Cleveland Press Collection: Photograph Subjects Index

Cleveland Press Collection:
Photograph Subjects, housed at
Special Collections in the Michael Schwartz
Library, Cleveland State University
1864 General Store
3M Company
5th Christian CHurch
AAA electric sewer cleaning company
AB Hart Jr. High School
Abacus investment club
Abby Construction Company
Abby st.
Aberdeen motor supply
Abington arms apts.
Abington house (formerly Benjamin Rose hospital)
Abominable snowman
Abortion- pro and con
Abraham Lincoln Brigade
Acacia country club
Acacia Masonic memorial park
Academy of motion picture and sciences
Acadia farms
Acadia S.S.
Accidents- general
Ace cigarette Service Company
Ace transmission Inc.
ACF industries
Acme meats
Acme news pictures Inc.
Acme rayon corps.
Activities growth center
Addison Jr. high school
Addison road church of Christ
Addison square (public housing)
Addressograph-multigraph corp.
Adele’s bar
Adirondack Mountains
Adlai Stevenson elementary school
Admiral (tug boat)
Adrian school (South Euclid)
Advent evangelical Lutheran church
Advent Lutheran church- Solon, Oh
Aerospace defense command
Aetna finance company
AFG Hanastan
Africa- general
Africa- maps
Africa S.S.
African safari
African sun
Afro set
Afro-American cultural and historical society
Aged- Cleveland area
Agnes De Mille dance theatre
Agnes Spiro- visit
Air Canada airlines
Air Commuter Inc.
Air conditioning
Air force Academy
Air Force- bombers- A-9A, A-10A
Air Force- bombers- B-16, B-60, B-61
Air Force- bombers- B-35
Air Force- bombers- B-52
Air Force- bombers- F-102A
Air Force- bombers- F-104, F-104A, F-105B
Air Force- bombers- F-4C, GC-130, F-5A
Air Force- bombers- F-92, F-93
Air Force- bombers- P-59, P-55, P-51
Air Force- bombers-YB51, YX51
Air Force fighters
Air Force- fighters- F-100, F-100, F-100D, F-100F
Air Force- fighters- F-14, F-15, F-16, F-18
Air Force- fighters- F-87, F-88
Air Force- fighters- F-89
Air Force- fighters- F-94, F-95, F-96
Air Force- fighters- P-39
Air Force- general 1960
Air Force Radar Picket plane
Air Force reconnaissance observation
Air Force reconnaissance observation U-2
Air force thunderbirds
Air Force- transports 1945-1948
Air Force- transports 1949
Air Force- transports 1950
Air Force- transports 1951-1952
Air Force- transports- before 1945
Air Force VTOL vertiplane
Air Force, Navy scouting planes observation
Air mail
Air New England
Air pollution
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1929
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1931
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1932
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1933-1938
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1946
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1947
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1948
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1949
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1953
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1964
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1965
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1966
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1967
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1968
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1969
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1971
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1972
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1973
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1974
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1975
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1976
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1977
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1978
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1979
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1980
Air races and shows- Cleveland 1981
Air races and shows- general
Air traffic control and towers
Air traffic control center- Cleveland and Ohio
Aircraft show- general
Airlines- A
Airlines general
Airplane accidents- Canary Islands
Airplane accidents- Chicago, Illinois 5/25/79
Airplane accidents- Cleveland area- general
Airplane accidents- Cleveland Tag airline 1970
Airplane accidents- general
Airplane accidents- New Hope, Georgia 4/4/77
Airplane accidents- San Diego, California 9/25/78
Airplanes- “C” general
Airplanes- “M”- general
Airplanes- A-B general
Airplanes- B1
Airplanes- B17
Airplanes- B19
Airplanes- B24
Airplanes- B25
Airplanes- B26
Airplanes- B29
Airplanes- B32
Airplanes- B36
Airplanes- B47
Airplanes- B57
Airplanes- B58
Airplanes- Bede, James R.
Airplanes- Beechcraft
Airplanes- Bi-plane
Airplanes- Boeing 307
Airplanes- Boeing 707
Airplanes- Boeing 727
Airplanes- Boeing 737
Airplanes- Boeing 747
Airplanes- Boeing 757, 767
Airplanes- Boeing aircraft
Airplanes- Boeing Jet Stratoliner 720
Airplanes- Boeing Stratocruiser
Airplanes- bombings
Airplanes- Cessna
Airplanes- Concorde
Airplanes- consolidated aircraft
Airplanes- Convair
Airplanes- Curtiss
Airplanes- Czechoslovakia
Airplanes- Dornier
Airplanes- Douglas C-54
Airplanes- Douglas DC-2
Airplanes- Douglas DC-3
Airplanes- Douglas DC-4
Airplanes- Douglas DC-6
Airplanes- Douglas DC-8
Airplanes- Douglas DC-9
Airplanes- E-F
Airplanes- England
Airplanes- experimental
Airplanes- Expo
Airplanes- F-101
Airplanes- F-105
Airplanes- F-106
Airplanes- F-107
Airplanes- F-111
Airplanes- F-80
Airplanes- F-84
Airplanes- Fairchild
Airplanes- flight schools
Airplanes- Fokkers
Airplanes- Ford
Airplanes- France
Airplanes- general
Airplanes- general
Airplanes- general
Airplanes- general
Airplanes- general
Airplanes- Germany
Airplanes- Germany
Airplanes- Grumman
Airplanes- Hughes Hercules (Spruce Goose)
Airplanes- Italy
Airplanes- Lear
Airplanes- Lockheed
Airplanes- Lockheed supersonic SST
Airplanes- man powered
Airplanes- Marines U.S.
Airplanes- Martin
Airplanes- Navy guided missiles
Airplanes- Navy patrol bombers
Airplanes- Navy reconnaissance- EC-121
Airplanes- Navy submarine plane
Airplanes- Navy tankers 1955
Airplanes- North American Rockwell
Airplanes- Northrup
Airplanes- observation
Airplanes- P
Airplanes- P-26A
Airplanes- P-36A
Airplanes- P-38 “lightning”
Airplanes- P-40
Airplanes- P-47
Airplanes- P-61
Airplanes- P-82
Airplanes- Piper
Airplanes- reconnaissance
Airplanes- Russia
Airplanes- Sikorsky
Airplanes- Steaman
Airplanes- Stinson
Airplanes- STOL
Airplanes- trainers
Airplanes- transports
Airplanes- V+W
Airplanes- X-15
Airplanes- XB-70
Airplanes- XP-39
Airplanes- YF-12/ SR-71
Airplanes- YF-17
Airports- Baltimore- Friendship International
Airports- Boston- Logan International airport
Airports- Burbank- Union Air Terminal
Airports- California
Airports- Chantilly, Va- Dulles International airport
Airports- Charleston- Kanawha Airport
Airports- Chicago- O’Hare
Airports- Cleveland area and Ohio- general
Airports- Cleveland area- jetports
Airports- Cleveland- Burke
Airports- Cleveland- Hopkins International- air
Airports- Cleveland Hopkins Internationalbuildings- exteriors
Airports- Cleveland Hopkins Internationalbuildings- interiors
Airports- Cleveland Hopkins International- general
Airports- Cleveland Hopkins International- ground
Airports- Cleveland Hopkins Internationalmaps/plans
Airports- Cleveland proposals
Airports- Cuyahoga County (Richmond)
Airports- Dallas/Ft. Worth
Airports- England
Airports- France
Airports- general
Airports- Hawaii
Airports- Huron County airport
Airports- Indianapolis- Indianapolis Municipal
Airports- Italy
Airports- Kansas City- Kansas City International
Airports- Mexico
Airports- military
Airports- military- Ohio
Airports- Milwaukee- General Mitchell Field
Airports- Montreal, Canada
Airports- New York City- JFK International airport
Airports- New York- La Guardia
Airports- New York- New York Offshore
Airports- Newark- Newark International airport
Airports- Oakland- Oakland International airport
Airports- San Francisco- San Francisco
International airport
Airports- Santa Monica- Santa Monica International
Airports- St. Louis- Lambert
Airports- Tokyo
Airports- Washington D.C. - Washington National
Airships- Los Angeles- ZR-3
Airships- non rigid- blimps
Airships- non rigid- Goodyear blimp
Airships- rigid- all metal Dirigibles and Zeppelins
Airships- rigid- general
Airships- rigid- Hindenburg
Airships- rigid- R-101
Airships- rigid- Shenandoah
Airships- rigid- U.S.N. Akron
AJ Heiz florist
Ajax building
Ajax manufacturing
Akron Children’s Hospital
Akron University
Akron, Ohio- airport
Akron, Ohio- general
Alabama- Phoenix city
Alabama- S.S.
Alabama school (Cleveland)
Alabama University
Alahambra village apartments
Alaska- cities and towns
Alaska- general
Alaska- people
Alaska- pipeline
Alaska- U.S. troop
Albanian’s- Cleveland
Albion elementary school
Alcatraz Island
Alcazar hotel
Alco products Inc.
Alcoa cavaliers S.S.
Alcoholics and alcoholism
Alders gate Methodist Church (Warrensville
Alex Fodor Realty Company
Alexander Graham Bell School for the deaf
Alexander Hamilton Jr. high school (drill team)
Alexander Pushkin S.S.
Alfred M. Benesch School
Alger cemetery
Alger Foundry Company
Alger road
Algeria- general
Alhamba tavern
Alice Lloyd College
Alien registration
All American engineering
All Nationals festival
All Saints Episcopal Church
All Souls cemetery
Allegany Corporation
Allegheny College
Allen theatre
Allendorf’s restaurant
Allenton hotel
Alleys- general
Alliance for progress
Alliance of poles of America
Alliance of Transylvanian Saxon
Alliance printing company
Alliance, Ohio
Allis- Chalmers Corporation
Almiha elementary school
Alpine Valley
Alpine village (night club)
Alports furniture showrooms
Alps (mountains)
Alta house
Altenheim home
Altrusa club
Aluminum Match Plate company
Amalgamated clothing workers
Ambler Park
Ambrose light ship
America S.S.
American Air Corporation
American Airlines
American Apartments
American Association for the advancement of
American Association of school administers
American Association of University women
American Aviation Corporation
American Ballet theatre
American Bar Association
American Brass Company
American Broadcasting Company
American costume shop
American Debutante Ball of the Silver Rose
American Dental Centers
American Dietetic Association
American District Telegraph Company
American Dream Soap Company
American Express American Federation of Labor
American Federation of State, County and
Municipal employees
American field Service
American Foundrymens Society
American Gas Association
American Greetings Corporation
American Heart Association
American Hospital Association
American House
American House Motor Hotel
American Indian Art Hall of Fame
American Indian Center
American Industrial Engineering
American International Management Corporation
American Laundering
American Legion- Cleveland Convention1936
American Legion- general
American Marketing Association
American Mining Congress and Coal Show
American Monorail Company
American Music Awards
American National Bank
American National Hygiene Society
American Opinion Bookstores
American Plastics Co.
American Red Cross- Cleveland area
American Red Cross- general
American Red Cross- posters
American Revolution Bicentennial celebration
American Road Builders Association
American Searchlight Advertising Company
American Seaway Food
American Society for Metals
American Society for Personal Administration
American Stamping Company
American Steamship Company
American Steel and Wire Corporation
American Steel Fabricating and Machinery
American Telephone and Telegraph
Amerikanis, S.S.
Ameritrust Bank
Ames Company
Amherst, Ohio
Amnesia victims
Amsterdam Hotel
Amusement Parks
Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation
Anderson School (Lyndhurst)
Andover Arms Apartments (Garfield Heights)
Andre Duval Beauty Salon
Andrea Doria (ship)
Anemia- Sickle Cell
Angier House- (see Kennard House)
Anglican Church
Animal experiment
Animal- general
Animal Protective League
Animals- oddities
Annunciation Church
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
Ansel Rd.
Ansel’s Cave
Anti Nuke Organization
Anti-aircraft guns
Antilles, S.S.
Antioch Baptiste Church
Antioch College- general
Antiques- general
Anti-tank guns
Anton Gardenia elementary School
Ants (insects)
Apex Electrical Manufacturing Company
Apex Washing Machine Company
Appalachian Trail
Applause machine
Apple cart
Apple Corr (clothing store)
Apple Creek State Institute
Apple Creek, Ohio
Appliance city
Aqua Belles (see oceanography)
Aqua Lade
Aqua Marine Lounge
Aquarama, S.S.
Aquarium- Cleveland
Aquariums- general
Arabs- Cleveland, Ohio
Aragon Ballroom
Arbor Crest Apartments
Arbor Day
Arby’s restaurants
Arcade, The
Archaeology- Cleveland
Archaeology- general
Archaeology- U.S.
Archbold- Ohio
Archer- Daniels- Midland Company
Architects and Architecture- general
Architecture- windows
Archwood United Church of Christ
Arco Company (Paint Company)
Area Councils Association
Argon National Laboratory (Chicago)
Ariadne, S.S.
ARK (literary-social club, 1852)
Arlington Elementary School
Arlington National Cemetery- Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier
Arm wrestling
Armenian Church of Cleveland (Richmond
Armenians- Cleveland
Armistice Day
Armor- general
Armories- 107th Cavalry
Armories- Brookpark Village
Armories- Central Armory
Armories- Garfield Park
Armories- general Wood King Calvary Armory
Armour Company
Army Day and Week
Army Doak- 16
Army- general
Army- general 1941-1943
Army observation
Army- robots
Army rubber (inflatoplane)
Arnold Engineering Development Center
Around the Clock restaurant
Arrow Letter Service
Art- general
Art Window Shade Company
Artemus Ward Elementary School
Arthritis- general
Arthur G. McKee Company
Arthur Road School
Artificial insemination
Artificial limbs
Artisan Patterns and Engineering Company
Artists- Cleveland area
Arts and Crafts
AS Beck shoe store
Asbestos suits
Ascension Catholic Church
Ascension Lutheran Church (North Olmsted)
Ash Wednesday and Lent
Ashland College (Ashland University)
Ashtabula- buildings
Ashtabula- harbor
Ashtabula- streets
Ashtabula, Ohio- bridges
Ashtabula, Ohio- general
Asia Cultural Society of Ohio
Assembly Ball- 1960
Assembly Ball- before 1960
Assembly of God Church
Associated Cleaning Company
Associated Grocery Manufacturers Representatives
Associated Industries
Association of Arab-American University
Assumption Catholic School (Brookpark, Ohio)
Astor House
Astor Theater
Astrologers and Astrology
Astronauts- U.S. - general
Astrup Awning Company
Athens State Hospital
Athens, Ohio
Atlantic Thrift Center
Atlantic, S.S.
Atlas Alloys Incorporated
A-T-O Inc.
Atom smashers
Atomic energy- anti-demonstrations and marches
Atomic energy- China- general
Atomic energy- England- general
Atomic energy- France- general
Atomic energy- general
Atomic energy- Germany- general
Atomic energy- India- general
Atomic energy- plants- Ohio
Atomic energy- Russia- general
Atomic energy- Sweden- general
Atomic energy- U.S. - A-bomb
Atomic energy- U.S. - general
Atomic energy- U.S. – H-bomb
Atomic energy- U.S. – plants
Atomic Fire Equipment Company
Atwater, Ohio
Atwood Lake and Lodge
Au Pere Jacques restaurant
Au Provence restaurant
Auburn Career Center
Auditorium Hotel
Audubon Junior High School
Audubon Society
Augusta National Golf Club
Aurania, S.S. (cruise ship)
Aurora Country Club
Aurora Farmers Market
Aurora, Ohio
Austin Company
Austin Powder Company
Austinburg Township (Ashtabula County)
Austria- Innsbruck
Austria- Vienna
Auto shows
Autogyros and rotor crafts
Automated Packaging Systems
Automatic Sprinkler Corporation
Automobile dealers
Automobile- licenses- bureau- driver’s licenses
Automobile shows- general
Automobile Wrecking Company
Automobiles- A
Automobiles- abandoned and junk cars
Automobiles- AMC
Automobiles- Auburn
Automobiles- B
Automobiles- Buick (2 folders)
Automobiles- C
Automobiles- Cadillac (2 folders)
Automobiles- Chevrolet (2 folders)
Automobiles- Chrysler (2 folders)
Automobiles- Corel
Automobiles- Corvair
Automobiles- Corvette
Automobiles- Crosley
Automobiles- D
Automobiles- Desoto
Automobiles- Dodge (2 folders)
Automobiles- E
Automobiles- Edsel
Automobiles- F
Automobiles- Ford (4 folders)
Automobiles- Frazier
Automobiles- G
Automobiles- General (2 folders)
Automobiles- Graham
Automobiles- H
Automobiles- Hillman
Automobiles- historical- old- general
Automobiles- Hudson
Automobiles- Hupmobile
Automobiles- I-J
Automobiles- Jeeps
Automobiles- K
Automobiles- Kaiser
Automobiles- L
Automobiles- La Salle
Automobiles- Lafayette
Automobiles- Le Sabre
Automobiles- Lincoln (2 folders)
Automobiles- M
Automobiles- Mercury (2 folders)
Automobiles- N
Automobiles- Nash
Automobiles- O
Automobiles- Oldsmobile (2 folders)
Automobiles- P
Automobiles- Packard (2 folders)
Automobiles- Plymouth (2 folders)
Automobiles- Pontiac (2 folders)
Automobiles- R
Automobiles- racing and races- mid Ohio sports car
course (Lexington, Ohio)
Automobiles- racing- Cleveland
Automobiles- racing- general
Automobiles- Rambler
Automobiles- REO
Automobiles- repairs
Automobiles- S
Automobiles- safety checks
Automobiles- seat belts
Automobiles- Studebaker (2 folders)
Automobiles- T
Automobiles- theft
Automobiles- U-V
Automobiles- Volkswagen (auto)
Automobiles- Willys
Automobiles- W-Z
Avalon Terrace Apartments
Aviation- flights
Aviation Hall of Fame
Aviation High School
Avis rent-a-truck
Avon Lake Elementary School
Avon Lake Senior High School
Avon Lake, Ohio
Avon Oaks Country Club
Avon United Methodist Church
Azteca Club Incorporated
B & B Appliance Company
B & B Auto Glass Company
B & B Builders Incorporated
B & M air compressor and motor repair
B.R. Baker Company
Babcock and Wilcox Company
Babies and Children’s Hospital (Rainbow)
Babies- Blue Babies
Baby buggies
Bachelor’s Day
Back packing (see: hikers and hiking- general)
Back Stage Club
Bagley Road and Bridge- streets
Bahama Star, S.S.
Bahamas- general
Bahamas- Nassau
Bailey Controls Company
Bailey Wallpaper Company
Bailey’s store (2 folders)
Bainbridge, Ohio
Baker’s Union building
Baker-Raulang Company
Bakers and bakeries
Baldwin Wallace- buildings
Baldwin Wallace- Commencement
Baldwin Wallace drama
Baldwin Wallace- general
Baldwin Wallace- students- 1940
Baldwin Wallace- students- prior
Bali dancers
Ballet Folklorico of Mexico
Ballet- general
Ballet Guild of Cleveland
Ballistic missile early warning system
Balloons (toy)
Balloons and balloonists
Baltursol golf course (New Jersey)
Bamberger-Reinthal Company (garment workers)
Banc Ohio
Bands- general
Bank of Ohio
Banks and banking- holiday (1933)
Banks- general
Banquets and dinners
Baptist convention
Baptist Temple
Bar Association of Greater Cleveland
Barbeque grills
Barber shop quartets
Barbers and barber shops
Barberton, Ohio
Barclay Hat Company
Bargain Fair Department Store
Barkwill Elementary School
Barney’s Food Warehouse
Barret Brothers Incorporated
Bars and bartenders
Barth Corporation
Bartkos’s Lounge
Barto’s café
Barton Senior Center
Baseball- equipment (bats, gloves, etc.)
Baseball- general
Baseball- Indians- 1930-1937
Baseball- Indians- 1938
Baseball- Indians- 1939
Baseball- Indians- 1940
Baseball- Indians- 1941
Baseball- Indians- 1942
Baseball- Indians- 1943
Baseball- Indians- 1944
Baseball- Indians- 1945
Baseball- Indians- 1946
Baseball- Indians- 1947
Baseball- Indians- 1948
Baseball- Indians- 1950
Baseball- Indians- 1951
Baseball- Indians- 1952
Baseball- Indians- 1953
Baseball- Indians- 1954
Baseball- Indians- 1955
Baseball- Indians- 1956
Baseball- Indians- 1957
Baseball- Indians- 1958
Baseball- Indians- 1959
Baseball- Indians- 1960
Baseball- Indians- 1961
Baseball- Indians- 1962-1963
Baseball- Indians- 1964
Baseball- Indians- 1965
Baseball- Indians- 1966
Baseball- Indians- 1967
Baseball- Indians- 1968
Baseball- Indians- 1969
Baseball- Indians- 1970
Baseball- Indians- 1971
Baseball- Indians- 1972
Baseball- Indians- 1973
Baseball- Indians- 1974
Baseball- Indians- 1975
Baseball- Indians- 1979
Baseball- Indians- 1981
Baseball- Indians- 1982
Baseball- Indians- action- 1976
Baseball- Indians- action 1977
Baseball- Indians- action 1978
Baseball- Indians- general- 1980’s
Baseball- Indians to 1929
Baseball- Major League Baseball 1950-1954
Baseball- Major League Baseball 1955-1959
Baseball- Major League Baseball- 1960
Baseball- Major League Baseball- 1970’s
Baseball- Major League Baseball to 1929
Baseball- Major League Baseball to 1949
Bashkiria (ship)
Basic Refractories Incorporated
Basketball- Cleveland Cavaliers- action- 1970
Basketball- Cleveland Cavaliers- action- 1971
Basketball- Cleveland Cavaliers- action- 1972
Basketball- Cleveland Cavaliers- action- 1973
Basketball- Cleveland Cavaliers- action- 1974
Basketball- Cleveland Cavaliers- action- 1975-1976
Basketball- Cleveland Cavaliers- action- 1976-1977
Basketball- Cleveland Cavaliers- action- 1977-1978
Basketball- Cleveland Cavaliers- action- 1978-1979
Basketball- Cleveland Cavaliers- action- 1979-1980
Basketball- Cleveland Cavaliers- action- 1980-1981
Basketball- Cleveland Cavaliers- action- 1981-1982
Basketball- Cleveland Pipers- general
Basketball- College
Basketball- equipment
Basketball- general
Basketball- general (2 folders)
Basketball- high school action- 1978-1979
Basketball- high school action- 1979-1980
Basketball- high school action- 1980-1981
Basketball- high school action- 1981-1982
Basketball- high school before 1978
Basketball team- general
Basketball- teams
Basketball- various ways of playing
Basketball- women- general
Batelle Memorial Institute
Bates School (R.R.)
Bath houses
Bath Township
Bathing suits
Baton twirling
Batory (ship)
Bay Methodist Church
Bay Presbyterian Church
Bay Village Baptist Church
Bay Village- general
Bay Village- historic
Bay Village- housing
Bay Village Junior High School
Bay Village- schools
Bay Village Senior High School
Bayview Hospital
Beach Crest Apartments
Beach Haven Nursing Home
Beach High School
Beach scenes
Beach School (R.R.)
Beachcliff Market Square
Beachwood Adult Training Center
Beachwood Middle School
Beachwood Place
Beachwood, Ohio
Beards- general
Bears- general
Bears- Polar bears
Beaumont School for Girls
Beauty contests
Beauty parlors
Beauty treatments
Beaver Creek State Park
Bede Aircraft Corporation
Bedford Heights, Ohio
Bedford Municipal Hospital and Metropolitan
Medical Clinic
Bedford Senior High School
Bedford, Ohio- general
Bedford, Ohio- housing
Beech Brook
Beechmont Country Club
Beef Corral restaurant
Beefalo (animal)
Beehive elementary school
Beehive school
Belgenland (ship)
Belgium- Brussels
Belgium- general
Bell Aircraft Corporation
Bell Telephone Laboratories
Bellaire Auto Parts Incorporated
Belleflower Elementary School
Bellefontaine, Ohio
Bellevue, Ohio
Belmont Hotel
Belmont race track
Belvoir School
Bender Body Company
Bendix Corporation
Benedictine High School
Benesch Elementary School
Bengalis- Cleveland
Benjamin Franklin Elementary School
Benjamin Rose Institute
Bentleville, Ohio (2 folders)
Berbert Laronse Inc.
Berea- air views- maps
Berea churches
Berea Commons
Berea freeway
Berea- general
Berea- housing
Berea Little Theatre
Berea- quarries
Berea- schools
Berea summer theatre
Berengaria, S.S.
Bergensfjord (ship)
Berger Manufacturing Company
Berkshire Hills Country Club
Berlin Heights, Ohio
Berlin, Ohio
Berlin, S.S.
Bermuda- general
Bermuda- Hamilton
Bermuda- Saint George
Bermuda Triangle
Berry picking
Bessie Benner Metzenbaum Opportunity School
and Children’s Center
Beth Israel- West Temple
Bethany Assembly of God
Bethany Covenant Church (Lyndhurst)
Bethany English Lutheran Church
Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church
Bethany Methodist Episcopal Church
Bethany Presbyterian Church
Bethany United Church of Christ
Bethel AME Zion Church
Bethel Baptist Church
Bethel Full Gospel Church (Richmond Heights)
Bethel Lutheran Church (Middleburg Heights)
Bethesda-On-The-Bay Lutheran Church
Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Bethlehem Steel Company
Bettcher Manufacturing Corporation
Better Business Bureau (BBB)
Beulah Beach
Beulah Park
BF Goodrich Company- buildings
BF Goodrich Company- general
Bible Baptist Church (Bedford, Ohio)
Bible Presbyterian Church (North Olmsted)
Bibles- general
Bicentennial- Cleveland and Ohio
Bicycle racing- Cleveland
Bicycle racing- general
Bicycles- accidents
Bicycles- general
Bicycles- historical
Bicycles- press- Bike Brigade
Big Brothers
Big Creek- Cleveland
Big Four Lumber Company
Bilo Discounts Foods
Bing Furniture Company
Bingham Incorporated
Bird Electronic Corporation
Bird feeders
Bird houses
Birds- Albatross
Birds- bird walks
Birds- Blackbirds
Birds- Blue Bird
Birds- Blue Jays
Birds- Buzzards (see: Birds- Vultures)
Birds- Canaries
Birds- Cardinals
Birds- Chickens
Birds- Cockatoo
Birds- Cock-of-the-Rock
Birds- Condor
Birds- Cranes
Birds- Cuckoo
Birds- Doves
Birds- Ducks
Birds- Eagles
Birds- Emu
Birds- Falcons
Birds- Flamingoes
Birds- Gannets
Birds- Geese
Birds- Grackles
Birds- Grebe
Birds- Gulls
Birds- Hawks
Birds- Herons
Birds- Hornbills
Birds- Hummingbird
Birds- Loon
Birds- Nests
Birds- Ostriches
Birds- Owls
Birds- Parakeets
Birds- Parrots
Birds- Peacocks
Birds- Pelicans
Birds- Penguins
Birds- Pheasants
Birds- Pigeons
Birds- Rhea
Birds- Robins
Birds- Sparrow
Birds- Starlings
Birds- Storks
Birds- Swans
Birds- Toucan
Birds- Turkey farms
Birds- Turkeys
Birds- Vultures
Birds- Warblers
Birds- Woodpeckers
Bi-Rite Supermarkets
Birth control
Bishop & Babcock Company
Black & Decker Manufacturing Company
Black Hills passion play
Black Hills region (see: South Dakota- Black Hills)
Black Legion
Black Muslims
Black Nationalist Party
Black Nationalists
Black Panther Party
Black Recognition Day
Black Watch Royal Highland Regiment
Blackstone Building
Blair House (apartments)
Blennerhasset Island
Blessed Sacrament Church
Blessed Sacrament Seminary
Blind- Cleveland
Blind- general
Block parties
Blood- general
Blood- plasma- donors- transfusions + general
Blood- pressure
Bloomfield Co.
Blossom Hill School
Blossom Music Center
Blue Angels- U.S. Flight Team
Blue Cross
Blue Fox Restaurant
Blue Grass Restaurant
Blue Hole of Castalia, Ohio (See: Castalia, Ohio)
Blue Lakes Farm
Blue Water Seafood Company
Boadvue Theater
Boairdi Tile Manufacturing Company
Boar’s Head & Yule Log Festival
Boats- air boats
Boats- and Boating
Boats- cabin cruisers
Boats- houseboats (See: Houseboats)
Boats- junks
Boats- sailboats
Boats- speedboats
Boats- steamboats
Boats- towboats (See: Towboats)
Bobbie Brooks, Incorporated
Boeing Aircraft Corporation
Boheme, S.S.
Bohemian National Hall
Boll Weevil
Bolshoi Ballet
Bolton Elementary School
Bomb shelters
Bombings- general
Bombs (including bomb squad)
Bonafini’s Imported Products Incorporated
Bond Court building (Erieview)
Bond Court garage (Erieview)
Bond Court hotel (Erieview)
Bond’s Stores
Bonfoey Picture frame Company
Bonhard Art Furniture Company
Bonne Bell Incorporated
Bonneville Towers (apartments)
Bonnieview Pumping Company
Bonus Army
Bonwit Teller
Books- authors- general
Books- children’s books
Boom Boiler and Welding Company
Booth Memorial Hospital
Borromeo seminary
Borrowed Time Club
Boston Heights, Ohio
Boston Mills
Boulevard Presbyterian Church (East Blvd.)
Boulevard Presbyterian Church of Euclid
Boulevard School (elementary)
Bounty (ship)
Bowling and bowling alleys- buildings
Bowling and bowling alleys- general
Bowling Green State University
Boxing- 1941-1949
Boxing- 1950’s
Boxing- 1960’s
Boxing- 1970’s
Boxing- Johnny Kilbane
Boxing- Schmeling versus Streibling
Boxing- to 1940
Boy Scouts- 1940-1952
Boy Scouts- 1953-1959
Boy Scouts- 1960
Boy Scouts- before 1939
Boy Scouts- Civitan camp
Boys Club of America
Boys School
Boys Town, Nebraska (See: Flanagan, E.J. Fr.)
Boys Village (Smithville, Ohio)
Boystown, Cleveland
Braceville Township, Ohio
Bramblewood Lake Estates
Bran & Gage
Brandeis University
Brandywine Players
Brandywine Ski Resort
Braniff International Airways
Brasil (ship)
Bratenahl Place
Bratenahl, Ohio- Bishop’s House
Bratenahl, Ohio- general
Brave New world
Brazil- general
Brazil- Maru (ship)
Brazil- Rio de Janeiro
Bread lines
Breasts- disease and surgery
Breckenridge Village
Brecksville Animal Hospital
Brecksville Little Theatre
Brecksville Road
Brecksville, Ohio- general
Brecksville, Ohio- historical
Brecksville, Ohio- houses and buildings
Brecksville, Ohio- landslide
Brecksville, Ohio- schools
Bremen, S.S.
Brentwood Hospital
Breweries- Anheuser- Busch Brewery
Breweries- Brewing Corporation of America
Breweries- Cleveland- Sandusky
Breweries- Fishel Brewery
Breweries- general
Breweries- Pilsner
Breweries- Schmidt
Breweries- Standard Brewing Company
Briardale Greens Golf Course (Euclid, Ohio)
Bridge Avenue
Bridge- card game and tournaments
Bridge disasters
Bridgeport, Ohio
Bridges- covered
Bridges- covered- Ohio
Bridges- general
Bridges- Ohio
Bridges- Point Pleasant- Silver Bridge disaster
Bridges- U.S.
Bridges- U.S. - George Washington Bridge
Brilliant Electric Sign Company
Brimfield, Ohio
Brink’s incorporated
British Consul
British War relief
British West Indies
Broadview Baptist Church
Broadview Cemetery
Broadview Center
Broadview Elementary School
Broadview Heights, Ohio
Broadview Nursing Home
Broadview Road
Broadview Savings and Loan Company
Broadway Avenue
Broadway Business Men’s Club
Broadway Christian Church
Broadway Elementary School- Cleveland
Broadway Elementary School- Maple Heights
Broadway Methodists Church
Broglio’s Restaurant
Brook Haven National Laboratory
Brook Lawn Elementary School
Brook Park Bridge
Brook Park Community Church
Brook Park Elementary School
Brook Park Memorial Elementary School
Brook Park Skateland
Brook Park, Ohio- air views
Brook Park, Ohio- City Hall
Brook Park, Ohio- Fire Department and Safety
Brook Park, Ohio- general
Brook Park, Ohio- Library
Brook Park, Ohio- Recreation and Civic Center
Brook Park, Ohio- streets
Brooklyn Christian and Missionary Alliance Church
Brooklyn Heights Cemetery
Brooklyn Heights Congregational Church
Brooklyn Heights, Ohio- general
Brooklyn Heights, Ohio- streets
Brooklyn Heights, Ohio- Village Hall
Brooklyn High School
Brooklyn Memorial Methodist Church
Brooklyn Navy Yard- (See: U.S. Navy- shipsconstruction- launching)
Brooklyn Senior Center
Brooklyn United Presbyterian Church
Brooklyn, Ohio- air views
Brooklyn, Ohio- City Hall
Brooklyn, Ohio- general
Brooklyn, Ohio- housing and houses
Brooklyn, Ohio- Police and Fire Departments
Brooklyn, Ohio- schools
Brooklyn, Ohio- street scenes
Brookpark Center (Victory Park) - war housing
Brookpark Road
Brooks Valet and Shoe Service
Brookside Park- general
Brookside Park- pool
Brookside Park- Steam engine 2707
Brookview Elementary School
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen
Brown Derby Restaurant
Brownell Junior High School
Browning Elementary School (Willoughby)
Brunswick Flower Mart
Brunswick Hills Township, Ohio
Brunswick Methodist Church
Brunswick, Ohio- general
Brunswick, Ohio- schools
Brush Beryllium, Company
Brush Electronics Company
Brush Foundation
Brush High School
Brush Instrument Division
Bryan- Ohio
Bryden School (Beachwood, Ohio)
Bryn Mawr College
Buckeye Lanes
Buckeye Road
Buckeye Trail
Buckeye-Woodland Elementary School
Bucyrus, Ohio
Bud’s Twin Bar
Budapest Children’s Choir
Budd Company
Buddhists and Buddhism
Buggies- (See: Carriages)
Buhrer Elementary School
Buick Motors Division
Builders Exchange
Building Trade Unions & Council
Buildings- Cleveland- general
Bulgarians- Cleveland
Bulkley building
Bulkley Gardens
Bull fights
Bullet- general
Bullock (laboratory Lakewood)
Burbank, Ohio
Burdett oxygen
Burger King Restaurant
Burma- Burma Road
Burma- general
Burr Oak State Park
Burrows Brothers (store)
Burt W. Kemmerling Company
Burton, Ohio
Burton, Ohio- Century Village
Bus shelters- general
Business machines
Business Opportunities Expo
Busses- accidents
Busses- Cleveland- garage and terminal
Busses- Cleveland- general
Busses- Cleveland- people- waiting for, etc.
Busses- Cleveland Railway Company
Busses- CTS- exteriors
Busses- CTS- trailers
Busses- general- exteriors
Busses- general- interiors
Busses- general- trackless trolleys (2 folders)
Busses- Greyhound Lines
Busses- RTA- exteriors
Busses- school busses
Busses- school busses- accidents
Butler University
Butterflies and butterfly collections
Butternut Ridge Elementary School (North
Byrd, Richard E. - Expeditions
Byron Junior High School
Byzantine Catholic High School
C.A. Thomas Elementary School
C.A.T. scanner
C.B. Herrick Manufacturing Corporation
C.F. Hathaway Company (See: Hathaway Shirt
C.W. Poe Company
Cabaret Theater
Cabin Club
Cabin, The
Cabot Titania Corporation
Cadillac Motor Company
Cadillac music
Cadillac, S.S.
Cadiz, Ohio
Cain Park Theater
Calendars- general
Calendonian Pipe Band
Caley Receiving Home for Children
California (cruise ship)
California- disasters (See: earthquakes- California)
California- Disneyland
California- earthquakes (See: earthquakesCalifornia- San Andreas Fault)
California- general
California- Hollywood
California- Imperial Valley
California Institute of Technology
California- Lake Tahoe
California- Las Angeles- Biltmore Hotel
California- Las Angeles- general (2 folders)
California- Las Angeles- Negroes
California- Long Beach
California- Marineland
California- Oakland
California- Palm Springs
California- Pasadena
California- Pasadena- Tournament of Roses
California- San Bernardino
California- San Diego
California- San Francisco- air views and maps
California- San Francisco- general
California- San Francisco- transportation
California- Santa Barbara
California- Santa Catalina Island
California, University of
Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Cemetery
Calvary Lutheran Church
Calvary Presbyterian Church
Calvary Reformed Church
Calvary United Brethren Church
Calvary United Methodist Church
Calvin United Presbyterian Church
Cambridge Colony Apartments
Cambridge State Hospital
Cambridge, Ohio
Camera Guild
Camp Cheerful
Camp Cleveland
Camp David
Camp Fire Girls
Camp Harkness
Camp Ho-Mita-Koda
Camp Isaac Joques
Camp Margaret Bates
Camp Merriam
Camp Murrieta
Camp Perry
Camp Tera
Camp Whitewood
Camp Willoughby
Camp Yakewi
Campbell Apartments and building
Campfire Girls (See: Campfire Incorporated)
Campfire Incorporated
Camps- general
Canada- Alberta
Canada- British Columbia
Canada- general- 1920-1939
Canada- general- 1940-1949
Canada- general- 1950-1959
Canada- general- 1960-1969
Canada- general- 1970
Canada- Labrador Peninsula
Canada- Manitoba
Canada- Ontario- Toronto
Canada- Ottawa
Canada- Prince Edward Island
Canada- Quebec
Canada- Quebec- general
Canada- Quebec- Montreal
Canada- Quebec- Quebec City- general
Canada- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Canada- Stratford
Canada- Temagami
Canada Travel Information
Canada- World War II
Canadian soldiers
Canadiana (cruise ship)
Canal Fulton, Ohio
Canals- All American Canals
Canals- general
Canals- Lake Erie and Ohio River Canal
Canals- Ohio Canal
Canberra, S.S.
Cancer- general
Candy and candy making
Canning (home)
Canoes and canoeing
Canterbury Golf Course
Canterbury School (elementary)
Canton, Ohio
Capital National Bank
Capital punishment- U.S. and general
Capital Van and Storage Company
Captain Arthur Roth Elementary School
Captain Frank’s restaurant
Car washes- general
Cardinal Federal Savings and Loan
Cardinal Mindszenty Plaza
Carey, Ohio
Carl F. Schuler Junior High School
Carlisle-Allen Department Store
Carlyle Apartments
Carmania, S.S.
Carmelite Monastery
Carnegie Avenue
Carnegie Dog and Cat Hospital
Carnegie- Illinois Steel Company
Carnegie Institute of Technology
Carnegie Institution
Carnegie Medical building
Carnegie Steel Company
Carnegie Textile Company
Carnivals- backyard
Carnivals- general
Carol Diane- (sightseeing boat)
Caronia, S.S.
Carpets and carpeting
Carriage Manor restaurant
Cartoons- general
Cartoons- political, etc.
Carylwood Elementary School
Case Elementary School
Case School of Applied Science (1929-1949)
Case Western Reserve University- air views and
Case Western Reserve University- buildings
Case Western Reserve University- Case techbuildings- exterior
Case Western Reserve University- Case Techbuildings- interior
Case Western Reserve University- Case TechCommencement
Case Western Reserve University- Case Techgeneral
Case Western Reserve University- Case TechObservatory
Case Western Reserve University- Case Techstudents
Case Western Reserve University- Eldred Theatre
Case Western Reserve University- general
Case Western Reserve University- students
Case Western Reserve University- Western
Reserve- buildings
Case Western Reserve University- Western
Reserve- buildings- interior
Case Western Reserve University- Western
Reserve- Commencement
Case Western Reserve University- Western
Reserve- School of Medicine
Case Western Reserve University- Western
Reserve- Science Center
Case Western Reserve University- Western
Reserve- students
Case-Woodland Elementary School
Cash registers
Cask Villa
Castala, Ohio
Catalano Stop-N-Shop
Catawba Island and State Park
Cathedral Apartments
Cathedral Buffet
Cathedral Latin High School
Cathedral of Tomorrow
Cathedral Teleproductions
Catholic bookstore
Catholic Charities Appeal
Catholic Church- Cardinals
Catholic Church- Cleveland- 1960
Catholic Church- general
Catholic Church- monks and monasteries
Catholic Church- nuns
Catholic Church- Schrembs, Joseph Archbishop
Catholic Diocese High School Fund- Cleveland
Catholic Student Mission Crusade
Catholic University (Washington D.C.)
Catholic Youth Organization
Cats- general
Caves- general
Caxton building
Cedar Apartments extension (housing project)
Cedar Country Club- Solon, Ohio
Cedar Gardens (night club)
Cedar Glen Hill
Cedar Hill Baptist Church
Cedar Hills
Cedar Involvement House
Cedar Point- air views
Cedar Point- amusements
Cedar Point- beach scenes
Cedar Point- general
Cedar Point- Hotel Breakers
Cedar Road- See: Cedar Glen Hill
Cedar-Central (housing project)
Celeryville, Ohio
Celina, Ohio
Cellar, The
Cement- general
Cemeteries- Cleveland- general
Cemeteries- general
Cemeteries- U.N. military cemetery (Korea)
Censorship- general
Center for Human Services
Center Repertory Theater of Cleveland
Center Street Elementary School
Centerburg, Ohio
Centerville Telephone Company
Central Airlines
Central area
Central Avenue
Central Catholic High School
Central High School
Central Hotel
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Central Junior High School
Central Market
Central National Bank- buildings
Central National Bank- general
Central National Bank- robberies
Central Press
Central State University
Central States Numismatic Society
Centre One
Century Airlines
Cerebral Palsy Foundation
Cerro Corporation
Ceska Sin Sokol
Chaco (ship)
Chagrin Falls- housing
Chagrin Falls Senior High School
Chagrin Falls, Ohio- general
Chagrin Harbor Beach
Chagrin Lagoons Yacht Club
Chagrin Marine Boat Harbor
Chagrin River
Chagrin River- erosion and flooding
Chagrin Valley- country club
Chagrin Valley- hunt club
Chagrin Valley Little Theater
Chagrin valley Racquet Club
Chagrin valley Social Club- gambling clubs
Champion forge Company
Champion, Ohio
Champlain, S.S.
Chandler & Price Corporation
Chandler & Rudd Company
Chandler- Cleveland Motor Company
Chandler Technological School
Chanel High School
Chapin Forest and Park
Chapman College
Charcoal Pit restaurant
Chardon Lakes Inn
Chardon, Ohio- general
Chardon, Ohio- Maple Festival
Chariots and chariot racing
Charles A. Mooney Junior High School
Charles Dickens Elementary School
Charles J. Eliot Junior High School
Charles Orr Elementary School
Charles W. Chestnut Elementary School
Charlesworth & Company LTD Florists
Charter House Hotel
Charter Oak Elementary School
Chase Brass & Copper Company
Chatham, Ohio
Cheese- general
Chemical Rubber Company
Cherry School
Chesapeake and Ohio Railway- See: Chessie
System Incorporated (this is also the B&O,
Baltimore and Ohio)
Chesapeake, Ohio
Chess (game)
Chessie System Incorporated
Chester Avenue
Chester C. Bolton School (Lyndhurst)
Chester Commons
Chester Township
Chesterfield Apartments
Chesterland, Ohio
Chicago Pneumatic Tool
Chicken hatcheries
Child abuse
Children- accepting rides from strangers
Children I
Children II
Children’s Aid Society
Children’s Theater
Chile- buildings
Chile- general
Chillicothe, Ohio
Chin’s restaurant
China- ancients
China- Canton
China- Chungking and Shansi
China- cities
China- Communists
China- Communists- soldiers and fighting
China- general
China- Great Wall
China- Hankow
China- Macao
China- Manchuria
China- Nanking
China- Peking
China- people (types and activities)
China- Shanghai- general (including air views)
China- Shanghai- streets and buildings
China- Tientsin
China- U.S. relations
China- war with Japan
Chinese- Cleveland
Chinese- general
Chippewa Lake Park
Chorus Girls- general
Choruses and choirs
Christ Child Society
Christ Episcopal Church
Christ Lutheran Church (West 43rd & Robert)
Christ Lutheran Church for the Deaf
Christ of the Andes Monument
Christ the King Catholic Church (2 folders)
Christ the King Lutheran Church (North Olmsted)
Christ the King Theological Seminary
Christ the Savior American Orthodox Church
Christ United Church- E and R (West 98th &
Christ United Methodist Church (West 138th &
Christian endeavor
Christian Faith Temple
Christian Home for Children
Christian Radich (training ship)
Christian Science- Cleveland
Christian Science- general
Christmas- decorations- exterior
Christmas- decorations- interior
Christmas- general- 1920’s-1950’s
Christmas- general 1960’s-1980’s
Christmas Parades- Cleveland
Christmas- Santa Claus- mangers and carolers
Christmas Seals
Christmas- shopping, gifts, etc.
Christmas- Toys for Tots
Christmas- trees
Chrysler Corporation
Chrysler Corporation- Dodge Division
Chrysler Corporation- Twinsburg
Church of Christ in Forest Hill
Church of God (Cooley Avenue)
Church of God (East Boulevard)
Church of God in Christ
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day SaintsMormon (Westlake, Ohio)
Church of our Lord (EUB) East Boulevard
Church of Saint Philip the Apostle
Church of the Covenant
Church of the Cross
Church of the Epiphany
Church of the Good Shepherd (Lyndhurst)
Church of the Holy City
Church of the Incarnation
Church of the Living God
Church of the Master Baptist Church
Church of the Nazarene (Westlake)
Church of the Redeemer
Church of the Redeemer- Lakewood
Church of the Redeemer- Westlake
Church of the Savior
Church of the Saviour
Church Women United
Churches- Cleveland- general
Churches- general (not Cleveland)
Churchill Downs race track- see: horses- racingKentucky Derby
Cider- general
Cigarettes- general
Cincinnati, Ohio- buildings
Cincinnati, Ohio- general
Cincinnati, Ohio- riverfront scenes
Cincinnati, University of
Circe Emerald Riding Stables Incorporated
Circle workshop
Circleville, Ohio
Circus- Elephants
Circus- fires- Hartford, Connecticut
Circus- general
Circus- horses
Circus- lions, tigers
Circus Maximus
Circus- Mils brothers
Circus- parades
Circus- performers (including acrobats, aerialists,
jugglers and, tumblers)
Circus- Ringling brothers
Circus- Ringling brothers- circus 1942
Circus- tents, rings
Cities Service Oil Company
Cities- U.S. - model cities
Citizen’s military training camp
Citizens Federal Savings and Loan
Citizens League- Cleveland
City Club- Anvil review- 1941-1949
City Club- Anvil review- 1950-1959
City Club- Anvil review- 1960
City Club- Anvil review- before 1941
City Club- general
City Council- Cleveland
City Hall- Cleveland
City Hall- demonstrations
City Hall- exteriors
City Hall- interiors
City Hospital
City Ice and Fuel Company
City manager plan
City Mission
City of Buffalo
City of Cleveland
City of Detroit
City of Erie
City of Grand Rapids, S.S.
City of Munsing, S.S.
Civic, The
Civil Aeronautics Administration
Civil Air Patrol
Civil Defense- Cleveland and Ohio
Civil Defense- general
Civil Science- general
Civil War
Civil War- veterans (North and South)
Civil Workers Administration
Civilian Conservation Corps
Clague House Museum (Westlake, Ohio)
Clague Park (Westlake, Ohio)
Clague Playhouse
Clague Road Congregational Church (North
Clara E. Westropp Junior High School
Clara Morris Elementary School
Claremont Men’s College
Claridon Township, Ohio
Clark Avenue, bridge
Clark Controller Company
Clark Elementary School
Clark Recreation Center
Clark restaurants
Clark-Fulton Community Center
Clarkins Department Stores
Clean up campaigns- Cleveland, Ohio- 1070
Clean up campaigns- Cleveland, Ohio- before 1970
Cleaning people
Clear Fork Ski area
Cleary Realty
Cleveland (city) - building commission
Cleveland (city) - dog kennel
Cleveland (city) - downtown development (master
Cleveland (city) - engineering
Cleveland (city) - Motor Vehicle Maintenance
Cleveland (city) - Seal
Cleveland Academy of Medicine
Cleveland Academy of Osteopathic medicine
Cleveland Advertising Club
Cleveland Air Taxi
Cleveland area Arts Council
Cleveland area Board of Realtors
Cleveland Art Center
Cleveland Art Club
Cleveland Art Week
Cleveland Athletic Club
Cleveland Automobile Club
Cleveland Ballet
Cleveland Baptist Temple
Cleveland Bible College
Cleveland Boat Club
Cleveland Buddhist Church and Temple
Cleveland Builders Supply Company
Cleveland Cap and Screw Company
Cleveland Cartage Company
Cleveland Chain Company
Cleveland Chamber of Commerce
Cleveland Charter Commission
Cleveland Civic and Cleveland Ballet
Cleveland Civic Light Opera Guild
Cleveland Clinic Disaster
Cleveland Club
Cleveland Commission on Higher Education- USA
Funds Incorporated
Cleveland Container Corporation
Cleveland Convention and Visitors Bureau
Cleveland Copter Corporation
Cleveland Corrugated Box Company
Cleveland council- 1920’s-1950’s
Cleveland Council on World Affairs
Cleveland Court Employment Program
Cleveland Crane
Cleveland Crane and Engineering Company
Cleveland Crate and Truckin’ Company
Cleveland Cutter and Reamer Company
Cleveland Development Center
Cleveland Development Foundation
Cleveland Discount Company
Cleveland Electric Illuminating Companybuildings and substations
Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company- general
Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company- poles
and power lines
Cleveland electronics Incorporated
Cleveland Engineering Society
Cleveland Federal Savings and Loan
Cleveland Federation of Musicians
Cleveland food Brokers Association
Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland Freight Lines
Cleveland Graphite Bronze Company
Cleveland Grays
Cleveland Guidance Center
Cleveland Gun Club
Cleveland Health Museum
Cleveland Hearing and Speech Center
Cleveland Heart Society
Cleveland Heights- general- 1920’s-1050’s
Cleveland Heights- general- 1960’s-1980’s
Cleveland Heights High School
Cleveland Heights High School- band and choir
Cleveland Heights High School- students
Cleveland Heights- library
Cleveland Heritage Park
Cleveland Hiking Club
Cleveland Home Brewing Company
Cleveland Industrial Revolution
Cleveland Institute
Cleveland Institute of Art
Cleveland Institute of Dental-Medical Assistants
Cleveland Institute of Music- building
Cleveland Institute of Music- general
Cleveland Instrument Company
Cleveland Kilty band
Cleveland Laundry Company
Cleveland Magnet School
Cleveland Medical College
Cleveland Metro Housing Authority
Cleveland Money Exchange Incorporated
Cleveland Mountaineers
Cleveland Museum of Art- exhibits
Cleveland Museum of Art- exterior
Cleveland Museum of Art- exterior- ‘The Thinker’
Cleveland Museum of Art- interior
Cleveland Museum of Art- library
Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Cleveland Museum of Natural History- Blossom
Cleveland Museum of Natural History- buildingsexterior
Cleveland News
Cleveland Now
Cleveland Opera Theatre Ensemble
Cleveland Orchestra- 1920’s-1970’s
Cleveland Orchestra- 1970’s-1980’s
Cleveland Philharmonic Society
Cleveland Photographic Society
Cleveland Playhouse- 1060’s-1980’s
Cleveland Playhouse- 1920’-1950’s
Cleveland Playhouse- general
Cleveland Plaza
Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Company
Cleveland Power Squadron
Cleveland Process Company
Cleveland Provision Company
Cleveland Psychiatric Hospital and Institute
Cleveland Public Library- branches
Cleveland Public Library- Live Long and Like It
Cleveland Public Library- main
Cleveland Public Schools- administration
Cleveland Public Schools- Board of Education
Cleveland Public Schools- Board of Educationbuilding
Cleveland Public Schools- buses and bussing
Cleveland Public Schools- classrooms and students
Cleveland Public Schools- demonstrations- 1964 (5
Cleveland Public Schools- demonstrations- 19651978
Cleveland Public Schools- desegregation- 1979
Cleveland Public Schools- desegregation- 1980
Cleveland Public Schools- musical programs
Cleveland Public Schools- radio station (WBOE)
Cleveland Public Schools- Supplemental Education
Cleveland Public Schools- vandalism
Cleveland Public Schools- work study program
Cleveland Racquet Club
Cleveland Railway Company
Cleveland- rally around Cleveland
Cleveland Real Estate Board
Cleveland Real Estate Traders Club
Cleveland Regional Sewer Authority
Cleveland Restoration Society
Cleveland School of Welding
Cleveland Skating Club
Cleveland Slag Company
Cleveland Society of Poles
Cleveland State Hospital- buildings- exterior
Cleveland State Hospital- buildings- interior
Cleveland State Hospital- patients
Cleveland State University
Cleveland State University- buildings
Cleveland State University- general (2 folders)
Cleveland State University- students
Cleveland Steel Barrel Company
Cleveland Steuedore Company
Cleveland Stock Exchange- See: Midwest Stock
Cleveland String Quartet
Cleveland Summer Arts Festival
Cleveland- super sesqui
Cleveland Teachers Credit Union
Cleveland Tractor Company
Cleveland Trade School (see: Max Hayes Trade
Cleveland Transport System
Cleveland Troubadours
Cleveland Trust Company- buildings
Cleveland Trust Company- general
Cleveland Trust Company- robberies
Cleveland Twist Drill Company
Cleveland Typographical Union
Cleveland Union Stockyards
Cleveland Urban Learning Community
Cleveland Utilities- general
Cleveland Visits-Ford, Gerald R.
Cleveland Visits-Reagan, Ronald
Cleveland Welding Company
Cleveland Wire Works
Cleveland women working
Cleveland women’s Counseling
Cleveland Women’s Orchestra
Cleveland Worsted Mills Company
Cleveland Yacht Club
Cleveland Youth Services Program
Cleveland Zoological Park- African expedition
Cleveland Zoological Park- air maps
Cleveland Zoological Park- animal exhibits
Cleveland Zoological Park- animal exhibitsAfrican
Cleveland Zoological Park- animal exhibits- birds,
Cleveland Zoological Park- animal exhibits- cats
Cleveland Zoological Park- animal exhibitsprimates
Cleveland Zoological Park- animal exhibits- Seals,
Sea Lions, Otters
Cleveland Zoological Park- buildings- exterior
Cleveland Zoological Park- buildings- interior
Cleveland Zoological Park- children’s farm (kiddie
Cleveland Zoological Park- general
Cleveland, Ohio- aerial views
Cleveland, Ohio- air view (West)
Cleveland, Ohio- air view and skylines- downtown
(night scenes)
Cleveland, Ohio- air views (downtown- 1924-1929)
Cleveland, Ohio- air views (downtown- 1930-1939)
Cleveland, Ohio- air views (downtown- 1940-1949)
Cleveland, Ohio- air views (downtown- 1950-1959)
Cleveland, Ohio- air views (downtown- 1960-1969)
Cleveland, Ohio- air views (downtown- 1970)
Cleveland, Ohio- board of building standards and
Cleveland, Ohio- board of control meetings
Cleveland, Ohio- downtown festival
Cleveland, Ohio- Finance Department
Cleveland, Ohio- historical pictures (2 folders)
Cleveland, Ohio- historical pictures- houses
Cleveland, Ohio- historical pictures- parks
Cleveland, Ohio- historical pictures- Police
Cleveland, Ohio- Law Department
Cleveland, Ohio- maps
Cleveland, Ohio- Mather mansion
Cleveland, Ohio- Planning Commission
Cleveland, Ohio- Safety Department
Cleveland, Ohio- Sesquicentennial
Cleveland, Ohio- Shade Tree division
Cleveland, Ohio- Streets Department
Cleveland, Ohio- Town Hall meetings
Cleveland, Ohio- vehicles- city owned
Cleveland-Ware Industries
Clevite Corporation and Research Center
Cliff Towers
Clifton Club
Clifton Park Bridge
Climax Industries
Clinton Park
Clothing drives
Clothing stores
Club 105
Clyde, Ohio- general
Coal- general (including coal shortage)
Cobblers- (see: shoemakers)
Coca Cola Company
Cock fighting
Coconut Grove night club- fire
Coffee and tea
Coffinberry Elementary School
Cohoon Park
Coins- foreign
Coins- U.S.
Cole National Corporation
Cole’s Shoe Store
Coliseum- Richfield- construction
Coliseum- Richfield, Ohio
College Club
College of Jewish Studies
Colleges- U.S. - general- 1930-1959
Colleges- U.S. – general- 1960-1969
Colleges- U.S. – general- 1970
Collinwood area
Collinwood Art Center
Collinwood Congregational Church
Collinwood High School
Collinwood M.E. Church
Collinwood School (including 1908 fire)
Collinwood Shale and Brick and Supply Company
Collinwood United Methodist Church
Colonial Coin and Stamp Company
Colonial Theater
Colonnade Towers East
Colony Club Apartments
Colony House North Apartments
Colony Theater
Colorado- general
Columbia Broadcasting System
Columbia Elementary School
Columbia Hills Country club
Columbia Station, Ohio
Columbia Township, Ohio
Columbia Trailer Park
Columbia United Methodist Church
Columbia University
Columbia, S.S.
Columbians Incorporated
Columbus Day Parade
Columbus Road
Columbus State School
Columbus, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio- executive mansion- East Broad
Columbus, Ohio- executive mansion- Suburban
Columbus, Ohio- German Village
Comics and comic books
Commerce Department- Cleveland
Commodore Hotel
Communications (COMSAT)
Communists- Cleveland
Communists- hunger marches
Communists- U.S.
Community action
Community Apartments
Community Centers- general
Community Chest
Community Church (Solon Village)
Community Development Center
Community Development Department- Cleveland,
Community Health Foundation
Community National Bank
Community Temple
Concord Township
Concordia Lutheran Church
Con-Gas Repair Shop (see: Consolidated Natural
Gas Service Company)
Congress Hotel
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Congressional Medal of Honor
Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania
Conneaut, Ohio
Conscientious Objectors
Consolidated Aircraft Corporation
Consolidated Natural Gas Service Company
Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation
Constellation, U.S. Frigate
Constitution Day
Constitution, S.S.
Constitution, U.S.S. (Old Ironside)
Construction scenes
Consumer Protection Association
Container Corporation of America (Solon, Ohio)
Conte Di Savoia, S.S.
Continental Ball
Continental Bank
Convention Center
Convention Center- construction
Conventional Art Theater
Cook United, Eckert Packing Company
Cooley Avenue Church of God (Lloyd road)
Co-Op Stores
Cooper Clinic
Cooper School of Art
Cooper-Bessemer Corporation
Copeland Oaks Retirement Home
Copley, Ohio
Copper & Brass Sales Incorporated
Copperweld Steel Company
Corey Hospital
Corinthian Baptist Church
Corlett Avenue Baptist Church
Corlett Elementary School
Cornell University
Corporal Punishment
Corpus Christi Church
Corral Nightclub
Cortland Village, Ohio
Cory United Methodist Church
Coshocton, Ohio
Cosmic rays
Costa Rica
Cotillion Society of Cleveland and Ball
Cotton Club Bottling and Canning Company
Council- Cleveland- Baseball
Council Educational Alliance
Council Gardens
Counterfeiters and Counterfeiting
Country Club- Bratenahl
Country Music Association
County Children’s Center
Court Scenes
Courts- Cleveland- Federal
Courts- Cleveland Municipal
Courts- Cuyahoga County
Courts- Cuyahoga County- Common Pleas
Courts- Cuyahoga County Court of Appeals
Courts- Ohio- Supreme Court
Courts- Probate
Courts- U.S. - Supreme Court Justices (groups)
Covadonga, M.S.
Covenant United Methodist Church
Coventry Elementary School
Coventry Yard (Shopping Mall)
Cross Country Running
Crowds- general
Crown Hill Cemetery
Cruise Ships
Crystal Beach Park
Crystal Towers
Cuba- Cleveland
Cuba- General
Cuba- Havana
Cuba- Refugees
Cuba- Revolutions and Riots
Cudell Property- Recreational Center Tower
Cultural Gardens Apartments
Cultural Gardens- Cleveland- general
Cultural Gardens- Czech
Cultural Gardens- Greek
Cultural Gardens- Hungarian
Cultural Gardens- Italian
Cultural Gardens- Lithuanian
Cultural Gardens- Polish
Cultural Gardens- Shakespeare Gardens
Cultural Gardens- Slovak
Cultural Gardens- Ukrainian
Cultural Gardens- Yugoslavian
Culver Military Academy
Cummins Canning Company
Cunningham Sanitarium
Currency- Foreign
Currency- U.S. – General
Currency- U.S.- Disposition
Currier and Ives
Curtis Industries Incorporated
Curtiss-Wright Corporation
Custodians- Cleveland
Cuyahoga Building
Cuyahoga Community College- Buildings and
Cuyahoga Community College- general
Cuyahoga Community College- Students
Cuyahoga County- Administration Building
Cuyahoga County- Auditors Office
Cuyahoga County Building
Cuyahoga County Commissioners
Cuyahoga County- Courthouse- exterior
Cuyahoga County- Courthouse- interior
Cuyahoga County- Courthouse- Murals, Statues,
Cuyahoga County Criminal Courts Building and
Jail (new)
Cuyahoga county Criminal Courts Building and Jail
Cuyahoga County Engineers Office
Cuyahoga county- general
Cuyahoga County Hospital Board
Cuyahoga County Jail
Cuyahoga County Justice Center
Cuyahoga County Morgue
Cuyahoga County Nurserymen’s Association
Cuyahoga County Nursing Home
Cuyahoga County Public Library
Cuyahoga County- Recorders Office
Cuyahoga County Savings and Loan League
Cuyahoga County School for the Retarded
Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department
Cuyahoga County Sportsman’s Club
Cuyahoga County Treasurer- Tax Fraud Trial 1932
Cuyahoga County Treasurer’s Office
Cuyahoga Falls High
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Cuyahoga Heights- Buildings
Cuyahoga Heights- Elementary School
Cuyahoga Heights- General
Cuyahoga Heights- High School
Cuyahoga Heights Industrial Fair
Cuyahoga Heights- Swimming Pool
Cuyahoga Hills Boys School
Cuyahoga Lime Company
Cuyahoga River- Air view
Cuyahoga River- Dredging
Cuyahoga River- Fire
Cuyahoga River- General
Cuyahoga River- General- Upper
Cuyahoga River- George Davis Trip
Cuyahoga River- Industrial Valley Tours
Cuyahoga River- Maps and Diagrams
Cuyahoga River- Pollution
Cuyahoga Savings Association
Cuyahoga Soap Company
Cuyahoga Tavern Keepers Association
Cuyahoga Valley Preservation & Scenic Railway
Cuyahoga Valley Vocational School
Cyprus- General
Cyril Bath Company
Cystic Fibrosis
Czechoslovakia- Cities and Buildings
Czechoslovakia- General
Czechoslovakia- Military
Czechoslovakia- Prague
Czechs- Cleveland
D & C S.S.
D&C, S.S.
D.O. Summers Dry Cleaners
D.O. Summers Dry Cleaners
Daily Worker
Daily Worker
Dali Museum
Dali Museum
Dalton of America
Dalton of America
Damon’s Restaurant
Damon's Resturant
Dams- U.S.
Dance Caravan
Dance Halls
Dancers and Dancing
Dancing and Dancers-Disco
Dancing Schools
Dante's Inferno
Dartmouth College
Darvas Professional School of Dressmaking
Daugthers of American Revolution
Davey Tree Expert Company
Davis Bakery
Davis Besse Nuclear Power Plant
Dawning Elementary School
Day Camps-General
Day Care Centers
Dayton State Hospital
Dayton, OH
Daytona International Speedway
Deaconess Hospital
Deaconess Kraft Geriatric Center
Deaf-Sign Language
Death Valley
Deb and Bachelor Ball
Decatur Farms
Declaration of Independence
Decorative Accessories Inc.
Deer Creek (Gates Mills, OH.)
