Reference - Faculty of Education - The Chinese University of Hong

EDD 5211U Structure and Process of Schooling
Summer, 2006
2:00 - 3:40 p.m.
Instructor: W.K. TSANG
Ho Tim Bldg., Rm.416
Ext. 6922
Pollard, A. (1988) "Reflective Teaching - the sociological contribution." Pp.54-74 in P.
Woods and A. Pollard (Eds.) Sociology and Teaching: a new challenge for the
sociology of education. London : Croom Helm.
Woods, Peter (1996) Researching the Art of Teaching: Ethnography for Education Use.
London: Routledge.
Ch.1 The Art and Science of Teaching.
Ch.2 The Promise of Symbolic Interactionsim
Woods, Peter (1983) Sociology and the School: An Interactionist Viewpoint. London:
Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Ch.1 Interactionism and the School
2.1. The Identity Crisis of Teachers in the Age of Performativity
Ball, Stephen J. (2003) The teachers’ soul and the terrors of performativity. Journal of
Education Policy 18(2): 215-228.
Carlyle, Denis and Woods, Peter (2002) The Emotion of Teacher Stress. Stroke on
Trent: Trentham Books. Chapter 3 The downward spiral: The loss of identity.
Hargreaves, Andy (2002) Teaching and betrayal. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and
Practice Vol.8 (3/4): 393-407.
Grace, Gerald (1985). “Judging Teachers: Theoretical and Political Contexts of
Teacher Evaluation.” British Journal of Sociology of Education 6: 3-17.
Ozga, Jenny (2000). “Education: New Labour, New Teachers.” Pp. 222-235. In J.
Clark, S. Gewirtz and E. McLaughlin (Eds.) New Managerialism, New Welfare?
London: Sage Publications.
Whitty, Geoff (2001) Teacher professionalism in new times. Pp.159-173. D. Gleeson
and C. Husbands (Eds.) The Performing Schools: Managing, teaching and learning
in a performance culture. London: Routledge/Falmer.
2.2. An Analytical Framework of Teacher’s Identity
Blumer, Herbert (1977) Sociological implications of the thought of George Herbert
Mead. In 11-17. In B.R. Cosin et al. (Eds.) School and Society: A Sociological
Reader. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Frank, Arthur W. (1982) For a sociology of the body: An analytical review. Pp. 36-102.
In M. Featherstone et al. (Eds.) The Body: Social Process and Culture Theory.
London: Sage Publication.
W.K. Tsang
Structure and Process of Schooling
Giddens, Anthony (1993) Modernity and self-identity. Pp.303-305. In P. Cassell (Ed)
The Giddens Reader. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
2.3. Teachers and the Discourse of Professionalism
Labaree, D.F. (1992) "Power, Knowledge, and the Rationalization of Teaching: a
Genealogy of the Movement to Professionalize Teaching. Harvard Educational
Review 62:123-154.
Whitty, G. (1997) “Marketization, the State, and the Re-Formation of the Teaching
Profession.“ Pp. 299-310 in A.H. Halsey, et al. (Eds.) Education, Culture Economy and
Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Woods, P. and Jeffrey, R. (1996) “A New Professional Discourse? Adjust to
Managerialism.” Pp. 38-56. in P. Woods (Ed.) Contemporary Issues in Teaching and
Learning. London: Routledge.
Densmore, K. (1987) “Professionalism, Proletarianization and Teacher Work:. Pp.
130-160 in T.S. Popkewitz (Ed.) Critical Studies in Teacher Education. London : The
Falmer Press.
曾榮光 (1984) 「教學專業與教師專業化:一個社會學闡釋」。《教育學報》,第十二卷,
g. 曾榮光 (1998) 《香港教育政策分析:社會學的視域》。香港:三聯書店。第二至三章。
2.4. Teachers and the Discourse of Unionism
a. Lawn, M. and Ozga, J. (1981) "The Educational Worker ? a Re-assessment of
Teachers." Pp. 45-64 in L. Barton and S. Walker (Eds.) Schools, Teachers and
Teaching. London : The Falmer Press.
b. Ozga, J. and Lawn, M. (1988) "Schoolwork: Interpreting the Labour Process Teaching".
British Journal of Sociology of Education 9: 323-336.
Apple, M.W. (1983) "Work, Class and Teaching." in S. Walker and L. Barton (Eds.)
