Impaired Physical Mobility

Impaired Physical Mobility
PATIENT NAME _______________________________ SOC______________
Define impaired physical mobility.
______ ______ A. It is the limitation of purposeful movement.
______ ______ B. It may range from very minor limitation to complete inability to move.
Value of exercise.
______ ______ A. Improves mobility.
______ ______ B. Improves circulation.
______ ______ C. Improves sense of well-being.
Measures to prevent complications.
______ ______ A. Maintain good body alignment.
______ ______ B. Change position frequently.
______ ______ C. Eat a high fiber, well-balanced diet.
______ ______ D. Drink two to three quarts per day of fluid unless contraindicated.
______ ______ E. Keep follow-up appointment with physician.
______ ______ F. Use assistive devices to promote mobility, i.e., walkers, canes, etc. (Give
“Walking with a Cane” teaching guide
______ ______ G. Use self-help devices as needed (Give “Self-Help Hints and Devices”
teaching guide
______ ______ H. Keep appointments with therapy and follow exercises as prescribed.
______ ______ I. Perform range of motion exercises to prevent contractures:
______ ______ 1. Move joint gently, stopping if pain occurs.
______ ______ 2. Support extremity above and below the joint.
______ ______ 3. Assure good body alignment.
______ ______ 4. Never force the joint past the point of resistance.
______ ______ 5. Perform exercise slowly to allow the joint to relax.
______ ______ J. Provide safety measures to prevent injury.
______ ______ K. Assess and report any early signs of complications.
______ ______ L. Medicate for pain as needed before activity.
Possible complications.
______ ______ A. Phlebitis.
______ ______ B. Pressure ulcer.
______ ______ C. Pneumonia.
______ ______ D. Fractures.
______ ______ E. Depression.
______ ______ F. Urinary complications.
______ ______ G. Muscle weakness and wasting.
______ ______ H. Constipation.
______ ______ I. Contractures.
______ ______ J. Osteoporosis.
______ ______ K. Confusion.