`Office of the Provost/EVP- 9/12/11/sp 2011-2012 Academic Roster EXT 4206 4321 4370 4407 6934 4208 4372 4309 4343 4542 4430 4204 4262 6939 4338 4361 4321 4378 4356 4442 4373 4526 4265 4518 4350 4398 4584 4360 4369 4379 4468 4468 4264 6949 4546 4387 4481 4249 4327 4385 4325 4384 6945 4215 4329 4364 4374 4326 4525 4392 4427 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS PROVOST’S COUNCIL Dr. Leslie T. Lambert Dr. John W. Bruton Dr. Jason D. Powell Dr. Kevin P. Reilly Dr. Christine H. Stinson Dr. Gail L. Summer FULL-TIME FACULTY Mr. Justin James Allen Dr. Norma Faye Angel Dr. Gary L. Angel Dr. Chris R. Aylesworth Ms. Peggie R. Barker Dr. Rathin Basu Ms. Nancy S. Beach Mr. Shawn David Bethke Mr. Harold Wayne Bowman Dr. Daniel Alan Bowman Dr. John W. Bruton Dr. George T. Byrd Mr. John Curtis Carey Mr. Daniel W. Caston Mr. Keith M. Cooley Dr. Jack W. Corvin, Jr. Ms. S. Susan Crow Mr. Jeffery D. Dalton Ms. Karen A. Duddy Dr. Carl A. Durant Dr. Bryan L. Faulkner Dr. Todd S. Fredericksen Dr. Michaela A. Gazdik Mr. R. Anthony Giesen Dr. Katherine J. Goff Dr. Jasmine M. Goodnow Dr. M. Katherine Grimes Dr. Laura L. Grochowski Mr. Edward E. Groth Dr. Luke Haile Ms. Martha Haley-Bowling Dr. Edmond D. Hally Dr. Tina L. Hanlon Dr. Shannon B. Hardwicke Dr. Allison L. Harl Ms. Beth A. Harper Dr. Delia R. Heck Ms. Karen M.S. Hiltz Dr. David B. Howell Dr. David M. Johnson Mr. Jobriath S. Kauffman Dr. John V. Kitterman Mr. Matthew F. LaRose Dr. Billy J. Long Mr. George W. Loveland RANK and/or TITLE SCH OFFICE LOCATION Provost and Executive Vice President Dean, School of Arts and Humanities (HUM) Dean, School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM) Interim Dean, School of Social Sciences and Professional Studies (SSC) Associate Provost and Chief Information Officer Dean, Academic Planning and Programs HUM NSM SSC JWH JWH JWH 103 Britt 201 Garber 224 Roberts 15 JWH 102 JWH 105 Instructor of Mathematics and Coordinator of Mathematics Center NSM Professor of Business SSC Professor of Philosophy HUM Assistant Professor of Biology and Director of Professional Health Science NSM Associate Professor of Library Science and Dir. of LibraryTechnical Services SSC Professor of Economics SSC Assistant Professor and Director of Disability Services SSC Assistant Professor of Library Science and Public Services Librarian HUM Professor of Theatre Arts; Director of Performing and Visual Arts Operations HUM Associate Professor of Physics; Co-Director QEP for Campus NSM Professor of English; Dean, School of Arts and Humanities HUM Associate Professor of Agriculture NSM Instructor of English HUM Instructor Recreation Leadership; Coordinator of the Ferrum Outdoors Prgm. SSC Instructor of Mathematics NSM Assistant Professor of Philosophy HUM Assistant Professor, Director of the ARC, and Experiential Term SSC Assistant Professor of Art HUM Instructor of English and Coordinator of the Writing Center HUM Instructor of Mathematics NSM Assistant Professor of Mathematics NSM Associate Professor of Forestry and Wildlife NSM Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology NSM Professor of Mathematics NSM Assistant Professor of Biology NSM Assistant Professor of Recreation Leadership SSC Associate Professor of English HUM Instructor of Chemistry NSM Instructor of Business SSC Assistant Professor of Exercise Science SSC Assistant Professor of Social Work SSC Assistant Profesor of Political Science and Public Administration SSC Associate Professor of English HUM Assistant Professor of Physical Education SSC Assistant Professor of English HUM Instructor of English HUM Associate Professor of Environmental Science; Co-Director QEP for Campus NSM Assistant Professor of Business SSC Associate Professor of Religion HUM Professor of Chemistry/Env. Sci.; Coordinator, Center for Sustainable Dev. NSM Instructor of Mathematics NSM Associate Professor of English HUM Associate Professor of Art HUM Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice SSC Associate Prof. of Library Science and Director of Stanley Library HUM Garber 129 Beckham 302 Britt 211 Garber 225 Library Beckham 308 ARC 110 Library Grousbeck 214 Garber 113 Britt 201 Garber 213 Britt 210 Library 