CES Tracking Progress Marksheets In addition to standard Capita

CES Tracking Progress
EIS Resources
Overview of Functionality
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Last updated: 19/11/2010
CES Marksheets Overview of Functionality.doc
CES Tracking Progress Marksheets
In addition to standard Capita marksheets (CES Tracking Progress, CES Convert KS1/KS2 and CES Year
on Year), EIS have also created additional templates which are available for download from our
website (Assessment button left of home page).
Below is a summary of the function of each of the different type of marksheet:
CES Attainment & Progress – these marksheets provide statutory data at each Key Stage as
well as summer TP Actual results in each subject. The marksheets will calculate the progress
from the beginning of each Key Stage (Years 1-2 – Year 1 Autumn; Years 3-6 – Year 2
Summer) and a grade is awarded to show whether they are On Track to meet national
progress standards. Each TP Actual summer result is also measure against national
benchmarks and a grade is awarded to show whether attainment is Below, Average or
Above national attainment standards. Progress is also shown from one summer to the next,
as well as from KS1 Teacher Assessment for years 3-6.
2. CES Average Points - these marksheets provide an average points score on a termly basis for
all the core subjects and will award a progress grade if progress has been made from one
term to the next.
3. CES Convert KS1/KS2 - these marksheets will convert summer Teacher Assessments from the
CES Tracking Progress marksheets (see below) and copy the data to the statutory KS1/KS2
wizards. Note that Science is excluded from this process at KS1 and both Science and Maths
at KS2.
4. CES Progress Analysis Year # - these marksheets will calculate points progress from one term
to the next in each subject. The points are then converted to grades with the equivalent
points progress shown (eg. -2, +4), in order that grade distribution graphs may be generated.
In addition each pupil is also awarded a Progress Y/N grade, allowing for generation of grade
distribution showing percentage that made progress.
5. CES Progress KS1 to KS2 TA/Test – these marksheets will calculate points progress from the
KS1 Teacher Assessments to either KS2 Teacher Assessment or Test result.
6. CES Progress Y# to Y# Termly All Subjects - these marksheets will calculate cumulative points
progress on a termly basis in all subjects, showing progress from previous summer
(excluding Year 1) to Autumn, then to Spring then to current Summer.
7. CES Progress Y# to Y# Summer All Subjects - these marksheets will calculate points progress
from one summer to the next in each subject. From Year 3 onwards also calculate progress
from KS1.
8. CES Target Setting - these marksheets show previous end of Key Stage data, previous
summer Teacher Assessment and generated expected attainment for end of current year
(excluding Year 1); teacher can then use this information as basis for target setting. From
Year 3 onwards FFT Band D Estimates also displayed.
9. CES Tracking Progress - these marksheets are designed to display target for year, record
teacher assessments and measure attainment against target.
10. CES Year on Year Data Review - these marksheet provide teacher assessments for end of
each year from Year R to Year 6 in each subject.
CES Tracking Progress Tracking Grids
Below is a summary of the function of each of the different types of Tracking Grid:
1. SIMS Actual vs Target – this grid will provide a comparison of individual pupil teacher
assessments versus their individual targets. The columns should be set to populate the
Teacher Assessment by select the appropriate TP [subject] from the Assessment dropdown
list. The rows should be set to populate the appropriate Target, to achieve this, right click on
the row heading, click on Select Assessment for Rows and select the Target you wish to use.
2. SIMS Reviewed Progress – this grid will allow a comparison between attainment in a subject
at two different terms to evaluate the progress that has been made. Choose the subject
from the Assessment dropdown. Right-click on the rows heading and choose Select Result
Set and choose the Result Set (term) for your starting point. Right-click on the columns
heading and choose Select Result Set and choose the Result Set (term) for the end point.
3. SIMS Reviewed Progress Y# to Y# – this grid will allow a comparison between attainment in a
subject at two different terms to evaluate the progress that has been made. Choose the
subject from the Assessment dropdown. Right-click on the rows heading and choose Select
Result Set and choose the Result Set (TP Year 2 Summer Term) for your starting point. Rightclick on the columns heading and choose Select Result Set and choose the Result Set (term)
for the end point. The grey cells highlight progress expected between the two years based
on national progress expectations.
4. SIMS Termly Progress Made Y# - this grid is designed to work with data calculated in the CES
Progress Analysis marksheets. This will display the percentage of pupils awarded Y or N
progress grades, when looking at progress from one term to the next in a particular subject.
5. SIMS Termly PtsProgress Y# - this grid is designed to work with data calculated in the CES
Progress Analysis marksheets. This will show the percentage of pupils making certain
amounts of progress from one term to the next, eg. +2 points, +4 points, in a particular
6. SIMS Termly Tracking Y# - this grid will display attainment for each term within a year for a
particular subject, showing attainment for the previous summer where available. The grey
target cells represent the national age appropriate benchmarks.
7. SIMS Year Group Tracking Y1-6 - this grid will display the most recent attainment for a
particular subject, for each year group in school. The grey target cells represent the national
age appropriate benchmarks.