseus?
13. Eurymachus tells Odysseus that Antinous was the ringleader and that Eurymachus and
the other suitors are willing to do what to save their lives?
14. How do you know that Odysseus does not accept the offer made by Eurymachus?
Penelope’s Test
15. Why does Penelope feel it necessary to test Odysseus?
16. What is the test Penelope gives Odysseus?
17. What act of kindness does Athena do at the end of the story?