308 Garber 134 Britt 207 ARC 106 Clay Studio Britt 213 Garber 133 Garber 131 Garber 212 Garber 226 Beckham 303 Garber 114 Library 306 Britt 209 Garber 302 Roberts 6 Library 309 Beckham 307 Roberts 11 Britt 205 Library 307 Britt 115 Britt 208 Garber 209 Beckham 316 Britt 118 Garber 302 Garber 132 Britt 214 Vaughn 108 Roberts 3 Library 4313 4382 4611 4552 4312 6946 4605 4582 4283 4381 4367 4376 4355 4238 4407 6948 4328 4405 4331 4395 4386 4362 4390 4351 6947 4393 4554 4316 4358 4368 4403 4307 4318 4394 4406 4334 4315 4397 4507 4285 4401 4340 6939 4340 4320 4307 4346 4320 4618 4607 4346 xxxx 4514 4511 4341 4618 4365 Dr. Melvin L. Macklin +Ms. Renae F. McBride Dr. Susan V. Mead Ms. June E. Minter Ms. Michele K. Naff Dr. Carl Edward Niedziela, Jr. Dr. Mary Ann Norman Dr. Samuel B. O. Olatunbosun Dr. William N. Osborne, Jr. +Ms. Elaine B. Plaster **Dr. Bob R. Pohlad Dr. Jason D. Powell Dr. Helen E. Prien Dr. Maria Puccio Dr. Kevin P. Reilly Ms. Kristin F. Robertson Dr. Karl F. Roeper Dr. C. Milton Rowan Ms. Sandra A. Saari Ms. Virginia Seale Mr. Jason P. Sharp Dr. Natalia Smelkova Dr. Richard L. Smith Ms. Susan M. Spataro Dr. Megan M. St. Peters Dr. Sharon E. Stein Dr. Glen N. Stevens Mr. David Forrest Sulzen Dr. Patricia Sagassti Suppes ***Dr. Carolyn L. Thomas Dr. Michael R. Trochim Ms. Emily Rose Tucker Dr. Demetri P. Tsanacas Dr. Sandra Elizabeth Via Ms. Jennie B. West Dr. Lana A. Whited Ms. Peg Wimmer Dr. Daniel G. Woods ADJUNCT FACULTY Ms. Angela J. Anderson Mr. C. Wesley Astin, Jr. Mr. John C. Beach Ms. Rachelle Bellard Mr. Shawn Bethke Ms. Joan W. Bowman Dr. Jack W. Corvin, Sr. Ms. Suzanna Ashley Cundiff Mr. Michael J. Fitzpatrick Dr. Ramona S. Fletcher Mr. George H. Foster Mr. Joseph Fridley Mr. Justin R. Greene Ms. Amanda A. Haile Dr. Clifford F. Hapgood Ms. Karen J. Harvey Ms. Whitney E. Heptinstall Ms. Katherine Ingram Dr. Janice H. Kaufman Assistant Professor of English HUM Assistant Professor of Mathematics NSM Assistant Professor of Sociology SSC Instructor of Biology NSM Assistant Professor of Business SSC Visiting Assistant Profesor of Biology NSM Assistant Professor of Teacher Education; Dir. of Teacher Education Prgm. SSC Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems SSC Associate Professor of Criminal Justice; Program Coordinator of CJ Program SSC Assistant Professor of Computer Science SSC Professor of Biology NSM Associate Professor of Chemistry/Physics; Dean, School of NSM NSM Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts HUM Instructor of Chemistry NSM Associate Professor of Psychology; Interim Dean Schol of SSC&PS SSC Instructor of Animal Science NSM Assistant Professor of Media Studies HUM Associate Professor of History HUM Associate Professor of Russian and Director of International Programs HUM Assistant Professor of Teacher Education SSC Assistant Professor of Accounting SSC Assistant Professor of BioChemistry NSM Professor of History HUM Assistant Professor of Music HUM Assistant Professor of Psychology SSC Associate Professor of Psychology SSC Assistant Professor of Environmental Science NSM Associate Professor of Accounting and Director of Professional Studies SSC Assistant Professor of Spanish HUM Professor of Environmental Science and Biology NSM Professor of History HUM Instructor of Music HUM Professor of Business SSC Assistant Professor of Political Science SSC Assistant Professor of Social Work SSC Professor of English HUM Instructor of Sociology SSC Professor of History HUM Britt 113 Garber 130 Roberts 2 Garber 111 Beckham 304 Garber 112 Beckham 104 Beckham 306 Roberts 4 Beckham 311 Garber 118 Garber 224 Grousbeck 111 Garber 309 Roberts 15 Garber 116 Britt 117 Richeson 7 Richeson 6 Beckham 107 Beckham 314 Garber 314 Richeson 2 Grousbeck 108 Garber 115 Beckham 305 Garber 211 Beckham 315 Richeson Garber 119 Richeson 8 Grousbeck 110 Beckham 309 Roberts Beckham 312 Britt 200 Beckham 301 Richeson 4 Instructor, Information Systems Instructor, Religion Instructor, Social Studies Instructor, Art Instructor, History Instructor, Art Professor, Religion Instructor, Music Instructor, English Instructor, English Instructor, Mathematics Instructor, English Instructor, English Instructor, Health