Gender, Class and Education. London: Falmer Press.
d. Apple, M. W. (1986) Teachers and Texts: a Political Economy of Class and Gender
Relations in Education. London: RKP. Ch.2 & 3.
e. Tipton, B.F. (1986) "Educational Organizations as Workplaces". British Journal of
Sociology of Education 6:
Kemble, E. (1980) "Teachers' Unions in the USA : an aggressive striving for
professionalism." Pp.155-163 in E. Hoyle and J. Megarry (Eds.) World Yearbook of
Education : professional development of teachers. London: Kogan Page.
2.5. Teachers and the Discourse of Emotion Labour
a. Hochschild, Aelie R. (1983) The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling.
Berkeley: University of California Press.
Chapter 7 Between the toe and the heel: Jobs and Emotional labor.
b. Nias, Jennifer (1996) Thinking about feeling: The emotions in teaching. Cambridge
Journal of Education, Vol. 26(3): 293-306.
Hargreaves, Andy (1998) The emotional practice of teaching. Teaching and Teacher
Education, Vol 14 (8): 835-854.
W.K. Tsang
Structure and Process of Schooling
d. Hargreaves, Andy (2000) Mixed emotions: Teachers’ perceptions of their interactions
with students. Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol.16: 811-826.
e. Winograd, Ken (2003) The functions of teacher emotions: The good, the bad, and the
ugly. Teachers College Record, Vol.105(9): 1641-1673.
3.1. Sociology of Adolescence and Youth
a. Coleman, James S. and T. Husen (1985) "Changing Conceptions of Youth and Transition
to Adulthood: an Overview of trends and Issues." Pp.13-41 in J.S. Coleman and T.
Husen. Becoming Adult in a Changing Society. Paris: OECD.
b. Modell, J. and M. Goodman (1990) "Historical Perspectives". Pp.93-122 in S. Feildman
and G.R. Elliott (Eds.) At the Threshold: the Developing Adolescent. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press.
c. Coleman, John C. (1992) "The Nature of Adolescence". Pp.8-27 in J.C. Coleman and C.
Warren-Adamson (Eds.) Youth Policy in the 1990s : the Way Forward. London:
d. Lee, Nick (2001). Childhood and Society: Growing Up in an Age of Uncertainty.
Buckingham: Open University Press. Ch. 2 & 3.
e. Klein, H. (1990) “Adolescence, Youth and Young Adulthood: Rethinking Current
Conceptualizations of the Life Stage." Youth and Society 21 (4): 446-471.
f. Liebau, E. & Chisholm, L. (1993) Youth, Social Change and Education: Issues and
Problems“. Journal of Education Policy 8 (1): 3-8.
h. Buckingham, David (2000) After the Death of Childhood: Growing Up in the Age of
Electronic Media. Cambridge: Polity. ©
Ch. 2 The Death of Childhood
Ch. 3 The Electronic Generation
3.2. The Sociology of Youth Culture
a. Brake, Michael (1985) "The Use of Subculture as an Analytical Tool in Sociology".
Pp.1-29 in M. Brake Comparative Youth Culture : the Sociology of Youth Culture and
Youth Subculture in America. Britain and Canada. London : RKP.
b. Epstein, Jonathon S. (1998) “Introduction: Generation X, Youth Culture, and Identity”. Pp.
1-23 in J.S. Esptein (Ed.) Youth Culture: Identity in a Postmodern World. Oxford:
c. Willis, P. (1990) Common Culture. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
Chapter 1 Symbolic Creativity
Chapter 6 Common Culture
d. Lankshear, Colin and Knobel, Michele (2002). “Do We Have Your Attention? New
Literacies, Digital Technologies, and the Education of Adolescents.” Pp.19-39. In D.E.
Alvermann (Ed.) On Adolescents and Literacies in a Digital World. New York: Peter
e. Lewis, Cynthia and Finders, Margaret (2002). “Implied Adolescents and Implied
Teachers: A Generation Gap for New Times.” Pp. 101-113. In D.E. Alvermann (Ed.) On
Adolescents and Literacies in a Digital World. New York: Peter Lang.