Deer Creek State Park
Defiance College
Defiance, OH
DeGrasse S.S. (Cruise Ship)
Del Sud, S.S.
Deleware (State)
Deleware River
Deleware, OH
Delta Air Lines
Delta Queen (River Boat)
Delta, OH
Democratic Party-Cleveland and Cuyahoga CountyConvention-1977
Democratic Party-Cleveland and Cuyahoga CountyConvention-General
Democratic Party-Cleveland and Cuyahoga CountyConvention-General
Democratic Party-U.S. National Convention-1924
Democratic Party-U.S. National Convention-1928
Democratic Party-U.S. National Convention-1932
Democratic Party-U.S. National Convention-1936
Democratic Party-U.S. National Convention-1940
Democratic Party-U.S. National Convention-1944
Democratic Party-U.S. National Convention-1948
Democratic Party-U.S. National Convention-1952
Democratic Party-U.S. National Convention-1956
Democratic Party-U.S. National Convention-1964
Democratic Party-U.S. National Convention-1968
Democratic Party-U.S. National Convention-1972
Demolition Companies
Demolition Derbies
Denison Ave
Denison Ave. United Church of Christ
Denison Elementary School
Denison University
Dentists and Dentistry
DePaul Maternity & Infant Home
Depression (Emotional) see: Depression-General
Designers For Industry
Detention Home-Children
Detention Home-Exterior
Detention Home-Interior
Detroit Ave.
Detroit Elementary School
Detroit-Superior Bridge-General
Detroit-Superior Bridge-Underpass
Deutschland S.S.
Devil's Hollow
Devil's Island
Diamond Alkali Co.
Diamond Jim's
Diamond Shamrock Corporation
Diamonds and Diamond Cutting
Diamonds Resturant
Diesel Engines
Diesel Tool and Supply Company
Dike Elementary School
Di-Noc Manufacturing Company
Disciples of Christ Church
Disney on Parade
District of Columbia-U.S. Supreme Court Building
Divers and Diving-General
Divinity Baptist Church
Divinity Lutheran Church
Doan Brook
Doan Elementary School
Dobeckman Company
Doctor's Clinic
Doctors Hospital
Dog Licenses
Dogs-Affenpinschers-(Monkey Dog)
Dogs-Afghan Hounds
Dogs-African Cape Hunting Dog
Dogs-Airedale Terriers
Dogs-Australian Kelpies
Dogs-Australian Shepherd
Dogs-Australian Terriers
Dogs-Basset Hounds
Dogs-Beagle Hounds
Dogs-Bedlington Terriers
Dogs-Belgian Sheepdogs
Dogs-Bichor Frise
Dogs-Border Terriers
Dogs-Borzols (Russian Wolfhounds)
Dogs-Boston Terriers
Dogs-Brittany Spaniels
Dogs-Bull Mastiffs
Dogs-Bull Terriers
Dogs-Cairn Terriers
Dogs-Chinese Crested Terriers
Dogs-Chow Chows
Dogs-Cocker Spaniels
Dogs-Collies-Includes Border Collies
Dogs-Coon Hounds
Dogs-Dandie Dinmont Terrier
Dogs-Deutsche Drathaars
Dogs-English Foxhound
Dogs-English Setters
Dogs-English Shepherd
Dogs-English Springer Spaniels
Dogs-Fox Terriers (Wire and Smooth Haired)
Dogs-French Bulldogs
Dogs-German Shepherds
Dogs-Gordon Setters
Dogs-Great Danes
Dogs-Great Pyrenees
Dogs-Irish Setters
Dogs-Irish Terriers
Dogs-Irish Water Spaniels
Dogs-Irish Wolfhounds
Dogs-Japanese Spaniels
Dogs-Komondors (Hungarian Shepherd)
Dogs-Kuvasz (Hungarian Shepherd)
Dogs-Lakeland Terriers
Dogs-Lhaso Apso
Dogs-Norwegian Elkhounds
Dogs-Old English Sheepdogs
Dogs-Pinschers (Doberman and Miniature)
Dogs-Rhodesian Ridgeback
Dogs-Salukis (Gazelle Hound)
Dogs-Schnauzers (Standard, Minirature, and Giant)
Dogs-Scottish Terrier
Dogs-Shetland Sheepdogs
Dogs-Siberian Huskys
Dogs-Skye Terriers
Dogs-Sled Dogs
Dogs-St. Bernards
Dogs-Sussex Spaniels
Dogs-Toy Terriers
Dogs-Welse Gorgi (Cardigan and Pembroke)
Dogs-Welse Terriers
Dogs-West Highland and White Terriers
Dogs-Yorkshire Terriers
Doll Houses
Domestic Workers
Dominican Republic
Donald Gray Gardens
Doors and Doorknobs
Dorcas Home
Dorner Chevrolet Co.
Dororthy E. Lewis Elementary School
Dougherty Lumber Company
Douglas Aircraft
Douglas Macarthur Elemetary School
Douglas Macarthur High School
Dover Center Congregational Church (Westlake)
Dover Chalet Restaurant
Dover Congregational Church (Westlake)
Dover Wineyards, Inc.
Dover, OH
Dowsing and Sowsers
Doylestown, Oh
Dr. Martin Luther Evangelical Lutheran Church
Dr. Martin Luther Evangelical Lutheran Church
(Brooklyn, OH)
Draft Dodgers-Deserters
Drenik Beverage-Book Store
Dresden, OH
Drive-In Beverage
Drivers Licences-See Automoblies-Ohio-Drivers
Licences-Tests and Bureau
Drottningholm, S.S.
Drouth Art
Druggists and Drug Stores
Drugs and Drug Traffic-General
Drum Major
Drunk Drivers and Tests-General
Duke University
Dumps-Cleveland-General (Not Lake Front)
Dunham Christian Church
Dunham Elementary School
Dunham School-(Maple Hts.)
Dunham Tavern
Duo-Fast Corp.
Dupont Co.
Duquesne University Tamburitzans (Dancers)
Dust Storms-Dust Bowl-Dust Masks, Etc.
Dusting (Crop)
Dutch East Indies
Dutch Pantry Restaurant
Dutcher-Herd Realty
Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
Dyke College
East 75th Street Evangelical Church
East 9th Street Pier
East 9th Street Traffic Tower
East Blvd.
East Branch Reservoir
East Carlisle ELementary School
East Clark Elementary School
East Cleveland Baptist Curch
East Cleveland Cemetery
East Cleveland Congregational Church
East Cleveland HIgh School
East Cleveland Junior High
East Cleveland OH - General
East Cleveland, OH - City Hall
East Cleveland, OH - Library
East Cleveland, OH - Police and Fire depeatments
East Cleveland, OH - Railroad Depot
East Denison Elementary School
East End Baptist Church
East End Church of God in Christ
East End Neighborhood House
East End Social Club
East Glenville Methodist CHurch
East Harbor State Park
East High School
East Indies
East Madison Elemntary School
East MOunt Zion Baptist Church
East Ohio Building
East OHio Gas Company
East OHio Gas Company - explosion (2 folders)
East OHio Gas Company - general
East Ohio Gas Compnay - Housing and Memorial
East OHio Youth Theater
East Palestine, OH
East Shore United Methodist Church (Warrensville
East Side Ambulatory Care Cetner
East Side Christian Reformed CHurch
(Warrensville Heights)
East Side County Clinic
East Suburban Speech and Language Center
East View United Church of Christ Congregational
East Woodland (urban renewal project)
Easter - eggs and egg hunts
Easter - general
Easter - parades
Easter - Religious
Easter Island
Easter Seals
Eastern Air Lines
Eastern Star Home of Cuyahoga County
Eastern Star, Order Of
Eastern States, SS
Eastgate Coliseum
Eastgate Shopping Center
Easting and eating habits
Eastlake Junior High School
Eastlake North High School
Eastlake, OH - City Hall
Eastlake, OH - General
Eastlake, OH - library
Eastlake, OH - Police and Fire Department
Eastlake, OH - Streets
Eastman Kodak Co.
Eastview Elementary School
Eastwood Elementary School (Warrensville
Eat Tech High School
Eaton Center
Eaton Corporation
Eaton Square
Eaton, Yale and Towne
Eberhard Manufacturing Co.
Economy Furniture Co.
Eddy Road
Edgewater Drive
Edgewater Park - Air Views and maps
Edgewater Park - Bath House
Edgewater Park - General
Edgewater Park - Mock Invasion
Edgewater Square Condominiums
Edgewater Yacht Club
Edmund Fitzgerald (freighter)
Ed's Hickory Smoke BBQ
Educational Research COuncil
Edward M. Williams Elementary School
Efficent Industries
Egliontine (French ship)
Egypt - ancient
Egypt - ancient - King Tutankhamen
Egypt - General
Egypt - Mount Sinai
Egypt - Sahara Desert
Ehtiopia - Addis - Ababa
Eisenberg Hardware Stores
El Dorado Restaurant
El Salvador
Elco Realty
Eldamere Ave.
Elections - Cuyahoga County - Board of Elections
Elections - general
Elections - General - registration
Electric Appliances
Electric Auto-Lite Co.
Electric Controller and Manufacturing Co.
Electric Vacuum Cleaner Co. Inc.
Electro Metallurigical Co.
Eletric Vehicle Association Facotry
Elie Wrecking Co.
Eliza Bryant Home
Eliza Jennings Home
Elks (Lodge)
Ellington Apartments
Ellis Island
Elmwell Parker
Elmwood School (Garfield Heights)
Elyria, OH
Emanuel Baptist Church
Emanuel Care Center
Emanuel Episcipal Church
Emanuell Evangelical Church
Embassy Theater
Embers Restaurants
Emerald Civic Society of Cleveland
Emerick Manor
Emile B. Desauze Elementary School
Emmy Awards
Empire Junior High School
Employment - general
Empress of Australia (ship)
Empress of Britian, S.S.
Empress of Canada, S.S.
Empress of England, S.S.
Enamel PRoducts Company
Endeavor (Yacht) SEE: Yachts and yachting
Energy - general
Energy - solar
Engel and Fetler Co.
Engineers Building
Engines - general
England - air force
England - air planes - commercial
England - army
England - Dover
England - general
England - general strike
England - London - Big Ben
England - London - bridges
England - London - Buckingham Palace
England - London - Buildings (2 folders)
England - London - cities
England - London - Demonstrations
England - London - Guards
England - London - House of Parliament
England - London - Police
England - London - St. Paul's Cathedral
England - London - Westminster Abbey
England - London Towers
England - Marines
England - Navy
England - Oxford
England - Sandhurst - Royal Military College
England - Stonehenge
England - Stratford on Avon
England - Windsor
England - World War II
Englander, Motors
Environment - Earth Day
Envoy House Apartments
Episcopal Church
Episcopal Diocese of Ohio
Epworth - Euclid United Methodist Church
Erawan (Sailing Vessel)
Erie Dyeing and PRocessing Co.
Erie Equipment Co.
Erie Forge and steel Co.
Erie Lackawana Railroad
Erie Proving Grounds
Erie Queen
Erie Railroad
Erie St. Cemetery
Erieview - general 1961-1963
Erieview - general 1964
Erieview Elementary School
Erieview Plaza
Erieview, S.S.
Ernie Pyle, U.S.H.B.
Ernst and Ernst
Ernst I. Hohn Apartments
Estancia High School
Estonians - Cleveland
Ethiopia - general
Eucharistic Congress
Euclid Alliance Church
Euclid Avenue - E.18th to E.55th
Euclid Avenue - E.55thEuclid Avenue - E.9th to E.18th
Euclid Avenue - Public Square to E.9th
Euclid Avenue Baptist Church
Euclid Avenue Christian Church
Euclid Avenue Congregational Churhc
Euclid Avenue Opera House
Euclid Avenue Temple SEE: Fairmount Temple
Euclid Beach Park - amusements
Euclid Beach Park - beach and general scenes
Euclid Beach Villa Apartments Inc.
Euclid Cemetery
Euclid Central Junior High School
Euclid Clinic (2 folders)
Euclid Fish Co.
Euclid General Hospital
Euclid Glass Engineering Lab
Euclid Hills Apartments
Euclid Housing Apartments
Euclid Interbelt (developmental plans) Euclid LIttle
Euclid Lumber
Euclid Lutheran Church
Euclid National Bank
Euclid Ninth Tower
Euclid Nottingham Baptist Church
Euclid Park Elementary School
Euclid Public LIbrary
Euclid Richmond Shopping Center
Euclid Senior High School
Euclid Square Mall
Euclid University Circle - Urban Renewal Project
Euclid, OH - Air Views
Euclid, OH - apartments
Euclid, OH - Fire department
Euclid, OH - general
Euclid, OH - Maps
Euclid, OH - police department
Euclid, OH - Streets
Europa, S.S.
European Common Market SEE: European
Economic Community
Evangelical Lutheran Pentecost Church
Evangelical Tabernacle of Christ Church
Evangeline Davies School
Exchange Club
Executive Jet Aviation Inc.
Explosions - Cleveland - W.117th - 1953
Explosions - general
Eye Glasses
Eyes - general
F. W. Woolworth Co.
F. Z. Cikra Inc. (furs)
F.B. Stearns Co.
Faflik Shoes
Fair on the Square
Fairfax Elementary School
Fairfax Foundation
Fairfield School for Boys - buildings
Fairfield School for Boys - general
Fairhill Psychiatric Hospital
Fairlawn, OH
Fairmount Center Dance Co.
Fairmount Creamery
Fairmount Elementary School (Junior High School)
Fairmount Junior High School
Fairmount Presbyterian Church
Fairmount Temple
Fairmount Theater of the Deaf
Fairmount West
Fairount Center for Creative ad Performing Arts
Fairpark Office
Fairport Harbor - general
Fairport Harbor - Marine Museum
Fairs - Brussells - Worlds Fair - 1958-1959
Fairs - California - Pacific Expo - 1935
Fairs - Chicago - Worlds - 1893
Fairs - Expo - 1967
Fairs - Geauga County
Fairs - general
Fairs - Golden Gate Expo - 1939
Fairs - Huron County
Fairs - Lake County
Fairs - Lorain County
Fairs - Medina County
Fairs - New York - Worlds - 1964
Fairs - New York World's - 1939
Fairs - Ohio State
Fairs - Panama - Pacific Expo - 1914
Fairs - Seattle Worlds Fair - 1962
Fairs - Wayne County Fair
Fairs - World Fair
Fairview Baptist Curch
Fairview Grace United Methodist Church
Fairview Homes
Fairview Park Hospital
Fairview Park Senior HIgh SChool
Fairview Park, OH
Faith Lutheran Church
Faith United CHurch of Christ (Richmond Heights)
Faith United Methodist CHurhc
Falkland Island
Family Service Association
Fanny Farmer Candy Shops (2 folders)
Far Eastern Broadcasting Companpy
Farm and Farming
Farmers - U.S. - Touring Russia
Farmington, OH
Fascination Playland
Fashion Children
Fashion Group
Fashion Shows
Fashions - Coats - Men
Fashions - early
Fashions - general - mens
Fashions - hats - men
Fashions - hotpants
Fashions - mini skirts
fashions - women
fashions - women - coats/hats
fashions - women - dresses
fat (waste) salvaging
Fat people
Fathers and Fathers Day
Fawcett Museum
Fazio Supermarkets
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Building - New
Federal Building - Old
Federal Coin Exchange
Federal Communication Commission
Federal Department Store
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
Federal Knitting Mills Co.
Federal Mediation and Concilliation Service
Federal Reserve Bank - Cleveland
Federal Ship Building Co.
Federated Church (Chagrin Falls)
Federated CHurch of Northfield
Federation Workers Credit Uion
FedEx Corp.
Feet - general
Fellowship Baptist CHurch of Christ
Fellowship Lutheran Church
Fences - general
Fencing - gneeral
Fenn College - students
Fenn College SEE: Cleveland State University
Fenn Victory, S.S.
Fenway Hall Hotel
Ferris Wheels
Ferro Corp.
Ferro Machine and Foundry Co.
Ferry Cap and Set Screw Co.
Fiars - Expo - 1970
Field Hockey
Fiji Islands
Filder Dynamics
Filder Fabrics Inc.
Filipinos - Cleveland
Filmco Inc.
Findlay, OH
Findley State Park
Fine Arts Assocation (Willoughby,OH)
Finland - general
Finnish - Cleveland
Fire Department - Cleveland - equipment (not
Fire Department - Cleveland - Fire Tugs
Fire Department - Cleveland - general
Fire Department - Cleveland - historical
Fire Department - Cleveland - Radio and alarm
Fire Department - Cleveland - Stations
Fire Department - Cleveland - Vehicles
Fire Department - Cleveland Academy
Fire Department - Cleveland Mascots
Fire Department - Cleveland Memorial
FIre Departments - not cleveland
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Hazards and prevention 1960
Fire Hydrants
Fire Tugs
Firelands Museum
Firelands Retirement Center, Inc.
Fires - 1942 Circul Fire
Fires - 1950-1959
Fires - 1960-1965
Fires - 1966-1970
Fires - 1971-1975
Fires - 1976-1979
Fires - 1980
Fires - before 1950
Fires - Brush and Grass
Firestone Country Club
Firestone Tire and Ribber Compnay - buildings exterior
Firestone TIre and Rubber Company - Auto Service
First Assemby of God CHurch (Lyndhurst)
First Baptist Church (Bedford, OH)
First Baptist CHurch (Cleveland)
First Baptist CHurch of Brookpark
First Baptist Church of Cleveland Heights
First Baptist CHurch of Euclid
First Baptist CHurch Parma
First Bretheran Church (Lyndhurst)
First Catholic Slovak Ladies Assocation
First Christian Reformed Church
First CHurch of the Brethren
First Church of the Evangelical United Brethren
First Church of the Nazarene
First CHurch of the Nazarene (Highland Heights)
First CHurch of the Nazarene (Wadsworth)
First Congregational Church (Twinsburg)
First English Lutheran Church
First Evangelical Church
First Evangelical United Brethren CHurch
First Federal Savings and Loan Association
First Friends Church
First Hungarian Greek Catholic Church
First Hungarian Lutheran Church
First Hungarian Reforemd CHurch
First Lutheran Church of Strongsville, OH
First Magyar Presbyterian Church
First Methidist Episcopal Churhc
First Methodist CHurch (East 30th)
First Methodist Church of Solon
First Missionary Church
First Pentecostal Church
First Presbyterian Church (Willoughby)
First Presbyterian Church of East Cleveland
First Southern Missionary Baptist CHurch
First Swedenborgian Church
First Unitarian Churhc
First United Church of Christ - Lakewood
First United Methodist CHurch
First United Pentecostal Church
First United Presbyterian Church
Fish - general
Fish - Hatcheries
Fisher Aircraft Co.
Fisher Body Company - general
Fisher Body Company - historical
Fisher Body Company - strikes
Fisher Body Craftsmans GUild
Fisher CHeese Co.
Fisher Foods (Fisher Fazio Costa) - exteriors
Fisher Foods (Fisher Fazio Costa) - interiors and
Fisher Foods (Fisher Fazio Costa) - warehouses
Fisher Titus Memorial Hospital
Fisher, R.K. Inc.
Fisherman's Cove
Fisherman's Wharf Pier
Fishing - general
Fishing (Commerical)
Flag poles and flag pole sitting
Flags - general
Flags - U.S. Making and restoring
Flags - U.S. Raising and saluting
Flatiron Building
Flatiron Cafe
Fleet Ave.
Floods - Cinncinatti, OH
Floods - National and vicinity - June 1972
Floods and Flooding - Cleveland Area - June 1,
Floods and Flooding - Cleveland Area - general
Floods and Flooding - General
Flop Houses
Flordia - Orlando
Florida - Christmas (town)
Florida - Clearwater
Florida - Daytona Beach
Florida - Disney World
Florida - Fort Lauderdale
Florida - Fort Myers
Florida - general
Florida - Hollywood
Florida - Jacksonville
Florida - Key West
Florida - Miami - general (2 folders)
Florida - Miami - Seaquarium
Florida - Miami - storms
Florida - Miami Beach
Florida - Palm Beach
Florida - St. Augustine
Florida - St. Petersburg
Florida - Tampa
Floridian , S.S.
Flower arrangements
Flower Carts
Flower Maker Shop
Flower Mart
Flower Shows
Flowers - chrsyanthemums
flowers - daffodils
flowers - dahlias
flowers - general
flowers - gladiolus
flowers - lily
flowers - marigolds
flowers - orchids
flowers - petunias
flowers - roses
flowers - sacred lily
flowers - sunflowers
Flowers - tulips
flowers - zinnias
Flutes - Dayton C. Miller Collection
Flying Cloud Restaurant
Flying Platforms
Flying Tiger Line
Folies Bergeres
Folk Festival
Food - general
Food Communities
Food Distributing Systems Inc.
Food poisoning
Food services
food shows
food stamps
Foodball - children
Foodtown Supermarkets
Football - action - pro -1956-1972
football - action -high school and college 19501959
football - Cleveland Browns - 1946-1949
football - Cleveland Browns - 1950
football - Cleveland Browns - 1951
football - Cleveland Browns - 1952
football - Cleveland Browns - 1953
football - Cleveland Browns - 1954
football - Cleveland Browns - 1955
football - Cleveland Browns - 1956
football - Cleveland Browns - 1957-1958
football - Cleveland Browns - 1959
football - Cleveland Browns - 1960
football - Cleveland Browns - 1961
football - Cleveland Browns - 1962
football - Cleveland Browns - 1963
football - Cleveland Browns - 1964
football - Cleveland Browns - 1965
football - Cleveland Browns - 1966
football - Cleveland Browns - 1967
football - Cleveland Browns - 1968
football - Cleveland Browns - 1969
football - Cleveland Browns - 1970
football - Cleveland Browns - 1971
football - Cleveland Browns - 1972
football - Cleveland Browns - 1973
football - Cleveland Browns - 1974
football - Cleveland Browns - 1975
football - Cleveland Browns - 1976
football - Cleveland Browns - 1977
football - Cleveland Browns - 1978
football - Cleveland Browns - 1979
football - Cleveland Browns - 1980
Football - Cleveland Rams
Football - equipment
football - general
football - high school - 1969
football - high school - 1970-1979
football - high school - 1981
football - high school - action 1978
football - high school - action 1979
football - high school - general 1980
Football - Pro Hall of Fame
Football - women
Footpath Dance Company
Ford Community Center
Ford Junior HIgh School
Ford MOtor Company - Brookpark (2 folders)
Ford Motor Company - buildings and plants
Ford Motor Company - general
Ford Motor Company - Industrail Arts Award
Ford MOtor Company - research and engineering
Ford rotunda
Fordham University
Foreign Ministers Conferences
Foreign visitors - Cleveland
Forest City Company
Forest City Foundry
Forest City Hospital
Forest City House
Forest Hills (Rockefeller Estate)
Forest Hills Park (Cleveland)
Forest Hills Parkway
Forest Hills Parkway Elementary School
Forest Hills Presbyterian Church
Forest Park Junior HIgh School
Forest Park Towers
Formosa-(Nationalist China)
Fort Amanda, OH
Fort Benning (Georgia)
Fort Bliss (Texas)
Fort Bragg (North Carolina)
Fort Firelands
Fort Huntington Park
Fort Knox
Fort Recovery
Fortress Monroe, VA
Forty and Eight
Forum Cafeteria
Foseco Inc.
Foundries - general
Fourth Reformed Church
Fowler Junior High School
Fowlers Mills, OH
France - Chateau Thierry
France - Corsica
France - general
France - Lourdes
France - Maginot Line
France - Marseilles
France - Military
France - Military - Foreign Legion
France - Navy
France - Nice
France - Normandy
France - Paris - Arc de Triomphe
France - Paris - Bridges and Rivers
France - Paris - Buildings (2 folders)
France - Paris - Churches
France - Paris - Eiffel Tower
France - Paris - general
France - Paris - parks and zoo
France - Paris - police and fire department
France - Paris - Rheims
France - Paris - streets and scenes
France - Paris - transportation
France - Paris -demonstrations, etc.
France - Strasbourg
France - Versailles
France - World War II
France, S.S.
Franchester Farm
Franciscan Monatery
Frank J. Lausche SEE: Ohio Office Building
Franklin Ave
Franklin Blvd. Methodist Church
Franklin Circle Christian Church
Franklin County, OH
Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. High School
Franklin Ice Cream Co.
Franklin School (elementary)
Fraternal Association of Steel Haulers
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Fraternal Order of Police and Auxilary
Frauehauf Trailer Co.
Fred Epple Co.
Free Animal Clinic Team (FACT)
Free Clinic
Free Methodist Church (Westlake)
Freedom Academy
Freedom train
Freighters - A
Freighters - B
Freighters - C
Freighters - Carl D. Bradley
Freighters - Clevco
Freighters - D-E
Freighters - F-G
Freighters - general
Freighters - Groups of Ships
Freighters - H
Freighters - I
Freighters - J
Freighters - K
Freighters - L
Freighters - M-N-O
Freighters - P
Freighters - R
Freighters - Roger Blough
Freighters - Savannah
Freighters - T-Z
Freindly Inn Camp
Fremont, OH
French - Cleveland
Fresh Air camp
Friedman Blau Farber Co.
Friendly Family Restaurant
Friendly Inn Settlement House
Friend's Ornamental Iron Co.
Fries and Schuele Co.
Frogs Frolics bar
Front Row Theater
Frostville Muesum SEE: North Olmsted Historical
Frozen custard
Fruitland Elementary School
Fulton Auto Wrecking Co
Fulton Ave
Fulton Denison Bridge
Fulton Fish Market
Fundamental Education Center
Furniture - 1920's-1950's
Furniture - 1960's - 1970's
Furniture Mart
Future Farmers of America
Gabon, Africa
Galapagos Islands
Galapagos Islands
Gallipolis, OH
Gallipolis, Oh
Gambling Clubs - Cleveland Area
Gambling Clubs - Monticello Club
Gambling Clubs - Mounds Club
Gambling Clubs - Ohio Villa
Gambling Clubs - Pettibone Club (Arrow)
Gambling Clubs - Thomas Club (Veteran's Hall)
Gambling Clubs - Yockey Dolan's
Gambling Clubs-Cleveland Area
Gambling Clubs-Clint on Club
Gambling Clubs-Monticello club
Gambling Clubs-Mounds Clubs
Gambling Clubs-Ohio Villa
Gambling Clubs-Pettibone Club (Arrow)
Gambling Clubs-Thomas Club (Veterans' Hall)
Gambling Clubs-Yockey Dolan's
Gambling ships
Gambling Ships
Gambling, OH
gangers - general
Garden Center - White Elephant Sale
Garden Center of Greater Cleveland - exterior
Garden Center of Greater Cleveland - interior
Garden Center of Greater Cleveland-Exterior
Garden Center of Greater Cleveland-Interior
Garden Center-White Elephant Sale
Garden Club of OHio
Garden Club of Ohio
Garden Shoes
Garden Shoes
Garden Valley Development
Garden Valley Development
Garden Valley Neighborhood House
Garden Valley Neighborhood House
Garden valley Presbyterian Church
Garden Valley Prespyterian Church
Gardens - general
Gardens - school
gardens - victory (for mall gardens SEE: Mall)
Gardens-Victory (For Mall Gardens See Mall)
Gardenview Horticultural Park
Gardenview Horticultural Park
Garfiedl Heights Junior High School
Garfield Park Elelentary School (Garfield HEights)
Garfield Elementary School
Garfield Elementary School
Garfield Elementary School (Lakewood)
Garfield Elemetary School (Lakewood)
Garfield Heights Church of the Nazarene
Garfield Heights Co-op Nursery School
Garfield Heights High School
Garfield Heights MEthodist CHurhc
Garfield Heights, OH - Buildings
Garfield Heights, OH - City hall
Garfield Heights, OH - general
Garfield Heights, OH - Library
Garfield Heights, OH - Police and Fire departments
Garfield Heights, OH - Recreation Center
Garfield Heights, OH - streets
Garfield Hts. Church of the Nazarene
Garfield Hts. Co-op Nursery School
Garfield Hts. High School
Garfield Hts. Jr. High School
Garfield Hts. Methodist Church
Garfield Hts. OH-Buildings
Garfield Hts. OH-City Hall
Garfield Hts. OH-General
Garfield Hts. OH-Library
Garfield Hts. OH-Police and Fire Dept.
Garfield Hts. OH-Recreation Center
Garfield Hts. OH-Streets
Garfield Mall (Garfield Heights)
Garfield Mall (Garfield Hts.)
Garfield Memorial
Garfield Memorial
Garfield Park
Garfield Park
Garfield Park Elementary School (Garfield Hts.)
Garfield Trinity Baptist Church (Garfield HEights)
Garfield Trinity Baptist Church (Garfield Hts.)
Garnett Elementary SChool
Garnett Elementary School
Garret Shop, The (Lakewood)
Garret Shop, The (Lakewood, OH)
Garretsville, OH
Garrettsville, OH
Gas (Natural ) - wells
Gas (natural ) - wells - Cleveland and Ohio
Gas (Natural) - general
Gas (Natural)-General
Gas (Natural)-Wells-Cleveland and Ohio
Gas (Natural)-Wells-General
Gas Chamber SEE: Captial Punishment
Gas Chamber-see Capital Punishment
Gas Masks
Gas Masks
Gas meters
Gas Meters
Gascon Plastics Packaging Co.
Gascon Plastics Packaging Company
Gasoline - general
Gasoline rationing and shortage - general
Gasoline Rationing and Shortage-General
Gasoline stations - abandoned
Gasoline Stations-Abandoned
Gasoline Stations-General
Gate, The (Coffee house)
Gate, The (Coffee House)
Gates Mills Towers
Gates Mills Towers
Gates Mills, OH
Gates Mills, OH
Gates Mills, OH - general
Gates Mills, OH-General
Gateway Apartments
Gateway Apartments
Gatling Gun see..Machine Guns
Gatling Gun SEE: Machine Gunds
Gazelle Restaurant
Gazelle Restaurant
Geauga County
Geauga County
Geauga Lake Park
Geauga Lake Park
Geauga Prtage County Juvenile Court Center
Geauga-Portage County Juvenille Court Center
Gebriel Company
Gem and Mineral Show
Gem and Mineral Show
Gem Cutting and cutters
Gem Cutting and Cutters
Gem Memberhsip Department STore
Gem Membership Department Store
Gemrany-Berlin-U.S. Troops (Cleveland G.I's)
Gems SEE: Jewels and Jewelry
Gene Zimmerman's Automobilerama
Gene Zimmerman's Automobilorama
General American Transporation Corp.
General American Transportation Corp.
General Electric Co.
General Electric Co. - Cleveland - Nela Park Buildings
General Electric Co. - Cleveland - Nela Park Christmas Display
General Electric Co. - Cleveland - Nela Park General
General Electric Co.-Cleveland-Nela ParkBuildings
General Electric Co.-Cleveland-Nela ParkChristmas Displays
General Electric Co.-Cleveland-Nela Park-General
General Electric Company
General Fireproofing Co.
General Fireproofing Co.
General Motors - Auto Shows
General Motors - Cheverolet Division
General Motors - Cleveland Diesel Division
General Motors - Detroit, Michigan and general
General Motors - Euclid Division
General Motors - Lordstown, OH
General Motors - Parma, OH
General Motors - Perkins Township, OH
General Motors - Plants - general
General Motors - Technical Centers and Research
General Motors Corp.-Cleveland Diesel Division
General Motors Corp.-Detroit Michigan and
General Motors Corp.-Euclid Division
General Motors Corp.-Ohio-Lordstown
General Motors Corp.-Parma, OH
General Motors Corp.-Technical Centers and
Research Labs
General Motors Corps.-Chevrolet Division
General Motors Division-Plants-General
General Motors-Auto Shows
General Motors-Perkins Twp., OH
General Tire and Rubber Co.
General Tire and Rubber Company
Geneva On The Lake - buildings and houses
Geneva On The Lake - general
Geneva On The Lake - State park
Geneva On The Lake - Street Scenes
Geneva-On-The-Lake-Buildings and Houses
Geneva-On-The-Lake-State Park
Geneva-On-The-Lake-Street Scenes
Geodetic Survey - U.S.
Geodetic Survey-U.S.
Geology and geologists
Geology and Geologists
Geometric Stamping Co.
