McMurry & Castillion General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry Companion Site ( ) Additional information provided by the publisher including study guides and tutorials. Powers of 10 Video ( American Chemical Society ( The American Chemical Society's site has a host of interesting features including links to journals and magazines, career services, ACS meetings, databases and educational resources. Access to some areas is restricted to ACS members Balancing Chemical Equations Tutorial ( A virtual tutorial on balancing equations that includes Shockwave audio narration and animation. Basic Math Tutorial ( from R.H Logan, Professor of Chemistry at North Lake College. This is for those science students with math anxiety. It includes metric system, scientific notation. Chemistry Drills and Exercises ( from New Mexico State University. Chemistry Hypermedia Project ( Features comprehensive on-line course in general chemistry. General resources site with links to a large variety of items such as clip-art, experimental demonstrations, animated molecules, a review of study guides and even ideas on how to predict reactions as well as others. TheChemTeam ( This is a tutorial in high school chemistry but covers many of the same topics as general chemistry. The Element Song ( This is a cute little ditty that is supposed to help students learn the names of the Chemical Elements. The lyrics are by Tom Lehrer with lyrics at or audio only file at General Chemistry College of DuPane ( An extensive series of Tutorial and Problems to solve under “Homework Exercises”. General Chemistry 1411-1412 ( General Chemistry Concepts with worked out examples from R.H. Logan, Professor of Chemistry at North Lake College General Chemistry Demos ( - from the University of Wiskonsin, Madison Excel Basic Graphing Tutorial ( From the University of Michigan – Dearborn’s Science Learning Center Excel Advanced Graphing Tutorial ( From the University of Michigan – Dearborn’s Science Learning Center General Chemistry Help Homepage ( Primarily aimed at students attending Purdue University but there are also some useful sections that are more general. There are pages covering general chemistry topics such as redox reactions and the structure of solids as well as a glossary of terms, lecture demonstration sheets, a beginners guide and many other useful pages. Just Ask Antoine ( An interactive guide and Web resource for students and teachers of introductory college chemistry, maintained by Fred Senese of Frostberg State University (MD). A well-organized wealth of material, including collections of notes and guides for introductory General Chemistry, skills checklists and online self-grading examinations, and a Q&A column. A bit heavy on images and Java-scripts-be aware if your computer is not fast enough. LearnChem This site is chock-full of tutorials, practice problems (with solutions), quizzes, exams, and more! Redox Tutorial ( Dr Angela King's Online Redox Tutorial and Practice Problems. Selected Departments of Chemistry ( A compilation of web addresses by R. H. Logan, Instructor of Chemistry, Dallas County Community College District, North Lake College for other university web sites that contain lots of useful information VSEPR ( A tutorial from the University of Oxford WebElements ( The periodic table on the WWW. Vastly updated. Mark Winters highly recommends this site. I have been there and for knowledge of the elements, there is no equal. A real five star rating. It has the latest developments on current new elements being synthesized. A must visit!!