“WHERE EXCELLENCE IS A TRADITION” TIPP CITY EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOLS TIPP CITY, OHIO BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING June 23, 2014 6:30 p.m. Board Room AGENDA Mr. Scott Dixon, President Mrs. Kate Johnsen, Vice President Mrs. Carla Frame Mr. Frank Maus Mr. Tom Merritt Mrs. Gina M. Helmick, Treasurer Dr. John P. Kronour, Superintendent AGENDA Tipp City Exempted Village Schools Board of Education Meeting Monday – June 23, 2014 6:30 p.m. I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance II. Attendance of Board of Education Members III. President’s Comments IV. Citizens Comments V. Communications a. Student Achievement b. Miami Valley Career Technology Center – Adult School c. Tipp Monroe Community Services d. Athletic Council VI. Kate Johnsen Frank Maus Frank Maus Scott Dixon Superintendent’s Report a. Greg Smith – Update on 264 Project b. Competitive Salaries c. Summer Programs d. Race to the Top (RttT) e. Personnel Update f. 2nd Semester Bullying Update VII. Ratification of Minutes Recommend approval of the minutes for the Regular Board of Education Meeting on May 19, 2014 and the Special Meeting / Work Session on June 2, 2014. Attachment I VIII. Treasurer’s Report a. Approval of the Monthly Financial Report Attachment II b. Approval of the FY15 temporary appropriations resolution Attachment III c. Approval of FY14 Final Appropriations Attachment IV d. Approval of FY14 fund to fund transfers/advances Attachment V e. Approval of the ORC 5705.41 Purchase Order Certification, Then and Now FY14 Attachment VI IX. Old Business Tipp City Exempted Village School District Board Agenda June 23, 2014 Page 2 X. New Business a. Personnel Recommend approval of the following resignations: Ian Bashore Assistant JH Football Coach Andrea Becker High School Math Teacher Benita Bivens TMS and THS Speech &Language Pathologist Jennifer Brown Middle School CCIP Committee Matthew Hess Technology Teacher at LT Ball Chris Prokes Assistant High School Golf Coach Bill Pryor Elementary P.E. Teacher Carla Risner Bus Driver Mike Vagedes Assistant Principal for Tippecanoe Middle School Pending approval of his principal position at LT Ball Laura Vernon-Biteau High School Foreign Language Teacher Recommend approval of the following certified administrative position: Mike Vagedes Principal of LT Ball Intermediate School Attachment 06/02/14 07/09/14 06/12/14 08/31/14 06/13/14 06/06/14 06/19/14 08/31/14 07/31/14 06/11/14 08/01/14 Recommend employment for the following certified positions for the 2014/2015 school year, Pending proper certification and paperwork: Kaci Finfrock Middle School P.E. Teacher B Step 0 Training BS from Ashland University Alexis Gentry High School Art Teacher M Step 2 Training M from the University of Dayton Jeffrey Mann High School Guidance Counselor M Step 0 Training BA from Wright State University M from Wright State University Jennifer Nickol Middle School Technology Teacher M Step 2 Training M from university of Dayton Christina Pentaudi Intermediate Intervention Specialist B Step 0 Training BA from Ohio Dominican Nickolos Petro Elementary P.E. Teacher B Step 0 Training BA form Wright State University Thomas Roush High School Spanish Teacher B Step 0 Training BA from the University of Findlay Amanda Sprankle Intermediate and Middle School Technology Teacher B Step 1 Training BS from Bowling Green State University Allyson Vallieu High School Intervention Specialist M Step 2 Training BS from Western Kentucky University M from University of Cincinnati Tipp City Exempted Village School District Board Agenda June 23, 2014 Page 3 Recommend a change in employment position for the following employees: Jayne Stenger From: Office Aide at the Middle School To: Grade I Technical Clerk at the Middle School Amy Cornelison From: 8 hour Grade I Teachers Aide To: 7 hour Grade II Teachers Aide Beth Hadden From: Grade III EMIS Secretary / 225 days To: Grade II EMIS Secretary / 215 days Step 0 Step 1 Step 1 Recommend approval for the following Summer School Teaching positions to be hired for Summer 2014, school year 2013-2014. Allyson Barker Diana Creekmore Chris Prokes Janet Barnard Melissa Firstenberger Carrie Robison Sandy Beck Amy Grescowle Jim Sagona Heather Bledsoe Dan Malott Lynn Shirk Patty Cahill Amanda Myers Nancy Sowder Nancy Carus Amanda Pitts Charles Tackett Nick Culver Melissa Poffenberger Holly Thomas Megan Tobin Recommend approval for the following ESY (Extended School Year) positions to be hired for Summer 2014, school year 2013-2014: Amy Cornelison Substitute ESY Teacher’s Aide Jodi Duncan ESY Substitute Teacher Ginger Freitag ESY Teacher’s Aide Jean Hargrave ESY Teacher Karen Janney ESY Substitute Teacher Melissa Johnson ESY Teacher Ann Rose ESY Teacher’s Aide Kasie Taylor ESY Teacher’s Aide Marcy Trask ESY Teacher’s Aide Lauren Vonderheide ESY Teacher’s Aide Recommend approval for the following Stagecrafter Staff positions to be hired for Summer 2014, school year 2013-2014, Pending proper certification and paperwork: Quintin Faler Assistant Camp Director $500 paid out of summer school budget Brad Stapleton Assistant Camp Director $500 paid out of summer school budget Rachel Sagona Choreographer Up to $300 paid out of School Productions Recommend approval of the following substitute positions for the 2013-2014 school year. Lisa Stover Substitute Teacher’s Aide Tipp City Exempted Village School District Board Agenda June 23, 2014 Page 4 Recommend approval of the following supplemental positions for the 2014-2015 school year. Attachment VII Recommend approval of the following substitute positions for the 2014-2015 school year. Carla Risner Substitute Bus Driver Recommend approval of the Support Services pay scale by job description for the 20142015 school year. Attachment VIII Recommend approval of the following employees to be hired for support services positions for the 2014-2015 school year. Attachment IX Recommend payment of $800 to Holly Hall for coordinating the track concession stand for the 2014 season. Payment sourced from fundraising. Recommend payment of $500 to Amanda Myers for assisting with the Softball Team. Payment sourced from fundraising. Recommend payment of $270 to Deron Brown for his work coordinating the baseball umpire assignments for the 2014 season. b. Recommend approval of continuing the General Service Contract with MDECA (Metropolitan Dayton Educational Cooperation Association) for fiscal year 2015. Attachment X c. Recommend Blizzard Bag on-line calamity day make-up resolution for the 2014-2015 school year. Attachment XI d. Recommend approval of the 2014-2015 Athletic Policy. Hard Copy of the Policy is available in the Board Room. e. Recommend approval of the Pay to Participate Fee Schedule for 2014-2015. Attachment XII f. Recommend approval of the Tax Budget for the Tipp City Public Library for the period of January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. Attachment XIII Tipp City Exempted Village School District Board Agenda June 23, 2014 Page 5 g. XI. XII. Recommend approval to use two buses and bus drivers on Saturday December 6, 2014 from 9:30am – 6pm for a shuttle for the Home Tour in Tipp City. All fees will be paid for by the Tipp Foundation to Tipp City Schools. Miscellaneous a. The next regular Board of Education Meeting will be Monday, July 28th at 6:30pm at the Board of Education. b. The next Tri-Agency meeting will by Monday, June 30th at the City Building. Adjournment