“Someone to Lean On” From Sports Illustrated December 16, 1996 By: Gary Smith Vocabulary hunt- find 5 words you did not know/understand the meaning of… What is the figurative and literal meaning of the term “the margin”? Pick one of the following quotes from the article and explain what it means in the text and what it means to you: “The choices that make or unmake a life are so small” (pg 2). “Each sentence Radio speaks is a victory for them” (pg. 5). “Because cruelty runs downhill, it wasn’t a good idea for a cat or dog to annoy him” (pg 6). “Why would a coach work so hard at discipline and deployment and then let loose a pinball on his chess board?” (pg. 7) “In the history of long shots, was there ever one longer than the possibility that a man such as he would be known and loved wherever he went? (pg. 11) Radio Radio, inspired by a true story, is a movie about hometown heroes. A football coach in a small town starts to notice a mentally handicapped man who walks around with a shopping cart and transistor radio. When the coach finds the man being ridiculed and abused by some of his players, he decides to teach everyone a lesson and give the man a job on the team. This causes problems for the coach as he deals with others’ intolerance. Watch the movie and reflect using the tic-tac-toe board below. Choose three questions either going vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Answer each question in a complete paragraph (5-8 sentences) on another sheet of paper. Radio is not always treated well. Describe at least three times he was either treated poorly or stereotyped. Describe the impact Radio had the Jones family. Use specific examples from the movie. Write a summary of the movie. Include a plot diagram if needed. Do you think people in New Egypt would have a similar response to someone like Radio? Explain your answer. Coach Jones says, “Truth is, we’re not the ones who have been teaching Radio. Radio’s been the teachin’ us.” What does he mean by that? What does Radio teach everyone? Symbols are used as a representation of an idea or a belief. What could a radio possibly symbolize in this movie? How can a radio connect to the character Radio’s life? A static character is a character who stays the same. A dynamic character is one who changes. Describe at least one static and one dynamic character from the movie. Describe your favorite part of the movie. Then describe a least favorite part, or a part that made you mad. Why do you think people have a hard time accepting people who act or look differently than the majority? How can we change that? Bonus: Research the real radio: James Robert Kennedy of Anderson, South Carolina. Write a brief biography about him OR Make a collage of pictures, words, quotes that detail the movie Radio