W.K. Tsang
Structure and Process of Schooling
f. Healy, Jane M. (1998) Failure to connect: How computers affect our children's minds –
for better and worse. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Ch. 5 The Growing Brain meets Artificial Intelligence
Ch. 8 Learning with Computers in Elementary, Middle, and High School
g. Neill, Monty. (1995). "Computers, thinking, and schools in the 'New World Economic
Order'." Pp. 181-194. In James Brook and Iain A. Boal (eds.) Resisting the virtual life:
The culture and politics of information. San Fancisco: City Lights.
h. Hall, Roz, and Darren Newbury. (1999) "'What makes you switch on?' Young people, the
internet and cultural participation." Pp. 100-109. Julian Sefton-Green (ed.) Young
people, creativity and new technologies: The challenge of digital arts. London:
i. Tapscott, Don. (1998) Growing up digital: The rise of net generation. New York:
McGraw-Hill. © Chapter 5-7.
3.3. Pupils' Subculture: Youth Culture in School
a. Woods, Peter (1983) Sociology and the School: an Interactionist Viewpoint.
London :RKP. Ch. 5.
b. Nixon-Ponder, Sarah (1998) “Teens and Schools: Who is Falling through the Crack and
Why”. Pp.56-73 in J.S. Esptein (Ed.) Youth Culture: Identity in a Postmodern World.
Oxford: Blackwell.
c. Mac an Ghail, M. (1996) “Local Student Cultures of Masculinity and Sexuality”. Pp.
144-172 in P. Woods (Ed.) Contemporary Issues in Teaching and Learning. London:
d. Ball, S. (1984) "Banding, Identity and Experience." Pp.23-44 in M.Hammersley and P.
Woods (Eds.) Life in School: the Sociology of Pupil Culture. Milton Keynes : OUP.
e. Pollard, A. (1984) "Goodies, Jokers and Gangs." Pp.238-254 in M.Hammersley and P.
Woods (Eds.) Life in School: The Sociology of Pupil Culture. Milton Keynes : OUP.
The Sociological Foundation of Pupils’ Culture: The Culture of Comsumption in
Late Capitalism
a. Lury, Celia (1996) Consumer Culture. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
Ch. 2 Material Culture and Consumer Culture
b. Willis, P. (1999) “Labor Power, Culture, and the Cultural Commodity”. Pp. 139-169 in
Castell, M. et al., (Eds.) Critical Education in the New Information Age. Lanham:
Rowman & Littlefield.
c. Kenway, Jane and Bullen, Elizabeth (2001) Consuming Children:
Education-entertainment-advertising. Buckingham: Open University Press. Ch.2-3
d. Wexler, P. (1998) “Self and Education: Reversal and Cycles”. Pp. 174-200. In D. Carlson
and M.W. Apple (Eds.) Power/Knowledge/Pedagogy: The Meaning of Democratic
Education in Unsettling Times. Boulder: Westview Press.
e. Willis, P. (1976) “The Class significance of School Counter-Culture.” Pp. 188-200. In M.
Hammersley et al. (Eds.) The Process of Schooling. London: Routledge and Kegan
Weis, Lois (2003). “Revisiting a 1980s ‘Moment of Critique’: Class, Gender, and the New
Economy.” Pp. 111-132. In N. Dodby and G. Dimitriadis (Eds.) Learning to Labor in
New Times. New York: Routledge.
W.K. Tsang
Structure and Process of Schooling
4. CLASSROOM ENCOUNTER: A Clash of Cultures
4.1. Classroom Management: A Critique of the Behaviorist and Taylorist Perspectives
a. Duke, Daniel L. and A.M. Meckel (1984) Teacher's Guide to Classroom Management.
New York : Random House. Chapter 2 (Alternative Approaches to Classroom
b. Goldstein, S. (1995) “Applying Behaviour Modification in the Classroom”. Pp.220-277 in
S. Goldstein Understanding and Managing Children‘s Classroom Behaviour. New York:
Johm Wiley & Son.
c. Goldstein, S. (1995) “Insulating Classroom for Success”. Pp.278-218 in S. Goldstein
Understanding and Managing Children‘s Classroom Behaviour. New York: Johm Wiley
& Son.
d. Braswell, L. (1995) “Cognitive-Behavior Approach in the Classroom”. Pp.319-335 in S.
Goldstein Understanding and Managing Children‘s Classroom Behavior. New York:
Johm Wiley & Son.
e. Johnson, M. and H. Brooks (1979) "Conceptualizing Classroom Management." Pp.1-41 in
D.L. Duke (Ed.) Classroom Management. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.
