MADISONVILLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE BIO 137 SYLLABUS Fall 2009 COURSE: BIO 137 36880 & 36896, 43512 & 36896, 43515 & 36909 COURSE TITLE: Anatomy and Physiology I CREDIT HOURS: 4 PREREQUSITES: Reading, English and mathematics assessment scores above KCTCS developmental levels or successful completion of the prescribed developmental course(s). INSTRUCTOR: Marlena West Telephone - 270 824 1828 for voice mail e-mail: OFFICE HOURS: Room 133 JCD 4:30-6:00 MW, 1:00-3:00 T, Thursday and Friday by appointment. TEXTBOOKS REQUIRED: Human Anatomy and Physiology, John W. Hole, 12th ed., William C. Brown. Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, Terry R. Martin, McGraw Hill SUPPLIES: A supply of non-sterile gloves is recommended. One preserved rat for dissection will be needed per pair of students. COURSE DESCRIPTION: The interrelationship of structure and function of each body system will be presented in two semesters. The first semester will include basic chemistry, cell structure, cell physiology, tissues, and integumentary, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. Lecture 3 hrs. Lab 2 hrs. PREREQUSITES: Reading, English and Mathematics assessment exam scores above KCTCS developmental placement level or successful completion of the prescribed developmental course(s). COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of BIO 137 & BIO 139, the student can: 1. Explain, basic principles of inorganic and organic chemistry as they apply to physiological process 2. Describe basic cell structure and physiology, 3 Describe the structure and function of major tissue type, 4. Recognize the complementarity of structure and function, 5. Describe basic metabolic processes of organ systems, 6. Explain the interrelationships between organ systems, 7. Explain the major homeostatic mechanisms utilized in each body system in response to internal and external environmental changes, and 8. Explain physiological and anatomical mechanisms of common dysfunctions. GENERAL EDUCATION COMPETENCIES: All courses, which fulfill General Education requirements are required to address the following competencies. The following also provides examples of how the student will demonstrate each competency for assessment. Communicate Effectively Course objective: The student will read and listen with comprehension, speak and write clearly using standard English, interact cooperatively with others using both verbal and non-verbal means and demonstrate information processing through basic computer skills. Outcome Assessment: Reading skills will be assessed by reading test, quizzes, textbooks, and scientific journals, and popular literature in preparing assignments. Writing will be evaluated by examination of student writing assignments, including quizzes, critical thinking exercises, lab reports and a take home exam. Effective communication will be assessed through such activities as paired and group activities in lecture and laboratory. Assessment of computer skills will occur in a number of laboratory exercises and report preparation. Think Critically College QEP Definition: Critical thinking is the practice of the skills of inquiry: to seek or encounter new knowledge, to analyze and synthesize in response to that knowledge, and to draw sound conclusions based upon acceptable reasons supported by objective evidence. Course objective: The student will demonstrate problem solving through interpreting, integration of knowledge, analyzing, evaluating and deduction. The student will use mathematics to organize, analyze, and synthesize data to solve a problem or formulate a course of treatment. Outcome Assessment: Assessment of critical thinking will involve observation of student’s evaluating and explaining results of various lab experiments. The information gathered will be effectively presented using mathematics and /or various computer skills. On the take home exam, the student’s ability to analyze information provided, draw reasonable conclusions and propose a plan of action to correct a problem will be assessed. Learn Independently Course objective: The student will use appropriate search strategies and resources to find evaluate, and use information. Outcome Assessment: Assessment of independent learning will be measured by tests, quizzes, writing assignments, by answering “Critical Thinking “ questions for each organ system and by successful completion of the take home final. The student will demonstrate making ethical choices by avoiding the penalties of plagiarism. Examine Relationships in Diverse and Complex Environments Course objective: The student will demonstrate an awareness of the relationship of the individual to the biological and physical environment and develop an awareness of self as an individual member of a multicultural global community. Outcome Assessment: Assessment of the student’s demonstration of an awareness of the impact of the internal and external environment upon the human body will occur through the completion of course assignments. The student will evaluate the obligations of the health care provider as well as the individual to the local and global community. POLICIES & PROCEDURES -LECTURE 1. Attendance - Regular attendance is strongly recommended! The volume of material covered daily and the dreaded quizzes dictate regular attendance in order to maintain a satisfactory grade. 