ACADEMIC Biology Final Exam & Keystone Review Sheet To access your understanding of Biology you will participate in two formal assessments. The Biology Keystone Exam given by the state of Pennsylvania and the Final Exam given by Central Bucks School District. Both tests will require preparation. The Keystone exam will be given in a few weeks before the end of the semester in class. It consists of two parts. Each part includes multiple choice and essay questions. The final exam will occur in the last week of the semester. It consists of 50 multiple choice questions. The exam makes up 10% of your overall grade. The study guide below is designed to help you prepare for both of these assessments. It is very important that you take them seriously! Studying is not an option, it is required. On each due date you must have completed: (1) detailed answers to the study guide questions (they do not have to be in sentences, just detailed, and they must be on a separate sheet of paper), and/or (2) the Quia quiz(zes). Each Quia quiz will be recorded as a formative grade. You may take the quizzes as many times as you like. # 1 2 Study Guide Section Cell Physiology Cell Energy 3 Molecules of Life 4 Genetics Quia Quiz Keystone: Cell Physiology Review Quiz Keystone: Cell Energy Review Quiz Keystone: Biochemistry Review Quiz 6 Ecology and Evolution Embryology Keystone: Genetics Review Quiz Keystone: Evolution Review Quiz & Keystone: Ecology Review Quiz No Quia Quiz 7 Microbiology No Quia Quiz 5 Due Date Cell Physiology 1. Make a Venn diagram comparing prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Provide at least 6 pieces of information in the diagram. Give an example of each. 2. What is the function of each of the following organelles? a. Nucleus** e. Chloroplasts** b. Plasma Membrane** f. Vacuoles** c. Ribosomes g. Cell wall d. Mitochondrion **Be able to identify/label these organelles in a plant or animal cell. 3. What organelles listed in #52 are found in most prokaryotic cells? 4. What organelles are present in a plant cell that are absent in an animal cell? 5. What are the levels of organization from simplest to most complex? 6. Create a table comparing active and passive transport. Include the following information: 1) what direction is the concentration gradient? 2) Is energy required? 3) what is the goal of this process? 4) what are the examples? 7. Draw a phospholipid bilayer (include 8 phospholipids total) and label the hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions. Which area(s) would be exposed to water? 8. Draw an example and describe what would happen in cells of the following solutions: hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic. a. What type of passive transport is occurring in these examples? b. What is moving in and out of the cell in each of these 3 scenarios? 9. What is the meaning of homeostasis? Cell Energy (photosynthesis and respiration): 10.Draw the structure of ATP and ADP and label the parts. What is the difference in structure between these two molecules? Which one is higher in energy? 11.Compare and contrast the chloroplast and mitochondrion. (What types of organisms contain each? Single or double membrane? What is its function – what process occurs here?) 12.How are cellular respiration and photosynthesis similar? Different? Molecules of Life (biochemistry) 13.What element is the basis for organic chemistry? 14.Make a table that lists the follow organic compound and identifies: 1) monomers, 2) polymers, and 3) major function(s) in the body. In doing so include the following vocabulary: Cellulose, Polypeptide, Polysaccharide, Glycerol and fatty acids, Starch, Phospholipids, Glucose, and Simple sugars a. Carbohydrate b. Lipids d. Nucleic acids s c. Proteins 15.Draw water. Label the elements and charges that make up water. 16.Explain the difference between polar and non-polar molecules. Include the terms hydrophilic and hydrophobic. Also include at least one example of a polar and non-polar molecule. 17.Explain acids and bases using the pH scale. 18.What is the function of enzymes? List some specific names of enzymes – what do the names have in common? 19.Define a catalyst. Genetics (includes information from: cell division, DNA & protein synthesis, and genetics unit) 20.Describe the shape and composition of a DNA molecule. 21.What are the complementary base pair rules for DNA to DNA? How are complementary bases bonded? 22.What is a codon? What does it code for? How many letters make up each codon? 23.If you were given the following mRNA sequence (UUC GUU GGA ACC), what would be the amino acid sequence and DNA template? (use the genetic code provided here) 24.What is the difference between a gene and chromosome mutation? 25.Define substitution, deletion and insertion mutations. 26.Describe transcription and translation. Where does each step occur? 27.Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis. a. Include general drawings of each type of cell division using 4 chromosomes. b. What must occur prior to the cells dividing? c. If a cell starts with 50 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would there be after mitosis? After meiosis? 28.Define the following terms: a. Genotype d. Heterozygous Be careful to answer with b. Phenotype e. Dominant what they are asking for! c. Homozygous f. Recessive 29.How are the following words related? DNA, gene, RNA, protein, trait 30.Complete the following genetics crosses: a. Monohybrid Heterozygote Parents (Tt x Tt) b. Determine the parents genotypes and perform a punnett square for the following problem. Blonde hair is dominant to brown. Two parents are mated one with blonde hair and one with brown, and some of their children end up with blonde and some with brown. c. Dihybrid Heterozygote Parents (TtYy x TtYy) d. A colorblind male with a female carrier. (Hint: colorblindness is x linked recessive) e. A Red snapdragon with a pink snapdragon. (Hint: RR = red, rr = white, Rr = pink is the heterozygote showing incomplete dominance.) Ecology (only on the Keystone Exam) 31.Differentiate between: organism, population, community, ecosystem and biosphere. 32.What is the difference between a biotic and abiotic factor? 33.Why does the amount of energy available to organisms decrease as you move up the energy pyramid? 34.What is the difference between a food chain and a food web? 35.Define the following terms: predation, symbiosis, parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism. 36.What is ecological succession? Evolution (only on the Keystone Exam) 37.What is natural selection? 38.How does natural selection impact allele frequency? 39.New species are formed by genetic drift. a. What is genetic drift? b. What is the founder effect? c. Differentiate between the following types of isolation: Geographic, Habitat, Mechanical, Behavioral, Gametic, Temporal, and Reproductive 40.What is the difference between convergent and divergent evolution? 41.List 4 pieces of evidence for evolution. Embryology (only on the Final Exam) 42.What is the benefit of sexual reproduction? 43.What is the difference between diploid and haploid cells? Classify somatic cells and gametes as each of these. 44.If a skin cell of an animal had 52 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would be in an egg cell from this species? 45.What is a karyotype? How can you tell a female from a male? 46.What is nondisjunction? a. What is another name for down syndrome? Describe what the karyotype would look like. 47.Place the following words in chronological order & then define them: a. Fertilization e. Implantation i. Embryo b. Blastula f. Morula j. Fetus c. Gastrula g. Cleavage d. Zygote h. Gastrulation 48.What are stem cells? 49.What is differentiation? 50.What is the role of the placenta? Microbiology (only on the Final Exam) 51.Compare and contrast bacteria and viruses. What do they have in common? What are differences between them? 52.How do some bacteria help humans? 53.What are antibiotics? What are they used to treat? 54.What is antibiotic resistance? How/why does it occur? 55.Why do you have to get some vaccines every year instead of only once? 56.Describe the structure of a virus. What are the 2 main parts? 57.What is a retrovirus?