Julius Caesar Test - Rolla Public Schools

Julius Caesar Test Review
1. Where was Shakespeare born?
2. What year did Shakespeare die?
3. Who did Shakespeare marry?
4. What is the name of the theater most of Shakespeare’s plays were performed?
5. What does wherefore mean?
6. What is a soliloquy?
7. Who was the first to stab Caesar?
8. What is a pun?
9. Who agrees to let Mark Antony be a part of the funeral?
10. What are some themes in Julius Caesar
11. What day does the fortune-teller warn Caesar of?
12. How many times did Marc Antony offer a crown to Caesar?
13. Who begins the talk of the Conspiracy?
14. What did Cassius send to try to win Brutus over?
15. When Brutus is talking in his orchard about whether or not to join the Conspiracy, to
whom is he talking?
16. Portia is upset with Brutus for what reason?
17. Calphurnia had a dream—what kind of dream was it?
18. What did Calphurnia ask Caesar to do?
19. Who was sent to flatter Caesar (to get him to the Capitol)?
20. How did Artemidorus try to warn Caesar?
21. Who was the first to stab Caesar?
22. Who agrees to let Mark Antony be a part of the funeral?
Julius Caesar Test Review
23. What does Brutus mean when he says: “When love begins to sicken and decay/It useth
an enforced ceremony./There are no tricks in plain and simple faith;/But hollow men,
like horses hot at hand,/Make gallant show and promise of their mettle;/But when they
should endure the bloody spur, They fall their crests, and like deceitful jades/Sink in
the trial”
24. What does the crowd do to avenge the death of Caesar?
25. At the beginning of Act IV, Marc Antony changes—he becomes
26. What was Antony’s opinion of Lepidus?
27. The report of whose death affected both Brutus and Cassius?
28. Whose ghost appeared to Brutus in Sardis?
29. Where will the battle take place?
30. Who killed himself on his birthday?
31. Who killed himself to avoid being dragged through the streets as a prisoner?
32. Cassius once saved Caesar’s life from what?
33. Caesar was warned to “Beware the _____ of March.”
34. Calphurnia dreamed
35. Brutus says that he killed Caesar because Caesar was
36. Caesar’s ghost identifies itself as
37. What did the ghost say?
38. To whom was Cassius referring when he spoke of a ‘peevish school-boy’?
39. Who said, “It is not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more”?
40. Who said, “This was the noblest Roman of them all”?
41. The previous quote was made about whom?
42. What does Caesar mean when he says, “Yet in the number I do know but one/ That
unassailable holds on his rank,/ Unshaked of motion; and that I am he,”?
43. The conspirators speak of mutiny. What is mutiny?
Julius Caesar Test Review
44. Brutus makes a mistake by allowing what to happen?
45. According to Antony, Caesar died of stab wounds and what else?
46. Near the end of his speech, Brutus says he has the same dagger for himself. Why?
47. When the plebeians want to crown Brutus, their response is
48. Who told Caesar the Senate was planning to offer him a crown?
49. Who asked Pindarus to be a lookout because he could not see?
50. Who said, “Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look”?
51. How did Portia kill herself?
52. Who was the old and respected Roman who spoke in Greek at the beginning of the
53. Which member of the triumvirate was never on the battlefield?
54. Who wanted to rest before the battle instead of marching immediately?
55. Of the following, who did not commit suicide?
56. Who scolded Brutus for being up in the damp night air?
57. Who misunderstood what he saw happening to Titinius?
58. Who helped Brutus kill himself?
59. Who said, “Speak hands for me!”?
60. Who saw the presence of “ravens, crows, and kites” as a bad sign before battle?
61. To whom did Caesar say, “The Ides of March are come”?
62. Who gave a new interpretation of Calphurnia’s dream and convinced Caesar to go to
the Capitol?
63. Who suggested that the conspirators smear Caesar’s blood on their hands, arms, and
64. Who shook the bloody hands of the conspirators?
Julius Caesar Test Review
65. Who accused Cassius of having an “itching palm”?
66. What is an “itching palm”?
67. Whom did Cassius send off on horseback to determine whether distant troops were
friends or enemies?
68. Who suggested that Marc Antony also be assassinated?
69. Who did not want the conspirators to take an oath?
70. Who killed himself in remorse over Cassius’ death?
71. Who fled the scene upon Cassius’ death?
72. Who did not want Antony to speak to the people of Rome after Caesar’s death?
73. Brutus and Cassius gather troops where?
74. Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus gathered troops where?
75. Who read Caesar’s will to the people of Rome?
76. Who predicted that a bloody and violent war (so violent mothers would smile when
their babies are harmed) would follow Caesar’s murder?
77. Why did Portia kill herself in a painful way?
78. Who told Brutus and Cassius about Caesar’s being offered a crown?
79. At the end of the play, the reader assumes that who will restore order to Rome?
80. Who wrote Julius Caesar?
81. The name of the person whose historical records were used as the premise for the
play “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.”
82. The resolution of the play came about with
83. Caesar asks Antony to strike Calpurnia with the leather whip at the races because:
84. Decius tells Caesar that in Calpurnia’s dream the blood of Caesar represents: