St. Aedan’s CYO 23 Reld Drive Pearl River, NY 10965 BOARD OF DIRECTOR’S - MEETING AGENDA AND MINUTES Meeting Date: 03/11/07 Time: 7:30 – 9:05 PM EST Facilitator: Tom Dolan Recorder: Ed Grix Location: St. Aedan’s Kitchen Frequency: Monthly Purpose: Information Sharing / Consensus Building Next Meeting: TBD MEETING AGENDA: # 1. Time Frame Topic Responsible Report from Tournament Directors on tournaments - Dollars Collected/Dollars spent - Net + or -? Team Parties and $$ Donation Request from St. Agatha's Uniform and Bond Money Return 2007/2008 Registration and Fees Coaches for Next Season Question regarding Playoff System for "B" Teams Cleaning Communication - Coaches and Board Members Key Decisions and Information Items No. Date 1 03/11 2 03/11 3 03/11 Description B- Division Playoffs. Rich Jacobson proposed having playoffs for the B teams. Rich will write up a note for Joe Scogs and Joe will circulate to the other coordinators for comment. John D. and Mary F. to take over web activities. Coach’s evaluation – send note to parents on evaluation. Boys/Girls St. Aedan’s Board of Directors Agenda & Meeting Notes Page 1 of 10 No. Date Description coordinators to create note. Coaches meeting needs to be better organized. A/B – Discussion on the merits. A vote was taken to determine if this was a decision that the board was going to open for re-evaluation. 11 people present 2 votes Y – John D.; Vinny; all others were No. Boys/Girls Coordinators are responsible for organizing the approach to running tryouts next year. Registration and Fees: Expectation that the league will up the fees from $300 to $350 per team. Could cost the program an extra $1300. Referees may increase again from $35 per ref per game to $40. Raising fees $15 would bring in an additional $6000 in income. Joe Scogs to find out what other programs are charging. Dennis Murray handed out a profit loss statement for the past few years. Money donated to parish will be down from previous years due to the unexpected increase in costs. Joe Fitz is organizing a group to take over St. Agatha’s led by the Nanuet little league. The group is asking for $1000 from St. Aedan’s. St. Aedan’s would have continued use of the facility. Vote was taken 11 directors present it was unanimous. Dennis Murray asked that the money be sent after registration. Non-parishioners and the reduction of the number of teams was discussed. No decision was made. This will need to be resolved prior to registration. 4 03/11 5 03/11 6 03/11 7 03/11 8 03/11 9 03/11 10 03/11 11 03/11 John D. will obtain a Costco card for the program. He will also obtain a new safe for the closet. New procedures are also forthcoming. John will be pulling together money handling procedures. And the assignment of kitchen time. Also, it was discussed about kids working the kitchen. 12 03/11 Uniforms need to be collected by the coaches and given to Rich Jacobson. No kitchen or bond money will be returned this year. Unless the child is leaving the program. 2. How will the coaches be notified? 3. What is the procedure for getting bond money to be returned if you are leaving the program? Or if you do not register in time for next year? 13 03/11 Need to identify a new coordinator for the boys clinic next year. 14 03/11 Kathleen noted there was a significant amount of no-shows at the end of season party. Next year she will revise the party to request a nominal fee for everyone to help ensure we get a better count on the number of people that will be attending and help control the cost. St. Aedan’s Board of Directors Agenda & Meeting Notes Page 2 of 10 No. Date Description 15 03/11 1 11/12 2 11/12 Dennis provided a brief financial update. 14 unpaid fees – Families will be contacted by the boy/girls coordinators. 3 11/12 By Laws committee; Coach/Board Member Committee and Financial Hardship Committee were all discussed and members approved. All committees are responsible for documenting their process and providing to board for review and approval. Kathleen handed out additional pictures for teams. Joe Scogs – County Rep (This is a brief summary.) Rosters are done, fees are due. 23 teams x $300 per team Refs $35 per game if 2 refs are present, if only one ref cost is a fee and a half. ($52.50) 3rd grade games should have one ref - $45 (St. Aedan’s decision – not county) Conflicts need to be brought to county coordinator and if needed raised to Tom Collins CYO Breakfast to be scheduled for March – Parish needs to nominate someone to be recognized for what they do for the parish. Coaches seminar was successful. Weather will be noted on the arbiter. Scores need to be submitted to Joe for all home games by Monday. The following individuals volunteered to participate in the following committees: Coach/Board Member R. Jacobson J. Doherty J. Scognamiglio V. Cueva J. Scanlon