and Human Performance Instructor, Criminal Justice Instructor, Physical Education Instructor, Dance Instructor, Physics Instructor, French Beckham 310 CMC 622 F Mt. Rd. Beckham 104 Vaughn 107 Library Vaughn 107 Britt 111 Grousbeck 109 Britt 114 Britt 111 Garber 127 Bassett B-6 Britt 114 SSC HUM HUM HUM HUM HUM HUM HUM HUM HUM NSM HUM HUM SSC SSC SSC HUM NSM HUM Gym 112 Grousbeck 109 Garber 127 Britt 112 4213 5567 4365 4618 4507 4514 4237 4404 4618 4618 4380 4380 4365 4618 4320 Mr. Andrew Keller Instructor, Theatre Arts HUM Grousbeck 214 Ms. Sandra D. Lagana Instructor, Physical Education SSC Gym 109 Ms. Deborah R. Lemon Instructor, Spanish HUM Britt 112 Mr. William R. Lesyna Instructor, Mathematics NSM Garber 127 Dr. Sandra L. Mankins Professor, Psychology SSC Beckham 310 Mr. Ralph C. Mason, Jr. Instructor, Criminal Justice SSC Mr. Richard G. Moss Instructor, Teacher Education SSC Beckham 109 Mr. Michael Sage Instructor, Political Science SSC Roberts 12 Dr. William F. Schmachtenberg Instructor, Environmental Science NSM Garber 127 Dr. Antionette Seidelmann Instructor, Mathematics NSM Garber 127 Mr. J. Zachary Wimmer Instructor, Physical Education SSC Mr. Dominic M. Worrell Instructor, Health and Human Performance SSC Mr. Joseph A. Yamine Instructor, English HUM Britt 112 Ms. Tina Huffman Young Instructor, Biology NSM Garber 127 Mr. Richard T. Zollars Instructor, History HUM Britt 111 CLINICAL FACULTY – TEACHER EDUCATION Ms. Gail Brendle; Ms. Pamela Anne Brown; Mr. David Campbell; and Ms. Melissa A. Talley SSC ACADEMIC STAFF 4427 Mr. Daniel Adams Evening Services Librarian Assistant Library 4426 Ms. Dana Allison Secretary in Library Library 4206 Ms. Jeanne Anderson Executive Secretary for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness JWH 103 4354 Dr. Jody D. Brown Executive Director of the Blue Ridge Dinner Theatre 4263 Ms. Kathryn Bye Academic Support Counselor ARC 107 4347 Ms. Elaine R. Carter Academic Secretary, School of Arts and Humanities Britt 212 4514 Ms. J. Heather Childs Academic Secretary,School of SSC&PS & Administrative Support Liaison to the Provost Roberts 13 4324 Mr. Aaron Conover Adventure Programmer Ferrum Outdoors Department Fitness Center 4370 Ms. Susan N. Cook Academic Secretary, School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Garber 223 4401 Ms. Joyce Creel Teacher Education and Academic Secretary, SSC&PS Beckham 106 4321 Ms. Cassandra H. Doss Academic Secretary, School of Arts and Humanities Britt 201 4529 Ms. Tangie F. Duncan Office Manager, Academic Support Services ARC 109A 420-4527 Mr. Chuck W. English Farm Manager Farm 4209 Ms. Lori Fox Research and Assessment Analyst JWH 10 4323 Dr. Jolene D. Hamm Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness JWH 12 4420 Ms. Cheryl T. Hundley Interlibrary Loan Coordinator Library 4428 Dr. Virginia Jones Director of Instructional Design and Technology Library 6928 Ms. Frances "Chekka" Lash Laboratory Assistant and Sustainabiity Coordinator Garber 227 4615 Ms. Carol C. Love Lab Supervisor, Life Sciences Garber 206 4363 Ms. Eileen Maher Laboratory Assistant and Sustainability Coordinator Garber 227 6934 Ms. Marilyn Mattox Executive Secretary to the Associate Provost and CIO JWH 102 5058 Ms. Nilene Mosher Learning Consultant East Bassett 209 4207 Ms. Sandra W. Prillaman Executive Assistant to the Provost and Executive Vice President JWH 100 4277 Ms. M. Elizabeth Shively Assistant Registrar JWH 15 4275 Ms. Becky P. Sigmon Secretary in the Registrar's Office JWH 13 4274 Ms. Randy Simpson ARC Assistant ARC 109C 4270 Ms. Elizabeth W. Smith Assistant Dir. of the Pathways Program ARC 109D 5058 Mr. Tom W. Steele Consultant in Learning and Academic Support Specialist East Bassett 209 4335 Dr. R. Rex Stephenson Artistic Director of the BRDT and Distinguished Playwright Schoolfield 4276 Ms. Yvonne S. Walker Registrar JWH 11 4275 Ms. Jennifer Whitlow Registrar's Office Clerk JWH 13 4288 Ms. Carrie Wright Academic Secretary, School of Social Sciences and Professional Studies Beckham 313 4539 Mr. Dwayne A. Young Academic PC Support and Classroom Technology Beckham 205 Key: * ** *** + Full Sabbatical Spring Sabbatical Academic Year Sabbatical Phased Retirement