J. Baxter McFarlin Winston-Salem NC 27101 j.baxtermcfarlin@yahoo.com (336) 602-2861 Artist Résumé Birthplace: Savannah, Georgia, Hunters Air Force Base, June 1959 Exhibitions: 1991 One-man show at Blue Bay Coffee House, Oakland, CA (Sold two paintings) 2001-Present- Exhibited at the local YWCA, retirement homes, restaurants, hospitals and other places of business as part of the community arts program sponsored by Associated Artists of Winston Salem Inc. (AAWS) 2001-Present: Participated in many various juried and non-juried shows, exhibits and sales in the AAWS gallery. 2001: Participated for the first time in painting two giant wooden tennis racquets for the Davis Cup Tournament. (After being displayed at different locations around Winston-Salem NC, they were sold at auction-9/17/01) 2002- One-man show at the United Way of Winston-Salem NC 2002-Exhibited at the Carver School Road Library, Winston –Salem NC, for February. 2002- Shown work at the Joel Coliseum, named in local newspaper for six weeks in the art section of the Winston-Salem Journal. 2002-Present (November)- Participant in the Annual Flow Automotive BMW Art Show “Fall for Art” sponsored by AAWS. 2003- Exhibited at the Ferrington Village Folk Festival with Folk Art legend Sam “The Dot Man” McMillan. Ferrington Village, NC 2003- Participated in “Riverfest” Folk Art Show in Columbus, GA, with Sam “The Dot Man” McMillan.” 2004- One-man show in the Millennium Center sponsored by Urban Artware. (Winston- Salem, NC) 2004- Participated in exhibit at the Dixie Classic Fair Winston-Salem, won second prize for painting “Vanilla and Chocolate.” 2005- YWCA Arts and Crafts Fair, Winston-Salem, NC. 2006” Diversity of Expression”, Iredell Museum show, Statesville NC 2006-Salem College ‘Blurring Racial Barriers” with painting “Preteen Tea Party.” Winston –Salem NC 2006- Winston-Salem Delta Fine Arts-“ Blurring Racial Barriers” with painting “Vanilla and Chocolate””. 2006-“Art has a Heart” Benefit exhibit, Winston-Salem NC Millennium Center. 2007- Participated in giant tennis racquet painting for the Davis Cup tennis tournament and racquet auction sponsored by AAWS. (Sold at auction). 2007- One man Show at Forsyth County Library Main Branch, downtown Winston-Salem, July-September. 2008- Monthly participant in “The Gumbo Show” art sale, and entertainment at Kranky’s Coffee House in Winston Salem NC 2008-Art on display at Kingz Grocery Market, Winston Salem on Liberty Street 2009- Participated in art auction at North Carolina Artist Market and Cultural Café gallery and gift shop, downtown Winston-Salem NC Commissions: 1975-Designed T-Shirts for the South Cougars swim team at South Senior High, Salina, Kansas 1976- Designed and completed medieval-style mural for “The Wizard” pinball arcade in Colorado Springs Colorado. 2001- Did mural for Mr. Clarence Gore of Winston-Salem North Carolina in his basement, “Band of Angels”. 2004- Did several paintings for local people in Kernersville, North Carolina. 2007- Painted “Howling Wolf” for Jeremy Adams of Winston- Salem North Carolina. Public Collections: Senior Services of Winston- Salem, Winston Salem NC Mental Health Services of East Palo Alto, East Palo Alto, CA Corporate Collections: National MS Society, Denver, CO Bibliography: Underwood, Kim,” Artist takes his appreciation of animal world to the canvas”. Winston-Salem Journal September 2001 Ad for Urban Artware Gallery Halloween Show Domicile Art Magazine October 2001 Huie, Michael, “Art of Healing” Artview insert for painting “Vanilla and Chocolate”. Winston-Salem Journal October 2005 Guanca, Mary, “Whimsical Art” Winston-Salem Journal January 2006 Broadnax, Chyna, “ Diversity of Expression” Iredell Museum’s art show in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Statesville Record & Landmark January 2006 Willis, Judy “Artist at Large” Community Arts Café Magazine December 2007 “Special to the Chronicle” The Chronicle” “Work of local Artists will be Showcased at Benefit Auction” mentioned April 2009 Awards and Honors: 1972- Honorable mention in art contest at Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, D.C. 1977- Honorable mention in student art contest (Bust Of Gorilla), South Senior High School, Salina, Kansas 2001- Won first prize at the “ New Year’s Highlight” Show at the AAWS gallery. 