2. Absolutely no smoking in classroom or laboratory. 3. Withdrawal Policy - as stated in current catalog. After mid-term, October 5, 2009 the grade of W will only be given after individual consideration. You may not withdraw after December 4, 2009. 4. Grade Policy - Grade scale is on a ten (10) point scale as follows: 90 - 100 = A 80 - 89 = B 70 - 79 = C 60 - 69 = D Below 60 = E An 89.4 is a B and an 89.5 is an A. 5. Test and Examination - Make-up exams will NOT be given. You will be allowed to drop one lecture test grade. Should you need to miss a test that will be the grade dropped. Missing a second test will result in a grade of zero on that test. A series of quizzes will be averaged to equal a test grade. This grade may not be used as the drop grade. You will be expected to arrive promptly to take examinations since instructions may be given before the test that will NOT be repeated for latecomers. Quizzes will not be made up or given to latecomers. 6. Lecture Grade - There will be five hour exams, a final exam, and a test grade for the above mentioned quizzes as well as a grade for the on-line lecture assignments. The final will have a value of 200 points; all other exams will be valued at 100 points. The average of these grades will make-up seventy-five percent of the grade for the course. The final average from the laboratory will count twenty-five percent. Lecture test will consist primarily of objective type questions and some essay questions taken from the text and lecture material. Reading of text chapters is essential. The student is responsible for ALL the maternal in assigned chapters. All students must take the 200 point comprehensive final. This score may not be used as the drop grade. 7. On-Line Chapter Assignments – Students are required to complete specific on-line assignments from the website provided with the textbook for each chapter covered. These grades will be averaged and will be counted as a lecture test grade. 8. Snow Policy – Please refer to the MCC Schedule for the Snow Policy. 9. Student Code of Conduct – Students are expected to conform to the Student Code of Conduct. The code is available at POLICIES & PROCEDURES - LABORATORY 1. You will be given a “Laboratory Safety Handout.” You will be responsible for conducting yourself according to the procedures outlined in that handout. 2. Lab work will consist of material taken from the Laboratory Manual and any additional information assigned. Lab exercises must be read and all review sheets completed before lab. 3. The student must visit and complete the pre-lab questions before attending a lab. These assignments will not be accepted if completed after the lab meets. Following the laboratory and before the next class meeting the student must revisit the web site and complete the post-lab questions. These quiz points along with a grade for completion of the lab report forms will be counted as a lab test grade. 4. Lab work may only be submitted if the student attends lab. 5. There will be five lab exams per semester. Depending on the material covered, they may be written or practical types. No make-up exams or make-up quizzes will be given. Lab attendance is essential. Lab grades will be computed as follows: 500 points 5 lab exams 100 points pre and post lab question points & Lab Reports 600 points TOTAL Your lab grade will count as 1/4 or 25% of your total BIO 137 grade. If you have a documented disability and wish to request any type of accommodation, you are required to register with the Disabilities Coordinator. Contact Valerie Wolfe, Disability Resource Coordinator. BIO 137 Fall 2009 LECTURE Assignment M 8/17 Class Organization & LABORATORY Assignment Orientation to Lab/Computer Safety & Metric Handout Introduction W 8/19 Body Organization Read Chapter 1 and Lab Exercises #1 Scientific complete the pre-test Method and Measurement and the Negative Feedback animation quiz. M 8/24 Chemistry-Atomic Structure Read Chapter 2 pg. 50—61 and complete the pre-test W 8/26 ChemistryReactions and Liquid Mixtures Complete assigned chemistry problems on Chemistry Handout M 8/31 Acids, Bases, Buffers & pH Complete assigned chemistry problems on Chemistry Handout *LAB EXAM I W 9/2 Proteins & Enzymes Read pg.64-68 and pg. 117-119 Chemistry lab Part I Introduction to Skeletal Structure M 9/7 LABOR DAY Read Ex. 1 complete the on-line pre-test and complete any parts of the Lab Report that you can (reminder the post-test is due before lab on 8/24) Read Ex. 2 complete the *Metric Quiz Exercise #2 Body on-line pre-test and Organization & Terminology complete any part of the Lab Report that you can. (reminder ex 2 post-test is due before lab on 8/26) Rat Dissection Complete Handout on rat organs/systems/locations/ and functions ACADEMIC HOLIDAY W 9/9 Carbohydrates and Lipids Read pg.61- 64 and 6869 *Bone Quiz M 9/14 Nucleic Acids DNA/RNA Review all of chapter 2 and complete the chapter post-test Lab Exercises 12 & 17 Bones Chemistry lab Part II Read Ex. 13 complete the on-line pre-test and complete any part of the Lab Report that you can. Chapter 7 of the text has interactive diagrams for study Read Ex. 12 &17 complete the on-line pretests and complete any part of the Lab Reports that you can. Lab exercises 14, 15 & 16 Bones W 9/16 *EXAM I M 9/21 Cell Structure Read Chapter 3 and complete the pre-test W 9/23 Cell Physiology Membrane Transport Lab exercises 18 &19 and More Bones Read Ex. 14, 15 & 16 complete the on-line pretests and complete any part of the Lab Reports that you can. Also view the A& P video on skull Read Ex. 18 & 19 complete the on-line pretests and complete any parts of the Lab Reports that you can. View 17 A&P animations on joint movement *LAB EXAM II (BONES) M 9/28 Double Entry Journal From the text’s web site chapter 3 complete the animations under Study Tools and associated quizzes. No Lab Read Ex. 5 complete the on-line pretest. Complete Procedure B Phils lesson 2 and the Phils post lab quiz also remember to complete Lab Report and the posttest W 9/30 Double Entry Journal From the text’s web site chapter 4 complete the animations under Study Tools and associated quizzes. No Lab Read Ex. 6 complete the on-line pretest. Complete Procedure E Phils lesson 1 and the Phils post lab quiz also remember to complete Lab Report and the posttest M 10/5 Protein Synthesis & Cellular Respiration Complete chapter 3 and 4 post-test Lab Ex 7 Cell Cycle Read Ex. 7 complete the on-line pretest and complete any parts of the Lab Report that you can. Lab Ex. 4 Microscope Read Ex. 4 complete the on-line pretest and complete any parts of the Lab Report that you can. Before coming to lab view the Lab Cam Video W 10/7*EXAM II OCTOBER 12 - 17 FALL BREAK ACADEMIC HOLIDAY M 10/19 Histology Read Chapter 5 and complete the pretest Lab Ex. 8, 9 & 10 Tissue Types Read Ex. 8, 9 & 10 complete the on-line pretests and complete any parts of the Lab Reports that you can. W 10/21 Integumentary System Read Chapter 6 and complete the pretest Lab Ex. 11 Integumentary MUSCLE HANDOUT Read Ex. 11 complete the on-line pretest and complete any part of the lab report that you can. M 10/26 Muscle Physiology Read Chapter 9 pg 284305 and complete the pretest. Double Entry Journal and Posttest for chapters 5and 6 due before lab exam Continued Tissue Study Lab Ex. 22 and 24 Read Ex. 22 & 24 complete the on-line pretest and complete any part of the lab report that you can. * LAB EXAM III Complete post test for Ex. 22 & 24 W 10/28 Muscle Contraction Double Entry Journal Complete the 9 animations under Study Tools and associated quizzes M 11/2 Nervous System I Read chapter 10 pg 353- *1/3 LAB EXAM IV 365 Part A Ex. 23 Complete post test for Ex. 22 & 24 Read Ex 23, complete the on-line pretest and complete any part of the lab report that you can. W 11/4 Action Potential & Impulse Conduction Complete reading chapter 10 and the online pretest. Complete the 3 animations under Study Tools and associated quizzes. Double Entry Journal Ex. 20 Muscle Structure and Function Read Ex. 20, complete the on-line pretest quiz, complete Part D. Phils Lesson 4 and the Phils post lab quiz and any part of the lab report that you can complete M 11/9 Neuromuscular Junction Double Entry Journal *1/3 LAB EXAM IV Part B Ex. 25 Complete post test for Ex. 23 Read Ex 25 complete the on-line pretest and complete any part of the lab report that you can. W 11/11 *LECTURE EXAM III Complete posttest for chapters 9 & 10 Ex. 27 Nervous Tissue and Nerves Read Ex 25 complete the on-line pretest and complete lab report M 11/16 Nervous system II Read pg 382-397 *1/3 LAB EXAM IV Part C Ex. 28 Spinal Cord and Meninges Read Ex. 28 complete the pretest and lab report W 11/18 Nervous system II Read pg 398-423 Ex. 29 Reflex Arc and Reflexes1 Read Ex. 29 complete the pretest and the lab report M 11/23 Nervous System II ANS Read pg. 423-431 Complete Pretest for Chapter 11 Study for quiz over autonomic nervous system Ex. 30 Spinal Cord & Nerves Read Ex.30 complete the pretest and the lab report M 11/23 ABSOLUTE DEADLINE FOR TURNING IN TAKE HOME EXAM W11/29 Nervous System III Senses Read Chapter 12 pg 437-450 Ex. 35 Eye structure and dissection M 11/30 Nervous System III Read pg 451-477 Complete pretest and Senses Complete the animation under Study Tools and associated quiz . W 12/2 *LECTURE EXAM IV M 12/7 *FINAL EXAM ALL SYUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO TAKE THE FINAL Complete Posttests chapters 11 and 12 Read Ex. 35 complete the pretest and lab report Ex. 36 Visual test and 37 Ear Read Ex. 36 & 37 complete the pretest and and Hearing lab reports *LAB EXAM V and self evaluation of Lab Manual Reports before submission