Audience Analysis Worksheet

Audience Analysis Worksheet
IMD230 Intro to User Centered Design
Name: ______________________
Project: _______________________________________________
 Identify target audiences or users
 Identify target audience’s needs
 Determine what we can do to address those needs
 Identify what kind of help is needed to address those issues
1. What is the nature of the project? What services, features, or tools will be developed in this project? What do you currently
2. Use the following questions to help identify your audience(s). Remember your project will probably have more than one
Who will be the main users of the project? Think: who is it
essential that I reach with the site? This is your primary
target audience. List them below with as complete a
demographic profile as possible. (There may be more than
one identifiable primary audience.)
List all the relevant lifestyle and behavioral characteristics you
can find in researching these audience(s).
3. Use the following questions to help identify your audience(s). Remember your project will probably have more than one
Who will be the secondary users of the project? Think: who
would it be nice to reach? OR who else might the
client/sponsor need to reach for purposes other than those
for the primary audience(s). List them below with as
complete a demographic profile as possible. (There may be
more than one identifiable secondary audience.)
List all the relevant lifestyle and behavioral characteristics you
find in researching these audience(s).
4. Brainstorm scenarios on how the Primary Audience might use the site/project. This simply means to list the ways in which the
Primary Users might use the site (example: a student visits the site trying find out when the Summer Quarter starts)
List at least 5 different possible scenarios
5. Audiences (aka users) will use any product, tool or service that benefits them. So, for the primary audience(s) you’ve identified,
complete the following table.
List your Primary
How will your project benefit these audience/user groups as currently envisioned? What is the value
added for each?
6. Pretend to be the primary audience or user group(s) you identified above. Put yourself in their shoes. What are ways we can
tweak the project and it’s features to make it more useful and usable? OR What types of things can we add to make the project
more useful?
List your Primary
Remember the difference between an okay product/tool and a great product/tool is how well it does
its job (meets the users’ needs). What are specific things you could add to make the project more
useful to these users?
7. Think about usability, accessibility, the project’s purpose, next available steps, what is involved in the users taking an action,
etc. Then answer the questions below.
List your Primary
What information will your audience need to know
to perform different tasks on the site and be happy
doing it?
What do you need to do to make sure this
information is readily available to them?
8. Audiences (aka users) will use any product, tool or service that benefits them. So, for the secondary audience(s) you’ve
identified, complete the following table.
List your Secondary
Why would these groups be interested in the
Does this audience benefit from the project as
currently envisioned? How?
9. Pretend to be the secondary audience or user group(s) you identified above. Put yourself in their shoes. What are ways we can
tweak the project and it’s features to make it more useful? Remember, the idea is to “get more bang for the buck” by looking at
ways we can address a larger audience, or make the project useful to secondary audiences.
List your Secondary
What adjustments could be made to the main project to make it better fit
other user groups? What are specific things we can do to make the project or
tool more useful to this audience?
How much effort is it likely
to require to add this? Lots
of effort, some effort, little
10. Now you have identified ways to tweak the services, tasks and tools in the project to make them useful to primary and
secondary audiences. What information might be necessary for those audience(s) to take full advantage of the project
interactive services or features?
List your
What information will your audience need to know to use the
services/tools and be happy with it?
What do you need to do to make sure this
information is readily available to them?
11. How can you apply this analysis and to improve other areas of the project, for instance the visual design, links to other sites,
personalization features, database or other backend features, etc? What specific design implications can you draw from this
List your
What other steps can you take to increase the value of the site/project for the users?