2014-2015 ACADEMIC ROSTER EXT 9/03/14 sp ACADEMIC AFFAIRS VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS, CAO 6934 4321 4370 4407 4381 4372 4309 4343 4430 4204 4262 4369 4338 4361 4395 6946 4356 4442 4373 4526 4265 4404 4382 6948 4518 4350 4584 4360 4379 4468 4264 6949 4546 4481 4249 4387 4327 4385 4325 4384 6945 4321 4364 4326 4392 4313 4494 4611 4552 4312 Dr. Gail L. Summer ACADEMIC DEANS Dr. David B. Howell Dr. Jason D. Powell Dr. Kevin Reilly FACULTY Dr. Taiwo Ajani Mr. Justin James Allen Dr. N. Faye Angel Dr. Gary L. Angel Ms. Peggie R. Barker Dr. Rathin Basu Ms. Nancy S. Beach Dr. Cherie Bond Mr. H. Wayne Bowman Dr. Daniel Alan Bowman Dr. Nancy A. Bradley Dr. Nancy M. Brubaker Mr. John Curtis Carey Dr. Daniel W. Caston Mr. Keith M. Cooley Dr. Jack W. Corvin, Jr. Ms. S. Susan Crow Dr. Angie L. Dahl Dr. Carl A. Durant Dr. Timothy C. Durham Mr. David Eichelberger Ms. Karen A. Duddy **Dr. Bryan L. Faulkner Dr. Todd S. Fredericksen Mr. R. Anthony Giesen Dr. Katherine J. Goff Dr. M. Katherine Grimes Dr. Laura L. Grochowski Mr. Edward E. Groth Ms. Martha Haley-Bowling Dr. Edmond D. Hally Dr. Christopher R. Harnish ****Dr. Tina L. Hanlon Dr. Shannon B. Hardwicke Dr. Allison L. Harl Ms. Beth A. Harper Dr. Delia R. Heck Dr. David B. Howell +Dr. David M. Johnson Dr. John V. Kitterman Dr. Billy J. Long Dr. Melvin L. Macklin Dr. Christopher C. Mayer Dr. Susan V. Mead Ms. June E. Minter Ms. Michele K. Naff Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chief Academic Officer JWH 101 Interim Dean, School of Arts and Humanities Dean, School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Dean, School of Social Sciences and Professional Studies HUM NSM SSC Britt, 118 Garber, 224 Roberts, 15 Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems Instructor of Mathematics and Coordinator of Mathematics Center Professor of Business Professor of Philosophy Associate Professor of Library Science and Dir. of LibraryTechnical Services Professor of Economics Assistant Professor and Director of Student Accessibility Services Assistant Professor of Biology Professor of Theatre Arts and Director of PVA Operations Associate Professor of Physics, Co-Director of QEP for Campus Assistant Professor of Teacher Education Assistant Professor of Animal Science/Agricultural Sciences Instructor of English Assistant Professor of Recreation Leadership Instructor of Mathematics Assistant Professor of Philosophy Assistant Professor, Director of the ARC and Experiential Term Assistant Professor of Psychology Instructor of Mathematics Assistant Professor of Agronomy/Agricultural Sciences Assistant Professor of Art Instructor of English and Coordinator of the Writing Center Assistant Professor of Mathematics Associate Professor of Forestry and Wildlife Professor of Mathematics Associate Professor of Biology Associate Professor of English Instructor of Chemistry Instructor of Business Assistant Professor of Social Work Associate Profesor of Political Science and Public Administration Assistant Professor of Health and Human Performance Associate Professor of English Assistant Professor of Physical Education Associate Professor of English Instructor of English Associate Professor of Environmental Science; Co-Dir., QEP