Geometric Stamping Company
George A. Stinson (FireFighter)
George A. Stinton (Freighter)
George C. Marshall Research Library
George C. Marshall Research Library
George W. Carver Elementary School
George W. Carver Elementary School
George Washington Elementary School
George Washington Elementary School (Eastlake,
George Washington Elementary School (Eastlake,
George Washington Square (Cleveland, OH)
George Washington Square (Cleveland, OH)
George Wasington Elementary SChool
George Worthing Co.
George Worthington Co.
Georgetown University
Georgetown University
Georgia - Atlanta
Georgia - general
Georgia - Warm Springs
Georgia - Warm Springs - F.D.R. cottage
Georgia-Warm Springs
Georgia-Warm Springs-F.D.R. Cottage
Gerbriel Go.
German Cultural Garden
German Cultural Gardens
Germans - Cleveland - German Day - German
Central Organization
Germans-Cleveland German Day-German Central
Germany - Aachen
Germany - Air Force
Germany - Army
Germany - Bavaria
Germany - Bayreuth
Germany - Berchtesgaden
Germany - Berlin - Bomb Damage
Germany - Berlin - buildings
Germany - Berlin - general
Germany - Berlin - occupation - 1950-1961
Germany - Berlin - the Wall
Germany - Berlin - U.S. Troops (Cleveland GI's)
Germany - Bonn (also Bod Godesberg)
Germany - Bremen
Germany - cities
Germany - Cologne
Germany - Communists
Germany - Danzig SEE: Poland - Gdansk (Danzig)
Germany - Dresden
Germany - Dusseldorf
Germany - Essen
Germany - Frankfort
Germany - Garmisch
Germany - general (1950)
Germany - general (before 1950)
Germany - Hamburg
Germany - Hanover
Germany - Heidelberg
Germany - Helgoland
Germany - industry
Germany - Kiel
Germany - Munich
Germany - navy - general
Germany - navy - ships
Germany - Nazi - Adolf Hitler
Germany - Nuerenberg
Germany - Oberammergau - Passion Play
Germany - Occupation
Germany - Saarbrucken
Germany - Stuttgart
Germany - WWII World War II
Germany-Air Force
Germany-Berlin-Bomb Damage
Germany-Berlin-The Wall
Germany-Bonn-(Also Bod Godesberg)
Germany-Danzig (see. Poland-Gdansk(Danzig)
Germany-General (Before 1950)
Germany-General 1950
Germany-Oberammergau-Passion Play
Germany-World War 2
Gesu Church
Gesu Church
Gethsemane Baptist Church
Gethsemane Baptist Church
Gethsemane Slovak Lutheran Church
Gethsemane Slovak Lutheran Church
Geuaga County - Maple Festival
Ghent, OH
Ghent, OH
Giant Tiger (store)
Giant Tiger (Store)
Giddings Elementary School
Giddings Elementary School
Gift wrapping
Gift Wrappings
Gigi's Restaurant
Gigi's Restaurant
Gilbert Elementary School
Gilbert Elementary School
Gilles Sweet Elementary School
Gilles-Sweet Elementary School
Gillsy Hotel
Gillsy Hotel
Gilmore Academy
Gilmore Ind.
Gilmore Industries
Gilmour Academy
Giorgi Studio
Giorgi Studio
Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts - 1958-1960
Girl Scouts - 1961
Girl Scouts (1958-1960)
Girl Scouts 1961
Girls Industrial (Deleware, OH)
Girls Industrial School (Delaware, OH)
Gladstone - urban renewal
Gladstone School (elementary)
Gladstone School (Elementary)
Gladstone-Urban Renewal
Glass - stained glass
Glass and Glass Industry
Glass and Glass Industry
Glass blowers
Glass Blowers
Glass-Stained Glass
Glenbrook Elementary School
Glenbrook Elementary School
Glenn L. Martin Co.
Glenn L. Martin Co.
Glenville - After 1966
Glenville - Before 1966
Glenville First Baptist Church
Glenville First Baptist Church
Glenville Health Associates
Glenville Heath Association
Glenville High School
Glenville High School
Glenville School
Glenville School
Glenville Seventh Day Adventist Church
Glenville Seventh Day Adventist Church
Glenville United Church of Christ Holiness
Glenville United Church of Christ Holiness
Glenville United Presbyterian Church
Glenville United Presbyterian Church
Glenville, Grace, Marine, Polyclinic)
Glenville-After 1966
Glenville-Before 1966
Glenwillow, OH
Glenwillow, OH
Glidden - Durkee Division of SCM
Glidden Tours
Glidden Tours
Glidden-Durkee Division of SCM
Gliders and Gliding
Gliders and Gliding
Glix Department Store
Glix Dept. Stores
Globe Machine and Stamping Co.
Globe Machine and STamping Company
Globe Paper Co.
Globes Paper Co.
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Gloria Del Lutheran Church
Glue and Glue Sniffing
Glue and Glue Sniffing
Gnadenhutten, OH
Gnadenhutten, OH
Go Karts
Goff Kirby Co.
Goff-Kirby Company
Gold Star Mothers
Gold Star Mothers
Golden Age Nursing Home (Fitchville, OH)
Golden Age Nursing Home (Fitchville, OH)
Golden Bowl
Golden Bowl
Golden Buckeye Card
Golden Buckeye Card
Golden Gate Villas
Golden Gate Villas
Golden Hinde (Sir Francis Drake's Flagship)
Golden Hinde (Sir Francis Drake's Flagship)
Golden Knights - army and parachute team
Golden Knights-Army Parachute Team
Goldies (cheat spot)
Goldies (Cheat Spot)
Goldwood School (R.R)
Goldwood School (Rocky River)
GOlf - Cleveland Open - Committees and
Golf (general) 2 Folders
Golf Courses - general
Golf Courses General
Golf General (1)
Golf General (2)
Golf-Cleveland Open-Committees and Promotion
Good Friday
Good Friday
Good Humor Ice Cream
Good Humor Ice Cream
Good Samaritan Youth Center
Good Samaritan Youth Center
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Goodrich House
Goodrich House
Goodrich House (2 folders)
Goodtime II
Goodtime II
Goodtime, S.S.
Goodtime, S.S.
Goodwill Industries
Goodwill Industries
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
Goodyear Tires and Rubber Co.
Gordon Elementary
Gordon Elementary School
Gordon Neighborhood Association
Gordon Neighborhood Association
Gordon Park - 1920s-1940s
Gordon Park - 1950s-1980s
Gordon Park - Buildings
Gordon Park - People
Gordon Park-1920s-1940s
Gordon Park-1950s-1980s
Gordon Park-Buildings
Gordon Park-People
Gospel Workers Society
Gospel Workers Society
Gould Inc.
Gould Incorporated
Gourmette Restaurant
Gourmette Restaurant
Governors - U.S.
Governor's Conference - Cleveland
Governor's Conference - general
Governors Conference-Cleveland
Governors Conference-General
Grabler Manufacturing Co.
Grabler Manufacturing Co.
Grace Congregational Church
Grace Congregational Church
Grace Episcopal Church
Grace Episcopal Church
Grace Episcopal Church - Willoughby
Grace Episcopal Church-Willoughby
Grace Hospital
Grace Hospital
Grace Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran Church
Grace Methodist Church
Grace Methodist Church
Grace Presbyterian Church
Grace Presbyterian Church
Gracemount Elementary School
Gracemount Elementary School
Gracemount Elementary School
Grafton, OH
Grafton, OH
Graham Garage Doors
Graham Garage Doors
Grain Elevators
Grain Elevators
Grambling College
Grambling College
Grand Army of the Republic
Grand Army of the Republic
Grand Elementary School
Grand Jury - Cuyahoga County - 1920s-1930s
Grand Jury - Cuyahoga County - 1940s
Grand Jury - Cuyahoga County - 1950s
Grand Jury - Cuyahoga County - 1960s
Grand Jury-Cuy. Co.-1920s - 1930s
Grand Jury-Cuy. Co.-1940s
Grand Jury-Cuy. Co.-1950s
Grand Jury-Cuy. Co.-1960s
Grand Lake St. Marys
Grand Lake St. Marys
Grand Rapids, OH
Grand Rapids, OH
Grand River
Grand River
Grand River Village, OH
Grand River Village, OH
Grand View Gold and Country Club
Grand View Golf and Country Club
Grand's Last Stand
Grange National
Granger Garage Inc.
Granger Garage Inc.
Granger Rd.
Granger Road
Granger School (Maple Heights, OH)
Granger School (Maple Hts., OH)
Grant Elementary School (Willoughby)
Grant Elementary School (Willoughby)
Grant School (Elementary)
Grant T. Apthorp Towers
Grant T. Apthorp Towers
Grant's Last Stand
Grantwood Golf course
Grantwood Golf Course
Grass - general
Grasselli Chemical Co. See Dupont Co.
Grasselli Chemical Co. SEE: Dupont Co.
Grasselli House
Grasselli House
Gray Drug Stores (Weinbergers)
Gray Drug Stores (Winebergers)
Gray Tool and Die Co.
Gray Tool And Die Co.
Gray's Armory See. Armories-Cleveland Area
Gray's Armory SEE: Armories - Cleveland Area Gray's Armory
Grayton St.
Grdina Furniture Store
Grdina Furniture Store
Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co.
Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co.
Great Lakes
Great Lakes
Great Lakes Aircraft Corp.
Great Lakes Aircraft Corp.
Great Lakes College and Clinic
Great Lakes College and Clinic
Great Lakes Diesel Co.
Great Lakes Diesel Company
Great Lakes Exposition-General
Great Lakes Historical Society and Museum
Great Lakes Historical Society and Museum
Great Lakes Lumber Co.
Great Lakes Lumber Co.
Great Lakes Mall
Great Lakes Mall
Great Lakes Naval Training Station
Great Lakes Navel Training Station
Great Lakes Shakespeare Festival - 1950s-1960s
Great Lakes Shakespeare Festival - 1970s-1980s
Great Lakes Shakespeare Festival-1950s-1960s
Great Lakes Shakespeare Festival-1970s-1980s
Great Lakes Towing Co.
Great Lakes Towing Co.
Great Lakes Tractor Co.
Great Lakes Tractor Co.
Great Northern Paper Co.
Great Northern Paper Co.
Great Northern Shopping Center
Great Northern Shopping Center
Great Northern Towers
Great Northern Towers
Greater Abyssinia Baptist Church
Greater Abyssinia Baptist Church
Greater Buffalo S.S.
Greater Buffalo, S.S.
Greater Cleveland Associated Foundation
Greater Cleveland Associated Foundation
Greater Cleveland Bicentennial Commission
Greater Cleveland Bicentennial Commission
Greater Cleveland Congress - International
Womens Year
Greater Cleveland Congress-International Womens
Greater Cleveland Rapid Transit Authority
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority Community Responsive Transit
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (1)
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (2)
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit AuthorityCommunity-Responsive Transit
Greater Cleveland Safety Council
Greater Detroit S.S.
Greater Detroit, S.S.
Greater Friendship Baptist Church
Greater Friendship Baptist Church
Greater safety Council
Greater Springfield Baptist Church
Greater Springfield Baptist Church
Greece - Ancient
Greece - Athens
Greece - general - 1940-1949
Greece - General - 1950-1959
Greece - General - 1960
Greece - general - before 1939
Greece - Rhodes Island
Greece-General-1960Greece-General-Before 1939
Greece-Rhodes Island
Greek Orthodox Church of Annunciation
Greek Orthodox Church of Annunciation
Greeks - Cleveland
Greeks-Cleveland OH.
Greenbrier Commons Theater and Cultural Center
Greenbrier Commons Theater and Cultural Center
Greenbrier Suite
Greenbrier Suite
greenhouses - city greenhouse
Greenhouses - general
Greenhouses-City Greenhouse
Greenland - general
Greenlawn Park Cemetary
Greenlawn Park Cemetery
Greenville, OH
Greenville, OH
Greenwich Observatory
Greenwich Observatory
Greenwich, OH
Greenwich, OH
Grenades and Grenade Launchers
Grenades and Grenade Launchers
Greyhound Lines
Greyhound Lines
Gripsholm S.S.
Gripsholm, S.S.
Griswold Institute
Griswold Institute
Grocery Stores
Grocery Stores
Grossinger's Ground Observer Corps.
Ground Observer Corp.
Grovewood Elementary School
Grovewood Elementary School
Growler Inn
Growler Inn
Gruber's Restaurant
Gruber's Restaurant
Guadalupe S.S
Guadalupe, S.S.
Guardian Angels
Guardian Angels
Guardian Trust Co.
Guardian Trust Co.
Guarino's Restaurant
Guarino's Restaurant
Guerny Elementary
Guerny Elementary School
Guilford Lake State Park
Guilford Lake State Park
Guinea Pig
Guinea Pig
Gulf Oil Corp.
Gulf Oil Corporation
Gunning (face making)
Guns - Cleveland Area - Control
Guns-Cleveland Area-Control
Gurning (Face Making)
Guyana - general
Gwinn Estates - William Gund, Elizabeth Mather
Gwinn Estates-William G and Elizabeth Mather
Gypsies - Cleveland
Gyrocopters - General
H.J. Heinz Co.
H.L. Vokes Co.
H.N. White Co.
H.W. Beattie and Sons, Inc
H.W. Madison Co.
Hach-Otis Sancutary (Nature Preserve)
Haggins Realty
Hahn Manufacturing Co.
hair - general
hair - mens
hair - womens Haiti
Halle Brothers (4 folders)
Halle Elementary School
Halloran Park and Pool
Hamiltion Co. Barter Unit
Hamilton Ave. (street)
Hamlet Hills
Hamonic, S.S.
Hampton Social Settlement
Hangings - general
Hanna Building
Hanna Coal Co.
Hanna Mining Co.
Hanna Theatre
Hanseatic, S.S.
Happy Apple Restaurant
Happy Day Nursery
Harbor Inn
Hard Hats
Hardware Stores
Hardware Wholesalesrs, Inc.
Hardwick House Apartments
Hare (animal)
Harlem Globetrotters
Harleqin Books
Harmon Elementary School
Harold T. Clark Stadium
Harris Calorific Co.
Harris Scybold Co.
Harris Wrecking Co.
Harrisburg 8
Harrison School (elementary)
Harry E. Davis Jr. High School
Harry S. TGruman International Center for the
Advancement of Peace
Harshaw Chemical Co.
Hart and Co.
Hartville, OH
Harvard Club (Gambling and Trial)
Harvard Denison Bridge
Harvard Elementary School
Harvard Grove Cemetery
Harvard University
Harvest Festival
Harvest Missionary Baptist Church
Harvey Mudd College
Harvey Parkway Apartments
Harvey Rice Elementary School
Harvey's Inc. - general
Harvey's Lounge
Harvey's Oak Room
Haserot Co.
Hathaway Shirt Co.
Hattfields vs. McCoys
Hattie Larlham Foundation
Haunted Houses
Hawaii - Armed Forces
Hawaii - general
Hawaii - Honolulu
Hawaii - Pearl Harbor
Hawaii - People
Hawken School
Hawley House
Hawthornden State Hospital SEE: Western Reserve
Psychiatric Habilitation Center (new
Hawthorne Country Club
Hay Rides
Hayden Doan Apartments
Haydenville, OH
Hays Elementary School
Head Start Program
Headquarters, The
Health and Welfare Instatute
Health Care - general
Health Centers - Cleveland
Health Clubs
Health Department - Cleveland
Health Fund
Health Hill Hispital
Hearing Aids
Hearling - general
Heart - artificial
Heart - general
Heart - Transplants - Clevleand and Ohio - Donors
and Recipients
heart - transplants - doctors and general
heart - transplants - U.S. and general - donors and
Heart Fund
Hebrew Academy
Hebrew Christian Society
Heck's Restaurant
Hedge Hogs
Heidelberg College
Heights Art Theater
Heights Christian Church
Heights Damenchor
Heights Youth Theater
Heilman's Restaurant
Heinen, Inc.
Helen J. Weeley Elementary School
Helen Muraski Elementary School (Strongsville,
Helicopters - Airline Passenger Transport
Helicopters - Commerical
Helicopters - experimental
helicopters - military
Hellenic Orthodox Church of Saint Spyridon
Helping Hand Halfway Home
Henry Longfellow Elementary School
Hepner Air Filter Service Inc
Heritage Park
Herman Ave.
Hermit Club
Hermitage, U.S.S.
Hershey Chocolate Co. (Hershey, PA)
Hertner Electric Co.
Hess and Clark
Hickock Electrical Instrument Co.
Hickok Technical Institute
Hickory Grill
Hickox Building
Hicks Elementary School
Hidden Valley
Higbee Co. (3 folders)
highbrook Lodge
Highland Christian Church
Highland Congregational Churhc
Highland Heights, OH
Highland Manufacturing Co.
Highland Park Cemetery
Highland Park Golf Course
Highlander Motor Inn
Highway Department - Ohio
Highway Patrol - Ohio
Highways - Cleveland - general
Highways - Cleveland - Innerbelt 1960
Highways - historical
Highways - Ohio - general
Highways - Ohio - I-271
Highways - Ohio - I-290 (Clark Freeway)
Highways - Ohio - I-480
Highways - Ohio - I-71 (N.S. Thruway)
Highways - Ohio - I-77 (Willow Freeway)
Highways - Ohio - I-80
Highways - Ohio - I-90 (N.W. Freeway)
Highways - Ohio - Lakeland Freeway - 1940s1950s
Highways - Ohio - Lakeland Freeway - 1960s1970s
Highways - Ohio - Route 3 (Parma Freeway)
Highways - Ohio Turnpike
Highways - Pennsylvania Turnpike
Highways - Trans-Canada Highway
Higland View Hosptial
Hijackings - airplaine
Hikers and kicking
Hill Acme Co.
Hillcrest Hospital
Hillcrest Motel
Hillcrest Square Shopping Center
Hillcrest Temple
Hilliard Road and bridge
Hillsboro, Ohio
Hillside Junior High School
Hilltop Elementary School
Hilltop House Apartments (Garfield Heights)
Hilton Hotels - general
Hinckley Hills Golf Course
Hinckley Township, OH
Hindus - Cleveland
Hippies - Cleveland area - general
Hippies - general
Hippodrome Building
Hippodrome Theater
Hips (human)
Hiram College
Hiram House
Hiram House Camp
Hiram, OH
Hixon's Flower Barn
Hixon's Victorian Cottage
Hobbies and hobby shows - general
Hobby Show - golden age
Hockey - action - Barons - 1977-1978
Hockey - Action - general - 1977-1978
Hockey - Cleveland Barons - 1930s-1940s
Hockey - Cleveland Barons - 1950s
Hockey - Cleveland Barons - 1960s
Hockey - Crusaders 1970s
hockey - field, US FHA, etc.
Hockey - general
Hockey - general - teams (NHL)
Hockey - general -action - barons 1970s (AHL)
Hockey - high school
Hocking County State Park
Hocking Valley Scenic Railroad
Hodge Elementary School
Hofbrau Haus
Hoffman (ship)
Holden Borboretum
Holiday Inns
Holiday Lakes
Holiday Magic
Holiday on Ice
Holland SEE: Netherlands
Hollenden Hotel
Hollenden House - new building
Holly Lane School (Westlake, OH)
Holmden Ave.
Holy Cross Catholic Church
Holy Cross Cemetery
Holy Cross Luteran Church
Holy Family Cancer Home
Holy Family Catholic Church
Holy Family Catholic Church (Stow, OH)
Holy Ghost Byzantine Catholic Church
Holy Name Catholic Church
Holy Name High School
Holy Name Humility Education Center
Holy Redeemer Church
Holy Redemmer Elementary School
Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Holy Rosary School
Holy Spirit Byzantine Catholic Church
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Holy Thursadya
Holy Trinity (Slovak) Lutheran Church
Holy Trinity Baptist Church
Holy Trinity Catholic church
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Holy Trinity Orthodox Chrustian Church
Holy Trinity Polish National Catholic Church
Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Church
Home and Flower Show - 1920s-1940s
Home and Flower Show - 1950s
Home and Flower Show - 1960s
Home and Flower Show - 1970s
Home and Flower Show - 1980s
Home Federal Savings and Loan Association
Home Improvement Council
Home in the Sky
Home Metal Industries, Inc.
Home of the Holy Family
Home Owners Loan Corp.
Home Savings and Loan Co.
Homecrafter's Shop
Homestead Haven Restaurant
Homewood Civic Association
Honda Motor Co.
Hoover Co.
Hope Congregational Church
Hope House
Hope Inc.
Hope Lutheran Church
Hope, S.S.
Hopkins Airport Hotel
Hopkins Elementary School
Horace Mann Junior High School
Hornblower, Weeks, Hemphil, Woyes
Horse - sulky
Horse - tracks - Ascot
Horse - tracks - Thistledown
Horse Racing - general - 1950-1959
Horse Racing - general - 1961-1969
Horse Racing - general - 1971
Horse Racing - race tracks - general
Horse Racing - to 1949
Horse Racing - tracks - Bainbridge
Horse Racing - Tracks - North Randall
Horse shows - General - 1979
Horseback riding SEE: Riding academies
Horses - race horses - A-G
Horses - race horses - H-M
Horses - race horses - N-Z
Horses - Royal Lipizzan
Horseshoe pitching
Horth Point Towers
Horticultural Gardens SEE: Donald Grey Gardens
Hospitality Motor Inns Inc.
Hospitals - Cleveland - General (Brentwood, Forest
Hospitals - General
Hostels - youth
Hot dogs
Hot tubs
Hotel Cleveland
Hotels - general
Hough Area - Clean up campaigns - beutification
Hough area - general (community council)
Hough Area - Houses - buildings
Hough area - housing - rehabilitation
Hough Area - housing inspections
Hough area - slums - poverty - deterioration vandalism
Hough area - streets - heighborhoods - airviews maps
Hough Ave. Congregational Church
Hough Ave. Seveth Day Adventist Church
Hough Ave. United Church of Christ
Hough Bakeries Inc.
Hough Caterers Inc.
Hough Cultural Center
Hough Elementary School
Hough Mfg. Co.
Hough Multi Service Center
Hough Nortwood Family Health Care Center
Hough opportunity Center
House - interior - curtains
House moving
House of David
House of Jacob
House of Wills Funeral Home
Houseboats - genera
Household Training Center
Houses - bathrooms
Houses - construction
Houses - dining rooms
Houses - exterior
Houses - general
Houses - Interiors (2 folders)
Houses - kitchens
Houses - log
houses - solar
houses - yards, etc.
Houses- Bedrooms
Housing - Cleveland - rehabilitation - urban
development and public housing projects 19521959
Housing - Cleveland - rehabilitation - urban
development and public housing projects 1960
housing - Cleveland - sulms - 1930-1959
Housing - Cleveland - urban renewal (Krawcheck
housing - post war 1947
Housing - U.S. and General
Housing - war housing
Hovercraft (land)
Howard Johnson Motor Lodge and Restaurant
Howland Island
Hruby Conveervatory
Hudson Boys School
Hudson Motor Car
Hudson River
Hudson, OH
Hueson Woods State Park
Human Body
Human engineering
Humbolot Mining Co.
Hungarian Athletic Club
Hungarian Reformed Church (Westside)
Hungarians - Cleveland
Hungarians - Cleveland - Relief
Hungarians - U.S.
Hungary - Budapest - General
Hungary - general
Hungary - revolt
Hunt Foods
Hunt Mfg. Co.
Hunters Hollow Taverne
Hunting - foxes
hunting - general
Hunting Valley
Huntington Park - Cleveland
Huntington Playhouse
Hupp Corp.
Hupp Motor Car Co.
Hurd-Gibson-Mikolay Inc.
Hurdy Gurdy Man - SEE: Organ Grinders
Huron County, OH
Huron Mfg. Co.
Huron Road
Huron Road Hospital
Huron Road Mall
Huron Road Temple - SEE: Fairmont Temple
Huron, OH
Hustler (magazine)
Hyatt Hotels
Hydrofoil Air Cushion Craft
Hydrolic Press Mfg. Co.
Hygrade Food Products Corp.
Hy-Ko Products
Hyperbaric ENU Chamber
Iberia Airlines of Spain
Ice - commercial
Ice Capades - 1960
Ice Capades - before 1960
Ice cream - general
Ice Follies
Icebergs - general
Iceland - U.S. Troops
Iglesia Methodista Unida de Cristo
Iguana lizards
Ile de France (ship)
Illinois - Chicago - demonstrations
Illinois - Chicago - General - 1930-1939
Illinois - Chicago - General - 1940-1949
Illinois - Chicago - General - 1950 -1959
Illinois - Chicago - General - 1960-1969
Illinois - Chicago - General - 1970
Illinois - Chicago - General - before 1930
Illinois, University of
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church (Superior
Immaculate Conception Church (Willoughby)
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church
Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church
Immanuel Evangelical Unted Bretheren Church
Immanuel Pentecostal Church
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
Immanuel United Church of Christ
Immanuel United Church of Christ (Shaker Hts.)
Immigrants and Immigration
Imperial Airways
Import House
improvement projects
Incubations (baby)
Independence Evagelical Chruch
Independence High School
Independence Lumber Co.
Independence, Ohio - general
Independence, S.S.
India - Cleveland
India - General
India - maps
India - starvation cases
India - U.S. Troops
India Tire and Rubber Co.
Indian Hills Elementary School
Indiana - General
Indiana University
Indianapolis Motor Speedway - General
Indians - Cleveland
Indians - wooden
Indians, American - Not Cleveland
Indians, American - Protests
Indo-china War 1929-1954
Indo-CHina war 1955-1964
Indo-China war 1965
Indonesia - Borneo
Indonesia - Jakarta
Industrial Dynamics Co.
Industrial Exposition - 1927
Industrial Parks
Industrial Rayon
Industrial Rayon Corp. (Cleveland)
Infantile Paralysis
Infantile paralysis - 1954 (incl. vaccine,
Influenza (vaccine - inoculations)
Inglesize Hospital
Inner City Protestant Parish
Inner City Ski Bums
Insane asylum
Insects - general
Insignias - general
Insignias - Military SEE: U.S. Armed Forces Insignias
Insulated Steel Construction Co.
Insurance Co.
Insurance File
Interal Revenue Service - U.S. - Computer Center
Interatnional Longshoremen's Association
Interlake Yachting Association
Interlochen Arts Academy
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
International Business Machine Corp.
International Exposition
International Harvester Co.
International Import House Inc.
International Ladies Garment Workers Union
International Minerals Co.
International Molded Plastics Inc.
International Order of the Alhambra
International Salt Company
International Society for Krisna Consciousness
International Society of Skilled Trades
International Stoke Mandeville Games
International Sunday School Convention
International Union of Electrical Workers
International Union of Operating Engineers
Interstate Commerce Commission
Intown Club
Intown Hotel
Intrusion - Prepakt, Inc.
Inventions and inventors
Investment Plaza (Erieview)
Iowa Maple Elementary School
Iowa, University of
Iran, Hostages Freed
Ireland - Belfast
Ireland - Dublin
Irish - Cleveland
Irish Dance
Iron and Steel Engineers Expo.
Iron Firemen Mfg. Co.
Iron Lung
Iron ore -general
Ironton, OH
Irvin and Co.
Isis, S.S.
ISland Airlines
Island Greek Fuel and Transportation
Isle of Man
Israel - Bethlehm
Israel - Bonds
Israel - General - 1940-1949
Israel - general - 1950-1959
Israel - general - 1960-1969
Israel - general - 1970-
Israel - Haifa
Israel - Jerusalem -General
Israel - maps
Israel - Nazareth
Israel - Tel Aviv
Italia Supper Club
Italians - Cleveland SEE: also "Little Italy"
Italians - U.S.
Italy - Army
Italy - Assisi
Italy - Castle Condolfo
Italy - Florence
Italy - General
Italy - Milan
Italy - Naples
Italy - Pisa
Italy - Pomepii
Italy - Rome - Ancient
Italy - Rome - Demonstrations, etc.
Italy - Rome - War
Italy - Sardinia
Italy - Sicily
Italy - Venice
J and L Appliance Sales Co.
J. Glen Smith Health Center
J.C. Penney - General
J.C. Penney Co. - auto center
J.F. Morgan and Sons Realty
J.L. and H. Stadler Co.
J.M. Smucker Co.
Jack and Heintz Inc.
Jaco Products Co.
Jacob Ammon Hospoital
Jaite, OH
Jal-Donn Modular Bldgs.
Jamaica, M/V
James Book Store
James Fored Rhodes Senior High School
James R. Barker
Jan Dell Flowers
Jane Addams Vocational High School
Jane Spaeder's American Dacners
Japan - Children
Japan - Cities - General
Japan - Emperor's Plalace
Japan - General
Japan - Hiroshima
Japan - Military (incl. Kamikaze Baka bomb)
Japan - Nagasaki
Japan - Navy
Japan - Okinawa
Japan - People
Japan - Sino Japanese War
Japan - Tokyo
Japan - Tokyo - earthquakes
Japan - Tokyo - U.S. Occuapation
Japanese - Cleveland
Japanese - U.S. and General
Jars - general
Jaysons' Steak Houes
Jaywalkers - Cleveland area
JBM Stores
Jean's Funny House
Jeffereson - Jackson Day Dinners
Jefferson Centre
Jefferson, OH
Jehovah's Witness
Jelly Fish - general
Jennings Hall
Jennings Rd.
Jet Engines
Jet flying Belt
Jet Port Plaza
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Jet Ski
Jewelers - Cleveland Area
Jewels - crown jewels
Jewels and Jewelry
Jewish Community Center
Jewish Convalescent Hospital
Jewish Day Nursery
Jewish Defense League
Jewish Family Service Associaion
Jewish Orphan Asylum
Jewish Welfare
Jewish Welfare Fund
Jews - cleveland
Jews - Cleveland - Romance of a People Pageant
Jews - General
Jewsish Childrens' Bureau
JFK School (Hough)
Jim's steak House
Jiu Jitsu
Job Corps
Job Corps Center for Women
Job Traning
John A. Poloyne Community Center of Brookpark
John Adams High School - students and activities
John Carroll University - Buildings
John Carroll University - general
John Carroll University - R.O.T.C.
John Dewey School
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
John F. Kennedy High School
John F. Kennedy High School - library
John F. Kennedy High School (Eastlake, OH)
John F. Kennedy High School Recreation Center
John F. Koeppe Elementary School
John Hay High School
John Marshall Hoigh School. John Huntington
Polytechnic Institute
John W. Raper Elementarly SChool
Johnny Garreau's Kings Crown Flaming Hearth
JOhnny's Transmission Service
Johnson House
Johnson Island
Johnson Rubber Co.
Johnson's Wax Co.
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Jones and Laughlin (Otis Steel)
Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp.
Jones Home
Jones Memorial Center
Jordan - Bethlehem
Jordan - Gardner Towers
Joseph and Feiss Co.
Joseph Horne Co.
Joseph Loronge Inc.
Joseph P Kennedy Jr. Foundation
Judson Park
Juke Boxes
Julie Billiart School (Lyndhurst)
July 4th (Including Festival of Freedom)
Junction City Prision Farm
Junior Achievement
Junior Chamber of Commerce
Junior League - Club Rooms - Headquarters
Junior League - Follies - Plays - Shows
Junior League -general
Junior Olympics
Juno Inc.
Jupiter (Planet)
Jupiter Department Store
Juries and Jury Service
Jury Wheel
Juvenile Delinqency - general
Kaase's Bake Shops
Kabuki dancers
Kaiser Community Health Centers (Clinics and
Kaiser-Frazier Corp.
Kamms Corner (West Park, OH)
Karamu House - Buildings
Karamu House - Dancers
Karamu House - General
Karamu House - Theater
Karlin Hall
Kaufman Container Co.
Kay's Bookstore
Keenex tissue
Keeshin Freight
Keith's Theatre
Kelley's Island
Kelly Machine Co.
Kendale Washer and Stamping Co.
Kenley Players
Kennard House
Kennard Junior High School
Kenneth C. Beck Center for the Cultural Arts
Kenneth Clement Ambulatory Care Center
Kenny King's Restaurants
Kensington School (Rocky River)
Kent State University - buildings - exterior
Kent State University - buildings - interior
Kent State University - civil trial
Kent State University - general
Kent State University - Investigation and trial
Kent State University - riot - May 1970
Kent State University - students
Kent, OH
Kentucky - general
Kentucky - State Parks
Kentucky Derby SEE: Horses - racing - Kentucky
Derby (Churchill Downs)
Kentucky Elementary School
Kenyon College
Key (OH ) Mutual Telephone Co. SEE: Centerville
Telephone Co.
Keystone Bolt and Nut Co.
Khaki Shirts of America
Kidnapping - Adams, Donna
Kidnapping - Hurst, Melville (Orville)
Kidnapping -Broyles, Ken
Kidnapping cases
Kidney Foundation of OHio
Kidneys - artificial and kidney machines
Kidneys - transplants
Kiefer's Restaurant
Kilarney Apartments
Kilgore Carpet Co.
King James Group
King James South (Westlake, OH)
King Musical Instrument Co.
King News Store
King Nut Co.
King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. IN CLEVELAND
King-Kennedy (Housing project)
Kings and Queens of the Sky
Kings Island
King's Star
Kingsbury Run (history)
Kingston, S.S.
Kingsville, OH
Kingwood Center
Kinsman Avenue Baptist Church
Kinsman Elementary School
Kinsman Rd.
Kinsman, OH
Kinter Trucking Co.
Kipton, OH
Kirby Co.
Kirk Junior High School
Kirkwood Industries Inc.
Kirtland Country Club
Kirtland Hills, OH
Kirtland Middle School - (Elementary)
Kirtland School
Kirtland Temple Reorganized Church of Jesus
Kirtland Township School
Kirtland, OH - General
Kissing - general
Kitchen (house)
Kitchen Maid Meats
Kites and Kiting
Kiwanis Club - Cleveland
Kiwanis Club - general
Klyn's Garden Center
Knickerbocker Theatre
Knights of Columbus (2 folders)
Knights of Malta
Knights Templars
Knives - general
Knudson Brothers Shipbuilding and Drydock Co.
Koala bears
Kohler Co.
Kokoon Club
Kol-Israel Assoc. Memorial
Kon-Tiki Restaurant
Korea - general
Korea - War and occupation
Korean War - Prisoners - 1953 Exchange
Korean War - Prisoners (Freedom Village - Koje
Kornman's Restaurant
Kosciuszko Monuments
Kotecki Monuments Inc.
Kowalksi Inc.
Kronheim Furniture Co.
Ku Klux Klan
Kungsholm, M. S.
L.N. Gross Co.
La Pine's Restaurant
La Place Mall
La Ronde Apartments
Labor Day
Labor Unions - General
Labradoc (Canadian freighter)
Lacross (Sport)
Ladders - General
Lake Abram
Lake Alma State Park
Lake Avenue
Lake Catholic High School
Lake Central Airlines
Lake Charles, S.S.
Lake Congregational Church - Avon Lake
Lake County - General
Lake County Memorial Hospital - East and West
Lake County Mental Retardation Center
Lake County Metropolitan Park
Lake Edge Park
Lake Erie - Dumping
Lake Erie - Erosion
Lake Erie - General
Lake Erie - Islands
Lake Erie - Pollution
Lake Erie College - Buildings
Lake Erie College - Faculty
Lake Erie College - Students
Lake Erie Gateway
Lake Erie Industries Inc.
Lake Erie Junior Nature and Science Center
Lake Erie Nature and Science Center
Lake Erie Opera Theater
Lake Erie Symphonic Band FORMERLY:
Lakewood Symphonic Band
Lake Forest Country Club (Hudson, OH)
Lake Front - General - 1930-1939
Lake Front - General - 1940-1949
Lake Front - General - 1950-1959
Lake Front - General - 1960-1969
Lake Front - General - 1970
Lake Front - General - beofre 1930
Lake Hope State Park
Lake Isaac
Lake Kuckhorn
Lake Latonka
Lake Lucerne
Lake Mohawk
Lake Ridge Academy
Lake Rockwell
Lake Saint Clair
Lake Shore Blvd.
Lake Shore Christian Church
Lake Shore Country Club
Lake Shore Festival Theater
Lake Shore Hotel
Lake Shore Methodist Church
Lake Theater
Lake View Cemetery
Lake View Park
Lake West Towers
Lakefront - landfill
Lakes - OH
Lakeside Ave.
Lakeside Cemetery
Lakeside Hospital and Unit
Lakeside III, M.S.
Lakeside Yacht Club
Lakeside, OH
Lakesite Steel Imporovement Co.
Lakeview Rest Home
Lakeview Terrace (CMHA) Housing and Project
Lakewood - Detroit Ave
Lakewood - Parks - General
Lakewood - Shoreline
Lakewood Baptist Church
Lakewood China Co.
Lakewood Christian Church
Lakewood Civic Auditorium
Lakewood Congregational Church
Lakewood Country Club
Lakewood Evangelical United Bretheran Church
Lakewood High School
Lakewood Historial Society
Lakewood Hospital
Lakewood Industries
Lakewood Little Theater
Lakewood Nursing Home
Lakewood Presbyterian Church
Lakewood Public LIbrary
Lakewood Senior Center
Lakewood United Mehtodist Church
Lakewood Women's Club
Lakewood, OH - Airviews
Lakewood, OH - Apartments - A-G
Lakewood, OH - Apartments - H-N
Lakewood, OH - Apartments - O-Z
Lakewood, OH - Buildings
Lakewood, OH - Buildings - Municipal
Lakewood, OH - Clifton Park
Lakewood, OH - Detroit Ave.
Lakewood, OH - General
Lakewood, OH - Gold Coast
Lakewood, OH - Schools
Lakewood, OH - Streets
Lakwood Art League
Lampl Fashions Inc.
Lamson and Sessions
Lancaster, OH
Lander Elementary School
Lander Haven Country Club
Lander Haven Health Spa
Landon Elementary School
Lane Bryant Store
Lane Metropolitan C.M.E. Church
Langley Air Force Base
Last Man Brotherhood
Latrobe Steel Co.
Latvians - Cleveland
Laub Baking Co.
L'Auberge Dupoint Restaurant
Laundries - General
Laundries - Self Serve
Lauren School
Laverne College
Lawn Bowling
Lawn Elementary School
Lawn Mowers
Lawnfield (Home of President James A. Garfield,
Lawnfield Apartments (Garfield Heights)
Lawson Milk Co.
Lawyers Title Insurance Building and Corp.
Lawyers, Gen.
Leader Drug Stores
Leage Park Center
League of Nations
League of Women Voters
Leap Year
Lear Wood Junior High School
Leauge Park
Lebanese - Cleveland
Ledge Hill Country Store
Lee Burneson Junior High School
Lee Eaton Primary School (Northfield)
Lee Edwards Furniture
Lee Heights Community Church
Lee Road Baptist Chruch
Lee Seveille Area
Lee Wilson Engineering Company
Leece-Neville Company
Lee-Harvard Community Association
Legal Aid Society
Lehigh U.
Leisy Brewing Company
Lemonade Stands
Lempco Products
Lens - contacts
Leo Schwalb's Restaurant
Leonardo Da Vinci, T/V
Leonello's Restaurant
Leroy, OH
Les Brown's Furniture Store
Lesotho - (country)
Lesser Kuda
Lester Industries, Inc.
Levi Strauss and Company
Leviathan, S.S.
Lewis Sands Elementary Scholl
Lezius-Hiles Company
Libbey-Owens-Fond Glass Co.
Libby Road Bridge
Liberte, S.S.
Liberty Bell
Liberty Bell Condominiums
Liberty Boulevard
Liberty Hill Baptist Church
Liberty Theater
Library, The (tavern)
Lie Detector
Life Magazine
Light bulbs
Lights and lighting
Lima State Hospital
Lima, OH
Lincoln Builders Inc.
Lincoln Electric Company
Lincoln Fireproff Storage Company
Lincoln High School
Lincoln Hotel SEE: Kennard House
Lincoln Junior High School
Lincoln School (elementary)
Lincoln Statue (MALL)
Lincoln West Senior High School
Lincoln's Inn
Lindeberg, Charles A. - Cleveland visits
Linndale, OH
Lion and Lamb Restaurant
Lions Club
Lips Restaurant
Liquid Carbonic Corp.
Liquids - general
Liquor - genera
liquor - raids
liquor - stills (bootleg)
liquor - stores
LIsbon, OH
LItchfield Town Hall
Litering and Litterbugs
Lithopolis, OH
Lithuanians - Cleveland
Little Hoover Commission - Cleveland
Little Italy - Cleveland
Little League
LIttle People
Little Sisters of the Poor - Home of the Aged Poor
Livestock shows
Lockeed Aircraft Corp.
Locks and locksmiths
locusts (insect)
Lodi, OH
Loew's Hotels and MOtor Inns
Log cabins
log rolling
Logan, OH - general
Lomond Elementary School
London House, The
London Road Electric Co.
Lone Ranger, The
Longfellow Elementary School (Eastlake, OH)
Longmead Elementary School
Longview State Hospital - Cincinnati
Longwood Elementary School
Longwood High School
Longwood Housing Development (Area B)
Lorain Avenue
Lorain COunty Community College
Lorain County, OH
Lorain Road BRidge
Lorain Square Public Housing
Lorain Street Bank
Lorain, OH - City Hall
Lorain, OH - General
Lorain, OH - Schools
Lorain-Carnegie Bridge
Lordstown Military Reservation
Lordstown, OH
Loris (slow)
Loudonville, OH
Louis Agassiz Elementary School
Louis Pasteur Elementary School
Louisa M. Alcott Elementary School
Louisiana - general
Louisiana - New Orleans
Louisiana - New Orleans - Mardi Gras
Lourdes Academy (Cleveland, OH)
Love - general
Lowell Technological Institute
Loyal Order of the Moose
Loyalty Day
Lubrizol Corp.
Lucas County
Luccioni's Restaurant
Lucia Bing Golden Age Center
Lucky Lantern Bar
Luggage - general
Lulu Diehl School
Lumber camps and lumbermen
Lumen Cordium High School for Girls
Luna Park
Luria Brothers and Co.
Lurline, S.S.
Lusitania, S.S.
Lustron Corporation
Lutheran Church of America
Lutheran Church of the Covenant (Maple Heights,
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd (Brooklyn,
Lutheran CHurch of the Holy Trinity (Highland
Lutheran High School
Lutheran Home for the Aged
Lutheran Hospital
Lutheran Institutaional Ministry
Lutheran Medical Center
Luthern Church - Missouri Synod
Lyndhurst Baptist Church
Lyndhurst Community Presbyterian Church
Lyndhurst Golf Course
Lyndhurst, OH - city hall
Lyndhurst, OH - general
Lyndhurst, OH - police and fire departments
Lynthurst Cooperative Nursery School
Macedonia, OH - general
Macedonians - Cleveland
machine guns
machine tool show
Mackinac College
Macy's Department Stores
Mad Greek Restaurant
Madison Avenue
Madison Avenue Baptist Church
Madison High School
Madison Village and Township
Madonna Hall
Magazines - general
Magnaflux Corp.
Magnificat High School
Mahoning Grand Reservoir
Mahoning Valley
Mail boxes
Main Ave.
Main Avenue BRidge
Main Line Cleveland Inc.
Makeup - general
Malabar Farm
Malabar Inn
Malagasy REpublic
Malaria - general
Malay Peninsula - general
Malay Peninsula - war
Mall - Cleveland
Mall - construction and repair
Mall - gardens
Mall - general scenes and people
Mall - Hanna Fountains
Mall - Hilton Hotel - plans and maps
Mall - plans, maps, etc. SEE ALSO: Mall - Hilton
Hotel - plans and maps
Mallchok and Sons Funeral Home
Mallory Shanon Titanium Corp.
Malone College
Mammoth Cave (Kentucky)
Mammoth Exhibition
Manakiki Golf Club
Manger Hotel
Manhattan Recording and Talent Agency
Manhattan, S.S. (Liner)
Manhattan, S.S. (tanker)
Manholes and manhole covers
Manikiki Country Club
Manikiki Playhouse
Manners Restaurants
Manpower - Cleveland area
Manpower Inc.
Manpower Training and Center
Mansfield - buildings
Mansfield - Kingwood Center
Mansfield News - journal
Mansfield Senior High School
Mansfield Sheet and Tin Plate Company
Mansfield Tire and Rubber Company
Mansfield, OH
Mantua Village, OH
Maple Heights Christian Reformed Church (Maple
Heights, OH)
Maple Heights High School
Maple Heights Junior High School
Maple Heights Rollarena
Maple Heights Transit Company
Maple Heights United Methodist Church
Maple Heights United Presbyterian Church
Maple Heights, OH - General
Maple Heights, OH - Police and fire departments
Maple Heights, OH - Schools - general
Maple Heights, OH - street scenes
Maple Leaf School (Garfield Heights)
Maple Lee Apartments
Maple Syrup
Mapletown Shopping Center
Maps - general
Marathon Oil Company
Marblehead Peninsula
Marbles and Marble Tournaments
March of Dimes SEE: National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis
Marcus Alonzo Hanna Statue
Margaret A. Ireland Elementary School
Margaret Spellacy Junior High School
Margaret Wagner House SEE: Benjamin Rose
Margurite Raub Elementary School
Mariana Islands
Marietta College
Marietta, OH
Marinas - Cleveland, OH
Marine Hospital - Cleveland
Marine Intelligence
Marine Towers
Marion C. Seltzer Elementary School
Marion Elementary School
Marion, OH
Marionettes SEE: Puppets and marionettes
Mario's Restaurant and Lounge
Mariposa, S.S.
Mark Restaurant, The
Mark Twain Elementary School
Market Square Park
Market Street Exchange Restaurant
Market Tavern
Markets - general
Marlen Jewelers
Marmaresher Jewish Center
Mar-Pak Packagers, Inc.
Marriage, Licenses adn Bureau
Marriott Hotel (New Orleans, LA)
Marriott Inn (Beachwood, OH)
Marriott Inn (w. 150th St.)
Mars (planet)
Marshall Drug Co.
Marshall Williams Galleries
Marshallan Manufacturing Co.
Marsol Towers
Martens Funeral Home
Martial Arts
Martin de Porres Center
Martin Luther King Jr. Plaza
martin Luther King Jr. Vocational High School
Martinique (Island)
Martins Ferry, OH
Martlin Luther Lutheran Church (Slovak)
Mary B. Talbert Home and Hospital
Mary E. Ells Camp
Mary Louise, Inc.
Mary Martin Elementary School
Mary McLeod Methune Elementary School
marycrest School for Girls
Maryland - Baltimore
Maryland (state)
Maryland, University of
Marymount High School (Garfield Heights)
Marymount Hospital
Marysville, OH - Reformatory for Women
Mask and Wig Club
Masons - Al Koran Temple
Masons - Al Sirat Grotto
Masons - Cleveland - conventions - 1931 (Pageant,
baseball, etc.)
Masons - Cleveland - conventions - 1931 (parades
and bands)
Masons - Cleveland - conventions - 1980
Masons - Cleveland area - temples
Masons - general
Masons - Prince Hall
Massachusetts - Boston - general
Massachusetts - Cape Cod
Massachusetts - general
Massachusetts - Gloucester
Massachusetts - Martha's Vineyard
Massachusetts - Nantucket
Massachusetts - North Hampton
Massachusetts - Plymouth
Massachusetts - Provincetown
Massachusetts - Salem
Massachusetts - Springfield
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts, Boston - Buildings
Massachusetts, Boston - bussing
Massey Ferguson Inc.
Massilon State Hospital
Massilon, OH
Master's Chruch the United Methodist
Mastick GOlf Course
Materials Handling INstitute
Maternal Health Association
Matsonia, S.S.
Matt Talbot Inn
Matterhorn Mountain
Mauretania, S.S.
Max S. Hayes Trade School
May Co. (3 folders)
May Day
Mayaguez (freighter)
Mayer Marks Company
Mayfair Casino
Mayfiar Elementary SChool
Mayfield Gren Shoping Center
Mayfield Center School
Mayfield COuntry Club
Mayfield Friends Community Churhc
Mayfield Heights Free Methodist Churhc
Mayfield High School
Mayfield Methodist Church (Mayfield Village)
Mayfield Methodist Episcopal Church
Mayfield Road
Mayfield Road Business Men's Club
Mayfield Road School (elementary)
Mayfield Theater
Mayfield United Methodist Churhc
Mayfield Village Racquet Club
Mayfield Village, OH
Mayfield, OH - City Hall
Mayfield, OH - General
Mayfield, OH - police and fire department
Mayfield, OH - Street scenes
Mayflower Elementary School
Mayflower II
Mayflower Village Apartments
Mayland Apartments
Maylee Building
Mayor - Clevleand (Baker)
Mayors - Blythin, Edward
Mayors - Burke, Thomas P.
Mayors - Burton, Harold H.
Mayors - Cleveland - Celebreeze, Anthony
Mayors - Cleveland - Kucinich, Dennis
Mayors - Cleveland - Locher, Ralph E.
Mayors - Cleveland - Marshall, John D. (2 folders)
Mayors - Cleveland - Miller, Ray T.
Mayors - Fitzgerald, William
Mayors - Johnson, Tom L. and campaigns
Mayors - Kohler
Mayors - Perk, Ralph (2 folders)
Mayors - Stokes, Carl B. - campaigns and
Mayors - Stokes, Carl B. - Groups
Mayors - Stokes, Carl B. (2 folders)
Mayors - Voinovich, George
Mayors conferences
McDonalds drive in restaurants
McDowell Wellman Engineering Co.
McGarvey's Restaurant
McGean Chemical Company
McGorray Brothers Funeral Home
McGreal Company Inc. (undertakers)
McGregor Home for the Ages
McKee Jungle Gardens
McKinley Elementary School
MDM Invenstment Co.
Meat - general
Medical College of Ohio
Medical Date Bank
Medical Mutual Building
Medical Mututal
Medina County, OH
Medina, OH
Medusa Portland Cement Co.
Medway Queen, S.S.
Meigs County, OH
Memorial Day
Memorial Elementary School
Memorial Fountain - Fund Gampaign
Memorial Junior High School
Memorial Junior High School (Lyndhurst)
Memorial Junior High School (South Euclid)
Memorial Park Elementary School MEmorial
Security Services
Memory Lane
Memphis Elementary School
Memphis Kiddie Park
Memphis Superette
Menorah Park - Jewish home
Mentor Harbor Yacht Club
Mentor Headlands Beach State Park
Mentor Lagoons and Marina
Mentor on the Lake, OH
Mentor Senior High School
Mentor, OH- General
Merchandise Mart
Mercury (planet)
Merick House
Meridian Condominium
Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith
Merry go rounds
Mesa Grande
Messanger's Restaurant
Messiah Lutheran Chruch
Metal - Scrap and drives
Metal Detectors
Metal Exposition - Cleveland
Metal Sculpture
Metcalf Neckmear Co.
MEteors and meteorites
Methodist Church - general
Methodist Church - Ohio Conference - Lakeside,
Methodist Church (Chagrin Falls)
MEtrick's Motel
Metro Park - Bedford reservation
MEtro Park - Big Creek reservation
Metro Park - Brecksville reservation
Metro Park - Chagrin reservation (north and south)
Metro Park - Euclid Creek reservation
MEtro Park - general
Metro Park - Hinckley reservation
Metro Park - Huntington reservation
Metro Park - Mill Stream Run
Metro Park - Rocky River reservation
Metro Park - Strongsville reservation
Metropolitan General Hospital - exterior
Metropolitan General Hospital - interior
Metropolitan Housing Authority - Cuyahoga
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
Metropolitan Opera National Co. - Opera Cleveland
Metropolitan Opery - NYC
Metropolitan Park
Metropolitan Service Commission - Cuyahoga
Metropolitan Theater
Mexican Revolution 1929-1930
Mexicans - Cleveland
Mexicans - U.S.
Mexico - Acapulco
Mexico - ancient
Mexico - demonstrations - disasters (riots,
revolutions, fires)
Mexico - general
Mexico - Juarey
Mexico - Mexico City
Mexico - Tampico
Mexico - Tijuana
Mexico - Torrcon
Mexico - Vera Cruz
Meyoer Elementary School
MGM Grand Hotel
Miami University - Oxford, OH
Miami, S.S.
Miamisburg, OH
Michaelangelo, S.S.
Michigan - Calumet
Michigan - Dearborn
Michigan - Detroit - buildings
Michigan - Detroit - general
Michigan - Greenfield Village (museum)
Michigan - Holland
Michigan - Mackinac (Island and Bridge)
Michigan - University of
Michigan (state) - general
Michigan State College
Mickey's Lounge Bar
Micro Photo Inc.
Microwave products and industry
Mid-America boad show
Mid-Brook Baptist Church
Mid-Day Club
Middle Bass Island
Middle East - maps
Middle East Restaurant
Middle East War - 1967
Middle East war - 1968-1969
Middle East War - 1970-1972
Middle East War - 1973
Middleburg Heights - Streets
Middleburg Heights Community Center
Middleburg Heights Junior High
Middleburg Plaza
Middlebury COllege
Middlefield, OH
Midel Aviation
Midland Bank
Midland Building
Midland Electrical Company
Midland Steel Products Company
Midpark High School
Midpark Village Apartments
Midway Airlines
Midwest Boat Show
Midwest Savings Bank
Midwest Social Club
Midwest Stock Exchange
Migratory Workers
Migratory Workers - Farm Labor Camps and
Milan Dental Laboratories Inc.
Milan, OH (New Rumley, OH) SEE: Thomas A.
Mildes Shoes
Miles Ave.
Miles Church of Christ
Miles Elementary School
Miles Elmarge Estates
Miles Farmers Market
Miles Heights Housing Development (Plans)
Miles Heights School SEE: Beehive School
Miles Heights, OH
Miles Park Elementary School
Miles Park Methodist Episcopal Church
Miles Presbyterian Church
Miles School
Miles Standish Elementary School
Miles Warrensville Center Road Bridge
Milford Elelementary SChool
Milgrim's (store)
Military Police
Milk - fund
Milk - general
Milk - strikes
Milkmen - including trucks, milk horses and
Mill Creek Park
Mill Elelmentary School
Mill Rose Company
Millcraft Building
Miller Manufacturing Company
Milleridge School (Highland Heights)
Miller's Dining Room
Millersburg, OH
Milwaukee Clipper, S.S.
Minaro's Style Center
Minature Golf
Miners - general (Including Housing and Families)
Miners - strikes - general
Miners - strikes - press relief
Mines - disasters
Mines - exerior and general
Mines - interior and general
Mines - marine
Mines - strip mines
Mini market
Miniatures - general
Mining - strip
Minnesota - General
Minnesota - University Of
Minnillo's Restaurant
Minor Bird Sanctuary
Missiles (guided) - Cleveland Area - nike and
launching sites
Missiles (guided) - foreign
Missiles (guided) - U.S. - General
Missiles (guided) - U.S. - Nike and launching sites
Mississippi River
Mississippi, University of
Missouri - Fulton
Missouri - Independence
Missouri - Kansas City
Missouri - St. Louis
Missouri River
Missouri, University of
Mizpah Congregational Church
Model Aviation - 1936-1942
Model Aviation - 1950-1959
Model Aviation - 1960-1969
Model Aviation - 1970
Model Buildings
Model cars and model car racing
Model Railroads
Model Sailboat Regatta
Model Ships
Models and model buildings
Modern Builders Supply
Modern House
Modern Tool and Die Company
Mogadore, OH
Mohawk Airlines
Mohican State Forest
Mohican State Park
Moiseyeu Dancers
Monarch Aluminum Company
Monitor LIzard
Monks (religion)
Monroe Street Cemetery
Monroeville, OH
Monsato Chemical Company
Montana Flour Mills Company
Montefiore Home
Montessori Schools
Montgomery Brothers Market
Montgomery School
Montgomery Ward and Compnay
Monticello Junior High School
Monuments - Cleveland
Moody Junior HIgh School
Moondog Coronation Ball 1955
Mooney Chemical Company
Mooney Junior HIgh School
Mooreland COurt Apartments
Mooseheart Communtiy SEE: Illinois - Mooseheart
Moreland Hills
Moreland School
Morgan Adhesives
Morgan and Hershman Furniture Company
Morgan Engineering Company
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Morrison Projects Inc.
Morro Castle, S.S.
Morrow County, OH
Morse Electro Products Corporation
Morton Salt Company
Moscow Art Theatre
Moscow Circus
Moscow, OH
Moses Cleveland Statue
Mosquito Lake State Park
Motel Management Inc.
Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes
Mother's Day
Motion Pictures - Historical and general
Motion Pictures - production - I
Motion Pictures - studios
Motion Pictures and movie stars - General I
Motor Bycycles
Motor Scooters
Motorcycle - Racing - general
Motorcycle clubs and gangs
Motorcycles and motocyclists
Mount Augustine
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church
Mount Everest SEE: Himalayan Mountains
Mount Gilead, OH
Mount Herman Baptist Church
Mount Holyoke College
Mount Hood
Mount Hope Holiness Church
Mount Moriah Baptist Church
Mount Nebo Baptist Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Pleasand Church of God
Mount Pleasant Community
Mount Rushmore
Mount Shasta
Mount Sinai Baptist Church
Mount Sinai Hospital
Mount Sinai Suburban Medical Office Building
Mount Tabor Misisonary Baptist Church
Mount Union College
Mount Vernon
Mount Vernon Estate Inc.
Mount Vernon State Hospital
Mount Vernon, OH
Mount Vernon, S.S.
Mount Zion Congregational Church
Mountain Climbers and Climbing
Mountaineers - general
mountains - general
mounts - Indian
movers and moving
Mr. Fixit
Mr. G's Restaurant
Mr. Steak Restaurant
Mud Hill
Mueller Electric Company
Multi-CHem Industries Inc.
Multipack Inc.
Multiple Sclerosis
Municipal Asphalt Plant
Municipal Foreman and Laborers Union
Municipal Light Plant - exterior
Municipal LIght Plant - general
Municipal Light Plant - interiors
Munitions plants
Munson, OH
Murder - Brickerstaff trial
Murder - Donald Mettel Case
Murder - Ferry, Gloria Ann
Murder - Gold, Vivian (murdered)
Murder - Hoffman, H.T.
Murder - Mandenville
Murder - Milano, Frank
Murder - Potter, William E. and Family (graft trial)
Murder - Potts, Beverly
Murder - Rausch, Harold S.
Murder - Roth, Frederick C.
Murder - San Fillipo, Thomas C. and Mrs.
Murder - Seals, Tammy
Murder - Sheppard, Sam
Murder - Steel, Robert Steel and wives
Murder - Torso Murders
Murder - Tulley Beach, Harold Jr.
Murders - general
Murray Hill Elementary School
Murray Hill Roof School
Murray Ohio Company
Muscial Instruments
Muscular Dystrophy
Music - general
Music Boxes
Music Carnival - 1960-1969
Music Carnival - 1970
Music Carnival - to 1959
Music Hall
Music School Settlement
Musk Ox
Muskingum College
Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District
Myers Nursing Home Inc.
Myron's (restaurant)
Mystic Isle, S.S.
Name Brand Furniture Co.
Nantucket LIght Ship
Napolean, OH
Nash Kelvinator Corporation
Nashville, OH
Nassau, S.S.
Nathaniel Hawthorne Elementary School
National Acme Co.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) - general
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) - Lewis Research Center
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) - Manned Spacecraft Center (Clearfork,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) - Plum Brook
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) -NASA Electronics Research Center and
Environmental Health Center
National Air and Space Museum (Washington D.C.)
National Alliance of Businessmen
National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP)
National Association for the Advancement of White
People Inc.
National Association of Postmasters
National Broadcasting Company
National Broadcasting Company Building (NBC)
National Bronze and Aluminum Foundry Company
National Cambling Commission
National Can Corporation
National Capital Crotto Rescue Squad
National Carbon Co.
National Cash Register Co.
National Casting Corp.
National City Bank
National Conference of Christians and Jews
National Copper and Smelting Co.
National COuncil of Catholic Women
National Display Association
National Education Association
National Football League Players Assocaition
National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
National Guard - (2 folders)
National Guard - general
National Guard - not Ohio
National Industrial Recovery Board
National Institute of Public Health
National Iron and Wire Co.
National Labor Relations Board
National Malleable and Steel Casting Corporation
SEE: National Casting Corp.
National Music Camp
National Parks - Bryce Canyon
National Parks - Yosemite
National Recovery Administration (NRA)
National Rolled Thread Die Company
National Screw and Manufacturing Company
National Security Agency (NSA)
National Smelting Co.
National Socialist White Peoples Party
National Sugar Refining Co.
National Terminals Corp.
National Tool Co.
National Union for Social Justic - Cleveland
Nationalities Service Center
Nativity Blessed Virigin Mary School
Naval Hospital (Bethesda, MD)
Navarre, OH
Navy - General
Navy Day and Week
Navy Fighters
Navy Park
Nazis - U.S.
Near West Side - Housing Projects Redevelopment
Near West SIde Community Development Office
Near West Side Outreach Program
Nebraska, University Of
Negroes - Cleveland - 1959
Negroes - Cleveland - 1960-1969
Negroes - Cleveland - Krawcheck Series
Negroes - Cleveland - Poor Peoples March - 1968
Negroes - general - 1964-1966
Negroes - general - 1967
Negroes - general - to 1963
Neighborhood Centers Association
Neighborhood Counseling Service
Neighborhood Youth Corps
Neightborhood Police Talk Centers
Neil Armstrong Aerospace Museum
Neil O'Conner Florist
Nelson Ledges State Park
Nero Realty
Netherlands - Amsterdam
Netherlands - Gerneal
Netherlands - Hague
Netherlands - Military
Netherlands - Rotterdam
Netherlands - Zuider Zee
Neumeyer C.M.C. Truck Sales Inc.
New Amsterdam Hotel
New Bedford Mission
New Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church
New Caledonia
New Concord, OH
New Era Theater
New Gethsemane Lutheran Church
New Guinea
New Guinea, Territory of (Trobriand Islands Papua)
New Hampshire
New Herbride Islands
New Inventors Club
New Jersey
New Jersey - Atlantic City
New Jersey - Newark
New Jersey - Ocean City
New Jersey - Trenton
New Jersey - Wildwood
New London, OH
New Mexico
New Mexico - Carlsbad Caverns
New Mexico - Santa Fe
New Organization for the Visual Arts
New Philadelphia, OH
New Straitsville, OH
New Transfer Restaurant and Bar
New Years Eve and Day
New York - Albany
New York - Buffalo
New York - Holiday Valley
New York - Lake Placid
New York - Long Island - Jones Beach
New York - New York City
New York - New York City - Zoo
New York - New York City - Air views
New York - New York City - Airports
New York - New York City - Bronx Zoo
New York - New York City - Brooklyn
New York - New York City - Buildings - Bank of
New York - New York City - Buildings - Chrysler
New York - New York City - Buildings - general
New York - New York City - Buildings - Muesums
New York - New York City - buildings - theaters
and restaurants
New York - New York City - Buildings - World
Trade Center
New York - New York City - Central Park
New York - New York City - Chinatown
New York - New York City - Churches
New York - New York City - Colosseum
New York - New York City - Coney Island
New York - New York City - Crowds
New York - New York City - Demonstrations and
New York - New York City - Disasters (fires and
New York - New York City - Empire State Building
New York - New York City - Fire and Police
New York - New York City - general
New York - New York City - Harbors
New York - New York City - Harlem
New York - New York City - Hotels
New York - New York City - Housing (including
slums and projects)
New York - New York City - Lincoln Center
New York - New York City - Madison Square
New York - New York City - night scenes
New York - New York City - Opera House
New York - New York City - Parades
New York - New York City - Power Failures
New York - New York City - Prisons
New York - New York City - railroad stations
New York - New York City - Rockefeller Center
New York - New York City - schools
New York - New York City - skylines
New York - New York City - Streets - 5th Avenue
New York - New York City - streets - general
New York - New York City - subways
New York - New York City - Times Square
New York - New York City - Wall Street and Stock
New York - New York City - Welfare Island
New York (state) - Chautaqua
New York (state) - Governors Island
New York (state) - Niagra Falls
New York (state) - Rochester
New York (state) - Saratoga Springs
New York (state) - Staten Island
New York Bakery
New York Central Railroad
New York Central Railroad - Collinwood Yards
New York Opera Co.
New York Post
New York Spaghetti House
New York Times
New York University
New Zealand
Newburgh and South Shore Railroad
Newburgh Heights, OH
Newbury, OH
Newcomerstown, OH
Newman Russell Realty
Newman Stern Co.
Newspapers - general
Newton D. Baker Health Center
Newton D. Baker Junior High School
Newton Falls, OH
Niagara Falls - accidents and stunts
Niagara Falls - American (summer scenes)
Niagara Falls - American (winter scenes)
Niagara Falls - Bridges
Niagara Falls - Canadian
Niagara Falls - power project
Niagra Mohawk Poer Corp.
Nicholson Terminal
Nickel Plate Railroad SEE: NKP Railroad
Nigeria - Biafra
Night Moves - disco dance place
Niles, OH
Nili, MN
Nine Mile Creek
Ninth Church of Christ
Nobel Prize
Noble Road Presbyterian Church
Noble School (elementary)
Noggin's Restaurant
Noise - general
Nordonia High School
Nordonia Hills Junior High School
Norfolk and Western Railroad SEE: NKP Railroad
Norge Laundry and Cleaning Village
Norhtern Food Terminal
Normal Elementary SChool
Normandie, S.S.
Normandy School
Normandy Senior High School
Normandy, the
Noronic, S.S.
Norris Dam
North American Air Defense Command (NORAD)
SEE: U.S. Air Force (NORAD)
North American Avaiation Inc.
North American Bank
North American Lumber Co.
North American Watch Co.
North American, S.S.
North Atlantic Treaty Org.
North Broadway Neighborhood Association
North Carolina (State)
North Central Airlines
North Central Egg and Poultry Cooperative
North Congregational Curch
North Dakota
North Isle Apartments
North Jackson, OH
North Kingsville, OH
North Madison, OH
North Marginal Street
North Olmsted - General
North Olmsted Arts and Crafts Club
North Olmsted Assembly of God
North Olmsted Baptist Church
North Olmsted Community House
North Olmsted Congregational Church (in North
North Olmsted Friends Church
North Olmsted High School
North Olmsted Historical Society
North Olmsted, OH - buildings
North Olmsted, OH - Housing
North Olmsted, OH - Police and fire departments
North Olmsted, OH - sewers and sewage plants
North Olmsted, OH - streets and street scenes
North Olmsted, OH - Town Hall (2 folders)
North Pole and Arctic
North Presbyterian Chruch
North Presbyterian School
North Randall, OH
North Ridgeville - general
North Royalton Christian Church
North Royalton Disciple Churhc
North Royalton Elementary School
North Royalton High School
North Royalton Junior HIgh School
North Royalton Methodist Church
North Royalton United Methodist Church
North Royalton, OH - General
North Shore Condominiums
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
Northeastern Ohio Science Fair
NOrtheastern Ohio Teachers Association (NEOTA)
Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
Northern Growth Corporation
Northern Lung Association
Northern Michigan University
Northern Ohio Bank
Northfield - Village Township - Center Township
Northfield Baptist Church
Northfield Inn Restatuarnt and Lounge Bar
Northfield Macedonia High School
Northfield Plaza Shopping Center
Northfield Plaza Skating Rink
Northfield Presbyterian Church
Northfield, OH - housing
Northwest Airlines
Northwestern Ohio Recreation and Nature Center
Northwestern University
Norwalk Reflector
Norwalk, OH
Norway - Bergen
Norway - general
Norway - Oslo
Norway - Trondheim
Norway, S.S. (Cruise Ship)
Norwegians - Cleveland
Norwood Nursing Home
Noss Pretzel and Cone Co.
Notre Dame Academy
Notre Dame College - buildings - campus (South
Notre Dame College - students and activities (South
Notre Dame University
Nottingham Baptist Church
Nottingham Congregational Church
Nottingham Elementary School
Nuclear Congress and Atomic Expo
Nurseries (garden)
Nursery Schools
Nut House Cafe
Oak Hill Country Club
Oak Printing Company
Oak Pythian Temple
Oak Rubber Company
Oakland Elementary School
Oakland Hills Country Club
Oakville Elementary School
Oakwood Beach
Oakwood Country Club
Oakwood Villas (CMHA - Housing)
Oberlin College - buildings - art museum
Oberlin College - Buildings and campus - general
Oberlin College - stduents - general
Oberlin College - students - demonstrations
Oberlin Inn
Oberlin, OH
Obernkirchen Children's Choir
Ocean Monarch, S.S.
Oglethorpe University
Ohio - LIquor Department
Ohio - Office Building - Cleveland
Ohio - Ohio Bell Telephone - general
Ohio - seal
Ohio - Secretary of State
Ohio - Sesquicentennial
Ohio (State) - Economic and Community
Development Department
Ohio (State) - general
Ohio (state) - general - maps
Ohio (state) - Governor Rhodes in Cleveland
Ohio (State) Administrative Services Department
Ohio Agricultural Experimental Station (Wooster,
Ohio Body Company
Ohio Boxboard Company
Ohio Boy's Town
Ohio Brass Company
Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification
Ohio Calculations Company
Ohio Caverns
Ohio City
Ohio City Players
Ohio City Tavern
Ohio College of Podiatry
Ohio Congressman
Ohio Crankshaft
Ohio Desighners and Craftsmen
OHio Diesel Technical Institute
Ohio Envelope Manufacturing Company
Ohio Farm Bureau
Ohio Farm Bureau Federation
Ohio Farmer
Ohio Foot Clinic
Ohio Foreign Commerce Association
Ohio Forge and Machine Company
Ohio Freight and Salvage Inc.
Ohio Garment Rental Incorporated
Ohio HIghway Transporation Research Center
Ohio Historical Center and Scoiety
Ohio Historical Society - Cleveland Museum
Ohio Institute for Medical Assistants
Ohio International Trade Center
Ohio Memorial Shrine
Ohio National Guard - Air
Ohio Northern University
Ohio Outdoor Historical Association and
Ohio Power Company
Ohio Provision Compnay
Ohio Public Interest Action Group
Ohio River
Ohio River Museum
Ohio Rubber Company
Ohio Savings and Loan Company
Ohio Savings Plaza
Ohio Soldiers adn Sailors Home - Perkins
Township, OH
Ohio State Naval Militia
Ohio State Reformatory
Ohio State University - branches
Ohio State University - buildings
Ohio State University - general
Ohio Theatre
Ohio University
Ohio University - buildings
Ohio University - Students - general
Ohio Valley Insurance Company
Ohio Village
Ohio Water Service
Ohio Wesleyan University
Ohio World Trade Center
Ohio Youth Camp for Delinquent Boys
Oil - general
Oil WElls - Cleveland and Ohio
Oil Wells - general
Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge
Oklahoma - Oklahoma City
Old Believers
Old Benedict Club
Old Centenary Methodist Church
Old COuntry Store (Mentor, OH)
Old Guard Fife and Drum Corp
Old Homestead Tavern
Old Stone Church
Old Stone Church - Independence
Old Town, OH
Old Towne
Old Well tavern
Oliver Corporation
Oliver H. Perry, S.S.
Oliver Hazard Perry Elementary School
Oliver Wendell Holmes Elementary School
Oliver's (restaurant)
Olivet Baptist Church
Olivet Institutional Baptist Church
Olmsted Community Church
Olmsted Falls High School
Olmsted Falls, OH - city hall
Olmsted Falls, OH - general
Olmsted Falls, OH - Police and fire department
Olmsted Falls, OH - schools - elementary
Olmsted Hotel SEE: Regency House
Olmsted Township, OH
Olmsted Unitarian Universalist Church
Ology Cigar
Olympia Theater
Olympic, S.S. SEE: Titianic, S.S.
Olympics and Olympic Games - 1924-1948
Olympics and Olympic Games - 1952-1956
Olympics and Olympic Games - 1960-1968
Olympics and Olympic Games - 1972
Olympics and Olympic Games - 1976
Olympics and Olympic Games - 1980
Omnium Publishing Co.
Ontario Avenue
Ontario Motor Speedway
ONU SEE: Ohio Northern University
Opean Hearth Cafe
Opera - Cleveland - General - 1966
Opera - Cleveland - general - historical
Opera - general
Opperman Fruit Projects
Oral Roberts University
Orange Village and Township - general
Orange VIllage and Township - schools
Oranization of American States (OAS)
Orchard Civl Association
Orchard Elementary School
Orchestras - general
Oregon - general
Organ Grinders
Organs - humna
Oriana, S.S.
Orient State Institute
Original Church of God
Orleans Federal Savings
Orphans and Orphanages
Orpheus Male Chorus
Orrville, OH
Orthodox Church in America
Ortner Air Service Inc.
Orwell, OH
Osborn Engineering Company
Osborn Manufacturing Company
Osnaburg, OH
Otis Elevator Company
Otis Terminal Warehouse
Ottawa, OH
Otterbein College
Otto Moser Tavern
Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church
Our Lady of Fatima Church
Our Lady of GOod Counsel Church
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (E. 53rd St.)
Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel (Euclid, OH)
Our Lady of Lourdes Elementary School
Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine (Euclid, OH)
Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church (East)
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church (West)
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church
Our Lady of Zyrovicy Byelo-Russian Orthodox
Our Redeemer Lutheran CHurch
Our Savior Lutheran CHurch
Our Savior's Rocky River Lutheran Church
Overlook House
Owens Illinois Glass Company
Oxen and Ox Carts
Oxford Elementary School
Oxford Movement
Oxygen and Oxygen Tents
P. Simmerer and Sons
P.A. Geiger Company
Pace Association
Pacific College
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Packard Electric Company
Packard Motor Car Company
Packard Music Hall (Warren, OH)
Pad, The
Padua High School
Paine, Webber, Jackson and Curtis
Painesville Beach State Park
Painesville Race Track
Painesville, OH - buildings - general
Painesville, OH - Jail
Painters Union - Cleveland
Painting - pictures
Pajama Parties
Pakistan - Cleveland
Palace Theater
Palermo Florist and Nursery
Palestine Liberation Organization - general - before
Palestine Liberation Organization - Jerusalem before 1948
Palestine Liberation ORganization (PLO)
Palestinians - general
Palevsky's Palisades Bowl
Palm Sunday
Pan American Conference
Pan American Games
Pan American World Airways
Pan Asia Restaurant
Panama canal
Panama Canal Zone
Panhellenic Association
Panta Rhei Incorporated
Paper Clips
Paper manufacturing
Papp's Bar
Parachutes and Parachuting
Parade of Progress
Paraplegics (in sports)
Parent Tachers Association (PTA)
Parents Volunteer Association for Retarde4d
Children and Adults, Inc. (PVA)
Park Center
Park Drop Forge Company
Park Hill Medical Building
Park Hotel
Park Lane Villa
Park Place I
Park Plaza Hotel
Park Synagogue
Parker Appliance Company
Parker Ranch
Parker Tire Company
Parker's Men's Shop Inc.
Parking - cleveland area
Parking Garages
Parking Garages - Willard Park
Parking Lots - Cleveland - municipal
Parking Lots - Cleveland Area - general
Parking Meters - Cleveland Area
Parkman, OH
Parks - Cleveland
Parks - general - Jasper National Park - Canada
Parks - Kiddie Park
Parks - Mini Parks - cleveland
Parks - OH - roadside
Parks - OH - State
Parks - U.S. - Crater Lake National Park
Parks - U.S. - Everglades National Park
Parks - U.S. - Grand Canyon National Park
Parks - U.S. - Grand Teton Park
Parks - U.S. - Great Smoky Mountain National Park
Parks - U.S. - Isle Royale National Park
Parks - U.S. - Mount Rainier National Park
Parks - U.S. - National Parks
Parks - U.S. - Pisgah National park
Parks - U.S. - Rocky Mountain National Park
Parks - U.S. - Yellowstone National Park
Parks - U.S. - Yosemite National Park
Parks - U.S. - Zion National Park
Parks Air College
Parkside Church of the Nazarene (Westlake, OH)
Parkside Junior High School (Westlake, OH)
Parkview Apartments (2 folders) Formerly called
Carter Hotel, Winton Hotel, Carter Manor
Parkview Elementary School
Parkview Village, OH
Parkwood Elementary School
Parkwood Mini Mall
Parkwood United Church of Christ
Parma Baptist Church
Parma Christian Church
Parma Community General Hospital
Parma dale
Parma Evangelical United Bretheran Chruch
Parma Heights, OH - general
Parma Heights, OH - housing and apartments
Parma Lutheran Church
Parma Park ELementary School
Parma Park Reformed Church
Parma reservoir
Parma Savings Company
Parma Senior High School
Parma South Presbyterian Church
Parma Theatre
Parma, OH - Airviews
Parma, OH - Buildings
Parma, OH - General (3 folders)
Parma, OH - Housing and apartments
Parmatown Shopping Center
Parties - children - birthday
Party in the Park
Passover (Seder)
Passports and Passport Offices - general
Pat Joyce's Tavern
Pathfinder Club - Cleveland
Patrick Henry Junior High School
Patterson Leitich Company
Paul Lawrence Dunbar Elementary School
Paul Revere School
Pavilion Mall
Pawhatan Point - OH
Pawnbrokers and pawnshops
Payne Avenue
Peace Corps - Cleveland Area People
Peace Corps - Training and Working
Peace Lutheran Church
Pearl Elementary School
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Road Methodist Church
Pebble Brook Country Road SEE: Berkshire Hills
Peck and Peck
Pedone Nursing Home
Peek N Peak, N.Y.
Pelee Island
Pelee, S.S.
Peninsula Nite Club (Peninsula, OH)
Peninsula Playhouse and Players
Peninsula, OH - General
Penn Central Rail Road
Pennsylvania - Bethlemen
Pennsylvania - Erie
Pennsylvania - Gettysburg
Pennsylvania - Harrisburg
Pennsylvania - Johnstown
Pennsylvania - Kutztown
Pennsylvania - Philadelphia
Pennsylvania - Pittsburg
Pennsylvania - Poconos
Pennsylvania - Titusville
Pennsylvania - University of
Pennsylvania - Valley Forge
Pennsylvania Railroad
Pennsylvania Railroad Station - E.55th and Euclid
Pens (writing)
Pensions - old age
Pentecostal Assembly of God Church
Pentecostal Evangelical Lutheran Church
Penton Publishing Company
People's Choice Awards
People's United Methodist Church
People's Utility Commission of Ohio
Pepper Pike Country Club
Pepper Pike, OH
Pepsi COla Company
Percection Industries
Perkins Beach
Perkins Pancake House
Perkins Township, OH
Perry Monument
Perry Nuclear Powerplant
Perry Payne Building
Perry Township, OH
Peru, OH
Pesano's Restaurant
Pesano's Restaurant
Pesco Products Division
Pesco Products Division
Pet Shows-General
Pet Shows-General
Peter Pan Players-Rocky River, OH
Peter Pan Players-Rocky River, OH
Peter Pan Restaurant
Peter Pan Restaurant
Pete's Tavern
Pfizer & Co.
Pfizer & Co.
Phalanx, OH
Phalanx, OH
Phi Bette KAppa
Phi Bette Kappa
Philippines-Military-Fort Drum, Bataan, Corregidor
Phillips Petroleum Company
Phillips Petroleum Company
Phillips Petroleum Company
Phillips Stained Glass Studio
Phillips Stained Glass Studio
Phillips Stained Glass Studio
Phillips Stained Glass Studio
Phillips Wheatley Assn.
Phillips Wheatley Assn.
Phillips Wheatley Assn.
Piccadilly Square Restaurant
Piccadilly Square Restaurant
Picker X-Ray Corp.
Picker X-Ray Corp.
Pickle Bill's
Pickle Bill's
Pick-N-Pay-Stores-Interior & Exterior
Pick-N-Pay-Stores-Interior & Exterior
Pickwick Dam
Pickwick Dam
Pickwick Restaurant
Pickwick Restaurant
Pic-Rite Super Market
Pic-Rite Super Market
Pigs and Sows
Pigs and Sows
Pike County
Pike County
Pikewood Manor
Pikewood Manor
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Pilsudski, S.S.
Pilsudski, S.S.
Pinball Machines
Pinball Machines
Pine Hall Golf Course (Hinckley, OH)
Pine Hall Golf Course (Hinckley, OH)
Pine Ridge Country Club
Pine Ridge Country Club
Pine Ridge Golf Course
Pine Ridge Golf Course
Pine Ridge Valley Apartments
Pine Ridge Valley Apartments
Ping Pong
Ping Pong
Pink Owl Tavern
Pink Owl Tavern
Pinkerton's Incorporated
Pinkerton's Incorporated
Pinochle (Card Game)
Pinochle (Card Game)
Pioneer Graphix Inc.
Pioneer Graphix Inc.
Pioneer Lounge Bar
Pioneer Memorial Church
Pioneer Memorial Church
Pioneer Paving and Construction Inc.
Pioneer Paving and Construction Inc.
Pipefitters Union
Pipefitters Union
Pipes (Smoking)
Pipes (Smoking)
Piqua, OH
Piqua, OH
Pitcairn Island
Pitcairn Island
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.
Pitzer College
Pitzer College
Plain Dealer
Planned Growth Inc.
Planned Growth Inc.
Plant Company, The
Plant Company, The
Planters Peanuts
Planters Peanuts
Plastic Products Corp.
Plastic Products Corp.
Platform Tennis
Platform Tennis
Plato Hotel
Plato Hotel
Plato, The
Plato, The
Plawood Mormac Co.
Plawood Mormac Co.
Playboy Enterprises
Playboy Enterprises
Playgrounds-Cleveland Area- 1940-1949
Playgrounds-Cleveland Area- 1940-1949
Playgrounds-Cleveland Area- 1950-1959
Playgrounds-Cleveland Area- 1950-1959
Playgrounds-Cleveland Area- 1960-1969
Playgrounds-Cleveland Area- 1960-1969
Playgrounds-Cleveland Area- 1970...
Playgrounds-Cleveland Area- 1970…
Playgrounds-Cleveland Area- Before 1940
Playgrounds-Cleveland Area- Before 1940
Playgrounds-Coit-St. Clair Land Deal Scandal
Playgrounds-Coit-St. Clair Land Deal Scandal
Playgrounds-General 1959-1960
Playgrounds-General 1959-1960
Playhouse Club
Playhouse Square
Playhouse Square Foundation
Playhouse Square Foundation
Playing Cards
Playing Cards
Playland Amusement Park
Playland Amusement Park
Plays & Musicals-Local
Plays & Musicals-Local
Plaza Nine Building (Erieview)
Plaza Nine Building (Erieview)
Pleasant Hill Lake
Pleasant Hill Lake
Pleasant Hills United Methodist Church
Pleasant Hills United Methodist Church
Pleasant Valley Junior High School
Pleasant Valley Junior High School
Pleasurama, S.S.
Pluto (Planet)
Pluto (Planet)
Plymouth Church
Plymouth Church
Plymouth Motor Corp.
Plymouth Park Apartments
Plymouth Park Apartments
Plymouth United Church of Christ- Shaker Heights
Plymouth United Church of Christ- Shaker Heights
Plymouth, OH
Plymouth, OH
Point Washington, OH
Point Washington, OH
Poison and Poison Prevention
Poison and Poison Prevention
Poison Gas
Poison Gas
Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy
Poison Oak
Poison Oak
Poison Sumac
Poison Sumac
Pokagon State Park
Poker (Card Game)
Poker (Card Game)
Poland-Gdansk (Danzig)
Poland-Gdansk (Danzig)
Poland-Jewish Population
Poland-Jewish Population
Polar Bear Club
Polar Scenes-Airplanes-Submarines-Expeditions
Polar Scenes-Airplanes-Submarines-Expeditions
Polaris Thrill Team
Polaris Thrill Team
Polaris Vocational Center
Police and Fire Public Emergency Phone Boxes
Police Athletic League
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Academy
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Badges
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Communications Center
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Dogs
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Equipment (Not Vehicles)
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Harbor Patrol
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Helicopter
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Historical
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Mobile Lab
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Mounted
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Stations-Central-(new)
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Stations-Central-(old)
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Stations-District
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Strike-7/78
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Uniforms
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Vehicles
Police Dept.-Cleveland-Women
Police Dept.-General (Not Cleveland)
Police-Cleveland-Burns Trial
Police-Cleveland-Cadek Bribery Case
Police-Cleveland-General-1920-1940's (1 of 2)
Police-Cleveland-General-1920-1940's (1 of 2)
Police-Cleveland-General-1920-1940's (2 of 2)
Police-Cleveland-General-1920-1940's (2 of 2)
Police-Cleveland-General-1920-1940's (2 of 2)
Police-Cleveland-Molnar Trial 1948
Police-Cleveland-Prosecutor's Office
Policy Rackets
Polish Ladies Choir
Polish Roman Catholic Union of America
Polsky's Dept. Store
Polson Rubber Co.
Pomeroy House Restaurant
Pomeroy, OH
Ponderosa Ranchhouse Caravan
Ponderosa Steak House
Pontiac Motor Co.
Pony Express
Pony's Cafe
Poor Clare Nuns
Population Center of U.S.
Port Brittany Restaurant
Port Clinton, OH
Port 'O' Call Restaurant
Portage Country Club (Akron, OH)
Portage County-Ohio
Ports and Harbors-Cleveland-Crane (Heavy Duty)
Ports and Harbors-Cleveland-Docks
Portsmouth, OH
Postal Service-Cleveland Area-Buildings
Postal Service-Cleveland Area-General
Postal Service-Cleveland Area-Letter Boxes
Postal Service-Cleveland Area-Letter Carriers
Postal Service-Cleveland Area-Vehicles
Postal Service-Not Cleveland
Postal Telegraph Co. (Leader Bldg.)
Postcraft Company
Potomac River
Potters Field
Pottery & Potters
Poultry Congree & Exposition
Power Regulations Co.
Power Shovels
Prairie Dogs
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Company
Praying Mantis
Precision Bruch Co.
Precision Castings Co.
Preformed Line Products Company
Premier Autowear Co.
Premier Electric Co.
Presbyterian Mission
Prescott and Co.
Prescott Ball & Turben
Prescott Elementary School
President Cleveland, S.S.
President Coolidge, S.S.
President Grant, S.S.
President Harding, S.S.
President Harrison, S.S.
President Hoover, S.S.
President Jackson, S.S.
President Jefferson, S.S.
President Lincoln, S.S.
President Pierce, S.S.
President Roosevelt, S.S.
President Wilson, S.S.
Presidential Campaigns-1972-McGovern Visits to
Presidential Campaigns-1976
Presidential Debate & Campaign-1980
Presidential Elections-1964
Presidential Elections-1968
Presidential Visits-Cleveland-Nixon, Richard M.
Presidential Visits-Hoover, Herbert
Presidential Visits-Johnson, Lyndon
Presidential Visits-Kennedy, John F.
Presidential Visits-Roosevelt
Presidents-U.S.-Presidential Yachts
Presidents-Visits to Cleveland-Truman, Harry S.
Press-"How to Decorate Your Home" School
Press-Alias Santa Claus
Press-Beauty Clinic
Press-Beauty Weekend
PRess-Big Wheels Club
Press-Bizzy Bear
Press-Book & Author Luncheons
Press-Building (old)
Press-Building Exterior
Press-Christmas Funds and Parties
Press-Christmas Shows
Press-Circulation Dept.
Press-C'mon Down
Press-Community Caravan
Press-Composing Room
Press-Craft Carnival-1950-1959
Press-Craft Carnival-1960-1969
Press-Current Event Films
Press-Day at Press
Press-Do-It-Yourself and Hobby Show
Pressed Metal Institute
Press-Editorial Department
Press-Editorial Department
Press-Editorial Library
Press-Employees (4 folders)
Press-Employees-Copy Aides
Press-Engraving Dept.
Press-Family Fair
Press-General (2 Folders)
Press-General History (2 Folders)
Press-Golden Age Concert
Press-Golden Age Theater Party
Press-Golden Wedding Party
Press-Haas Libel Case
Press-Helping Hand-1940s
Press-Helping Hand-1950s
Press-Helping Hand-1960s
Press-History-Bill Rice
Press-History-Warfel Art Series
Press-Hi-Times and Writers
Press-Hittunes Party Concert
Press-Hole In One
Press-Home Buyers School
Press-Hong Kong Reunion
Press-Journalism Institute
Press-Kennedy Photos
Press-Learn A Language
Press-Lebanon Phone Service
Press-Letter to Editor
Press-Louis B Seltzer Photos
Press-Mailing Room
Press-Million Dollar Builders
Press-New Building 1 of 2
Press-New Building 2 of 2
Press-Oversized Photos & General Photos
Press-Press Club
Press-Press Room
Press-Realty Investment Seminar
Press-Show Plane-Europe
Press-Show Train
Press-Spelling Contest
Press-Spirit of '66
Press-Star Gazing Parties
Press-Stereotype Dept.
Press-Stock Market Forum
Press-Straight A Awards
Press-Top Honor Students Dinner
Press-Tours 1 of 3
Press-Tours 2 of 3
Press-Tours 3 of 3
Press-Traveling Zoo
Press-Visitations (Tours) 1 of 2
Press-Visitations (Tours) 2 of 2
Press-War Trophy Show
Press-Warm Clothing Drive
Press-Winter Sports Carnival
Press-World Friends Club
Prices and Price Control
Pride Incoporated
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (Westlake, OH)
Princess Patricia, S.S.
Princeton Park Apartments (South Euclid, OH)
Princeton Triangle Club
Princeton University
Prinses Irene, S.S.
Printing Presses
Printy-Biederman Co.
Prisoners of War-General
Prisons-Lebanon Correctional Institute
Prisons-Ohio Pen-Buildings
Prisons-Ohio Pen-Fire
Prisons-Ohio Pen-General-1930-1949
Prisons-Ohio Pen-General-Before 1930
Prisons-Ohio Pen-Riots
Prisons-San Quentin
Prisons-Sing Sing
Production Finishing Co.
Products Packaging Inc.
Progressive Party
Prohibition-Cleveland Area
Project Awareness
Propane Industrial Service Co.
Prospect Ave.
Prospect Elementary School
Prospect Sanitarium
Providence Baptist Church
Providence College
Public Hall-Construction
Public Hall-Exhibit
Public Hall-Exteriors
Public Hall-Interior
Public Hall-Music Hall
Public Square-1930-1934
Public Square-1935-1946
Public Square-1947...
Public Square-Before 1930
Public Square-Bldg.
Public Square-Lighting
Public Square-World War 2
Public Square-X-mas Decorations and Concessions
Public Utilities Building
Publix Book Mart
Pucel Enterprises Inc.
Puerto Rican-Cleveland
Puerto Rico-General
Puerto Rico-Maps
Puerto Rico-Military
Puerto Rico-San Juan
Pulaski Square
Punderson State Park
Puppets and Marionettes
Purdue University
Puritas Elementary School
Puritas Lutheran Church
Puritas Park
Puritas Road Bridge
Puritas Springs Park
Put-In-Bay-Oliver Hazard Perry and Monument
Pymatuning and State Park
Quad Mall
Quail Hollow Inn
Quality Inns
Queen Elizabeth 2, S.S.
Queen Elizabeth, S.S.
Queen Mary Hyatt Hotel
Queen Mary, S.S.
Queen of Bermuda, S.S.
Quilts and Quilting
Quincy Elementary School
Quinn Chapel A.M.E. Church
Quinn's Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge
Quonst Huts
R.A. Gall Reality Co.
R.C. Bar
R.P. MC Auliffe Co.
Rabbit Run Theater
Racquet Club West
Radcliffe College
Radiation and Radioactivity
Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
Radio Free Europe
Radio Programs-General
Radio Station-ABC
Radio Station-CBS-1930's
Radio Station-CBS-1940's
Radio Station-CBS-1950..
Radio Stations-Cleveland-General
Radio Stations-General
Radio Stations-KDKA
Radio Stations-KYW-WKYC
Radio Stations-NBC-1930's (1 of 3)
Radio Stations-NBC-1930's (1 of 3)
Radio Stations-NBC-1930's (1 of 3)
Radio Stations-NBC-1940-1944
Radio Stations-NBC-1945-1949
Radio Stations-NBC-1950...
Radio Stations-WABQ
Radio Stations-WDOK
Radio Stations-WELW
Radio Stations-WERE
Radio Stations-WGAR
Radio Stations-WHK
Radio Stations-WIXY
Radio Stations-WJAY
Radio Stations-WJMO
Radio Stations-WJW
Radio Stations-WMHR
Radio Stations-WNOB
Radio Stations-WSUM
Radio Stations-WTAM
Radio-Citizens Band (CB)-Amateur
Radio-Controlled Vehicles
Radio-Mutual Broadcasting System
Radio-Relay System
Radium and Radium Treatments
Raffaello, S.S.
Rag Companies
Railroads-Akron,Canton,and Youngstown Railroad
Railroads-Passenger Cars
Railway Express Agency
Rainbow Girls
Rainbow Motel
Rainey Institute
Raintree Restaurant
Rally Around Cleveland See: Cleveland-Rally
Around Cleveland 8/74
Ralston Purina Co.
Ramada Inns
Rand Development Corp.
Randall Park Apartments
Randall Park Mall
Randolph, Ohio
Rap Art Center
Rape and Rape Cases
Rapid Transit-General
Rapid Transit-RTA
Rapid Transit-RTA-Shaker Heights
Rapid Transit-RTA-Shaker-Accidents
Rappaport Modll Co.
Rare Cherry (Disco Club)
Rats and Rat Control
Rattlesnake Island
Ravenna Arsenal-Exterior (Ravenna,OH)
Ravenna Arsenal-Interior (Ravenna,OH)
Ravenna Sr. High School
Ravenna, Ohio
Rawlings Junior High School
Raymond Elementary School (Maple HTS, OH)
Rayon Industry
R-B Biscuit Company
Realties and Realtors-General
Record Covers
Record Players-General
Record Rendezvous, Inc.
Recordak Corp.
Records and Recordings
Recovery, Incorporated
Recreation Cafe
Recreation Centers
Recreational Vehicles
Red Arrows
Red Barn Restaurants (may be in oversized)
Red Devils, The
Red Fox Restaurant
Red Oak Camp
Red Raider Camp
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Redeemer Lutheran Church-Brook Park
Redwood Elementary School
Refiners Transport Terminal Corporation
Refugees-Cleveland Area
Regency House
Regency Towers (Apartments)
Regina High School (So. Euclid)
Regional Association of Cleveland
Regional Transit Authority See: Greater Cleveland
Regional Transit Authortiy
Reinhold Co.
Reliance Electric and Engineering Co.
Reliance Motors
Relief Gardens
Remington Rand Div.
Rene Cremona Presents Restaurant
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Replac Corporation
Republic Air Lines
Republic Aviation Corp.
Republic Building
Republic Steel Corp.-Cleveland Area (1 of 3)
Republic Steel Corp.-Cleveland Area (2 of 3)
Republic Steel Corp.-Cleveland Area (3 of 3)
Republic Steel Corp.-General
Republic Steel Corp.-Research Center
(Independence, OH)
Republican Center
Republican Fraternal Association
Republican National Convention-1800's
Republican National Convention-1900-1920
Republican National Convention-1924
Republican National Convention-1928
Republican National Convention-1968
Republican Party-Cleveland and Cuyahoga-1920's1950's
Republican Party-Cleveland and Cuyahoga-1960's1980's
Republican Party-U.S.
Republican Party-U.S.-National Convention-1932
Republican Party-U.S.-National Convention-1936
Republican Party-U.S.-National Convention-1940
Republican Party-U.S.-National Convention-1944
Republican Party-U.S.-National Convention-1948
Republican Party-U.S.-National Convention-1952
Republican Party-U.S.-National Convention-1956
Republican Party-U.S.-National Convention-1960
Republican Party-U.S.-National Convention-1964
Republican Party-U.S.-National Convention-1972
Republican Party-U.S.-National Convention-1976
Republican Party-U.S.-National Convention-1980
Respirators and Resuscitation
Retail Credit Men's Co.
Retail Store Employees Local 880
Retired Senior Volunteer Program
Revco Drug Stores
Revival Meetings
Revolutionary War
Rex, S.S.
Rhode Island
Ribs and Roast
Ricardo's Restaurant
Riceland Golf Course
Richfield, OH
Richland County
Richman Bros. Co.-Buildings and Stores
Richman Bros. Co.-General
Richmond Elementary School (Lyndhurst)
Richmond Hts. General Hospital
Richmond Hts. Little Theater
Richmond Hts., OH-City Hall
Richmond Hts., OH-Fire Dept.
Richmond Hts., OH-General
Richmond Hts., OH-Schools
Richmond Hts., OH-Streets
Richmond Mall Shopping Center
Richwood, OH
Rickshaws (Vehicles)
Ridge Road United Church of Christ
Ridgebury School (Lyndhurst)
Ridgecliffe Sanitarium
Ridgewood Golf Course
Ridgewood Methodist Episcopal Church
Ridgewood Savings and Loan Company
Ridgewood United Methodist Church
Riding Academics
Riding Run
Ries Flooring Inc.
Rifle and Pistol Matches
Rini's Supermarkets
Rio Grande River
Riots-Before 1960
Riots-Cleveland, OH-1963-64
Ripley, OH
Ripon Club
Ritter Observatory and Planetarium
Rittman, OH
River Downs Race Track
River House
River Isle Apartments
River Ranch Acres
River Styx, OH
Riveredge Elementary School
Riveredge Township, OH
Riverside (Houseing Project)
Riverside Cabana Club
Riverside Community Church
Riverside Elementary School
Riverside Nursing Home
Riverside Park
Riverview Terrace (W.25th)
Riviera Swim and Cabana Club
Roadoan Elementary School
Roamin Carnival
Roaming Rock Shores (Ashtabula Co.)
Robberies and Robbers-General
Robberies-Purse Snatching
Robbins Bible Auditorium
Robert Fulton Elementary School
Robert Jamison Jr. High School
Robert L. Hunker Associates Inc.
Rochester, OH
Rock Concerts-Cleveland Municipal Stadium
Rock Concerts-General
Rock Creek, OH (Ashtabula Co.)
Rockefeller Building
Rockefeller Park-Cleveland
Rocket Chairs and Rocket Belts
Rockets-Honest John
Rockets-Related Hardware
Rockets-Rocket Sleds
Rockets-Testing Sites
Rockets-Tiny Tim
Rockets-Wac Corporal
Rockport Cemetery
Rockport Shipping-Center
Rockport United Methodist Church (Rocky River)
Rockside Elementary School (Maple Hts., OH)
Rockside Park Towers
Rockside Plaza
Rockside Rd.
Rockside Reclamation Inc.
Rockwell Ave.
Rockwell Elementary School
Rockwell Truck Body Company
Rockwell-Standard Corp.
Rocky Fork Lake
Rocky Mountains
Rocky River (Not City)
Rocky River Flower Shop
Rocky River Free Methodist Church
Rocky River High School
Rocky River Jr. High School
Rocky River Park
Rocky River Presbyterian Church
Rocky River Public Library
Rocky River Savings Association
Rocky River United Methodist Church
Rocky River, OH-Buildings
Rocky River, OH-City Hall
Rocky River, OH-General-1960-Rocky River, OH-General-Before 1960
Rocky River, OH-Historical Art
Rocky River, OH-Police and Fire Dept.
Rocky River-Airviews
Rocky River-Bridge
Rohr's Restaurant
Rola Company Inc.
Rolfe's Tavern
Roller Coasters
Roman Gardens Restaurant
Ronald McDonald House
Roosevelt Junior High School
Roosevelt School (Garfield Hts.)
Rorimer-Brooks Studios Co.
Rosary Square Italian Restaurant
Roscoe Village, OH
Rose Mary Home For Crippled Children
Rosedale Elementary School
Roselle Elementary School
Rosenblum's (Store)
Ross Ellis and Associates
Rotary Club
Rotbart Bros. Jewelers
Roth Steel Tube Co.
Rotterdam, S.S.
Roulston and Company Inc.
Round Table (Restaurant)
Roundhead, OH
Rowfant Club
Rowland Elementary School (So. Euclid)
Roxboro Junior High School
Roxoboro School (Elementary)
Roxy Bar and Grill
Roxy Musical Bar
Roxy Theater
Royal China Inc.
Royal Communication Systems, Inc.
Royal Highland Fusiliers
Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church (N.Royalton)
Royal Shoes
Royal View Elementary School (N.Royalton)
Royalton Road Junior High School
Royalview Elementary School (Willowick)
Roy's Cafe
Rubber Industry-General
Rubber Products Company
Rubbermaid Inc.
Rubbish and Garbage Collections
Rubbish and Garbage Collection-Vehicles
Rubbish and Garbage Containers
Rubbish and Garbage Disposal-Cleveland-General
Rubbish and Garbage Disposal-Cleveland-Ridge
Rd. Incinerator
Rubbish and Garbage Disposal-Cleveland-West 3rd
St. Incinerator
Rubbish and Garbage-General
Rud Machine Co.
Ruetenik Gardens
Rugby (Sport)
Ruggles Beach (Near Vermillion, OH)
Rumsey Park, Vermillion
Russell Erwine Elementary School
Russell's Point, OH
Russia-Air Force
Russia-Anti-American Demostrations
Russia-General-Before '39
Russia-Moscow-Red Square
Russian Ukrainian Baptist Church
Russian War Relief
Russia-Space Flights
Russo Wine Co.
Rusty Scupper (Restaurant)
Rutherford B. Hayes Elementary School
Rye Beach
Ryndam, S.S.
S.K. Wellman Co.
S.R. Smith Co., INC.
S.S. Kresge Company (May Be In Oversized)
Saal Building (Inter-County Title Bldg.)
Sackett Elementary School
Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church
Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church
(Polish Nat'l Catholic Church)
Safe Space Station
Safety Towns
Safety Zones
Sagafjord, S.S.
Sagamo, S.S.
Sagamore (Ship)
Sagamore Hills Children's Psychiatric Hospital
Sage Apple Farm
Sagemore Hills, OH
Sahara Motor Hotel
Sajo's Pharmacy Shop
Saks Fifth Avenue (Fashion Store)
Salem, OH
Sales-Household Goods
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Salt Fork State Park
Salt Mines-Fairport Harbor
Salvation Army
Sambo's Restaurant
Samurai Japanese Steak House
San Marino
Sancta Anna Home For The Aged
Sandpiper Condominiums
Sandusky, OH
Santa Maria, S.S.
Santa Mariana, S.S.
Santa Rose, S.S.
Saoohire Flour Mills Company
Saratoga Performing Arts Center
Saratoga Race Track
Sargents, OH
Sarnacki's Tavern
Satellites-U.S.-Orbiting Observatories (OAO-OGOOSO-)
Saturn (Planet)
Saudi Arabia
Saunders, Stiver & Co.
Sawmill Creek Lodge
Sawyer Research Products Inc.
Saybrook Township, OH
Schaaf Junior High School
Schaeffer Wagon Co.
Schauffler College
Scheutzow Helicopter Corp.
Schnurman-Luther Service Center
Schoenbrunn Village
School Neighborhood Youth Corps
School of Cleveland Ballet
Schroeder's Book Store
Schulte-United Store
Schults's Meat and Poultry Market
Schweinfurth House
Scio-Ohio Pottery Plant
Sciota County
Scioto Country Club
Scioto Downs Race Track
Scopes Trial
Scotland (Europe)
Scotto Pizza
Scottsboro Case
Scranton Elementary School
Scranton Rd.
Scranton Rd. Baptist Church
Scranton Rd. Bridge
Scranton Rd. Cemetery
Scripps College
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Scrooge & Marley's
Sculptors and Sculpture
Sea Horses
Sea Lions
Sea Venture, S.S.
Sea World
Sea-Bee Club
Seaboard World Airline
Seals (Animal)
Seals (Official)
Sealtest Dairy Products
Sealy Mattress Co.
Seamen's Service
Sears, Roebuck and Co.-Buildings
Sears, Roebuck and Co.-General
Seat Belts
Seaway Day
Seaway Wholesale Grocery Co.
Sebring, OH
Second Federal Savings and Loan Company
Second Metropoltan Baptist Church
Second Mt. Olive Baptist Church
Second Time Around Shop, The
Second United Presbyterian Church
Secret Service, U.S.
Security Federal Savings Loan
Seeandbee, S.S.
Seeing-Eye Dogs
Seiberling Rubber
Selective Service-Cleveland
Selective Service-General
Seneca Golf Course
Senior Citizens Day-Ohio
Senior Council of Cleveland
Settlement Elementary School
Settlers Landing
Seven County Transportation and Land Use Study
Seven Hills, OH
Seven Springs Ski Resort (Pennsylvania)
Seven Wonders of the World
Seventh Church of Christ Scientist
Seventh-Day Adventists
Seven-Thirty Lounge
Seven-Up Bottling Company
Severance A. Millikin School (Elementary)
Severance Center Medical Building
Severance Hall-Buidling-Interior
Severance Hall-Building-Exterior
Severance Hall-Crowds
Severance Shopping Center
Seville, OH
Sewers and Sewage Disposal
Sewing and Sewing Machines
Shadybrook House
Shadyrest Nursing Home
Shaffer Memorial Methodist Church
Shaker Heights Country Club
Shaker Heights Junior High School
Shaker Heights Senior High School
Shaker Heights, OH-Airviews
Shaker Heights, OH-General (1 of 2)
Shaker Heights, OH-General (2 of 2)
Shaker Heights, OH-Police and Fire Dept.
Shaker House Motor Hotel
Shaker Lanes
Shaker Medical Center Hospital
Shaker Nature Center
Shaker Players
Shaker Racquet Club
Shaker Savings Assn.
Shaker Square
Shakers (Religious Sect)
Shangri-La Bar
Shanty Town
Sharp's Ohio Disposal Co.
Shaw High School
Shawnee Hills Golf Course
Shaw's Jewelry Store
Sheffield Lake, OH
Sheffield-O'Neill Shopping Center
Shelby, OH
Shell Oil Company
Shelter Resources Corp.
Shepherd of the Street Lutheran Mission
Sheraton Cleveland Hotel
Sheraton Hotels and Motor Inns
Sheriff Street Market
Sherman Shop
Sherman's Cloths (Stores)
Sherri-Park Apartments
Sherwin-Williams Co.-Buildings
Sherwin-Williams Co.-General
Sherwood Village Apartments
Shield Club
Shields Equipment Co.
Shiloh Baptist Church
Shiloh Junior High School
Shiloh, OH
Ships-Clipper Ships
Ships-Deck Scenes and Interiors
Ships-Experimental and Research
Ships-Ferry Boats
Ships-Ice Breakers
Ships-Nuclear Powered
Ships-Oil Tankers
Shoe Stores
Shoeshining Boys and Shoeshining
Shoplifting and Shoplifters
Shoppers Fair (Store)
Shopping Carts
Shopping Centers-General
Shore Haven Lutheran Church
Shore Junior High School
Shore Side Suites
Shoregate Shopping Center
Shoreham Apartments
Short Vincent
Showboat Theater
Siamese Twins
Sibley School for Girls
Sidaway Bridge
Sidney Hill Suburban Health Club
Siegfried Loewenthal Company
Sierra Club
Sierra Leone
Sierra Mountains
Sifco Industries Incorporated
Silica Silo Co.
Silver Eagles
Silver Quill
Sims Bros. Buick
Singapore Airlines
Singer's Club
Singing Angels
Sirloin and Saddle Restaurant
Sisters of Charity
Sisters of St. Joseph Convent (Ansel Rd.)
Six Flags of Texas-Amusement Park
Sixth Church of Christ Scientist
Skall's Men's Wear
Skateboards and Skateboarding
Skating Club
Skating-Ice-Silver Skates
Skating-Roller Derby
Skaubryn, S.S.
Skeet Clubs
Skidmore College
Skidmore Gear Co.
Skiing-Cleveland and General
Skiing-General-Before 1950
Skin Diving See: Divers and Diving
Skippy's Bar B.Q.
Sky Chefs Restaurant
Sky Drifters Club
Skyward, M.S.
Slavic Village & Slavs-Cleveland
Sleeping Sickness
Sleepy Hollow Country Club
Sleepy Hollow Lake (Inc. Country Club, Estates,
Sleighs and Sleigh Rides
Slot Machines
Slovenian National Homes
SMACO-Sports Media Association Cleveland &
Small Business Assoc.
Smith College
Smith Health Center (11100 St.Clair)
Smith's Restaurant and Harlequin Cocktail Lounge
Smithsonian Institution (Wash D.C.)
Smithville, OH-General
Smoke Detectors
Smorgasbord Restaurant (Stow, OH)
Smudge Pots
Snell Fishery
Snow Cruisers
Snow Trail Ski Area
Snow-Making Machines
Snowview Baptist Church
Snowview Nursing Home
Snyder Trailer Company
Soap Box Derby
Soccer-Cleveland Force-Action
Soceity National Bank-Robberies
Social Register
Social Security
Social Security-U.S.-Medicare
Socialer Turnverein Social Club
Society for Crippled Children
Society for the Blind-Buildings
Society for the Blind-General
Society for the Deaf
Society National Bank-Buildings
Society National Bank-General
Soda Fountains
Soft Ball-Action
Sohioan (Towboat)
Soil-Water Conservation
Sokol Tyrs Hall
Soldiers and Sailors Monument
Soldier's Bonus
Soldiers Relief Commission
Solomon Islands
Solon Historical Society
Solon Players
Solon Senior High school (Solon, OH)
Solon Shopping Center
Solon Station Antiques
Solon Vocational School
Solon, OH
Song of Norway, S.S.
Sonic Boom
Sonny's Show Bar
Sons of Italy Club
Soo Canals(Sault Ste. Marie)
Soup Kitchens
South Africa
South America, S.S.
South America-Argentina
South America-General
South Bass Island
South Carolina
South Case Elementary School
South Central Cuy. Co. Joint Vocational District
South Clark Elementary School
South Dakota
South Euclid Lumber Co.
South Euclid, OH
South Euclid, OH-General
South Euclid, OH-Library
South Euclid, OH-Police and Fire Dept.
South Euclid, OH-Streets
South Haven United Church of Christ
South High School
South Island (R.R.)
South Park Manor
South Russell, OH
South Side Federal Savings and Loan Assn.
South Yemen
Southeast Area Law Enforcement
Southeast Community Council
Southeast Human Development Program
Southerly Senior Center
Southern California, University of
Southern Cross, S.S.
Southern Hills Medical Center
Southgate Medical Arts. Bldg.
Southgate Shopping Center
Southland Plaza
Southland Shopping Center
Southwest Cuyahoga Joint Vocational School
Southwest Ford Sales Co.
Southwest General Hospital
Sovereign Hotel
Sowinski Elementary School
Sowinski Park
Space Flight-Foreign-General
Space Flight-Foreign-Russia
Space Flight-U.S. and Russia-Spacecraft Hookup
Space Flight-U.S.-Apollo 1
Space Flight-U.S.-Apollo 11
Space Flight-U.S.-Apollo 12
Space Flight-U.S.-Apollo 13
Space Flight-U.S.-Apollo 14
Space Flight-U.S.-Apollo 15
Space Flight-U.S.-Apollo 16
Space Flight-U.S.-Apollo 17
Space Flight-U.S.-Apollo-General
Space Flight-U.S.-Gemini
Space Flight-U.S.-General
Space Flight-U.S.-Mercury
Space Flight-U.S.-Space Shuttle
Space Flight-U.S.-Space Stations
Space Flight-U.S.-Surveyor
Space Flight-U.S.-Viking
Spain-Civil War
Spanish American War Veterans and Auxliary
Spanish Assembly of God Church
Spanish Multi-Service Center of Cleveland
Spanish Tavern
Spanish-American War
Spartan Department Store
Speed Traps
Spencer Manufacturing Co.
Spencer, OH
Sperry Gyroscope Co.
Spinning Wheel
Spirit of '76
Spirit of London, S.S.
Spitzbergen Islands
Spitzer Ford
Sportsman's Park (Race Track)
Sportsmen's Show-1953-1964
Sportsmen's Show-1965
Sportsmen's Show-Before 1952
Springbrook Apartments
Square Deal Supermarkets
Squire, Sanders and Dempsey
St. Adalbert Elementary School
St. Agnes Catholic Church
St. Alban's Episcopal Church
St. Alexis Hospital
St. Aloysius Catholic Church
St. Andrew Catholic Church
St. Andrew Eastern Orthodox Church (Maple Hts.,
St. Andrew Episcopal Church
St. Andrew Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Andrew Ukrainian Catholic Church
St. Andrews Golf Course (Scotland)
St. Angela Merici Church
St. Ann's Catholic Church (Cleveland Hts., OH)
St. Ann's Hospital
St. Ann's School (Elementary)
St. Anthony Catholic Church
St. Anthony of Padua Elementary School
St. Anthony's Home
St. Augustine Academy
St. Augustine Catholic Church
St. Augusting Manor
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church
St. Barnabas School (Northfield)
St. Bartholomew Catholic Church (Middleburg
St. Bartholomew Episcopal Church (Mayfield
St. Bartholomew School (Middleburg Hts.)
St. Benedict Catholic Church
St. Bernadette Church (Westlake, OH)
St. Brendan's Church (N. Olmsted)
St. Bridget Catholic Church
St. Casimir Catholic Church
St. Catherine Catholic Church
St. Cecilia Catholic Church
St. Charles Borromeo Church
St. Charles Elementary School
St. Christine Catholic Church
St. Christine School
St. Christopher School (Rocky River)
St. Christopher's Catholic Church (Rocky River)
St. Christopher's-By-The-River (Gates Mills, OH)
St. Clair Avenue
St. Clair Bridge
St. Clair Elementary School
St. Clair Tower Hotel
St. Clair-Coir Rd Playground
St. Clare Church (Lyndhurst)
St. Clare School (Lyndhurst)
St. Coleman Elementary School
St. Colman Catholic Church
St. Columbkille Catholic Church
St. Dominic's Catholic Church
St. E. Premte Albanian Orthodox Church
St. Edward Catholic Church
St. Edward's High School
St. Edwards Nursing Home
St. Elias Catholic Church (Brooklyn, OH)
St. Elizabeth Hungarian Church
St. Emeric Church
St. Eugene Byzantine Rite Catholic Church
St. Felicitas Elementary School
St. Francis Catholic Church
St. Francis Desales Catholic Church
St. Francis Desales Elementary School
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
St. George Antioch Orthodox Church
St. George Episcopal Mission
St. George Syrian Orthodox Church
St. Gregory Antiochian Orthodox Church
St. Gregory of Narek Church
St. Gregory the Great Church (So. Euclid)
St. Gregory's Greek Rite Catholic Church
St. Gregory's School (Elementary)
St. Hedwig Catholic Church (Polish)
St. Helena Romanian Catholic Church
St. Helen's Church (Newbury)
St. Herman's House of Hospitality
St. Hubert's Chapel (Kirkland Hills)
St. Hyacinth Catholic Church
St. Ignatius Catholic Church
St. Ignatius High School
St. Ignatius School
St. James A.M.E. Church
St. James Catholic Church (Lakewood)
St. James Episcopal Church
St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. James Lumber Co.
St. James Lutheran Church (Broadview Rd.)
St. James Lutheran Church (LCA)
St. Jerome Catholic Church
St. Jerome's Elementary School
St. John A.M.E. Church
St. John and West Shore Hospital
St. John Bosco Catholic Church
St. John Cantius Catholic Church (Polish)
St. John Cathedral (1 of 2)
St. John Cathedral (2 of 2)
St. John Cathedral (Old)
St. John College
St. John Home-Painesville
St. John Hungarian Byzantine Catholic Church
St. John Lutheran Church (E. 176 & Nottingham)
St. John Lutheran Church (Eddy Rd.)
St. John Lutheran Church (Highland Hts.)
St. John Lutheran Church (So. Euclid)
St. John Lutheran Church and School (Garfield
St. John Lutheran Church School (So. Euclid)
St. John Newpomucene Catholic Church
St. John United Church of Christ
St. John Vianney Parish Center
St. John, S.S.
St. John's Byzantine Rite Catholic Church
St. Johns Cathedral-Canteen
St. John's Episcopal Church (Historic St. John)
St. John's University
St. Josaphat Catholic Church
St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church
St. Joseph Byzantine Catholic Church
St. Joseph Catholic Church (Collinwood)
St. Joseph Catholic CHurch (E. 23rd & Woodland)
St. Joseph Catholic Church (Strongsville)
St. Joseph Elementary School
St. Joseph Elementaty School (Strongsville)
St. Joseph High School
St. Joseph Retreat House
St. Joseph's Academy
St. Joseph's-On-The-Lake Orphanage
St. Jude Catholic Church (Warrensville Hts.)
St. Jude Church
St. Jude School (Warrensville Hts.)
St. Justin, Martyr Catholic Church and School
St. Lawrence II (Canadian Sailing Ship)
St. Lawrence Seaway-General
St. Lawrence Seaway-Maps
St. Leo Catholic Church
St. Leo The Great School
St. Louis School (Elementary)
St. Luke Episcopal Church
St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Luke United Church of Christ
St. Lukes Catholic Church
St. Luke's Hospital
St. Luke's School (Elementary)
St. Malachi Catholic Church
St. Margaret Mary Church (So. Euclid)
St. Margaret Mary School (So. Euclid)
St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church
St. Mark Episcopal Church
St. Mark Episcopal Elementary School
St. Mark Lutheran Church (Pearl Rd.)
St. Mark Lutheran Elementary School
St. Mark United Church of Christ
St. Maron Catholic Church
St. Maron's Catholic Church
St. Martin of Tours Church (Maple Hts.)
St. Mary Catholic Church (Mentor)
St. Mary Catholic School (Mentor)
St. Mary Church of Bedford
St. Mary Immaculate Conception Church
St. Mary Of The Falls Church and School (Olmsted
St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church
St. Mary Seminary
St. Mary's Catholic Church (Holmes Ave.)
St. Mary's Catholic Church (W. 30th & Carroll)
St. Mary's Polish Nat'l Catholic Church
St. Matthew Episcopal Church (W.84 & Clark)
St. Matthew Episcopal Church and Mission
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
St. Matthew Lutheran Church (Scranton Rd.)
St. Matthew United Methodist Church
St. Mel Catholic Church
St. Michael Catholic Church
St. Michael Catholic Church
St. Michael Hungarian Greek Catholic Church
St. Michael Russian Orthodox Church
St. Michael Russian Orthodox Church (Broadview
St. Michael's Elementary School
St. Monica Catholic Church and School (Garfield
St. Monica's Church
St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church
St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church
St. Olaf Lutheran Choir
St. Paschal Baylon Catholic Church and School
(Highland Hts.)
St. Patrick Catholic Church (Bridge Ave.)
St. Patrick Catholic Church Elementary School
St. Patrick Catholic Church WP (Rocky River)
St. Patrick Church Shamrock Pipe Band of
St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day Parade
St. Paul Book and Film Center
St. Paul Catholic Church (E. 40th St.)
St. Paul Catholic Church (Euclid)
St. Paul Community Church
St. Paul Elementary School
St. Paul Evangelical Church
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church (E.176 &
St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church (N.Royalton)
St. Paul Lutheran Church (E. 55th St.)
St. Paul Lutheran Church (Westlake)
St. Paul Lutheran Church of Lakewood
St. Paul Shrine (Euclid Ave.)-Formerly Called St.
Pauls Church
St. Paul's Croatian Catholic Church
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
St. Paul's Episcopal Church (Akron)
St. Paul's Episcopal Church (East Cleveland)
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Peter A.M.E. Zion Church
St. Peter Catholic Church
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
St. Philip Neri Church
St. Philip Neri's Elementary School
St. Philip the Apostle Church
St. Philip the Evangelist Church
St. Philomena Catholic Church
St. Pius X Catholic Church
St. Pius X Elementary School
St. Procop Catholic Church
St. Raphael Catholic Church
St. Raphael Elementary School
St. Richard Elementary School (N.Olmsted)
St. Rita Church (Solon)
St. Robert Elementary school
St. Rocco's Catholic Church
St. Rose Catholic Church
St. Sava Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church
St. Serfius Russian Orthodox Church
St. Stanislaus Catholic Church
St. Stanislaus School
St. Stanislaus Seminary
St. Stephen Catholic Church
St. Stephen's Byzantine Catholic Church
St. Theodosius Russian Orthodox Church
St. Therese Church and School (Garfield Hts.)
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church
St. Thomas Aquinas Elementary School
St. Thomas Evangelical Lutheran Church (Lake
St. Thomas Lutheran Church (Rocky River)
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
St. Timothy Catholic Church and School
St. Timothy Missionary Baptist Church (Garfield
St. Valentines Day Massacre
St. Varnabas Catholic Church (Northfield)
St. Vincent Charity Hospital
St. Vincent Charity Hospital-Personnel-(Inc.
St. Vincent De Paul Society
St. Vincent-Urban Renewal Area
St. Vitus Catholic Church
St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Church
St. Wenceslas Catholic Church
St. Wenceslas Catholic Church (Broadway Ave.)
St. Wenceslas Church (Maple Hts.)
St. Wendelin Elementary School
St. William's Catholic Church
St. Woodhill
St. Xavier College
Stadiums-Boston-Fenway Park
Stadiums-Chicago-Comiskey Park
Stadiums-Chicago-Wrigley Field
Stadiums-Cincinatti-(River Front Stadium)
Stadiums-Cleveland Municipal Stadium-Operation
Stadiums-Cleveland Stadium-Airviews
Stadiums-Cleveland Stadium-Construction
Stadiums-Cleveland Stadium-Crowds
Stadiums-Cleveland Stadium-General-001-100
Stadiums-Cleveland Stadium-General-101-213
Stadiums-Cleveland Stadium-Stadium Club
Stadiums-Detroit-Briggs Stadium
Stadiums-Houston Astrodome
Stadiums-Los Angeles-Dodger & Coliseum
Stadiums-New York-Ebbets Field
Stadiums-New York-Polo Grounds
Stadiums-New York-Shea Stadium
Stadiums-New York-Yankee Stadium
Stadiums-Ohio State
Stadiums-Pasedena-Rose Bowl
Stadiums-St. Louis-Sportsman's Park
Stadiums-Wash. D.C.-Griffith Stadium
Stafford School (Maple Hts., OH)
Stage Door Canteen
Stage Door Club
Stage II Development Corp.
Stan Hywett Hall
Stanard Elementary School
Standard Brands, Inc.
Standard Building
Standard Drug Stores
Standard Oil Co.-Cleveland
Standard Oil Co.-General
Standard Oil Co.-Historical
Standard Oil Co.-Research Center
Standard Tool Co.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Stanford University
Star Baking Co.
Star Muffler Shops
Stark County
Starkweather Ave.
Starve Island
Starward, M.S.
State Chemical MFG. Co.
State News Stand
State of Ohio, S.S.
State Road Elementary School
State Savings and Loan Company
State Teacher College
State Theater
Statler Hilton Hotel
Statue of Liberty
Statues and Monuments-Cleveland
Statues and Monuments-General
Stavangerfjord, S.S.
Ste. Clair, S.S.
Steam Engines
Stech Plating and Equipment Co.
Steel and Steel Mills-General
Steel Improvement and Forge Co.
Stefanik, Milan R. Monument
Stella Maris Home
Stereo Music Fair-1960
Sterling Elementary School
Sterling Hotel
Sterling Manufacturing Co.
Sterling Morton Elementary School
Sterling-Lindner-Davis Company
Stern Swimming Pool Corp.
Steubenville College
Steubenville, OH
Steven E. Howe Elementary School
Steward Observatory
Stillman Theater
Stock Brokers
Stock Tickers
Stockholm, S.S.
Stokely-Van Camp Company
Stone Knitting Mills
Stone Shoe Co.
Stone's Grill
Stoney Hill Health Center
Stop-N-Shop Super Markets
Stores-Groceries-Prices & General
Story Book Forest
Stouffer Corp.-El Cantina Restaurant
Stouffer Corp.-Frozen Food Division
Stouffer Corp.-General
Stouffer Corp.-Inn on the Square
Stouffer Corp.-Inns and Motels
Stouffer Corp.-James Tavern
Stouffer Corp.-Midtown Restaurant
Stouffer Corp.-Pier W Restaurant
Stouffer Corp.-Playhouse Square Restaurant
Stouffer Corp.-Shaker Square Restaurant
Stouffer Corp.-Somerset Inn
Stouffer Corp.-Top of the Town Restaurant
Stouffer Corp.-Westgate Restaurant
Stow, OH
Strand Hotel
Strasburg, OH
Strategic Arms Limitations Talks
Stratford Press Co.
Stratton House Apartments
Street Cleaning
Street Performers
Street Signs
Streetsboro, OH
Streets-Cleveland-Paving and Repairs
Streets-E. 100thStreets-E. 12th Street
Streets-E. 14th Street
Streets-E. 31st-E. 54th
Streets-E. 4th
Streets-E. 55th Street
Streets-E. 55th Street-Marina
Streets-E. 56th-E.79th
Streets-E. 6th Street (inc. Pier)
Streets-E. 80th-E.99th
Streets-E. 9th Street
Streets-E. 9th Street-Pier
Streets-E. 9th Street-Traffic Tower
Streets-E.2nd-E. 30th
Streets-Edgewater Drive
Streets-Mayfield Rd
Streets-Puritas Ave.
Streets-Turney Road
Streets-Vincent See: Streets-Short Vincent
Streets-W. 14th
Streets-W. 25th
Streets-W. 3rd
Streets-West Blvd
Streets-West Side Numbered
Strong, Cobb and Arner, Inc
Strong-Kennard Co.
Strongsville Creative Arts League
Strongsville High and Jr. High Schools
Strongsville Senior Center
Strongsville, OH-General
Strongsville, OH-Historical
Stroud Elementary School
Struthers, OH
Sts. Constanstine and Helen Greek Orthodox
Sts. Cosma and Damian Catholic Church
Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church (Slovak)
Sts. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church
Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church
Sts. Peter and Paul Lutheran Church (Slovak)
Sts. Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church
Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church
Sts. Philip and James Catholic Church
Studebaker Corp.
Student Neighborhood Youth Corps
Student Non-Violent Co-Ordinating Committee
Studio 7
Submarines-Germany, Japan, Italy
Submarines-Russia, France, England
Submarines-Tenders and Sub Chasers
Submarines-U.S.-Ohio, U.S.S
Suburban Christian Church (Richmond Hts.)
Suburban Community Hospital
Suburban Motor Freight
Suburban Temple
Suez Canal
Sugarcreek, OH
Summer Music Society
Summit County Children's Home
Summit County, OH
Summit Gardens Apartments (Garfield Hts.)
Summit National Liquid Services
Sun Bathing
Sun Finance and Loan Company
Sun Oil Company
Sunbeam School
Sunbeam Shop
Sundorph Aeronautical Corp.
Sunni Orthodox Muslims
Sunny Acres Hospital (TB)
Sunny Lane School For Retarded Children
Sunny Slope Apartments
Sunray Films, Inc.
Sunview School (lyndhurst)
Sunward, M.S.
Super Jet Market
Super X Drug Stores
Superior Ave.
Superior Building (Erieview)
Superior Coach Corp.
Superior Die Casting Co.
Superior Elementary School
Superior Foundry Co.
Superior Square Building
Superior Transfer Company
Superior Viaduct Bridge
Superior-Chester Neighborhood Improvement
Surfing and Surfboards
Surplus War Property
Sutton Industrial Hardware
Swallows Food Restaurant
Swartwout Co.
Sweeney's Little Club
Swift and Co.
Swift Cleaning and Laundry Inc.
Swimming Pools-Private
Swimming Pools-Public
Swimming-Learn to Swim
Swiss Hall
Swissair Lines
Switzerland-St. Bernard Hospice
Switzerland-St. Moritz
Symbionese Liberation Army
Syrian Lebanon Baking Company
Table Tennis-General
Taco Bell Restaurant
Taft Elementary School (Eastlake, OH)
Taft School (Elementary)
Tahitien, S.S.
Tall People
Tam O'Shanter Golf Course
Tanglewood Motor Inn
Tank Plant-C
Tape Recorders
Tapor Dairies
Taras Shevchenko, S.S.
Taro Leaf Club
Tastyburger Systems
Taxation-County Property Tax
Taxation-General and Sales
Taxation-United States-Income
Taxi Air Group Inc.
Taylor Rd. Synagogue
Taylor School (Elementary)
Taylorcraft Airplane Corp.
Teamsters Union
Tear Gas
Techno Truck MFG Co.
Teddi's Restaurant
Teen Challenge Center
Teen Theater
Teen-Age Fair
Telenews Theater
Telephone Booths
Telephone Pioneers of America
Telephones and Telephone Books
Teletype Machines
Television Stations-Channel 61
Television Stations-General
Television Stations-WEWS Channel 5 (1960-1964)
Television Stations-WEWS Channel 5 (1965-)
Television Stations-WEWS Channel 5 (to 1959)
Television Stations-WJW Channel 8
Television Stations-WKYC Channel 3
Television Stations-WUAB Channel 43
Television Stations-WVIZ Channel 25 (Cleveland)
Telling Belle-Vernon Co.
Telshe Yeshiva Rabbinical College
Temple Beth-El Church
Temple Co.
Temple Emanu El
Temple of Islam
Temple on the Heights
Temple, The
Tenants Union-Cleveland
Tenna Corporation (Tenna Manufacturing
Tenna Products Co.
Tennessee Valley Authority
Tennessee-Oak Ridge
Tennis-Davis Cup
Tennis-U.S. Nationals Open (Forest Hills Lit)
Terex Plant
Terrace Park Apartments
Terrorists and Terrorism
Texas A and M College
Texas Instruments Inc.
Texas International Airlines Inc.
Texas-El Paso
Texas-San Antonio
Textile Industry-Factories-Workers-Strikes
Thai Airways
Thailand-U.S. Troops In
Thankful Missionary Baptist Church
Theaters-Drive In
Theatrical Grille
Theodore Roosevelt, S.S.
Theresa's Restaurant
Thew Shovel Co.
Third Evangelical And Reformed Church
Third Federal Savings and Loan
Thomas Edison Elementary School (Willoughby)
Thomas Edison High School
Thomas F. McCafferty Health Center
Thomas Jefferson Elementary School
Thomas Jefferson Elementary School (Eastlake
Thomas Jefferson Junior High School
Thompson Township
Thordeau Park Elementary School
Thoroughbred Club
Thousand Island International Bridge
Thousand Islands
Thrift Shop
Throckley Ave. Street Club
Thule Air Force Base
Ticketron Incorporated
Tides And Title Wave-Great Lakes
Tiedemann Hannes
Tiffon (Ohio)
Tightrope Walkers
Time Magazine
Timken Roller Bearing Company
Tinkers Creek
Tinkers Creek Recreational And Nature Center
Tinnerman Products
Tip (Turn In A Pusher)
Titan Tool And Supply Co.
Titanic, S.S.
Tobias Paint Manufacturing Company
Tod Elementary School
Tokio, Ohio
Tokyo Health Spa
Toledo Blade And Times
Toledo Edison Co.
Toledo Museum Of Art
Toledo Navel Armory
Toledo State Hospital
Toledo Zoo
Toledo, Ohio-General
Toledo, Ohio-Port
Toledo, University Of
Tom L. Johnson Elementary School
Tom L. Johnson Statue
Tomahawk Day Camp
Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier Of The American
Tony Apple Sewer And Water Construction Co.
Tony Awards
Topps Discount Stores
Torch (Teens Outreach Through Christian Help)
Torpedoes And Torpedo Launchers
Torrey Canyon (Oil Tanker)
Torture Devices
Totem Pole
Tots And Teens Cotillion
Tours and Tourists
Tower City
Towmotor Corp.
Town "N" Country Club
Town Criers
Trade Fairs
Trade Missions
Traffic Accidents-1976
Traffic Accidents-I-71
Traffic Accidents-I-77
Traffic Accidents-Innerbelt
Traffic Accidents-Lakeland Freeway
Traffic Accidents-Prior to 1976
Traffic Accidents-Shoreway
Traffic Accidents-Victims
Traffic Lights-Cleveland Area
Traffic Signs-Cleveland
Traffic Tickets-Cleveland Area
Traffic-Cleveland- 1950-1959
Traffic-Cleveland-Before 1950
Trailer Museum-Cleveland
Trailers and Trailer Camps
Tranquility, Ohio
Trans World Airlines
Trans-Canada Airlines
Transfiguration Church
Transylvania, S.S.
Travel Agencies
Treasure Lake
Tree Houses
Tree Sitters
Trees-Disease and Prevention
Trees-Forest Fires (And Prevention)
Trees-Forest Scenes
Trees-Planting, Care and Removal
Trees-Size and Age (Inc. Historic Cleveland Trees)
Tremco Manufacturing Co.
Tremont Area-General
Tremont Elementary School
Triad Metal Products
Triedstone Baptist Church
Trimble, Ohio
Trinity C.M.E. Church
Trinity Cathedral
Trinity Congregational Church
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Trinity Evangelical United Brethren Church
Trinity High School
Trinity Lutheran Church of Lakewood
Trinity Lutheran Church-Willoughby
Trinity Presbyterian Church (Beachwood, OH)
Trinity United Brethren Church
Trinity United Church of Christ (W. 25 St)
Trinity United Methodist Church (Madison Ave.)
Triple Engineering Show
Tristan Da Cunha
Trophies-Press and Scripts-Howard
Tropicale, S.S.
Tropicana, S.S.
Trout (Fish)
Troy Junior High School
Troy, Ohio
Trucks-White Motor (And Subsidaries)
True Temper Corp.
Truk Island
TRW Inc.
Tudor Arms Hotel
Tugboats-Cleveland Area
Turfside Motor Lodge
Turkey Ridge Condominium
Turners and Turnuereins
Turneytown Shopping Center
Tuscarawas River and Valley
Twentieth Century Club
Twinsburg Banking Co.
Typesetting Machine
U.S. Air Compressor Co.
U.S. Air Force Band
U.S. Air Force Museum
U.S. Air Force-Anti Brainwashing School
U.S. Air Force-General
U.S. Air Force-Lackland Air Force Base
U.S. Air Force-Mitchell Field
U.S. Air Force-North American Air Defense
Command (Norad-General)
U.S. Air Force-North American Air Defense
Command-Colorado Springs,Command Center
U.S. Air Force-Randolph Air Force Base
U.S. Air Force-Recruiting
U.S. Air Force-Strategic Air Command
U.S. Air Force-Thunderbirds
U.S. Air Force-Travis Air Force Base
U.S. Air Force-Women
U.S. Army Ground Forces Band
U.S. Army Mobile Units and Transportation
U.S. Army Negroes (WWII)
U.S. Army-37th Division
U.S. Army-37th Division
U.S. Army-Amphibious
U.S. Army-Camp Atterbury
U.S. Army-Camp Breckinridge
U.S. Army-Camp Claiborne
U.S. Army-Camp Forrest
U.S. Army-Camp Lee
U.S. Army-Camp Shelby
U.S. Army-Cavalry-107th
U.S. Army-Cavalry-General
U.S. Army-Chaplains
U.S. Army-Chemical Warfare
U.S. Army-Court Martial Trials
U.S. Army-Discharges
U.S. Army-Food
U.S. Army-Fort Eustis
U.S. Army-Fort Knox
U.S. Army-General
U.S. Army-General
U.S. Army-Induction
U.S. Army-Induction-Fort Hayes
U.S. Army-Medical Corp.
U.S. Army-Nurses
U.S. Army-Old
U.S. Army-Paratroops
U.S. Army-Reserves
U.S. Army-Signal Corps
U.S. Army-Training and Manuevers
U.S. Army-Transportation Corps.
U.S. Army-Uniforms
U.S. Army-War Shows
U.S. Army-Wounded-World War II
U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Eastwind
U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Mackinaw
U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Northwind
U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Tahoma
U.S. Coast Guard General
U.S. Coast Guard Training Ship-Eagle
U.S. Coast Guard-Aircraft
U.S. Coast Guard-Boats (Misc)
U.S. Coast Guard-Cleveland and Great Lakes
U.S. Coast Guard-Cleveland and Great LakesStations
U.S. Coast Guard-Cutters A-L
U.S. Coast Guard-Cutters Courier
U.S. Coast Guard-Cutters KAW
U.S. Coast Guard-Cutters M-R
U.S. Coast Guard-Cutters S-Z
U.S. Coast Guard-Cutters-General
U.S. Coast Guard-Women's Reserve-Spars
U.S. Congress
U.S. Congress
U.S. Congress-Shooting 3/1/54
U.S. Customs
U.S. Customs-Cleveland
U.S. Employment Services
U.S. Finances-Bonds (INC. WAR BONDS)
U.S. Justice Department
U.S. Marine Band
U.S. Marine Corp (Before 1942)
U.S. Marine Corps-General (Post 1942)
U.S. Marine Corp-Women
U.S. Maritime Service
U.S. Naval Academy
U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory
U.S. Naval Reserve
U.S. Navy Band
U.S. Navy Expedition To Antartica 1955-56
U.S. Navy Manuevers
U.S. Navy Sealabs
U.S. Navy Ships-B
U.S. Navy Ships-C
U.S. Navy Ships-Caberra
U.S. Navy Ships-Chester
U.S. Navy Ships-Cincinnati
U.S. Navy Ships-Cleveland
U.S. Navy Ships-Columbus
U.S. Navy Ships-Constellation
U.S. Navy Ships-Construction and Launching
U.S. Navy Ships-D
U.S. Navy Ships-Destroyer Escorts
U.S. Navy Ships-Dover
U.S. Navy Ships-E
U.S. Navy Ships-Enterprise
U.S. Navy Ships-Essex
U.S. Navy Ships-F
U.S. Navy Ships-Forrestal
U.S. Navy Ships-Franklin
U.S. Navy Ships-Franklin D. Roosevelt
U.S. Navy Ships-G
U.S. Navy Ships-General
U.S. Navy Ships-Guns Etc.
U.S. Navy Ships-H
U.S. Navy Ships-Historical
U.S. Navy Ships-Hydrofil Ships
U.S. Navy Ships-I
U.S. Navy Ships-Indianpolis
U.S. Navy Ships-J
U.S. Navy Ships-John F. Kennedy
U.S. Navy Ships-K
U.S. Navy Ships-L
U.S. Navy Ships-LST'S
U.S. Navy Ships-M
U.S. Navy Ships-Macon
U.S. Navy Ships-Maine
U.S. Navy Ships-Memphis
U.S. Navy Ships-Mercury
U.S. Navy Ships-Midway
U.S. Navy Ships-Minesweepers
U.S. Navy Ships-Mothballing
U.S. Navy Ships-N
U.S. Navy Ships-New Jersey
U.S. Navy Ships-O
U.S. Navy Ships-Ohio
U.S. Navy Ships-Oklahoma
U.S. Navy Ships-P
U.S. Navy Ships-P.C. Boats
U.S. Navy Ships-P.T. Boats
U.S. Navy Ships-Princeton
U.S. Navy Ships-Pueblo
U.S. Navy Ships-Q-R
U.S. Navy Ships-Repairs
U.S. Navy Ships-S
U.S. Navy Ships-Saratoga (Old and New)
U.S. Navy Ships-Savannah
U.S. Navy Ships-Sequoia
U.S. Navy Ships-Shaw
U.S. Navy Ships-Solace
U.S. Navy Ships-Solar
U.S. Navy Ships-St. Paul
U.S. Navy Ships-T
U.S. Navy Ships-U
U.S. Navy Ships-V
U.S. Navy Ships-W
U.S. Navy Ships-Washington
U.S. Navy Ships-Wasp
U.S. Navy Ships-West Virginia
U.S. Navy Ships-Wilmette
U.S. Navy Ships-Wisconsin
U.S. Navy Ships-XYZ
U.S. Navy Ships-Yorktown
U.S. Navy, Cleveland Finance Center
U.S. Navy-Bases and Operations
U.S. Navy-Equipment
U.S. Navy-General
U.S. Navy-Personnel
U.S. Navy-Personnel-Seabees
U.S. Navy-Ships-A
U.S. Navy-Waves (Womens Reserve)
U.S. Parachute Team
U.S. Realty Investments
U.S. Senate McCarthy Vs. Arms
U.S. Steel Corp.
U.S. Steel Supply Company
U.S. Transportation Dept.
U.S. Travel Service
U.S. Treasury Dept-Mints
U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Center
Ukranian American Youth Association
Ukranian Dance Company
Ultra Violet Light
Uncle Bill's Department Stores
Uncle Marty's Ice Cream Company
Uncle Sam (U.S. Symbol)
Unemployed Workers Organizing Committee
Unemployment-U.S. and General
Union Carbide Corp.
Union Carbide Metals Co.
Union Club
Union Commerce Bank
Union Commerce Bank Bldg.-Exterior
Union Commerce Bank Bldg.-Interior
Union Commerce Bank-Bank Holiday
Union Depot-Old
Union Elementary School
Union Elevator Co.
Union Gospel Press
Union Salt Co.
Union Savings Association
Union Savings Bank
Union Terminal-Construction Site
Union Terminal-Exterior
Union Terminal-Interior
Union Terminal-Switch House
Union Terminal-Tower
Union Terminal-Train Depot
Union Tower Supply Co.
Unitarian Society
United Airlines
United Automobile Workers Union
United Church of Christ (N. Olmsted)
United Farm Workers Union
United Food Brokers Association
United Jewish Appeal
United Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church
United Lumber Company
United Methodist Church-General
United Mine Workers Union
United Mortgage Service Company
United Nation Schoolhouse
United Nation-Groups-General
United Nations
United Nations Emergancy Force
United Nations International Children's Emergency
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
United Nations-Bldgs.-Exteriors
United Nations-Buildings-Interior
United Nations-Sessions-London and Paris
United Nations-Sessions-San Francisco
United Nations-Symbols
United Press International
United Service Organization (USO)
United States Armed Forces Induction
United States Armed Forces Insignias
United States Army Band
United States Army-Women's Corp. (WAC'S)
United States Border Patrol
United States Department Of Defense (Formerly
United States Glass
United States Merchant Marines
United States S.S.
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
United States Senate
United States Senate-Kefaver Committee
United States, Seal Of
United States, State Department
United States-Bureau of Standards
United Torch Services Inc.
United Torch-General
United Torch-Posters and Emblems Before 1978
United Way Services
Unity Lutheran Church (Pearl Road)
Unity Lutheran Elementary School
Universal Portland Cement Co.
Universe Drafting Machince Corp.
University Christian Movement
University Church of God
University Circle
University Circle Research Corp.
University Club (Cleveland, OH)
University Heights, Schools
University Heights-General
University Hospital, Animal Experiements
University Hospital-Buildings
University Hospital-General
University House
University of Chicago
University of Islam
University of Wisconsin
University School, General
University Settlement
University Settlement Camp
University Towers
University Without Walls
Up With People
Updowntown Group
Uptown Theatre
Upward Bound
Uranus (Planet)
Urban Community School
Urban League
Urban League Street Academy
Ursuline Academy and Convent
Ursuline College
Usair (Airlines)
Used Car Dealers
Utilities Building (Old)
Vaccination and Vaccines
Vacuum Cleaners
Valentines and Valentines Day
Valley City, OH
Valley Force Military Academy
Valley Forge Senior High School
Valley Forge Tavern
Valley Hills Mobile Home Park
Valley Lutheran Church (Chagrin Falls)
Valley View Community Center
Valley View Elementary School
Valley View Housing Project
Valley View Road
Valley View, OH
Valley Vista Elementary School
Value City Stores
Van Dorn Co.
Varnish Products Co.
Vassar College
Veendam, S.S.
Vending Machines
Veneral Disease
Venice, OH
Venus (Planet)
Vera Apartments
Verda Brobst Elementary School
Vermilion High School
Vermilion, OH
Vermont, University of
Versaille Motor Inn
Versailles, Treaty of
Veterans Administration Hospital-Brecksville
Veterans Administration Hospital-Wade Park
Veterans Administration-Cleveland
Veterans Assistance Center
Veterans Day
Veterans Information Center-Cleveland
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Vice President-Mondale Visits
Vice President-United States
Victor Bodie Tire Company
Victoreen Instrument Co.
Victoria Station
Victory Garden Committee
Victory Island
Victory Park School (So. Euclid)
Video Tapes and Player-Cassettes
Vienam-Peace Talks/Cease Fire
Vienna Choir Boys
Vietnam War-Atrocities
Vietnam-Drug Traffic
Vietnam-General-After Cease Fire
Vietnam-North Vietnam
Vietnam-Peace Marches-Cleveland Area
Vietnam-Peace Marches-General
Vietnam-Prisioners of War
Vietnam-Tom Tiede Christmas Visit 1966
Vietnam-Tonkin Gulf Incident
Vietnam-U.S. Green Beret
Viking Princess, M.S.
Vikings (Nordic Race
Villa Angela Academy
Villa East Apartments
Villa Serena Senior Citizens Apartments
Virgin Islands
Virgin Mary
Virgina (State)-General
Virginia Kendall State Park
Virginia, University Of
Virginia-Hot Springs
Virginia-Newport News
Virginia-Norfolk-MacArthur Memorial-Museum
Virginia-Skyline Drive
Virginia-Virginia Beach
Visiting Nurses Association (Perry House)
Vocational Development Center
Vocational Guidance and Rehabilitation Services
Voice of America
Volcanos-Mauna Loa
Volcanos-Mount St. Helens
Volcanos-Mt. Etna
Volcanos-Mt. Fujiyama
Volcanos-Mt. Pop Cateptl 'Popo'
Volcanos-Mt. Vesu Vius
Volunteers of America-General
Voting Machines
Vought-Sikorsky Aircraft Plant
Vultee Aircraft Corp.
W.E.B. DuBois Clubs of America
W.M. Pattison Supply Co.
W.S. Tyler Company
W.T. Grant Company
W.W. Ostman Tool and Die Co.
W.W. Sly MFG. Co.
Wade Apartments
Wade Park
Wade Park Aerial Views
Wade Park Apartments
Wade Park Avenue
Wade Park Elementary School
Wade Park Manor
Wade Park Spaghetti Inn
Wade Park/University Circle
Wade Tavern
Wadsworth, OH
Wadsworth-Rittman Hospital
Wager Beach
Wagner Awning Co.
Waite Hill, OH
Wake Island
Wakefield, OH
Wakeman, OH
Wall Street Journal
Walt Disney Productions
Waltham Industrial Center
Walton Elementary School
Walton Hills
Walworth Methodist Church
Walworth Run
Wan-el Tour Boat
War Bond Drives
War Memorial Fountain
War of 1812
Ward Banking Company
Waring Elementary School
Warner And Swasey Co.
Warner Elementary School
Warner Rd. Bridge
Warp Warold, Pioneer Village
Warren City MFG. Co.
Warren, Ohio
Warrensvile Heights Junior High School
Warrensville Center for the Mentally Retarded
Warrensville Center Synagogue
Warrensville Heights High School
Warrensville Heights OH-City Hall
Warrensville Heights, OH-General
Warrensville Infirmary
Warrensville Manor
Warrensville Manor Apartments
Warrensville Township, Ohio
Warrensville Workhouse
Wash Boards
Wash Tubs
Washing Machines
Washington (State)-General
Washington (State)-Seattle
Washington (State)-Tacoma
Washington D.C. -Elections
Washington D.C.-Airviews
Washington D.C.-Buildings
Washington D.C.-Capitol Building-Exterior
Washington D.C.-Capitol Building-Interior
Washington D.C.-Cathedrals, Churches, and
Washington D.C.-Constitution Hall
Washington D.C.-Demonstrations
Washington D.C.-Embassies
Washington D.C.-Ford Theatre
Washington D.C.-General
Washington D.C.-Government Departments
Washington D.C.-Government Departments
Washington D.C.-Government Departments
Washington D.C.-Government DepartmentsGeneral
Washington D.C.-Jefferson Memorial
Washington D.C.-Liberty of Congress
Washington D.C.-Lincoln Memorial
Washington D.C.-National Archives Building
Washington D.C.-Navy Yard
Washington D.C.-Parks, Cherry Blossoms
Washington D.C.-Pentagon
Washington D.C.-Railroad Stations and Subways
Washington D.C.-Statues and Memorials-General
Washington D.C.-Taft Memorial
Washington D.C.-Walter Reed Hospital
Washington D.C.-Washington Monuments
Washington D.C.-Watergate
Washington Federal Savings and Loan
Washington Park
Washington Park Bridge
Washington Park Elementary School
Washington S.S
Watches and Watchmakers
Water Division-Cleveland Watermain Breaks
Water Division-Sewage Disposal Plants-Easterly
Water Division-Sewage Disposal Plants-General
Water Division-Sewage Disposal Plants-Rocky
Water Division-Sewage Disposal Plants-Southerly
Water Division-Sewage Disposal Plants-Westerly
Water Division-Waterworks-Cleveland (Divison
Water Division-Waterworks-Cleveland-Baldwin
Filtration Plants
Water Division-Waterworks-Cleveland-Kinsman
Water Division-Waterworks-Cleveland-Nottingham
Water Division-Waterworks-Cribs (Lake Erie)
Water Division-Waterworks-Kirtland
Water Divison-Waterworks-Crown-Westlake
Water Divison-Waterworks-General
Water Fountains
Water Pipes
Water Pollution
Water Tower and Tanks
Waterfalls Gen.
Waterford, The (Condominum)
Watergate (Bugging Case)
Watkins Furniture Store
Watson Building
Watterson-Lake Elementary School
Watts Lee-Kenton
Waverly, Ohio
Wax Figures
Wayfares' Lodge
Wayne State University
Waynesburg, Ohio
Weapons, General
Weather Bureau
Weather Storms, General 1960-1969
Weather Storms, General 1970
Weather Storms, General, To 1949
Weather Storms-Cleveland and Ohio (1956)
Weather Storms-Cleveland and Ohio-Tornado (Sept
Weather Storms-Cleveland and Ohio-Willard, OH
Tornado 5-10-73
Weather Storms-Cleveland Area 1970
Weather Storms-General 1950-1959
Weather Storms-Lorain Tornado 1924
Weather, General
Weather, Storms
Weatherhead Company
Weaver Wall Company
Webb C. Ball Co.
Webber Co.
Webber Gage Company
Weber's Restaurant
Weddell House
Wedding Rings
Weight Lifting
Weights and Measures
Weiss Noodle Co.
Welfare Department-Cleveland
Welfare Foundation Cleveland
Welland Canal
Wellesley College Club
Wellington, Ohio
Wellman Engineering Company
Wells Fargo (See:Pony Express)
Welsh Home
Welsh Presbyterian Church
Welshfield Inn
Wendell, Bud
Wener G. Smith Inc.
Wesh High School
West Blvd. Christian Church
West Branch Resevoir and State Park
West Commerce High School
West Denison Elementary School
West End Laundry
West End Lumber Company
West Park
West Park Baptist Church
West Park Chevrolet, Inc.
West Park Slovenian National Home
West Park United Church Of Christ
West Point-General
West Point-Sports, Training and Marching
West Richfield, Ohio
West Salem, Ohio
West Shore Baptist Church (Rocky River)
West Shore Health Center
West Shore Players
West Shore Unitarian Church (Rocky River)
West Side Church of the Nazerene
West Side Community House
West Side Hungarian Reformed Church
West Side Hungarian Reformed Church
West Side Institute of Technology
West Side Irish American Club
West Side Market
West Side Multi-Service Center
West Side Opportunity Center
West Side Sachsenheim
West Side United Church of Christ
West Tech Delicatessen
West Technical High School
West View Lumber and Supply Company
West Virginia
Westerdam, S.S.
Westerly Apartments
Westerly Elementary School
Western Auto
Western College
Western Electric Co.
Western Reserve
Western Reserve Academy-Buildings
Western Reserve Academy-Groups
Western Reserve Building
Western Reserve Convalescent Home
Western Reserve Historical Society
Western Reserve Historical Society-Auto Aviation
Western Reserve Historical Society-Hale Farm
Western Reserve Kennel Club
Western Reserve Psychiatric Habilitation Center
(Formerly Hawthornden State Hospital)
Western Reserve University-Vallevue Farm
Western States, S.S.
Western Union
Westerville, Ohio
Westfalen, S.S.
Westgate Shopping Center
Westinghouse Electric Corp.
Westminster College
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Westshore Enforcement Bureau
Westview, Ohio
Westwood Country Club
Westwood Elementary School (Warrensville
Westwood Golf Course
Weymouth Valley Country Club
Weymouth, Ohio
Whales and Whaling
Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad
Whipps Ledges
Whiskey Island
Whist (Card Games
White City Amusement Park
White City Beach
White House Club
White House Exterior
White House General
White House Interior
White House Restaurant-Mentor, OH
White Motor Co.
White Sewing Machine Co.
Whitecliff Manor
Whitehall U.S.S.
Whitehaven Cemetary
Whitney Junior High School
Whitney Museum of American Art
Wigglesworth Machinery Company
Wilberforce University
Wilbur Wright Community Center Old Time Dance
Wilbur Wright Junior High School
Wildwood Marine and Automobile
Wildwood Opera
Wildwood Park
Wildwood Yacht Club
Wilhelm Gustloff, S.S.
Willard Elementary School
Willard Park
Willard Park Garage
Willard Storage Battery Co.
Willard, Ohio
Willey Avenue
William Cullen Bryant Elementary School
William Dean Howell Jr. High School
William Downing Company
William Edwards Co.
William Feather Co.
William Foster School (Garfield Heights)
William Grossman and Son Groceries
William H. Brett School
William H. McGuffey Elementary School
William Rainey Harper Elementary School
William Taylor Son and Co.
Williams Ford
Williamsburg U.S.S.
Williansom Building
Willis A. Lee U.S.S.
Willo Park Apartments
Willobee on the Lake
Willoughby Hills, Ohio
Willoughby Hills, Ohio Fire Dept.
Willoughby Junior High School
Willoughby Methodist Church
Willoughby South High School
Willoughby, Eastlake Schools-General
Willoughby, Ohio General
Willoughby, Ohio Municipal Court
Willoughby, Ohio-Airviews
Willoughby, Ohio-City Hall
Willoughby, Ohio-Police and Fire Dept.
Willoughby, Ohio-Streets
Willoughby, Ohio-Water and Sewers
Willow Elementary School
Willow Theater
Willowick Country Club
Willowick Little Theater
Willowick, Ohio Police and Fire Department
Willowick, Ohio-City Hall
Willowick, Ohio-General
Willowick, Ohio-Street Scenes
Willson Housing Project
Willson Junior High School
Willys-Overland Motors, Inc.
Wilson Dam
Wilson Mills Road, Bridge
Wilson School (Elementary)
Wilson's Mill (See:Valley View, Ohio)
Winchester Shooting Ctn.
Wind Tunnels
Windermere Methodist Episcopal Church
Windham, Ohio
Window Cleaners and Window Washers
Windsor Castle, S.S.
Wine and Food Society-Cleveland
Wine and Wineries
Winesburg, Ohio
Winslow Homes
Winter Clothes
Winter People Walking, Waiting, Falling Leaping
(Inc. Postman and Milkman)
Winter Snow Removal
Winter Sorms 1976-1977-Cleveland, Ohio
Winter Storms 1930/1940
Winter Storms 1977-1978 Cleveland, Ohio
Winter Storms 1978-1979 Cleveland and Ohio
Winter Storms Nov 25, 1950
Winter Storms-Feb 1, 1951
Winter Transportation
Winter-Animals in Snow
Winter-Damage-Snow and Wind
Winterhurst Ice Rink
Winter-Snow Scenes, Icicles, Frost
Winter-Storms-Feb. 1971
Winton Engine Co.
Winton Place Apts.
Wisconsin (State)
Witchcraft and Witches
Wittenburg University
Wohl's Restaurant
Wolf Creek
Wolf Envelope Co.
Wolf's Restaurant
Wolvenwright Knitting Co.
Wolverine, U.S.S.
Woman Space
Women-Careers (Working)
Women-Era (Equal Rights Amendment)
Women's Ad Club
Women's Benefit Association
Women's Christian Temperance Union
Women's City Club
Women's Federal Savings and Loan
Women's Hospital
Wood County, Ohio
Woodbine (School Board Ship)
Woodhill Homes
Woodland Avenue
Woodland Cemetary
Woodland Elementary School
Woodland Hill Elementary School
Woodland Hills Park
Woodland Recreation Center
Woodmen of the World Auxilary
Woodmere Village
Woodruff Hospital
Woodsfield, Ohio
Woolridge Elementary School
Wooster School (R.R.)
Wooster, College of
Wooster, Ohio-General
Work Project Administration-National
Workers Alliance
Workhouse (Old) E. 79th And Woodland
Workmen's Housing Corp.
Works Progress Administration-Art
Works Project Administration
World Council of Churches
World Court
World Economic Conference
World Food Day
World Journal Tribune Newspaper
World Publishing Co.
World Trade Union Conference
World Trade Week
World War I
World War I
World War I-Cemeteries
World War I-Cleveland
World War II-European Theater-Africa
World War II-European Theater-Air Battles-Gen.
World War II-European Theater-Albania
World War II-European Theater-Alsace
World War II-European Theater-Austria
World War II-European Theater-Belguim
World War II-European Theater-Concentration
World War II-European Theater-Concentration
World War II-European Theater-Concentration
World War II-European Theater-Concentration
World War II-European Theater-Czechoslovakia
World War II-European Theater-Denmark
World War II-European Theater-Elbe
World War II-European Theater-England-General
World War II-European Theater-England-London
World War II-European Theater-England-U.S.
World War II-European Theater-Finland
World War II-European Theater-France
World War II-European Theater-France-General
World War II-European Theater-France-Normany
World War II-European Theater-General (Inc.
World War II-European Theater-Germany-1945
World War II-European Theater-Germany-Cologne
World War II-European Theater-Greece
World War II-European Theater-Holland
World War II-European Theater-Ireland-U.S.
World War II-European Theater-Italy
World War II-European Theater-Norway
World War II-European Theater-Poland
World War II-European Theater-Prisioners(German)
World War II-European Theater-Prisioners-U.S.
World War II-European Theater-PrisonersRussian,Italian, British
World War II-European Theater-Russia
World War II-European Theater-Sea BattlesGeneral
World War II-European Theater-Sicily
World War II-European Theater-VE Day
World War II-European Theater-Yugoslavia
World War II-General And U.S.
World War II-General- War Brides (Cleveland and
World War II-General-Cemetaries
World War II-Germany-General
World War II-Pacific Theater-Air Battles-Gen.
World War II-Pacific Theater-Aleutains
World War II-Pacific Theater-Atrocities-Japan
World War II-Pacific Theater-Austrailia
World War II-Pacific Theater-Borneo
World War II-Pacific Theater-Burma
World War II-Pacific Theater-China
World War II-Pacific Theater-General (Inc. Maps)
World War II-Pacific Theater-Gilbert Islands
World War II-Pacific Theater-Guam
World War II-Pacific Theater-Iwo Jima
World War II-Pacific Theater-Japan-General
World War II-Pacific Theater-Marshall Islands-Inc.
World War II-Pacific Theater-New Britian
World War II-Pacific Theater-New Guinea
World War II-Pacific Theater-Okinawa
World War II-Pacific Theater-Palau Islands
World War II-Pacific Theater-Pearl Harbor
World War II-Pacific Theater-Philippines (Inc.
World War II-Pacific Theater-Prisioners-Japanese
World War II-Pacific Theater-PrisionersU.S.(Pacific)
World War II-Pacific Theater-Saipan
World War II-Pacific Theater-Sea Battles-General
World War II-Pacific Theater-Solomon Islands
World War II-Pacific Theater-V.J. Day (Japan)
World War II-Pacific Theater-V.J. Day (Japan)General
World War II-Roll of Honor (Greater Cleveland)
World War II-Share the Ride
World War II-U.S. War Production Board
World War II-Wounded
World Year Committee
Wright Aeronautical Corp.
Wright Airlines
Wright Building (Erieview)
Wright Nursing Center
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Yachts and Yachting
Yale University
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Lake Villiage, O
Yap Island
Yarmouth Castle, S.S.
Yarmouth, S.S.
Yavne School For
Ye Old Stage House
Yellow Cab Co.
Yellow Springs, Ohio
Yoder Company
York Lumber Supplies and Development Co.
You Are Cabaret
Young Americans for Freedom
Young Mens Christian Assn. (YMCA)
Young Womens Christan Assn.
Young Womens Christian Assn.-Buildings
Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co.
Youngstown State University
Youngstown Vindicator (Newspaper)
Youngstown, Ohio
Zanesville, Ohio
Zayre (Store)
Zenith Radio Corp.
Zephyr Room
Ziegler Metal Finishes, Inc.
Zion Hill Baptist Church
Zion Lutheran Church (E. 30 Street)
Zion Lutheran Church (Maple Hts, OH)
Zion United Church of Christ
Zoar, Ohio