2003- Won honorable mention for “Frosty the Abominable Snowman” at a juried associate member show at AAWS. Also placed was “ Eye saw the Lock Nest Monster on T.V. 2004- Won second prize at Dixie Classic Fair, Winston- Salem NC. For “Vanilla and Chocolate”. 2004- Judge in “ Crossing Highway 52 “ Children’s Art Contest at Moore Elementary School and Paisley Middle School, Winston- Salem NC Public speaking engagements/television/; cinema: 2002- Lecture- Paisley Middle School with Sarah Reynolds Dixon, Winston- Salem NC 2001- Television Interview-“Artist View” with Cloves Cook. CAT-TV, Winston-Salem, NC 2002- Television Interview- Repeat guest on the “Artist View” with Cloves Cook CAT-TV 2006- Starred in video, beginning and ending as “Artist Painting”, for North Carolina cinematographer, Nathan Freeman’s short film, “Campfire” 2007- Lecture- Whittaker Elementary School, WinstonSalem NC 2007- Documentary “J. Baxter McFarlin: Artist @ Large “on You Tube 2005-Pesent-Spoken word poet and singer at “The Gumbo show” at Kranky’s Coffee House IN Winston Salem NC Education: 1974- Completed advanced art classes in sculpture and ceramics at South Senior High School, Salina, KS 1975-77- Completed advanced art classes at Harrison Senior High School, Colorado Springs, CO 1977-81- Completed classes in Commercial Art at Pike’s Peak Community College, Colorado Springs CO 2007- A.S. degree (high honors) for Graphic Arts and Image Technology from Forsyth Technical Community College, Winston- Salem NC. Present- Self study in art disciplines and art history. Websites http://www.jbaxtersartmenagerie.com (J. Baxter’s Art Menagerie) and Med Mugs: http://www.cafepress.com/medmugs Related: Has registered copyrights with the Library of Congress. Washington, D.C. 1985-Donated two paintings to the Menlo Park CA library. 1991- Sold ceramic and bead jewelry in San Jose, CA at the Flea Market. 2000- Created novelty ashtray. 2001: Joined Associated Artist of Winston- Salem and frequently featured artist at Urban Artware Gallery, Winston – Salem NC. 2001-Present- Member of the Saturday morning “ Drawing Circle” at Associated Artists of Winston -Salem gallery, Winston-Salem, NC 2001-Present-Have chaired shows and volunteered for Associated Artists of WinstonSalem, presently on exhibition committee. 2002- Taught art to children at summer camp for the YWCA of Winston-Salem NC. 2003-2007- Served on the Board of Directors for Associated Artists of Winston- Salem Inc. 2003- Had done painting demonstration for professor Ramelle Pulitzer’s art class “ Introduction to Art” at Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem NC 2003-Present- Donated work for auction for charity. 2003- Has toured with Folk Art legend Sam”The Dot Man” McMillan. 2006-2007- Designed Coffee mugs for medical staff (MED MUGS) 2007-2008 Had done painting demonstrations at Reynolda House for Community Day, Winston-Salem NC 2008- Made successful appeal to NC State Assembly for more funding for the Arts and Art programs in public schools. 2008- Display in the Millennium center, Winston Salem NC Skills: Able to perform in pen and ink, charcoal, colored pencil, pastels, watercolor, acrylics, alkyds, gouache, oils, cont’e crayon, wood, clay, paper mache, plaster carving, bead jewelry, graphite, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop.