Database of Databases - GIS Core Facility


Binghamton University

GIS Campus Core Facility/ Geography Department

Database of Databases- 2003

ESRI Products

Digital Chart of the World 1994 (ESRI) - Desktop Version; for use with ARC/INFO,

ArcCAD, and ArcView

Contains 17 thematic layers organized into 25 coverages. A tile index map helps locate the specific tile desired. Four CD-Roms each cover 90 degrees of longitude and extend from pole to pole, thus encompassing the entire world.

Thematic layers include:

Political and ocean features, populated places, railroads, roads, utilities, drainage, hysography, land cover, ocean features, physiography, aeronautical, cultural landmarks, transportation structure, vegetation, and data quality info.

Sources of data for the Digital Chart of the World database are the U.S Defense

Mapping Agency Operational Chart series, and the Jet navigation Charts for the Antarctic region. Therefore, small scale translation of cultural and terrain features are provided

(for low-flying pilots).

ArcAtlas: Our Earth, ESRI, 1996-

This CD-Rom contains a large collection of maps and information about the earth, people, plants, animals, and their environments and economies. This series is started in

ArcView 2.1 or 3.0, and ArcInfo. The digital atlas includes:

-Cartographic data; maps of each continent in the form of ARC/INFO coverages.

-Over 100 space images and photographs

-Reference maps showing physical and political features, world thematic maps.

-ArcView projects with maps and legends

-On-line text including map descriptions, definitions of feature attributes, methods of map compilation, links to ArcView maps and images.

You can map ranges of animals, determine where humans are affecting the landscape, compare precipitation patterns, explore patterns of volcanoes, map population density, soils, or search for lead content in soils of populated areas.

ArcWorld 1:3M; Continental Coverage-

A comprehensive GIS database for use with ARC/INFO and ArcView. Contains a variety of geographic levels, more than 500 attributes, producing maps at the country and regional level. ArcWorld data can serve as a cartographic base map for overlay with satellite imagery or point data. ArcWorld cartographic coverages are provided in geographic coordinates expressed in decimal degrees, derived principally from the World

Data Bank II (U.S. Government, 1988). The statistical attributes are selected from the

World Bank database, Social Indicators of Development 1990, and the World Resources

1992-1993 database.


ArcScene USA Tour, 1992-

A collection of 16 Landsat satellite images for use with ARC/INFO and ArcView.

Covers various regions in the United States, including New York, NY., Southern Florida,

Kansas, Alaska, and the Grand Canyon, Az.. Specific locations are San Francisco Bay,

Chicago, Washington, DC, Mississippi River Delta, Denver, Co., Calexico, Ca., Palm

Springs, Ca., Redlands, Ca., Los Angeles, Ca., Reno, Nv., Mount Saint Helens, Wa., and

Mount McKinley, Alaska.

ArcUSA 1:2M-

Coverage data for UNIX and MS-DOS platforms. A comprehensive vector basemap of the United States. Contains attribute data for wide range of analysis and generating thematic maps at the county, state, census subregion and national level throughout the continuous US. A topologically structured database with cartographic, index, and statistical data for business, educational, and scientific applications. Allows for structured queries at the county, state and national levels. This product also serves as a cartographic basemap for overlay with satellite imagery.

Data contained are: County boundaries, Federal lands, lakes and other water bodies, land/ocean display, map elements, place-names, railroads, rivers and streams, roads, state boundaries.

Index layers:

Landsat Nominal Scale Index

Latitude/Longitude Grids

Topographic Quadrangle Series Index at the USGS 1:24,000, 1:100,000, and USGS 1:250,000 Topographic Quadrangle Series Index.

State and County Statistical Attribute layers:

1990 U.S. Census, Public law 94-171 Data

Agricultural Product Inventory

Agricultural Product Market Value

Demographic and Health Attributes

Environmental Attributes

Government and Financial Attributes

Socioeconomic Attributes

ESRI Street Database, 1995-

102 shapefiles including one for each of the 50 largest MSAs, and one for each state containing the rest of the streets (four shapefiles for Texas).