for Campus Professor of Religion, and Director of Faculty Development Professor of Chemistry and Environmental Science . Professor of English Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Assistant Professor of English Assistant Professor of Recreation Leadership Assistant Professor of Sociology Instructor of Biology Assistant Professor of Business SSC NSM SSC HUM SSC SSC SSC NSM HUM NSM SSC NSM HUM SSC NSM HUM SSC SSC NSM NSM HUM HUM NSM NSM NSM NSM HUM NSM SSC SSC SSC SSC HUM SSC HUM HUM NSM HUM NSM HUM SSC HUM SSC SSC NSM SSC Beckham, 306 Garber, 131 Beckham,302 Britt,211 Library Beckham, 308 ARC, 110 Garber, 226 Schoolfield, 207 Garber, 113 Beckham, 107 Garber, 114 Britt, 210 Swartz, 109 Garber, 133 Britt, 207 ARC, 106 Roberts, 12 Garber, 129 Garber, 116 HSE – Clay Studio Britt, 213 Garber, 130 Garber, 212 Beckham, 303 Garber, 225 Britt, 209 Garber, 302 Roberts, 6 Beckham, 307 Roberts, 11 Swartz, 111 Britt, 205 Swartz, 110 Britt, 115 Britt, 208 Garber, 213 Britt, 118 Garber, 302 Britt, 214 Roberts, 3 Britt, 113 Swartz, 112 Beckham, 310 Garber, 111 Beckham, 304 4507 Dr. David F. Nicholson 4398 Dr. Carlos M. Nicolas 4605 Dr. Mary Ann Norman 4582 Dr. Samuel B. O. Olatunbosun 4283 Dr. William N. Osborne, Jr. 4367 Dr. Bob R. Pohlad 4427 Dr. Brandi K. Porter 4370 Dr. Jason D. Powell 4238 Dr. Maria Puccio 4407 Dr. Kevin P. Reilly 4355 Mr. Giuseppe Ritorto 4328 Dr. Karl F. Roeper 4405 Dr. C. Milton Rowan 4386 Mr. Jason P. Sharp 4362 *Dr. Natalia Smelkova 4340 Mr. Jacob R. Smith 4390 Dr. Richard L. Smith 4351 Ms. Susan M. Spataro 6947 Dr. Megan M. St. Peters 4331 Dr. A. Rachel Stauffer 4393 Dr. Sharon E. Stein 4554 Dr. Glen N. Stevens 4311 Dr. Christine Hall Stinson 4316 Mr. David Sulzen 4358 Dr. Patricia S. Suppes 4368 Dr. Carolyn L. Thomas 4403 Dr. Michael R. Trochim 4318 *Dr. Demetri P. Tsanacas 4355 Dr. Eric M. Vanden Eykel 4394 Dr. Sandra E. Via 4406 Ms. Jennie B. West 4334 ****Dr. Lana A. Whited 6939 Ms. Heather L. Wilson 4315 Ms. Peg Wimmer ADJUNCT Ms. Marcie H. Altice 4601 Ms. Jenny Kincaid Boone 4525 Ms. Joan W. Bowman 4458 Mr. Brandon Bradley 4320 Mr. Gordon F. Cavendish, Jr. 4477 Mr. Jay Clark 4324 Mr. Aaron Conover 4346 Mr. Michael J. Fitzpatrick 4378 Mr. Lee Frye 4421 Ms. Kimberly Goard 4514 Dr. Clifford F. Hapgood 4511 Ms. Karen J. Harvey 4421 Ms. Rebekah Hertzberg 4618 Ms. Kathrine C. Ingram 4341 Dr. John Irrera 4601 Mr. Dan F. Kepner 6928 Ms. Frances “Chekka” Lash 4346 Mr. Colin C. Lee 4378 Dr. Edward Lynch 4378 Dr. Sandra L. Mankins 4307 Mr. Adam D. McAllister Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Assistant Professor of Mathematics Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Dir. of Teacher Ed. Prgm. Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems Professor of Criminal Justice and Program Coordinator of CJP Professor of Biology; Chair of Faculty Council Associate Professor of Library Science and Director of the Stanley Library Associate Professor of Chemistry/Physics &School Dean, NSM Assistant Professor of Chemistry Assoc. Prof. of Psychology, Dean, Sch. of Social Sciences & Prof. Studies Assistant Professor of Dramatic and Theatre Arts/Musical Theatre Assistant Professor of Media and Communications Associate Professor of History Assistant Professor