Cohen E.G. et al. (1979) "Task and Authority : a Sociological View of Classroom
Management." Pp.116-143 in D.L. Duke (Ed.) Classroom Management. Chicago: Univ.
of Chicago Press.
4.2. Classroom Interaction: Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
a. Woods, P. (1996) “The Promise of Symbolic Interactionism”. Pp. 32-76 in P. Woods
Researching the Art of Teaching: Ethnography for Educational Use. London:
b. Woods, Peter (1984) "Teaching for Survival." Pp. 48-63 in A. Hargreaves and P. Woods
(Eds.) Classrooms and Staffrooms: The Sociology of Teachers and Teaching. Milton
Keynes: OUP.
c. Hargreaves, Andy (1983) "The Significance of Classroom Coping Strategies." Pp.17-46 in
J. Purvis and M. Hales (Eds.) Achievement and Inequality in Education. London : RKP.
d. Ball, S. et al. (1984) "The Tyranny of the 'Devil mill: Time and Task at School." Pp.41-57
in S. Delamont (Ed.) Readings on Interaction in the Classroom. London: Methuen.
e. Becker, Howard S.(1984) "Social-class Variations in the Teacher-Pupil Relationship."
Pp.98-107 in Andy Hargreaves and P. Woods (eds.) Classroom and Staffrooms : the
Sociology of Teachers and Teaching. Milton Keynes : OUP.
g. Denscombe, M. (1984) "'Keeping 'em Quiet': the Significance of noise for the Practical
Activity of Teaching." Pp.134-59 in S. Delamont (Ed.) Readings on Interaction in the
h. Gannaway, H. (1984) "Making Sense of School." Pp.191-203 in M.Hammersley and P.
Woods (Eds.) Life in School : The Sociology of Pupil Culture. Milton Keynes : OUP.
i. Woods, Peter (1984) "Negotiating the Demand of Schoolwork." Pp.225-237 M.
Hammersley and P. Woods (Eds.) Life in School : The Sociology of Pupil Culture.
Milton Keynes : OUP.
W.K. Tsang
Structure and Process of Schooling
4.3. Classroom Resistance: Cirtical Perspectives
Jackson, P. (1990) Life in Classrooms. New York: Teacher College Press.
Chapter 1 The Daily Grind
b. Bowles, Samuel and Herbert Gintis (1976) Schooling in Capitalist America: Educational
Reform and the Contradictions of Economic Life. London: RKP. Chapter 5.
c. Giroux, Henry A. (1981) "Schooling and the Politics of the Hidden Curriculum." Pp.42-71
in H.A. Giroux. Theory and Resistance in Education :the pedagogy of the opposition.
Massachusetts: Bergin & Garvey.
d. Mclaren, P. (1986) Schooling as a Ritual Performance. London: RKP.
Chapter 3 The Structure of Conformity
Chapter 4 The Antistructure of Resistance
e. Goodson, Ivor and Dowbiggin, Ian (1990) “Docile Bodies: Commonalities in the History of
Psychiatry and Schooling. Pp.105-129 in S.J. Ball (Ed.) Foucault and Education:
Disciplines and Knowledge. London: Routledge.
Foucault, Michel (1977) Discipline and Punishment: The Birth of the Prison. London:
Penguin. Part III Discipline
4.4. Classroom Interaction Analysis in Action
(i) Analysis of First Encounter in Classroom
a. Ball, S. (1984) "Initial Encounters in the Classroom and the Process of Establishment."
Pp. 108-120 in M. Hammersley and P. Woods (Eds.) Life in School : The Sociology of
Pupil Culture.
b. Beynon, J. and Atkinson, P. (1984) "Pupils as Data-gatherers : Mucking and Sussing."
Pp. 255-272 in S. Delamont (Ed.) Readings on Interaction in the Classroom. London :
c. Wragg, E.D. and Wood, E.K. (1984) "Teachers' First Encounters with their class." Pp.
47-78 in E.D. Wragg (Ed.) Classroom Teaching Skills. London : Croom Helm.
d. Hargreaves, D.H. et al. (1984) "Rules in Play." Pp.25-35 in Andy Hargreaves and P.
Woods (eds.) Classroom and Staffrooms : the Sociology of Teachers and Teaching.
Milton Keynes : OUP.