Source: Geographic Data Technology, Inc., Dynamap/1000 Version 1.0 street database from 1995.

The files can be extracted by running setup from the CD, or through an ArcView project that allows you to select an area to be extracted. There are 4 CD-Roms, for the

Northeast, Midwest, West, and South.

ESRI Maps and Data for Windows 1998 ; CD-Rom format (5)

Data for the World, Canada, Mexico, and United States. USGS DEMs (Digital

Elevation Models) for the Dept of the Interior, USGS, 1998. USGS EROS Data Center


ESRI Data and Maps; GIS by ESRI, 1999 . CD-Rom format (5)

CD-Rom #1:


Country Boundaries, Administrative Unit Boundaries, Cities, Gazetteeer

Points including Places and Airports, Demographic Attributes, Lakes and Rivers,

Worldsat Color Shaded Relief Map and World Wildlife Fund Ecoregions.


Country Boundaries, Places, and Demographic Attributes.


Province Boundaries, Demographic Attributes, Cities, Highways

Rivers and Lakes.


State Boundaries, Demographic Attributes, Cities, Highways, Rivers and


United States

States, Counties, Census Attributes, Interstate Highways, Rivers, Lakes

Cities, Demographic data, Places, Areas of Dominant Influence (ADIs), ZIP Code

Points, Area Codes, Major Roads, Place Polygons, Designated Marketing Areas.

CD-Rom #2:

United States (Detailed)

State Boundaries, County Boundaries, Census Tracts, Census Attributes,

Congressional Districts, Urbanized Areas, Five-Digit ZIP Code Polygons,

MSAs, Parks, Major Water Bodies, Airports, Large Area Landmarks,

National Transportation Atlas Highways, National Transportation Atlas

Railroads, Institutions, Retail Centers, Transportation Terminals, Recreation

Areas, and Geographic Names Information System Cultural Points.

CD-Rom #3:

Western United States

Census Tracts, Census Block Groups, Census Block Centroid Populations

Rivers, GDT Major Roads, ZIP Code Polygons, and Census Attributes.

CD-Rom #4:

Eastern United States

Census Tracts, Census Block Groups, Census Block Centroid Populations

Rivers, GDT Major Roads, ZIP Code Polygons, and Census Attributes.

ESRI Data and Maps; GIS by ESRI, August 2000 . CD-Rom format (7).

CD-Rom #1 :


Country Boundaries, Administrative Unit Boundaries, Cities, Gazetteeer

Points including Places and Airports, Demographic Attributes, Lakes and Rivers,

Worldsat Color Shaded Relief Map and World Wildlife Fund Ecoregions.


Country Boundaries, Places, and Demographic Attributes.


CD-Rom #2:


Province Boundaries, Demographic Attributes, Cities, Highways

Rivers and Lakes.


State Boundaries, Demographic Attributes, Cities, Highways, Rivers and


United States

States, Counties, Census Attributes, Interstate Highways, Rivers, Lakes

Cities, Demographic data, Places, Areas of Dominant Influence (ADIs), ZIP Code

Points, Area Codes, Major Roads, Place Polygons, Designated Marketing Areas.

CD-Rom #3:

United States (Detailed)

State Boundaries, County Boundaries, Census Tracts, Census Attributes,

Congressional Districts, Urbanized Areas, Five-Digit ZIP Code Polygons

MSAs, Parks, Major Water Bodies, Airports, Large Area Landmarks

National Transportation Atlas Highways, Nat. Transportation Atlas Railroads,

Institutions, Retail Centers, Transportation Terminals, Recreation Areas, and

Geographic Names Information System Cultural Points.

CD-Rom #4:

Western United States

Census Tracts, Census Block Groups, Census Block Centroid Populations

Rivers, GDT Major Roads, ZIP Code Polygons, and Census Attributes.

CD-Rom #5:

Eastern United States

Census Tracts, Census Block Groups, Census Block Centroid Populations

Rivers, GDT Major Roads, ZIP Code Polygons, and Census Attributes.

CD-Rom #6:

Southern United States

Census Tracts, Census Block Groups, Census Block Centroid Populations

Rivers, GDT Major Roads, ZIP Code Polygons, and Census Attributes.

Sample Image Data

Orlando Area

Landsat (28M), SPOT (10M), IRC (5M), Color Orthophoto (1 foot)

CD-Rom #7:

Street Map USA


ESRI Data and Maps; ArcGIS by ESRI, August 2003 - CD-Rom format (2).

CD-Rom #1:

All World, Europe, North America, and United States Data: included in previous ESRI data releases.

CD-Rom #2:

StreetMap USA for ArcGIS.

ESRI’s Business Analyst for ArcView 3.2-

Business listings and attribute data for U.S. counties, MSA’s, tracts, zip codes, and block groups.


Local Data:

Broome County Air Photos, 2002 - (1 foot, natural color and 2 meter panchromatic)

Based on 2002 Broome County Overflight MrSid format. Grouped by Town.

Obtained from NYS GIS Clearinghouse.

Broome County Air Photos, 2000 - (1 foot, natural color)

Based on 1998 Broome County Overflight Air Photo Index of quadrants. MrSid format. Grouped by Town. Obtained from Broome County Planning.

Broome County DOQQs (1 meter, color)

USGS DOQQs 1998. Obtained from USDA National Cartography and Geospatial

Center. MrSid format. Grouped by Town.

Broome County DEMs (Digital Elevation Model)-

Zip files by Town. Obtained from USGS.

Broome County DRG’s (Digital Raster Graphics)-

Topographic maps.

Grouped by Town. TIF format.

Broome County Tax Parcels 2000 -

ArcView Shapefiles for each town, including the City of Binghamton.

Binghamton University Campus Data-

Layers Derived from CAD drawing. Other data includes elevation/slope topography.

Broome County Planimetrics -

ArcView maps and data for each town. Buildings, roads, trees, water, railroad, and “secr” data included.

Broome County Shapefile Data -


Shapefiles and data for each town. Buildings, roads, trees, water, railroad, etc. included. Obtained from Broome County Planning.


CACI Data:

Binghamton Demographic Records; CACI 2000- ACORN (A Classification of

Residential Neighborhoods) Marketing Data.

Data is broken into ZIP Code regions. It has been categorized into marketing themes, summarizing the data into marketing categories. Data is primarily for 1999, with some predictor data for 2004. Excel format.

SUNY Data CD-Rom; CACI 1999 ; dBase Format

SUNY Data CD-Rom; CACI 1998 ; dBase Format

CACI CD-Rom; Census data for the US, by Tract, 2000-2005 projections for Marketing

Examples of data are: Housing, family, income, 2000-2005 Growth rates, income by age and sex group.


NY Block Groups Census data, 1999.

ACORN 1999 Marketing Data for New York ZIP Codes.

Data is broken into ZIP Code regions. It has been categorized into marketing themes, summarizing the data into marketing categories. Data is primarily for

1999, with some predictor data for 2004.

CACI State of New York by Census Tract , June 29, 1999;

Demographic data (1999) and documentation files are in dbase format on diskette.

Includes household data, earnings, 2004 projections, census tract number and latitude/ longitude data. The data set is in a zip file.

CACI 1998 Number of Real Estate Offices by Tract ;

Number of Real Estate Offices for US by Tract, Demographics for US by Tracts,

Select Spending Potential Data for NJ, NY, OH, & PA by Tracts, Select Business

Locations (SIC 8021) for States of NJ, NY, OH, & PA, Demographics for New York

State by Tracts, and U.S. Business Points by SIC.

CACI 1998-99 ,

Demographic Data; Spending Potential Data, Select Business

Locations. Zip Disc, dbase formats



Economic Data:

ECON97 Report Series-

Based on the Economic Census 1997. This set of CD-ROMs appear to require installation of a program in order to be viewed. The data files are in MS Access format.

Disc 1E-1:

Economy-Wide Key Statistics

Industry Statistics (for all NAICS)

Establishment and Firm Size Statistics (for all NAICS)

Miscellaneous Subjects Statistics

NAICS Sector 44-45: Retail Trade

NAICS Sector 72: Accommodation and Foodservices

Annual Survey of Manufacturers

Disc 1E-2:

Geographic Area Survey

Disc 1E-3:

Merchandise, Commodity, Receipt, and Revenue Lines Statistics

Disc 2B:

1997 Census of Outlying Areas: Data are available for the Northern Mariana

Islands, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto-Rico – Manufacturers.