of Accounting Assistant Professor of BioChemistry Assistant Professor of Art Professor of History Assistant Professor of Music Assistant Professor of Psychology Assistant Professor of Russian, and Associate Dir. of Int’l Programs Associate Professor of Psychology Associate Professor of Environmental Science Associate Professor of Accounting and Business Associate Professor of Accounting and Director of Professional Studies Assistant Professor of Spanish Professor of Environmental Science and Biology Professor of History Professor of Business Assistant Professor of Religion Assistant Professor of Political Sci., Dir. of Int’l Programs & Study Abroad Associate Professor of Social Work Professor of English and Director of the Boone Honors Program Instructor of Library Science, Systems Emerging Technologies Librarian Assistant Professor of Sociology SSC NSM SSC SSC SSC NSM NSM NSM NSM SSC HUM HUM HUM SSC NSM HUM HUM HUM SSC HUM SSC NSM SSC SSC HUM NSM HUM SSC HUM SSC SSC HUM HUM SSC Roberts, 2 Garber, 132 Beckham, 104 Beckham, 311 Roberts, 4 Garber, 118 Library Garber, 224 Garber, 309 Roberts, 15 Schoolfield 401 Britt 117 Richeson, 7 Beckham, 314 Garber, 314 Vaughn, 106 Richeson, 2 Grousbeck, 214 Garber, 115 Richeson, 6 Beckham, 305 Garber, 211 Beckham, 316 Beckham, 315 Richeson, 4 Garber, 119 Richeson, 8 Beckham,309 Britt, 111 Roberts, 14 Beckham, 312 Britt, 200 Library Beckham, 301 Instructor in Social Studies Adjunct Instructor in English Adjunct Instructor in Art Adjunct Instructor in Health and Human Performance Adjunct Instructor in History Adjunct Instructor in Health and Human Performance Adjunct Instructor in Recreation (540-525-2009) Adjunct Instructor in English Adjunct Instructor in Business Adjunct Instructor in Philosophy Adjunct Instructor of Criminal Justice Adjunct Instructor in Physical Education Adjunct Instructor in English Adjunct Instructor in Science Adjunct Instructor in Music Adjunct Instructor in English Adjunct Instructor in Science Adjunct Instructor in English Adjunct Instructor of Political Science Adjunct Professor of Psychology Adjunct Instructor in Theatre Arts HUM HUM HUM SSC HUM SSC SSC HUM SSC HUM SSC SSC HUM NSM HUM HUM NSM HUM SSC SSC HUM Beckham, 203 Britt, 112 Vaughn, 108 NFH, 208 Richeson, 3 HNC, G41 Ferrum Outdoors House Britt, 114 Roberts, 5 Grousbeck, 111 HNC, 116 Grousbeck, 111 Garber, 127 Grousbeck, 109 Britt, 112 Garber, 209 Britt, 114 Roberts, 5 Roberts, 12 Grousbeck, 110 4237 4601 4285 4601 4618 4618 4341 4618 4443 4346 4321 4618 4618 4618 4320 Mr. Richard Moss Mr. David R. Mucha Dr. Jan Nicholson Dr. Tina L. Powell Mr. John D. Richardson Dr. Rebecca E. Ross Ms. Whitney E. Rucker Dr. William F. Schmachtenberg Ms. Virginia Seale Ms. Whitney Scott Mr. Timothy Thornton Ms. Neha Tyagi Dr. Alex White Ms. Tina Huffman Young Mr. Richard T. Zollars Adjunct Instructor in Teacher Education Adjunct Instructor in Religion Adjunct Instructor in Religion Adjunct Instructor in English Adjunct Instructor in Science Adjunct Instructor in Science Adjunct Instructor of Dance Adjunct Instructor in Science Adjunct Instructor in Freshman Seminar and Success Center Adjunct Instructor in English Adjunct Instructor in English Adjunct Instructor in Mathematics Adjunct Instructor