(ii) Analysis of Confrontation and “Showdown” in Classroom
e. Pik, R. (1987) "Confrontation situations and Teacher Support Systems" Pp.149-167 in L.
Cohen and A. Cohen (Eds.) Disruptive Behaviour: a Sourcebook for Teachers. London:
Harper & Row.
f. Laslett, R. and C.Smith (1987) "Confrontation in the Classroom" Children with Problems"
and "Confrontation in the Classroom: Teacher Strategies". Pp.218-242 in L. Cohen and
A. Cohen (Eds.) Disruptive Behaviour: a Sourcebook for Teachers. London: Harper &
g. Pollard, A. (1989) "An Ethnographic Analysis of Classroom Conflict". Pp.107-12 in D.P.
Tattum (Ed.) Disruptive Pupil Management. London: David Fulton.
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Structure and Process of Schooling
5. Structural Contradiction of Schooling in Modern Society
5.1. Schooloing as the Structuration of Inequality
a. Wright, Erik O. (1995). Interrogating Inequality: Essays on Class Analysis, Socialism
and Marxism. London: Verso. Ch.1 & 2.
b. Bowles, S. (1976) "Unequal Education and the Reproduction of the Social Division of
Labor." Pp. 32-41 in R. Dale et al. (Eds.) Schooling and Capitalism: a Sociological
Reader. London: RKP.
c. Halsey, A.H. (1977) "Towards Meritocracy ? the case of Britain." Pp.173-186 in J.
Karabel and A.H,. Halsey (Eds.) Power and Ideology in Education. New York: Oxford
University Press
d. Goldthorpe, John (1997) “Problem of ‘Meritocracy’”. Pp. 663-682 in A.H. Halsey et al.
(Eds.) Education, Culture, Economy and Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
e. MacDonald, Peter (1988) “Historical School Reform and the Correspondence Principle.”
Pp.86-111 in M. Cole (Ed.) Bowles and Gintis Revisited: Correspondence and
Contradiction in Educational Theory. London: Falmer Press.
Anyon, Jean. (1983) "Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work." Pp. 143-167 in
H. Giroux and D. Purpel (Eds.) The Hidden Curriculum and Moral Education:
Deception or Discovery ? Berkeley: McCutchan.
g. Bernstein, Basil (1997) Class and Pedagogies: Visible and Invisible”. Pp59-79 in A.H.
Halsey et al. (Eds.) Education, Culture, Economy and Society. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
h. Tsang, W.K. (1993) Educational and Early Socioeconomic Status attainment in Hong
Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies. Occasional Paper No.
i. Tsang, W.K. (1994) "Consolidation of a Class Structure: Changes in the Class Structure
of Hong Kong. Pp.73-121 in S.K. Lau et al. (Eds) Inequality and Development: Social
Stratification in Chinese Society. Hong Kong: HK Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies,
Schooling as the Structuration of Equality and Justice
a. Coleman, James S. (1968) "The Concept of Equality of Educational Opportunity."
Harvard Educational Review 38: 7-22.
b. McPherson, Andrew and Willms, J Douglas (1997) “Equalization and Improvement:
Some Effects of Comprehensive Reorganization in Scotland”. Pp.683-702 in A.H.
Halsey et al. (Eds.) Education, Culture, Economy and Society. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
c. Levin, H.M. (1980) "Educational Opportunity and Social Inequality in Western Europe."
Pp.7-31 in J. Benet & A.K. Daniels (Eds.) Education: Straitjacket or Opportunity? New
Brunswick: Transaction Books.
d. Apple, Michael W. (1988) “Redefining Equality: Authoritarian Populism and Conservative
Restoration.” Teacher College Record 90:167-84.
e. Gewirtz, Sharon (2001) “Rethinking Social Justice: A Conceptual Analysis. Pp.49-64 In J.
Demaine (Ed.) Sociology of Education Today. New York: Palgrave.
W.K. Tsang
Structure and Process of Schooling
f. 曾榮光(一九九八)。《香港教育政策分析:社會學的視域》。香港:三聯書局。第16及
i. 曾榮光(一九九九)。《精英主義與均等主義之間:尋找〈教育改革建議〉的理論基礎》。
h. 曾榮光(二零零六)。「『基礎教育大直路』改革方案的抉擇:平衡尊重與獎賞原則」,
W.K. Tsang
Structure and Process of Schooling