Era of Jackson Video Carousel DRC

The Age of Jackson
The Election of 1824
“The Election of Corrupt Bargaining”
The Election of 1824
Who were the two major candidates in the
How did the election pan out in
its early stages?
How did John Quincy Adams
win the Election of 1824?
“Jacksonian Democracy”
How did Jackson spend much of
his early life before politics?
What Party did Jackson belong
Why was he characterized as a
“Self Made Man”?
Who did they cater to:
How did “Ole Hickory’s” Toughness and Stubbornness show up in his policies?
What was the Spoils System and why did Jackson implement it?
Jackson and the “Indian Issue”
What concern did Jackson have
to deal with concerning Native
What was the Indian Removal
Act of 1830?
What actions did he take to stop
these problems?
How did the Federal government
go about enforcing the Act?
What was this forceful removal
How did the Supreme Court and John Marshall view this situation?
The National Bank and Nullification Crisis
John C. Calhoun and South Carolina
 John Q. Adams re-chartered
the national bank of the
Background info…
 President = Andrew Jackson
 V.P. = John C. Calhoun
 In 1828, while John Q. Adams
was president, Congress passed
a tariff act that imposed very
high taxes on imported goods
The National Bank
What did Jackson do to the bank
as soon as he became president?
Why did Jackson take such a
drastic action towards the bank?
 The Nullification Crisis
Jackson’s response to the Tariff
of 1828
What was the reaction to this
 In 1832, Jackson passed the
Tariff Act of 1832… lowering
the amount of taxes collected
on imports
 At this time, John C. Calhoun
was not the V.P., he was
 Southerners protested because
it increased the price on
manufactured goods that they
had to buy
 The Tariff Act of 1828 was
called “The tariff of
working in the South Carolina
What was South Carolina’s
response to Jackson’s attempt at
re-structuring the tariff?
What did this law do?
Impact of Van Buren, Harrison, and Tyler
What three presidents served after Jackson?
Who did each of them secede?
What accomplishments occurred under their administration in the United States?
Martin Van Buren and the Panic of 1837
What caused the Panic of 1837
Who Caused the Panic?
Who gets blamed for it?
Why or How did Jackson’s actions lead to this state of depression?
How does this ONE event affect the presidency of Van Buren?
Democratic Advancements
The democratic spirit of the Age of Jackson
1. Growth of Political Democracy
A. Expansion of Democracy in the States:
 Suffrage (voting qualifications) – extending that right to all adult white males
More people became eligible for government positions due to lowered property standards
The selection of presidential electors was taken out of the hands of the state legislators
and put in the hands of the people
B. Nominating Conventions:
 Before Jackson, each party’s leaders in Congress held a conference, Caucus, and chose
their party’s candidates
 Replaced by a nominating convention = national conference held by each party to selects
it’s party’s nominees