of Agriculture Adjunct Instructor in Biology Adjunct Instructor in History SSC HUM HUM HUM NSM NSM HUM NSM LSC HUM HUM NSM NSM NSM HUM Beckham Britt, 112 Franklin Hall, 108 Britt, 112 Garber, 127 Garber, 127 Grousbeck, 109 Garber, 127 Bassett, 209 Britt, 114 Media House Garber, 127 Garber, 127 Garber, 127 Britt 111 Teacher Education Clinical Staff Teacher Education Clinical Staff Teacher Education Clinical Staff Teacher Education Clinical Staff SSC SSC SSC SSC Off-site Off-site Off-site Off-site EXT 4424 4426 4206 4351 5058 4263 4347 4324 4370 4401 4514 4420 4323 6928 4615 4363 4288 6934 4397 4321 5030 4207 4275 4275 4270 4443 4336 4275 4275 4529 4539 Ms. Pam Brown Ms. Amy Chattin Ms. Tammy Smith Ms. Melissa A. Talley STAFF Mr. Daniel Adams Ms. Dana Allison Ms. Jeanne Anderson Ms. Jeanne Banks Dr. Ronda M. Bryant Ms. Kathryn Bye Ms. Elaine R. Carter Mr. Aaron Conover Ms. Susan N. Cook Ms. Joyce Creel Ms. Kathy L. Fletcher Ms. Cheryl T. Hundley Ms. Ursa B. Johnson Ms. Frances "Chekka" Lash Ms. Carol C. Love Ms. Eileen Maher Ms. Catina G. Martin Ms. Marilyn B. Mattox Ms. Marina Nasif Ms. Cassandra D. Pagans Ms. Kim Police Ms. Sandra W. Prillaman Ms. M. Elizabeth Shively Ms. Becky P. Sigmon Ms. Elizabeth W. Smith Mr. Thomas W. Steele Ms. Kristina Stump Ms. Yvonne S. Walker Ms. Jennifer Whitlow Ms. Donna K. Winge Mr. Dwayne A. Young Evening Services Librarian Assistant Secretary for Library Executive Secretary to Academic Affairs and Institutionall Effectiveness Music Assistant Special Assistant for Student Success to the VPAA and Dir. of the LOP Academic Support Counselor Academic Secretary, School of Arts & Humanities Director of Ferrum Outdoors Program (540-525-2009) Academic Secretary, School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Academic Secretary of Teacher Ed. and the School of Social Scienes and Prof. Studies Academic Secretary, School of Social Sciences and Professional Studies Interlibrary Loan Coordinator Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness Sustainability Coordinator Lab Supervisor Laboratory Assistant Academic Secretary, School of Social Sciences and Professional Studies Executive Secretary to the Vice President for Academic Affairs Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Academic Secretary, School or Arts and Humanities Instructional Design and Technology and Online Learning Administrator Executive Assistant to the Chief Academic Officer (VPAA) Assistant Registrar Secretary in the Registrar's Office Director of the PACE Office Consultant in Learning and Academic Support Specialist Technical Support Coordinator - Theatre Programs Registrar Registrar's Office Clerk Office Manager, Academic Support Services Academic PC Support and Classroom Technology Key: *Fall Sabbatical ****Academic Year Sabbatical (1/2 time work) **Spring Sabbatical *****Special Sabbatical ***Academic Year Sabbatical +Phased Retirement Library Library JWH, 103 Grousbeck, 108 JWH 102 ARC 107 Britt,212 Ferrum Outdoors House Garber, 223 Beckham 105 Roberts, 13 Library JWH 202 Garber, 209 Garber, 206 Garber, 206 Beckham 313 JWH, 105 Richeson, 3 Britt, 203 Spilman-Dan. 2nd Flr. JWH, 100 JWH, 15 JWH, 13 ARC, 109B Bassett, 204A Schoolfield JWH, 11 JWH, 13 ARC 109A Beckham, 205