K. Byrnes (added) By-laws J. Doherty B. Degnan T. Dolan Financial Hardship D. Murray T.Dolan V. Cueva (added) 4 11/12 5 11/12 6 11/12 Mary Fusco was unanimously approved for open board member position. It was suggested that Mary help Joe Scogs with the collection of home game scores. Board Members with Keys: Vinny Cueva, Tom Dolan, John Orsino, Joe Scanlon, John Doherty, Ed Grix, Kathleen Degnan, Rich Jacobson. Kathleen confirmed all coaches have successfully completed the safe St. Aedan’s Board of Directors Agenda & Meeting Notes Page 3 of 10 No. Date Description environment program. Clinic Boys will be limited to 25 for each session. Parishioners will be automatically included; the non-parishioners will be selected based on registration date. Kathleen will contact non-parishioners that will need to have funds refunded. No decision on non-parishioners status for next year. This will be reviewed by the by-laws committee. Several Fund Raising Ideas were discussed including renting the sports place for an end of year Kevin Byrnes will discuss with Danny Hlavic for costs and additional information. Vinny Cueva – noted that the fund-raising goal is $5000 for this 2006-2007 basketball season. 7 11/12 8 11/12 9 11/12 Rich brought up bringing in a contractor to determine the status of our existing light bulbs and alternatives for replacement – if needed. One bulb is out and at a minimum needs to be replaced. Tom Dolan will contact George Fanshawe who is a local electrical contractor and an 8th grade coach. 10 11/12 Rich also discussed the current state of the uniforms. Merrygarten the current manufacturer is out of business. We need to start thinking about a replacement strategy. Rich will come up with an approach, samples and prices in the next meeting or two. 11 11/12 Coaches Clinic – Course is complete. $900 invoice will be submitted by Coach Loscher shortly. This includes $100 worth of videos. 12 11/12 We will have the meetings on a regular basis. The second Sunday of the month during the season and every other month after the season. Sept through March and then May July 10/1 Vinny presented a draft version of CYO by-laws and identified a core set of executive roles, with proposed members. 1 Although the group agreed with the concept and did not have any objection to the nominees, no formal vote or consensus was attained. Follow-up – Another meeting is required to begin to more formally document the key components that need to belong within by-laws. 2 10/1 Agenda for coaches meeting held later that night were reviewed and agreed upon. St. Aedan’s Board of Directors Agenda & Meeting Notes Page 4 of 10 No. Date St. Aedan’s Board of Directors Agenda & Meeting Notes Description Page 5 of 10 Key Open Action Items No. Create Date 1. 9/6 2. 9/6 3. Action Item Assigned Status/Target Date Dennis to fax registrations over to Joe Fitzgerald. Joe enter all registrations in the database Dennis 9/7 Joe Fitz 9/9 9/6 Joe will send final registration to all board members Joe Fitz 9/9 4. 9/6 Tom 9/10 5. 9/6 Ed 9/10 6. 9/6 Kevin 9/21 7. 9/6 Tom 9/21 8. 9/6 Joe Fitz 10/15 9. 9/6 Kevin/Tom 9/8 10. 9/6 Joe Scogs 9/13 11. 9/6 Vinny 10/1 12. 9/6 Joe Fitz 10/1 13. 9/6 Vinny 10/1 14. 9/6 Tom Dolan 9/10 15. 9/6 Brian D 10/1 16. 9/6 Joe Fitz 9/10 17. 9/6 Tom Dolan to confirm that teams are not over stocked and if we will need to turn kids away Ed to check clinic registrations to determine if we have enough kids and if we need to open the registration again. Kevin Byrnes to send a list of all boys’ coaches, assistant coaches, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and home address to all board members. Tom Dolan to send a list of all girls’ coaches, assistant coaches, phones numbers, e-mail addresses and home address to all board members. Joe Fitz will post ‘finalized’ list of coaches on the website. All new coaches must attend the Safe Environment program before they can run a practice. Kevin/Tom send a list of new coaches to Vinny and Kathleen by Friday. Vinny promised the list to Msgr by the end of the week. Joe Scogs will send the tournament information to all board members. Joe is running the 6th and 7th grade pre-season tournament. Vinny to work with Joe to lock-in the preseason tournament dates. Joe Fitz is working on getting gym times at Nanuet schools and St. Agatha’s. Vinny to confirm gym times at PR Middle School and Evans Park. And work with Kenny Kardashian for the 7th day Adventist. Tom Dolan to send out a letter to parents regarding A/B and why the board has decided to go with this approach. Brian to use the list of coaches to determine who needs equipment for the season. Joe Fitz to check St. Agatha’s for coaches clinic either Tuesday or Thursday in the next couple of weeks. Ed to finalize the dates of the coaches clinics – 3 (2 hour) sessions with Steve Loscher. Ed 9/15 St. Aedan’s Board of Directors Agenda & Meeting Notes Page 6 of 10 No. Create Date 18. 