1997 Core Reports: Data are available for the Advanced, Comparative, and

Bridge between NAICS and SIC Reports.

Disc 2C:

1997 Census of Outlying Areas: Data are available for the Northern Mariana

Islands, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto-Rico.

1997 Core Reports: Data are available for the Advanced, Comparative, Bridge between NAICS and SIC, and Non-employer Statistics Reports.

1997 Survey of Minority-Owned Business Enterprises: Comparative data are available for the Black-Owned and Hispanic-Owned Business Enterprises Reports, and selected data from the Company Summary Report.

1997 Business Expenses: Data are available for the Company Statistics Report.


1997 Economy-Wide Key Statistics and Industry Statistics.

Disc 1D-2:

Geographic Area Series


Census Data:


1990 Summary File 1

1990 Summary File 3

2000 Redistricting and Summary File 1

2000 Summary File 3


Other Data and Programs:

National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) for New York and New Jersey ; EROS Data

Center (Geo-TIFF)

Source: USGS 1992, with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Contains a

DLGV32 viewer; land cover data based on Landsat thematic mapper imagery and supplemental data. Thirty-meter resolution raster images in Albers-Equal Area map projections

Wessex Profiler ; versions 1.0 and 1.3 installation diskettes

Contains household data, race, school/work, and income profilers (all version 1.0)

The data “profiles” are on CD-Roms.

HPA data :

Multistate data disks (CD-Rom) Census 1990 housing data for the Northeast and

Southeast cities, Central cities, and Western cities. WinZip files. This data was typically extracted via earlier versions of MapInfo.

Wessex, Census 90 ;

US Boundaries, and US Streets: Midwest and Rockies, West and Southwest, East and Southeast, South and Central. There are six CD-Roms, except program- loading diskette. One CD-Rom has US Boundaries 1996.

Select Phone 2000 ;

Data on six CD-Roms, including setup software. User guide included. Must be installed on hard drive.

Detailed data for millions of residential and business listings from phone directories. Allows you to search by address, phone number, zip code, geographically, and SIC code. Also provides address, and first listing data, and ability to sort by these features.

ProCD 1999 :

Contains complete US, Canadian, and toll-free phone books, a street-level atlas, and internet directory listings. Includes a 1999 Business Edition for Streets in the US, a demographic (1990 Census) browser, business and residential listings, Zip code finder including the 4 appendix and address corrector. First and Second Editions included.


National Wetlands Inventory

This CD-ROM contains a selection of 14 sample NWI wetland maps, the MAPS database, and the NWI "Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United

States" manual.

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) has produced over 38,000 detailed wetland maps covering 75% of the conterminous United States, 24% of Alaska, and all of

Hawaii and U.S. Territories, mandated by the Emergency Wetlands Resources Act

(EWRA) of 1986. Wetlands mapping of Alaska will be completed by the year 2000.

Copies of the maps are sold through USGS/ESIC offices located throughout the United


ZIP Code Boundary Files (ZIPBase) by UDS, March 1995;

National file in Atlas GIS and MAP/INFO.

Census Mapper , U.S. Census Bureau and ESRI cooperative, 1998;

Features data from the 1997 Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Data is at the metro area, state and country level, and is viewable from Excel, Lotus, dBase, and pdf format.

VBA Toolkit, ESRI 2000 .

Educational Toolkit featuring Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications

ER Mapper 6.0

, PC Version (Windows NT, 95, 98)

Wizards, map production, 3D presentations, Orthophoto, surface gridding, contouring, image mosaicing, data compression, geocoding, spatial analysis, raster to vector, land use classification, data integration, image analysis, radar processing, Fast,

Fourier Forms.

ER mapper 6.0, ER Viewer 1.1, Plugins for Autodesk World, AutoCAD,

MAP/INFO, and ArcView.

