“Radio” Assignment The movie, Radio, fits in with the themes we have discussed in this unit of The Beatitudes and inclusion. In 1 page, explain how the movie fits in with these themes and what we can learn from the real-life characters of James Robert Kennedy (a.k.a. Radio) and Coach Jones. How do the characters demonstrate the different values present in the Beatitudes as well as the practice of inclusion, the way that we have been taught by Jesus? Due: Thursday, March 26, 2013 Assessment /40 marks 1. A connection is made between each Beatitude and a character’s action in the movie. 1 2 3 4 (for each Beatitude x 8) 2. The practice of inclusion is discussed in relation to the movie. 1 2 3 4 3. The assignment is logical, cohesive and well-written. 1 2 3 4