9/6 19. 9/6 20. 9/6 21. 9/6 22. 9/6 23. 11/12 24. 11/12 25. 11/12 26. 11/12 27. 11/12 28. 11/12 29. 11/12 30. 11/12 31. 11/12 32. 11/12 33. 11/12 34. 11/12 35. 11/12 36. 11/12 37. 11/12 Action Item Assigned Status/Target Date Kathleen to check with Marie Gartner on other Safe Harbor seminars Kathleen to come up with a plan regarding CYO mass and breakfast following the mass Vinny to get the unreturned pictures back from the photographer. Tom to update the registration form on the website – currently it references the 2004-2005 season. Joe Fitz to have the revised registration form posted on the website Bill Degnan to contact Joe Fitz about running a portion of the Christmas tournament at St. Agatha’s. Vinny to get available dates for St. Aedan’s to Bill for Christmas week. Coaches shirts are needed for all new coaches. Rich and Tom will see how many shirts they have. Ed to coordinate bringing in the baskets for clinic that were moved outside for cleaning of the floors. Vinny to supply the list of practice time slots and coach name to all coaches. Dennis to provide the list of unpaid players to the Tom and Kevin. Tom and Kevin to contact families to determine the situation. Fees are required by Thanksgiving 11/23. Vinny to check with PCA/Rectory on missing items were they inadvertently misplaced? Billy/Kathleen to contact the non-parishioners that we can not accommodate this year for clinic. Ed to revise the clinic letter to be sent out. It will only be sent to parishioners. Joe Scogs to order 120 shirts for clinic 40 youth small, 40 youth medium, 40 youth large. Kelly green will be the color this year. Tom Dolan to contact George Fanshawe about the lights. Rich to create a plan for uniforms. Kathleen 9/13 Kathleen 10/1 Vinny 10/15 Tom 9/14 Joe Fitz 9/30 Bill Degnan 12/1 Vinny 12/1 Rich and Tom 11/19 Ed 11/26 Vinny 11/19 Dennis 11/14 Tom/Kevin 11/23 Vinny 11/19 Kathleen/Billy 11/19 Ed 11/19 Joe Scogs 11/19 Tom 11/19 Rich 1/14 Dennis to check the last time the lights were replaced and the cost. Kevin to contact Danny Hlavic about running an end of season party at the Sports Place. Dennis 12/10 Kevin 12/10 St. Aedan’s Board of Directors Agenda & Meeting Notes Page 7 of 10 No. Create Date Action Item 38. 3/11 Rich to send note to Joe s. regarding B Playoffs R. Jacobson 3/19 39. 3/11 Joe Scogs 5/1 40. 3/11 Joe to circulate note to coordinators for comment. Coach’s Evaluation Tom/Kevin 5/1 41. 3/11 Tom/Kevin 8/1 42. 3/11 Need a plan for the organization of A/B tryouts for next season. (Boys/Girls Coordinators) Find out what other programs are charging. Joe Scogs 4/1 43. 3/11 Tom Dolan 4/15 44. 3/11 Registration – many open questions including parishioners/non-parishioners; registration fees; number of teams. Dates of the registration. Cut check to Joe Fitz for St. Agatha’s Dennis Murray After registration 45. 3/11 Identify boys clinic coordinator Board 7/1 46. 3/11 Obtain Costco card in the name of St. Aedan’s; Update kitchen procedures; Obtain safe for the closet; John D. 7/1 Assigned Status/Target Date 47. St. Aedan’s Board of Directors Agenda & Meeting Notes Page 8 of 10 10/1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Vinny Cueva √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Kevin Byrnes Bill Degnan Kathleen Degnan Tom Dolan Brian Dorrian Joe Fitzgerald Edward Grix Rich Jacobson Dennis Murray John Orsino Joe Scognamiglio Joe Scanlon John Doherty √ 03/11 Name 11/12 No 9/6 Attendees and Participation √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Mary Fusco St. Aedan’s Board of Directors Agenda & Meeting Notes √ √ √ √ √ √ Page 9 of 10 St. Aedan's Board of Directors 2006-2007 Season Moderator Monsignor Joseph Penna 735-7405 735-7636 623-0725 620-9394 623-0725 348-3225 735-4878 623-7892 620-0602 735-7809 Coordinator Gym Availability Coordinator Registration Coordinator Boys Basketball Coordinator Girls Basketball Coordinator CYO County Treasurer Uniforms Clinic Vinny Cueva Tom Dolan Kevin Byrnes Tom Dolan Joe Scognamiglio Dennis Murray Rich Jacobson Ed Grix Clinic Bill Degnan Equipment & voice mail Coordinator Background Checks Safe Environment Program Away Tournaments & Home ref's Home Tournaments Home Tournaments Kitchen Kitchen Fund Raising Brian Dorrian Kathleen Degnan Kathleen Degnan John Orsino Bill Degnan Joe Scognamiglio John Doherty Joe Scanlon John Doherty 215-5552 735-7809 735-7809 620-9436 Web Liaison Joe Fitzgerald 623-3316 Kathleen Degnan Kathleen Degnan Lori Hickey Donna McDonough Mike McGarvey 735-7809 735-7809 623-8078 735-5797 Unknown 735-7809 348-3225 620-9436 Other responsibilities Pictures Social Functions Cheerleading Cheerleading Consultant St. Aedan’s Board of Directors Agenda & Meeting Notes Page 10 of 10