HTML Introduction

Bringing it Together: Finding, Evaluating and
Organizing Information
HTML Introduction – An Express Introduction to Web Page Design
The Basics:
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.
HTML is the basis for most pages found on the web.
HTML tells your internet browser how to display a page.
HTML code can be written on a basic text editor such as notepad, or by using a
WYSIWYG editor such as Macromedia DreamWeaver or FrontPage.
HTML files must have an html or htm file extension on their name.
HTML uses “tags” which are found between these brackets < > as in the simple
example below:
<title>Your page title goes here.</title>
This is my first web page. <b>This text is in bold.</b>
Note: Each tag has an opening tag like <title> and a closing tag like </title>. There are
exceptions to this rule, but mostly this is the case for every tag.
Exercise 1:
1. Launch the Notepad application found on the Start menu, under All
Programs\Accessories. Insert your diskette and open the file named
a:\htmlexample.html using Notepad.
2. Change the title of the page (between <title> and </title>) to anything you
want, and type whatever you want in between <body> and </body> but don’t
mess with the tags.
3. Save.
4. Launch Internet Explorer and then Open/Browse… and find and open your
document -- A:\htmlexample.html .
The Public Health Information Partners (PHIP) project is funded by the National Library of Medicine under NLM contract N01-LM-1-3521 with the
National Networks of Library of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region, Region 1. M. Ascher 5/1/06
Basic HTML Tags
specifies an HTML document
defines section of document that does not appear in browser
defines title of page – important as this is what will show up in search results
(Google, etc.)
defines the document’s body – everything here will appear in the browser
large headline; <h6> is the smallest headline
paragraph – inserts a blank line between
inserts a single line break
inserts a horizontal rule – or dividing line
inserts a table
inserts a table row
inserts a table cell
<body bgcolor=”######” > or <body bgcolor=”red”> sets background color using hexadecimal
value or color name
<font face=”Arial” size=”3” color=”red”> sets font attributes
<p align=”center”>, <td align=”center”> centers the paragraph or table cell text
Text Format
Example: <a href=>Health Sciences Library</a>
defines an unordered list
defines an ordered list
defines a list item
Example: <img src="redribbon.gif" alt="AIDS Ribbon">
The Public Health Information Partners (PHIP) project is funded by the National Library of Medicine under NLM contract N01-LM-1-3521 with the
National Networks of Library of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region, Region 1. M. Ascher 5/1/06
The following file can be found on your diskette – htmlexample2.html :
<title>More fun stuff to do with html</title>
<body bgcolor="ffffff" text="green"><font face="arial" size="3">
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<h2>This is a smaller heading</h2>
<h3>This is an even smaller heading</h3>
<h4>This is a really small heading</h4>
<h5>This is a heading that's barely even a heading</h5>
<h6>This is a ridiculously small heading</h6>
<p>This is a paragraph</p>
<p>This is another paragraph</p>
<hr>That was a horizontal rule.
<br><br><br>We just inserted three blank lines.
<!-- This is a comment. It won't show up in your document -->
<p><font face="verdana" size="5" color="red">I changed the font face, color, and size for this
<p align="center">Number of participants in today's class from each county.</p>
<table width="90%" cellspacing="0"border="1" align="center">
<tr bgcolor="pink"><td align="center">Putnam</td><td align="center">Dutchess</td><td
<tr><td align="center">1</td><td align="center">6</td><td align="center">8</td></tr>
<p>And for our grand finale for this document -- a couple links in a list:<ul>
<li><a href="">Orange
County Department of Health</a>
<li><a href="">Putnam County
Department of Health</a>
County Department of Health</a></ul>
Exercise 2:
1) Change the background color to yellow, the text color to black. 2) And add a
link to New York Medical College at the bottom of your list. 3) View in Internet Explorer.
The Public Health Information Partners (PHIP) project is funded by the National Library of Medicine under NLM contract N01-LM-1-3521 with the
National Networks of Library of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region, Region 1. M. Ascher 5/1/06