Famous Scientist Wanted Poster Project Be on the look out for this man! Albert Einstein WANTED FOR THEORY OF RELATIVITY Requirements: 1. Poster MUST be on an 8 1/2 x 11 poster board or construction paper. 5 points 2. Poster MUST be neat and easy to understand. 5 points 3. Mug shot - We need to know what they look like! 10 points 4. First, Middle and Last name of your scientist. 5 points 5. Birth Date and Year of Death or if still alive. 5 points 6. What country were they born in and where did they do their work? 10 points 7. What are they famous (wanted) for? 5-8 complete sentences, in your own words. 30 points 8. A fact that you found interesting OR a quote by that person. 10 points 9. Make a photocopy of your sources with information highlighted. 15 points 10. Your name on the bottom right corner. 5 points Timeline for project: Week 1 - Week 2 - Select a Scientist – SCIENTIST NAME DUE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15TH Research Scientist, use the library, internet, books, etc. on your Scientist. Take notes and pull information on what they look like (mug shot), etc. Students will be attending one full class period in the Computer Lab to assist them with research– NOTES/ROUGH DRAFT DUE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th Develop Wanted Poster with the information you have gathered. Remember a “mug shot” is needed! Go through the above requirements for the project. Do you have all of the requirements? – COMPLETED PROJECT DUE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23 Famous Scientist Wanted Poster Project Scientists will be assigned on a first come basis. Only one scientist per class will be assigned. You may choose from the following: Famous Scientists Ampère, André Marie Archimedes Aristotle Armstrong, Neil Audubon, John James Avogadro, Armedeo Babbage, Charles Bacon, Francis Bell, Alexander Blackwell, Elizabeth Bohr, Niels Henrik David Boyle, Robert Brahe, Tycho Callipus Carson, Rachel Carver, George Washington Celsius, Anders Charles, Jacques Alexander César Copernicus, Nicolas Cousteau, Jacque Crick, Francis Curie, Marie Darwin, Charles Dalton, John Democritus Edison, Thomas Einstein, Albert ERATOSTHENES Euclid Faraday, Michael Fleming, Alexander Franklin, Rosalind Galileo Gates, Bill Glenn, John Goodall. Jane Gould, Stephen Jay Halley, Edmund Hawking, Stephen W. Heraclitus Herschel, Frederick William Hertz, Gustav Ludwig Hippocrates Hooke, Robert Hubble, Edwin Irwin, Steve Jobs, Steve Joule, James Kelvin, William Thomson, Lord Kepler, Johann Leakey, Louis Semour Bazett Leeuwenhoek, Anton van Linnaeus, Carl Lovelace, Ada Byron Marconi, Guglielmo Mendel, Gregor Johann Mendeleev, Dmitriy McClintock, Barbara Mitchell, Maria Newton, Sir Isaac Nightingale, Florence Ohm, Georg Simon Oppenheimer, J. Robert Pascal, Blaise Pasteur, Louis Pauling, Linus Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Priestley, Joseph Ptolemy PYTHAGORAS Ride, Sally Rutherford, Ernest Sagan, Carl Salk, Jonas Schrodinger, Erwin Stephenson, George Tesla, Nikola Thales Thompson, J. J. Volta, Alessandro, Count Watson, James Watt, James Helpful Websites: http://www.blupete.com/Literature/Biographies/Science/Scients.htm http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/ http://kids.yahoo.com/science/ http://www.zoomschool.com/subjects/astronomy/glossary/Astronomers.shtml http://charm.physics.ucsb.edu/people/hnn/physicists.html http://www.energyquest.ca.gov/scientists/